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News from The New Evansville Arena Project


New Evansville Arena Project Issues Request for Hockey Proposals

EVANSVILLE, IN – The New Evansville Arena Project announced today that it has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a hockey team to become the home team for the new arena, scheduled to open in November, 2011.

“We have received inquiries from the several organizations interested in establishing a team in the new arena,” Project Director John J. Kish said. “This RFP is the start of the process that is intended to culminate with a five-year agreement for the home team of the new arena, which will be an ideal venue for hockey.”

The new arena will feature a floor that can accommodate a full regulation size ice sheet as well as two locker rooms specifically configured for hockey teams. The New Evansville Arena Project and the Arena Project Committee will conduct the review process. They will make a recommendation to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission.

To date, the project has received expressions of interest from:

• The Evansville IceMen of the International Hockey League, a league that combined earlier this year with the Central Hockey League to produce an 18-team organization.
• The ECHL, a 20-team league that includes the Cincinnati Cyclones; and
• The United States Hockey League, a 16-team league for players bound for college that includes the Indianapolis Ice.
• The North American Hockey League, a 26-team league with teams in St. Louis, MO and Springfield, IL.

The new 290,000 square-foot Evansville Arena, opening in late 2011, will be the region’s center for sports and entertainment, designed to host basketball, hockey, concerts, exhibitions and shows for audiences as large as 11,000.



Honorable Steven David
The Honorable Steven H. David of Boone Circuit Court will be sworn-in as Indiana’s 106th Justice. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels named Judge David to succeed Justice Theodore R. Boehm who retires September 30th. Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard welcomes Judge David to the Court. “My colleagues and I are pleased to have Judge David join us. He showed exceptional talent during the application and interview process”

Judge David commented, “I am honored to be bestowed with the trust and confidence of Governor Daniels. I am looking forward to working with such a tremendous Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Shepard. To be considered with Judge Moberly and Mr. Mulvaney was an honor in itself. I am anxious to serve the citizens of Indiana.”

Details regarding the swearing-in ceremony will be announced as soon as possible. The media guidelines governing oral arguments will be in place for the ceremony and seating will be limited; therefore, media interested in attending must contact Supreme Court Public Information Officer, Kathryn Dolan at kdolan@courts.state.in.gov so appropriate set-up can be arranged. Previous ceremonies were held in the Supreme Court Courtroom and included remarks by state officials. A photo gallery showing past swearing-in ceremonies can be found at courts.in.gov/citc/museum/swear-in.

In May, Justice Boehm announced he would step down from the bench. According to the Indiana Constitution and state statute the Judicial Nominating Commission recruits and interviews applicants to fill appellate court judicial vacancies and the Governor makes the final selection. The seven-member Commission is chaired by Chief Justice Shepard. It also includes three attorney members who are elected by other attorneys across the state and three non-attorney members who are appointed by the Governor.

The Commission received thirty-four applications for the vacancy. The applications included legal writings, educational transcripts and letters of recommendation. On July 6th and 7th the Commission interviewed all thirty-four applicants. The interviews were open to the press and public. The Judicial Nominating Commission met in executive session for deliberations. The Commission considered legal education, legal writings, public service activities and other pertinent information to find the most qualified candidates. The vote on the semi-finalists took place in a public session. On July 7th the Commission named nine semi-finalists.

On July 30th the Commission interviewed the nine semi-finalists in a session open to the press and the public. The Commission considered those nine applicants in an executive session. The Commission then held a vote on the final nominees in public. The Hon. Steven H. David, Hon. Robyn L. Moberly and Mr. Karl L. Mulvaney were selected. The names of those individuals were sent to Governor Mitch Daniels who selected Judge David as Indiana’s 106th justice.

Link to news release: http://www.in.gov/judiciary/press/2010/0917.html

City of Evansville Awarded $1,655,000 for Levee Improvements


(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 20, 2010 – The City of Evansville has been awarded $1,655,000 from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA) to make improvements to a one-mile section of the levee.

“The area protected by this section of levee includes more than 23,500 residents, numerous businesses and industries, and the downtown Evansville central business district. Flooding caused by a breach of this section of the levee would be truly devastating,” said Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel. “In addition to protecting lives and property, these repairs will move the levee closer to being FEMA Certified, which will save all area residents and businesses considerable amounts of money over the long term.”

The levee improvements will focus on alleviating the toe erosion occurring in the lower portion of an approximately one-mile stretch of levee in Knight Township Section between Stationing 290+00 and Stationing 360+00 (see attached map). The toe erosion to be repaired is due to wave wash when the water level and winds are high. Further toe erosion could ultimately result in upper bank instability.

