Peaceful Protest Against Religious Freedom Restoration Act Scheduled For Monday


The Homosexual Agenda: Protecting Civil Liberties is a non-profit group put together in a public outcry against The Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Max Hedon the groups founder made the group on facebook, gaining instant support, and community support. Lee Flowers stepped forward and has partnered up with Hedon, helping co-found the group, and event. Hanan Al-Nashmi, Andrew Wiseman, Cyn Burden, and Courtney Hamilton stepped forward shortly after it’s launch offering their help, and services with the event. Our hope for the peaceful protest is to show Mike Pence that Evansville will not tolerate their civil liberties, or those of their neighbor being trodden.

Local political leaders will be helping kick the even off with a speech at 1:30. The public has been encouraged to pack a picnic lunch to enjoy on the river front while peacefully standing together as a community. At around five there will be a march from the four freedoms monument up to the court house via main street, the event is scheduled to start slowing down around 6/6:30.


  1. Good grief, that is a really ugly, disgusting picture, Really hard to look at. I couldn’t even read the article.

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