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The Early Years of Mesker Park Zoo


Aug 24, 2010
(6:30 p.m.)

The Vanderburgh County Historical Society is sponsoring a special program on the history of Mesker Park Zoo, which was founded in 1928. The meeting will take place in the Discovery Center at the zoo, and the public is invited to attend. Please use the old parking lot (parking lot D) and old main entrance (off of Bement Ave.) to enter the zoo.

Please register for the program by following this link: http://www.willard.lib.in.us/calendar_of_events/event_details.php?eventID=372

Willard Library Archivist Patricia Sides will present an illustrated program featuring many images of the zoo captured by Evansville Courier photographer Karl Kae Knecht, the “father of the zoo,” during his long career at the newspaper. Information will also be available about the forthcoming book, A Pictorial History of Mesker Park Zoo, which is scheduled to be published later this year.

For more information about the program, call (812) 425-4309.

Event Location:
Discovery Center, Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden

City-County Human Relations Commission to Hold Annual Dinner Keynote Speaker – Dr. Cornel West

Dr. Cornel West

Evansville, IN) – The Evansville-Vanderburgh County Human Relations Commission will hold its Annual Dinner on Friday, September 24, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall at The Centre. The keynote speaker will be public intellectual and Princeton Professor, Dr. Cornel West.

Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel will also present the 2010 Mayor’s Celebration of Diversity Awards at the Annual Dinner. The awards recognize businesses, organizations, and individuals that embrace and celebrate diversity. To make a nomination, please go to www.evansvillegov.org/diversityawards or contact the City-County Human Relations Commission at (812) 436-4927.

One of America’s most provocative public intellectuals, Dr. Cornel West has been a champion for racial justice since childhood. His writing, speaking, and teaching weave together the traditions of the Black Baptist Church, progressive politics, and jazz. The New York Times has praised his “ferocious moral vision.” Dr. West is currently the Class of 1943 University Professor in the Center for African American Studies at Princeton. West burst onto the national scene in 1993 with his best-selling book, Race Matters, a searing analysis of racism in American democracy. Race Matters has become a contemporary classic, selling more than half a million copies to date.

In his long awaited life story, BROTHER WEST: Living and Loving Out Loud, A Memoir, Dr. Cornel West offers a compelling exploration of his heart behind the human mind. Themes include faith, family, philosophy, love, and service. Dr. West has published 17 other books and has edited 13 texts. He also offers commentary weekly on The Tavis Smiley Show from PRI (Public Radio International). Dr. West was an influential force in developing the storyline for the popular Matrix movie trilogy and has served as its official spokesperson, as well as playing a recurring role in the final two films. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and has a Ph.D. from Princeton.

Dr. West’s CD’s, Sketches of My Culture and Street Knowledge, highlight his belief that growing divisions in our society foster the despair and distrust that undermines our democratic process. By working to create an ongoing dialogue between the myriad of voices in our culture, Dr. West is vigilant in his efforts to restore hope to America.

His latest collaboration on Raheem DeVaughn’s CD, The Love & War MasterPeace, is a tale of two tales through love and war, while taking us on a journey through today’s social and political issues. Dr. West is a mesmerizing speaker, dynamic philosopher, and enlightened activist. With astute intellect and ferocious moral vision, Dr. West continuously challenges modern thought with great efficacy.

Tickets donations are $35.00 per person. Corporate sponsorships are also available. Please contact the Human Relations Commission at (812) 436-4927 before September 10th to make a reservation.



Youth Resources of Southwestern Indiana (www.youth-resources.org)

YR Opportunities for Students to Get Involved in Leadership & Community Service!

As an aread high school student, did you know you are welcome to get involved in Youth Resources Teen Advisory Council, Vanderburgh County Teen Court, Make A Difference Grants and TEENPOWER Leadership Development/Prevention Programs? Visit www.youth-resources.org, call 421-0030 or join our fan page on facebook to learn more about the importance of being engaged in leadership development and community service programs!



