My friends, we are not taking this threat to our lives and lives of our loved ones seriously enough! Ultimately, healthcare workers will be on the front lines and will pay the price for our failure to heed the warnings and by then it will be too late.

Reports from physician colleagues in Italy and France are dire and we are a couple of weeks behind them on the same path!

South Korea is fairing better because they are appropriately afraid due to their experience with MERS CoV in 2015, a much less contagious Corona Virus.  They have taken bold action early to minimize human contact and opportunities to spread the disease and as a  result, their ICUs are not overflowing with the critically ill and dying.

If we don’t act now by staying home, keeping our kids home, keeping our distance from everyone, and reducing the opportunity for this highly contagious and lethal virus to spread, we will certainly wish we had.  This is MUCH worse than the flu!  If you are in the same space as someone shedding this virus without necessary Personal Protective Equipment, YOU WILL LIKELY CATCH IT!  And it appears to be around 1% lethal!  And while older folks and those with chronic conditions are at the greatest risk, healthy people in their 30″s have also died.  Folks that’s 1 in 100, 10 in 1000, 100 in 10,000 DEAD!  YOU DON’T WANT THOSE ODDS!!!

People you love will suffer and die if we don’t stop the spread.  Hopefully, it isn’t too late.  Follow the pleas of those who know how bad this can be and those who are experiencing it right now this can be and those might be able to keep this thing from spreading exponentially and I will happily be called the boy who cried wolf.  That’s the irony, success will make those who sounded the alarm seem like the fools.

FOOTNOTE: This message was taken from Dr. James Porter, President of Deaconess Health System Facebook post and was sent to us by several of our readers.  We reported this message with editing.