Home General News Evansville Mayoral Candidate Stephanie Terry (D) Kicked Off Her Fall Campaign for...

Evansville Mayoral Candidate Stephanie Terry (D) Kicked Off Her Fall Campaign for Mayor


Evansville, IN– Several days ago, Evansville Mayoral Candidate Stephanie Terry (D) kicked off her Fall campaign for Mayor with a strong message of unity and strength.

In her remarks, Terry highlighted her experience on the Vanderburgh County Council while also drawing on some of her strongest qualities; her abilities to listen and build relationships.

“Serving as Mayor is about having experience…and I’ve got that. But, more importantly, it’s about having positive relationships that can bring people together in a way that lifts up our community and provides opportunities for everyone,” Terry said.

“As of tonight, I now know who I’ll face this fall but truthfully, that doesn’t change much for me. Because in the end, the job of Mayor isn’t really a political position. It’s about bringing people together. It’s about listening and leading. It’s about serving.”

In the coming days, Terry will kick off her Together with Terry Listening Tour, a series of conversations on front porches and in backyards designed to engage citizens in planning the future of Evansville.   

“Talking with everyone…that’s the only way we can build on the successes of the past two Mayors, while at the same time, making sure that we are taking on the complex issues that will position us for success in the years ahead.”

“From the beginning, for me, this campaign has never been about political parties, about winning, or even about me. It’s about the ‘We.’ It’s about putting aside our differences to find where we agree so we can work together, in a collaborative way, to build the community that we all deserve,” said Terry.

For more information, please visit https://voteterry.com/


  1. Love it. Advanced degrees from three (3), count them, three (3) Indiana Universities.
    Schooling, intellect and wisdom from public service. Love it.

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