12:00 NOON



2. MINUTES August 4, 2010

a. Request Re: Approve and Execute Contract Extension with Ice Time Hockey Pro Shop at
Swonder Ice Arena. – Nadeau
b. Request Re: Execute Contract with Deaconess Foundation for Event at Swonder Ice Arena. –
c. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with Amy Held at Swonder Ice Arena. –
d. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with Catherine Niemeier at Swonder Ice
Arena. – Nadeau
e. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with Sarah Schultz at Swonder Ice Arena. –
f. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with Danielle Robins at Swonder Ice Arena.
– Nadeau
g. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with Christin Thompson at Swonder Ice
Arena. – Nadeau
h. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with Judi Hardesty at Swonder Ice Arena. –
i. Request Re: Approve and Execute Pro Contract with George Ann Griffin-Atkinson for
Swonder Ice Arena. – Nadeau

a. Request Re: Review and Approve Change Order for WNS Project. – Mike Davis, Hafer &

a. Request Re: Approve and Execute Application for Alcohol Permit on Behalf of Mesker Park
Zoo & Botanic Garden. – Nick Cirignano
b. Request Re: Any Other Business the Board Wishes to Consider and Public Comments.

a. Todd Denk, Roberts Stadium, Victory, Mesker
b. Dan Schall, Executive Director



Current Schedule of City/County Reorganization Committee and Subcommittee Meeting Dates


The following is a current schedule of City/ County Reorganization Committee and Subcommittee meeting dates.

Tuesday, August 17
Governance Subcommittee 9:00 a.m. Teamsters Local 215 Office, 825 Walnut
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Thursday, August 19
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Thursday, August 26
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Tuesday, August 31
Reorganization Committee 5:30 p.m. Civic Center Room 301

Let Demand Push Hotel Development.


Dear City County Observer

(The reader sent the CCO a copy of his letter to the Editor of the Courier)

From your op ed, on August 8, 2010 you said “It’s too bad Browning Investments was unable to line up financing to transform the old Executive Inn into a smaller, higher-quality hotel in Downtown Evansville.”

“Too bad”… seriously?

From your paper on February 3, 2009, Dan Shaw wrote “In May, Browning Investments, an Indianapolis Company, said it wanted to build a four-star hotel near the new arena. James Browning, Browning vice president of development, said the company is still trying to find a site for a hotel. They hope to select one within the next a couple of months, he said.

‘We want to support the arena and the convention center,’ Browning said.

Browning Investments had looked at the Executive Inn and decided the hotel was too outdated to serve its purposes.

‘We don’t think it’s possible to renovate it to be a convention-center hotel in the traditional sense,’ Browning said.”

Can Evansville residents comment that it is “too bad” that somehow the Courier bought hook line and sinker into the idea that Browning would and could make the Executive Inn a 4 star hotel, despite the fact that they
explicitly told the Courier that they didn’t think it possible in Feb 2009? (pre-demolition!)

Can Evansville residents comment that is is “too bad” the Courier continues on a story line, now, treating the high costs Browning ran into as brand new news – ignoring how Dan Shaw reported it as a given in 2009?

Yes, the owners had defaulted and the bank had taken ownership… Hasn’t the Big E had numerous owners over the years, and wasn’t it still operational at the time?

You said, “The arena is going up so quickly because it’s financed with taxpayer-backed bonds. The hotel project is going nowhere because the private sector is not willing to take the risk.” Huh?

On July 13, 2009, Dan Shaw wrote “On Monday, Weinzapfel said Browning Investments will buy the Downtown hotel from its current owner, Mutual Hospitality Management of the Chicago area. The city will then pay Browning
for the part of the hotel which is to be demolished. That deal will carry a price of about $10 million, which also includes tax incentives local officials have offered Browning. The money will go in part to replacing the
hotel’s facade.”

Isn’t it possible that the local officials didn’t give them enough “tax incentives”? Is it possible the “incentive” carrot didn’t have an adequate stick attached? (to protect the public money) Or is it possible that those
“tax incentives” given to a private business – where said private business announced publicly “We don’t think it’s possible […]” – was irresponsible and/or a poor decision?

