Profile Of Democratic Candidate For Sheriff – David Wedding




Chief Deputy Dave Wedding is a thirty-two year veteran member of the Sheriff’s Office. Having been hired in 1981 as a civilian jailer and then in 1983 as a merit deputy sheriff; he has worked his way through the ranks to his current rank of Chief Deputy. He has worked in, supervised or commanded every area of the Sheriff’s Office.


Chief Wedding is a lifelong resident of Vanderburgh County, graduating from Reitz Memorial High school in 1977, and is currently a member of St John Catholic Church in Daylight. He is the father of two grown daughters; Lindsey and Hailey who are both graduates of the University of Southern Indiana.


Chief Wedding has received a great number of recognitions for exemplary work and has graduated from many law enforcement training and professional development programs, including; the Indiana Law enforcement Academy, The Federal Bureau Of Investigations National academy, Leadership Evansville, and received the Executive Director’s Award from the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute in 2006 for his leadership in promoting traffic safety in our community.


Chief Wedding is a board member of 911 Gives Hope and the Santa Clothes Club. He is an active supporter of Youth Resources, Albion Fellows Bacon Center and St Vincent’s Center for Family and Children, along with many other local organizations.


  1. Mr. Wedding lost my support when I saw him on a TV interview about a special seat belt patrol …and I quote Mr. Wedding … “We’re gonna get ya!”

    It disturbs me that his opinion of law enforcement is that the police are all knowing and all powerful and that the citizenry as a whole are all “Perps” in his eyes.

    This opinion is evident in his statement “We’re gonna get ya!”

    • I am undecided at this moment but take exception for your reasoning. My view is that LEO’s enforce the laws, even those we don’t agree with. Since seat belts are to be worn or you risk citation he was within his right to say “We’re gonna get ya!”
      Personally I wish they would be as aggressive on uninsured motorists but my point is LEO’s cannot pick & choose which laws they will enforce. That is WAY too much power for one individual.
      In this case it’s clear he was pumped up about the seat belt campaign & it showed in his enthusiastic reply. Possibly stoked because these campaigns usually pay overtime?
      While I want more information on everyone running I can assure you the person I vote for will still be enthusiastic in their enforcement of our laws day in & day out. Anything less may as well sit all day under a shade tree running radar on St. Joseph 🙂

  2. Isn’t it his turn? He’s been a good little boy and everybody in the party just loves him. Might as well continue the tradition.

    • If one is judged by the friends they keep, Wedding would NOT be a good choice. People should give Kirk Byram a look, 1st class operator in my book. Just Sayin

      • Kirk is a good man and he has some good ideas to improve VCSO and save our tax money. He definitely has my vote!

        • Is it true that “God-fearing conservative Republican” (Mr. Davis’ own self-description yesterday) Phyllip Davis is endorsing Democrat machine candidate Dave Wedding for sheriff?

          Umm, why yes he is.

          • Did you read his comment? Your post leads me to believe you did not read it or you did not comprehend what you read.

      • Kirk Byrum runs with Jason English. The Jason English that has run a strip club and other bars with bad reps. Byrum even bought Icon from English after English turned it into a crap hole that the neighbors always complained about. Scores strip club has been the scene of beat downs and shootings and every other crime associated with strip clubs. Byrum put his banners up on a bar owned by English during the Fall Festival. Get real.

        • Every one of Jason English’s establishments are garbage. Over the years, I have seen English acting very pompous and he’s usually surrounded by a bunch of beer guzzling trash. Our town could do without that entire crowd of “hey look how drunk I am and 45 years old at a bar.”

        • His name is Kirk BYRAM and you don’t know what your talking about, your lying.

          • OK. You caught me. I just made all that up. NOT. Everything I put is true.
            Look at who opened ICON. English. Look at the ABC Board minutes and see that there were complaints filed against him.
            Look at the two businiess partners that bought it. Byram and Beumer. Byram showed up at the scene of the Beumer wreck and talked to his business partner. Was he there as a friend, a business partner, or as the Lieutenant over the Motor Patrol Deputies that he is in charge of? Either way, Beumer changed his story after Byram spoke to him. That has been made public. He told 911 he rammed them on purpose and was trying to kill them. He later said he thought his kid was in the car and it was an accident. That is a pretty drastic change.
            English owns the bar at Franklin and 11th. It has some biker theme going on. Byram had TWO big banners on the building during the Fall Festival.
            English owns Scores, or whatever he calls it now. There has been plenty of news stories about that dump. There was just one a couple of weeks ago. Guy shooting a gun.
            So how am I lying?

          • Looks like judgemental conjecture to me, not to mention slander. BTW what you got against people who ride motorcycles or run legal businesses ?

        • I know Kirk and I know English. Several years ago, I worked for Jason as a bouncer. I know most of Jason’s friends that he runs with on a regular basis. I have never seen the two of them together. Evansville is a small city and if you’ve lived here for a long time your path is likely to pass another’s. Furthermore, I don’t remember English breaking any laws recently. Even under the scrutiny that he faced when opening Scores, all of the issues were resolved with local government. Your opinion of any of his establishments is irrelevant. Evansville has had bars, nightclubs and adult establishments for long before we were around and they will always be here unless they are made illegal. Until then, stop criticizing how other people make a legal earning and for God’s sake quit the guilt by association talk. If that were the case, how many of us would come out smelling like a rose?

  3. 1CB, I love how the comments on this site get amended, removed, or called “slanderous”, as soon as they do not fall in line with the CCO agenda.
    Maybe you should challange me to a fist fight. That seems to be pretty popular on here.
    You have not been able to show that any of my info is wrong. That is because it is not. You can only call me names and try and intimidate me with the “S” word. Nice try, but no dice.

    • IM, I did not call you any “name”, just trying to keep things relevant, the no spin zone if you will. Has Mr English ever been arrested ? is he a felon ?, what laws have been broke ? You might want to look up the definition of conjecture because that is exactly what you spout. Keep it Real Nix the Gossip.

  4. Kirk Byram is an excellent candidate for Sheriff. He’s a long-time veteran of VCSO, a great family man and a great member of our community. He was business partners with Ira Beumer in the ownership of the under-21 club, Icon. He visited Beumer the night of the robbery/death incident that Beumer was involved in. I think that most true friends and partners would have done the same. Would it have been different Kirk’s day job was as an accountant, teacher, etc? Was Kirk ever accused by VCSO or VCPO of influencing or interfering with the investigation? He did what any friend would do and be there to support his friend through a difficult situation. Instead of speculating and gossiping, visit to learn more about the candidate.

  5. kirk byram borrowed money from his mother and never paid her back and she lost her house.. Just think if he was in charge of tax payer money for whatever the sheriff would have to do

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