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  1. My favorite quote from this past week, from REGULATOR to Pete who was doing a bunch of lying…:

    “If you were worse off when Obama left office than you were when he entered Pete, then you must either own a coal mine or are lazy and stupid.

    Which is it?….”

    • I apologize, I didn’t realize my ol’ buddy Reg replies to my post. I will take this opportunity to reply on his and yours point by point. No, I do not own a coal mine, and no, I am not a democrat. Now, as far as lying goes… A lie is a deliberately commicated falshood, not a difference in opinion. You may disagree with my position, but accusing me of lie is just a really sad form of denial. For example, when you were in high school failing fifth grade English- the teacher wasn’t lying, you really are that ignorant.

      • Well said Pete. You may have to explain to LS the part about not being a dem though.

        • that’s a joke. dann is is one of the most liberal posters in here.
          he’s a total charade

      • Reg didn’t ask a question, but made a statement. You asked for clarification, which I graciously provided. As evidenced by your lack of reading comprehension, I was apparently not far off in my assessment of your English skills. Please provide a cogent position if you wish to debate, otherwise I will feel guilty engaging in a battle wits with an unarmed individual.

        • Pete. I think you may have been a little optimistic in thinking they went to high school: or even the fifth grade.

        • For a guy trying to defend he’s not been lying, then say REG didn’t ask a question, when RIGHT THERE IN BLACK AND WHITE is REG’s question:

          “Which is it?”

          …you look pretty foolish Pete.

          (…and we notice, still not answering Reg’s question like Wilzbacher said you wouldn’t.)

  2. The poll is obviously slanted by the righties that frequent this site. Trump- lets see now. Cutting taxes- boy thats a tough one. We all want out taxes cut – but at what cost. $1.2 trillion and more debt to the Chinese, who own us. Cutting EPA standards- another easy one. Now companies can pollute like the old days. Lets see what Trump does when he has his finger on the button or send troops into a war zone or raise taxes because we couldnt afford the tax cut gift. Trickle down economics didnt work under Reagan and wont work now. GOP Congress is aiding and abbetting a lone wolf. Trouble ahead, if Mueller doesnt get him first

    • Trickle down economics worked. Trickle down of useful information has not worked in some cases, (see first two posts today)blocked by propaganda from the fake news CNN etc..
      Revenue to the federal government soared after the Reagan tax cuts. Trouble is, so did spending. Name for us Mack, after Reagan cut taxes, a year that federal revenues were less than the year before. It really is the spending. But, hey, it’s nice to see your new concern for federal deficits. The tea party welcomes you.

      • Wait. Dann Coulter is a Democrat. He supports tariffs instead if free trade. He is for pro-union steel tariffs.
        And today, he is PRETENDING to be a Tea Party advocate and to be against deficits.
        But does Dann write here attacking Trump deficit spending?
        NEVER. Not even today.
        Cause he’s a Democrat.

      • Ha, GHW Bush had to raise taxes after Reagan t8me. He got whipped by Clinton because of it. Repubs use the same paybook. OBama spent 7nyears trying to fix W Bush big spending ways. Now trump gets to enjoy OBamas fix.

  3. This is what all the money spent on prisons is for — preventing recidivism. If you screw up, there has to be a reset if we are Christians. Those who think prisoners have it easy…(is it true earlier this week) Would this be the path you would take to get YOUR education?

  4. My boy won by TKO in the third round at Guns&Hoses.

    Looks like a split decision on this thread.

    Speaking of al sharpie, he sent me a picture last week while on vacation;


    A couple days later, he sent me another one;


    Yesterday he sent me this one;


    Just curious, has anybody else heard from him? I know he’s totally capable of taking care of himself but enquiring minds want to know. You know.

    Please get ahold of REGULATOR at REGULATOR if any info.


  5. Funny that so many of you still argue as if there is “one true ism” that is the “right” one. Fact is, there are NO economic systems that are pure anything and that is something we can be grateful about. America has been a blend system ever since our independence. When one “ism” or another gets moving too fast we take corrective action. Pure capitalism and “trickle down” are nice theories however they fail to take into account the same thing pure socialism does–that is: Human nature. All “true believers” base their entire energy and support for their economic preference on a false assumption about how individuals will react if “A” or “B” happens. For example, “trickle down” actually has never worked as predicted by supporters just as “welfare” implementation has never produced the results those in support of such social programs promised.
    However, that doesn’t mean we toss the baby out with the bath water.

    Frankly, I much prefer our blended system-and it makes more sense, IMO, to take from all economic theories those items which seem the best and reshuffling our decks to take advantage of what works and rejecting what doesn’t-Not based on some ideological point of view, but on the basis of what works and what doesn’t.

    Last, for now, deficits are nothing unusual nor are they inherently bad. Most of you on these boards are strong believers in deficit spending AND maintaining or wracking up debt. If you “own” (or should I say “buying”?) a house are carrying debt and depending upon your financial circumstances, are maintaining a deficit. If you use credit cards and don;t pay the exact balance off each month–same thing. The only difference in our government is that the debt and deficits have more Zeroes attached.

    Enjoy the warm weather coming soon.

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