Granted, hindsight is 20/20, but let’s please not promote the old propaganda line that the private sector has simply failed us here… If not for the government planning, purchases and incentivized actions, it sure seems like
rational people would conclude:

1.) Minus the incentives offered, Browning would have kept with their statement in February 2009 and not even tried to turn the Big E into a 4 star hotel.

2.) Mutual Hospitality Management may still own and operate a functional hotel in that site, a hotel that was an Evansville landmark.

Now, however, it seems we have a partially demolished hotel that (all the sudden?) is too expensive to upgrade and too expensive to demolish. Not all costs can be overcome by simple “private sector” demand. But public sector incentives and/or actions spurred this all.

Trying to parse this into a great public victory and a private sector failure seems ridiculous.

Dan Effinger
Evansville, IN

The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana presents The 2010 Posey County Committee Golf Scramble


You are invited to the 2010 Posey County Committee Golf Scramble! Join your fellow Chamber members for a beautiful, Fall day on the golf course! The day includes 18 holes of golf, dinner, prizes and awards.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Western Hills Country Club
1725 Country Club Road, Mt. Vernon, Indiana

Foursome plus hole sponsorship………………………….$410
Foursome ………………………………………………………..$320
Individual ………………………………………………………..$80

Noon Shotgun Start
5:00 p.m. Social Hour
6:00 p.m. Dinner/Prizes/Awards

Space sells quickly, so make your reservation today!

Sponsorship opportunities are available. If you are interested in donating a door prize or a giveaway bag item, please contact the Posey County office at 812.838.3639.

To reserve your foursome or to be a hole sponsor, please contact Tiffani Weatherford, Administrative Director of Posey County, at 812.838.3639 or via e-mail at tweatherford@ccswin.com, no later than Friday, October 1.

