Plan to Reduce Energy Demand and Consumption Unveiled at EVSC School Board Meeting


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation Board of School Trustees heard information at tonight’s (Sept. 10) regular meeting regarding a four-year proposal by Cripe Energy Advisors to help the EVSC potentially save between $7.5 and $11 million over the next 10 years by becoming more sustainable in its energy usage. Cripe’s collaboration with the EVSC will create a plan to reduce the demand for energy, reduce energy supply costs for all EVSC facilities, and help to create the right conditions in energy management that will enable the EVSC community to monitor and manage its energy usage.

EVSC’s current processes of analysis, performance reviews, bill tracking and budgeting, together with Cripe’s IT solution will provide synergy for an effective and efficient energy system which will far exceed the four years Cripe will be partnering with the EVSC – putting in place a team of individuals who can continue deeper looks into these outcomes. There will be no fee for the continued use of the model.

Estimated cost for the plan will be $376,000. Repayment will be a phased approach based on the percentage of the savings in each of the four years in the agreement.

The proposal calls for several components:

Phase 1 (Months 1-3) – Will include a comprehensive energy audit of all facilities. Data will be collected for the past 24 months and be input into the model. Facilities will be inspected to identify the areas for the greatest energy demand. This will help develop a road map and serve as the baseline.

Phase 2 (Months 4-36) – Will be devoted to implementation of the energy master plan and managing the procurement process. Negotiations are completed for utility rates, supplies, water and sewer rates. All facilities will be benchmarked against metrics determined by EVSC and data will be tracked in the model to analyze performance. There will be demand-side energy projects (building system optimization) that do not require capital expenditures.

Phase 3 (Months 37-48) – Will be devoted to continued energy auditing, implementation of the energy procurement strategies, solutions and sustainability. All data collection and monitoring devices will be in place and Cripe will work with the EVSC energy team to help develop the skills necessary to collect, analyze, measure and verify usage data, as well as manage the energy procurement process – through the web-based program.

It is estimated there will be a 10-30% reduction in supply costs as well as 10-20% reduction in energy demand.


  1. Is there anyone in this town sufficiently naive to believe this drivel?

  2. Sounds like another Earthcare deal, just give me $376,000, and I will save you $10 million. What a deal?????

  3. Indiana Secretary of State

    Business Entity Search

    9/11/12 (9:45am)

    Cripe Energy Advisors

    * * * * * * * *

    Search results:

    There were no Entity Names found for your search criteria: CRIPE ENERGY Advisors

    * * * * * * * *

    There home office is in Indianapolis and the only other office listed for them is their Southern Indiana Office:

    Southern Indiana Office
    1 Main Street Suite 100
    Evansville, IN 47708………..(this is the Old National Bank building)

    There is nothing listed currently on the Indiana Secretary of State website for Cripe Energy: anything.

    What is going on here?


  4. “EVSC’s current processes of analysis, performance reviews, bill tracking and budgeting, together with Cripe’s IT solution will provide synergy for an effective and efficient energy system which will far exceed the four years Cripe will be partnering with the EVSC – putting in place a team of individuals who can continue deeper looks into these outcomes.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    This sounds as if this new Cripe contract will be in addition to the VECTREN Energy Services Group contract already in place.

    If this contract is for the new buildings, just how much would you expect to save on new buildings that were engineered for energy efficiency in the first place?

    Is there any overlap between the VECTREN contract and this Cripe contract?


    • Cripe came to town and set up an office to do something for the Ford Center project. The address on another post looks like the ONB building across from the McCurdy. Cripe must have started doing energy work.

      • Why have they not filed that entity with the SOS? Is the EVSC in the habit of doing business with a business that is not registered in Indiana?


      • So Weinzapfel brought them to town on what was probably a no-bid contract for the arena. They set up shop with a suite in the ONB building. They ink what is probably another no-bid contract with the EVSC for $376.K, and their Cripe Energy Advisors is not even registered with the Indiana SOS Office.



    • LOL….just like EVSC to pay a consultant to tell them to turn off lights and computers, turn back thermostats when not in use, it would appear that common sense isn’t really that common anymore when it comes to tax payer funded operations in Evansville.


      • Who accused the evsc of having any common sense? They haven’t had any in the past so why would you think they would have it now. Nov. 6 we can change the board and put smarter people in office. That groupe needs to be replaced.

  5. STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP investing in these silly audits. The money that you invest in the audit, you could convert your existing air system into a Geothermal Air/Heat system. That would reduce your air/heat bill 20 fold!

    Solar panels are getting cheaper too.

    We don’t need another out of town group telling us what we are doing wrong. It’s right in front of us!!!

    Get real EVSC Board!

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