2010 Vanderburgh County Democrat Party Event Schedule


9/14 5-7PM Jonathan Weaver for Assessor Fundraiser – DC’s Pub 900 W. Buena Vista – $25 Per Person
9/16 5:30-7:30PM Vop Osili Reception hosted by Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel @ the Evansville African American Museum 579 S. Garvin St. contact Adairius Gardner for more information (812) 484-6568 Suggested contributions levels $1,000 Diamond $500 Platinum $250 Gold $100 Silver $50 Bronze Donations and gifts of all amounts and sizes are welcome and greatly appreciated.
9/18 1-4PM 3rd Annual Brad Ellsworth Fish Fry – Brad’s 52nd Birthday Bash – 4H Fairgrounds – Tickets $52 for two guests $520 for event sponsor For tickets call (317) 231-7120 or jbaer@ellsworthforindiana2010.com
9/19 10AM-4PM St. John’s Daylight Social 5301 Daylight Dr.
9/20 8AM-3PM Labor For Deig – Golf Scramble @ Helfrich Hills Golf Course
9/20 TBD Steve Smith Fundraiser
9/21 5-7PM Gail Riecken Evening of Fun on the River – Restaurant at Marina Pointe 850 LST Dr. Refreshments and beverages, Corn Hole 20 minute Riverfront Boat Rides Sponsorship Levels: $50 Boatsman, $100 Mate, $150 Captain, $500 Admiral RSVP to megan.e.cotton@gmail.com
9/21 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
9/22 5:30-8PM FOP Local # 73 & Firefighter’s Local #357 PAC questions and answers night. Hors D’oeuvers and drinks at 5:30pm. Endorsements will be given for the following offices: Sheriff, County Commissioner, County Council, Prosecutor, & Assessor. Held at 801 Court St. (812) 436-7951
9/23 4:30PM Steve Smith Fundraiser @ Rockport Inn
9/23 6:30-8:30PM UNOE – Candidates Night – Red Cross Building at 29 S. Stockwell Road = Township Trustee, Township Board, Prosecutor
9/24 8AM-5PM Williams for Sheriff Annual Golf Outing Eagle Valley Morning Flight Registration 7:30 AM – Shotgun Start 1PM Afternoon Flight Registration 12:30PM Shotgun Start 1PM for more info call 867-7311 info@williams4sheriff.org http://www.facebook.com/sheriffwilliams Foursome $300 Sponsorships – Eagle $300 Birdie $200 – Par $100
9/24 7PM Human Relations Commission Annual Banquet, featuring Dr. Cornel West and presentation of Mayor’s Celebration of Diversity Awards. Friday, September 24, at 7 p.m. at The Centre. Tickets are $35 per person. Call the HRC at 436-4927 to obtain tickets, purchase an ad in the program, or sponsor a table.
9/25 10AM-6PM Haynie’s Corner Art Festival 2nd St. @ Adams Ave $5 Adults/Kids Free
9/25 8-10PM Sheriff Eric Williams and Gina Moore invite you to a fundraiser for Stan Levco for Prosecutor Location: The Pub Any contribution is welcome. Suggested contribution $25 Entertainment will be provided by Gina Moore of The Browne Sisters.
9/27 5-8PM Sam Lock For State Auditor Fundraiser Details TBA
9/28 TBD Maura Robinson For County Auditor Fundraiser-
9/29 6PM Central Labor Council Candidates Night – Labor Temple 210 N Fulton Ave
9/30 9AM Troy Tornatta Golf Scramble – Cambridge Golf Course – 9AM Shotgun Start http://www.gogoodgov.com $1,200 Tornatta Cup – Foursome Banner Display-Car Display – 2 Hole Sponsors
$500 Masters – Foursome- One Hole Sponsorship $150 Hole Sponsorship $100 Lone Duffers
9/30 4-6PM Stephanie Terry for County Council Fundraiser Evansville African American Museum Hosted by Nancy Drake, Gail Riecken & Diane Clements Sponsorship information forthcoming…
9/30 7PM The League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana Debate: Broadcast live broadcast on WNIN-PBS9.
State House District 75 (Open seat: Democrat Mike Goebel and Republican Ron Bacon)
District 77 (Rep. Gail Riecken, D-Evansville, and Republican Cheryl Musgrave)
8PM District 76 (Democrat Steve Smith and Rep. Suzanne Crouch, R-Evansville)
State Senate District 49 Open seat: Democrat Patty Avery and Republican Jim Tomes
10/2 12-5PM Rick Riney For Perry Township Trustee Fundraiser – West Side Sportsman’s Club 1000 N Peerless Rd.
10/2 3-11PM Jazz, Wine & Arts Fest Downtown
10/2 6:30PM Steve Smith Fundraiser Details TBA
10/4 AM 1st Day a voter may vote absentee ballot in Election office
10/4 Close of Day Voter Registration Ends at close of business day
10/4-9 10AM-8PM West Side Nut Club Fall Festival
10/5 5:30-6:30PM The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County – Monthly Meeting – Evansville Labor Temple – 210 N Fulton
10/8 Close of Day End of Pre-Election Campaign Finance Reporting
10/10 7AM YMCA Half-Marathon http://www.evansvillehalfmarathon.org/ The Evansville Half Marathon course starts atop Reitz Hill and winds down through the city of Evansville, Indiana
10/12 5:30 – 8PM SIBA Candidates Night – Holiday Inn – 4101 Hwy 41 N http://www.sibaonline.org 479-6026 to RSVP
10/13 6:30-7:30PM Vanderburgh County Democrat Club – Monthly Meeting Evansville Labor Temple
10/14 TBD Maura Robinson For County Auditor Fundraiser
10/14 7PM The League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana Debate: Broadcast live broadcast on WNIN-PBS9.
District 2: Councilman Tom Shetler Jr., a Republican, and Democrat Hayden Barth
District 3: Councilwoman Stephanie Terry, a Democrat, and Republican Bill Kramer
District 4 (Councilman Russ Lloyd Jr., a Republican, and Democrat Tim Taylor)
District 2 (Commissioner Troy Tornatta, a Democrat, and Republican Marsha Abell)
10/15 12pm Deadline by noon to file pre-election campaign finance reports for all candidates and parties
10/15 8AM Weaver FORE Assessor II – Golf Outing
10/19 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
10/21 8AM First day a confined voter, a voter caring for a confined person at a private residence, or a voter with disabilities may vote an absentee ballot before an absentee voter board at the voter’s residence or place of confinement
10/22 6PM UNOE Spark Plug Banquet – Walnut Room of Aztar Executive Conference Center Call 428-4243 for Info
10/24 1-4PM Coroner Annie Groves Annual Bean Soup – The Mosby’s River Camp 4803 Old Henderson Road – Bean Soup, Hot Dogs, & Soft Drinks – No Charge however, donations will be accepted.
10/25 5-8PM Stephanie Terry for County Council Fundraiser Gospel Night Club Great gospel music, food and conversation with your councilwoman!!!! Location & Ticket Info: TBA
10/25 MIDNIGHT Deadline by midnight (except for confined voter or voters caring for a confined person requesting delivery of a ballot by an absentee voter board), for the Clerk to receive mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed absentee ballot applications requesting to vote absentee by mail
10/28 PM (TBD) Maura Robinson For Auditor Fundraiser hosted by Erika Taylor and Robert Scott Wylie
10/30 7-10PM 2010 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner The Centre
11/1 NOON Deadline, by noon, for the clerk to receive mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed absentee ballot applications from confined voters or voters caring for a confined person requesting delivery of a ballot by an absentee delivery board
11/1 NOON Deadline, by noon, for a voter to vote an absentee ballot in the office of the circuit court clerk
11/1 Deadline for a confined voter, a voter caring for a confined person, or a voter with disabilities to vote an absentee ballot before an absentee board at the voter’s place of confinement
11/2 6AM-6PM General Election Voting: Polls Open 6am-6pm
11/2 6PM-10PM Election Return Results – Veterans Memorial Coliseum
11/9 5:30-6:30PM The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County – Monthly Meeting – Evansville Labor Temple – 210 N Fulton
11/10 6:30-7:30PM Vanderburgh County Democrat Club – Monthly Meeting Evansville Labor Temple
11/12 NOON Deadline, by noon, for a voter to produce proof of identification to the county election board to validate their provisional ballot from the general election
11/16 NOON Deadline, by noon, for a candidate to file a verified election recount or contest petition
11/16 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
12/1 8AM Voter Registration Opens
12/7 5:30-6:30PM The John F. Kennedy Club of Vanderburgh County – Monthly Meeting – Evansville Labor Temple – 210 N Fulton
12/8 6:30-7:30PM Vanderburgh County Democrat Club – Monthly Meeting Evansville Labor Temple
12/21 6:30-8PM Evansville For Change – Monthly Meeting Central Library – Browning Room A
12/31 Midnight End of Annual reporting period for 2010 for campaign finance reports for candidates and

Reminder: $4.25 Million in Medicare Part D Checks in the mail


The Department of Health and Human Services has put $4.25 million in checks in the mail to Hoosiers with disabilities and seniors. Some Medicare Part D beneficiaries will be mailed a one-time check for $250 to help close the “donut hole” in their prescription expenses. The donut hole coverage gap refers to people with prescription drug expenses between $2,830 and $4,550 a year, who receive less assistance from Medicare.

Unfortunately, some people are using this government aid as an opportunity to scam seniors and people with disabilities. These checks go out automatically, and there is no application process. If anyone calls asking for personal information to help you apply or to verify your eligibility, it’s a scam. Some scammers may try to reach you via Internet ads or even in person. Do not give out your personal information.

For more information:

Download a Medicare & Healthcare Reform Fact Sheet here: http://fifthfreedom.org/u/22

Call 1-800-Medicare or visit http://www.stopmedicarefraud.gov .