The project will include re-grading the levee to return the slope to a 3:1 (H:V) ratio, reseeding for erosion control, revetment1 toe protection, and the installation of riprap at the upstream and downstream ends and at a minimum of one (1) foot vertically on the levee slope above the wave wash area. These repairs will return the levee to “as-built” conditions. Per terms of the grant
agreement, the project must be completed by September 30, 2012. The District hopes to begin construction in June 2011 and complete the project by November 2011.

1 A revetment is a stone or concrete facing to sustain an embankment and prevent erosion.

Following Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that public levees along the Ohio River would be required to be inspected by the Corps of Engineers and to become “FEMA Certified.” Any residents and businesses within municipal areas not protected by a FEMA Certified levee will be required to purchase flood insurance even if they are not located within a floodplain. It is expected that those purchasing flood insurance for the first time would pay up to three times more than existing customers to cover the cost of flood insurance.

The Evansville-Vanderburgh County Levee Authority District system consists of 79,183 feet of earthen levee, 8,175 feet of concrete wall, 1,761 feet of combined wall and highway, 3,160 feet
of roadway levee, 20 pumping stations, 24 movable closures, and 15 sandbag closures along the Ohio River and Pigeon Creek. The flood protection system is designed to pump rainwater from
the City/County back into the river during high river conditions and prevent the river from backing into the sewer system. The District is partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Louisville District, which inspects the levee system annually.

FEMA is currently reviewing the Levee Systems Evaluation Report submitted by the Corps of Engineers. The District expects to receive FEMA Certification at any time.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated these funds under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Fund, Appropriation 2 (DR2) for relief of unmet needs resulting from tornadoes and flooding in the State of Indiana. The City of Evansville will also commit $200,000 from the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Levee Authority District (the District) general operating fund for the project.

Riecken Responds to Opponent’s Challenge

Gail Riecken

Evansville — Representative Gail Riecken responded to her opponent’s debate challenge request. “It has come to my attention that my opponent, has issued a debate challenge for the upcoming election. I’m grateful to finally see emphasis from her campaign to focus on issues, as that is what this election cycle is all about,” Riecken said.

“The constituents in our district deserve good representation, one that will listen and discuss the problems and solutions facing Hoosiers. My campaign has knocked on over 10,000 doors to hear first hand the challenges facing Hoosier families and what issues are important to them,” Riecken said.

“Hoosiers are concerned about jobs, our local schools, taxes, and the proposed Vectren rate hike,” Riecken said. “As a legislator and a candidate in House District 77 I accept and look forward to the opportunity to discuss these concerns with my opponent. I hope this will be an honest debate about issues and not just another chance to play politics. I think we can all agree this election cycle is about people, not politics.”

The League of Women Voters has already scheduled a formal debate in Vanderburgh County for September 30th. This is a televised debate and will take place at the WNIN studio.

“A formal response has been sent to the Musgrave campaign and I look forward to finding formats and moderators that are agreed upon jointly by both myself and my opponent,” Riecken said.

News from The New Evansville Arena Project


Hockey Proposal Deadline Extended to Monday, September 20

EVANSVILLE, IN – The New Evansville Arena Project is announcing the extension of the deadline to submit a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a home hockey team for the new arena. The new deadline is 4 p.m. (CDT) on Monday, September 20; scheduling issues led to the change from the original deadline of Friday, September 17 at 5 p.m.

The RFP process is intended to result in a five-year agreement for a home hockey team at the New Evansville Arena. The new arena, opening in late 2011, will feature a floor that can accommodate a full regulation size ice sheet as well as two locker rooms specifically configured for hockey teams.

The New Evansville Arena Project staff and the Arena Project Committee will review the responses and make a recommendation to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission.

Human Relations Annual Awards Banquet


Please click on the below links for information and reservations.

Annual Dinner Invitation Flyer

City-County Human Relations Commission

Bluff City Pow Wow at Lincoln Pioneer Village – Rockport IN


Bluff City Pow Wow Program Cover

Carmella Raurk Head Woman and Don Counts Head Man

By Don Counts

This past weekend was the sixth annual Bluff City Pow Wow sponsored by the United Metis Tribe and the Bluff City Native Cultural Society. A great time was had by all including the dancers, drums and the public. The vendors that we talked to all reported a great weekend.

The Bluff City Native Cultural Society is comprised of Native and Non-Native peoples within Spencer County, Indiana, and surrounding areas, who have come together in mutual respect and support.


1. They are willing to work together to educate ourselves and others of the culture and proud of the American Indian Native Peoples.

2. Draw our strength and guidance from the Creator, and through the teaching of our Elders, and draw upon their wisdom to achieve our goals.

3. We will offer assistance to those in need through donations of money, food, clothing and household items.

The Pow Wow begins with the Grand Entry. All spectators are asked to rise as the flags and eagle staffs of the host and visiting tribes are brought in. The Eagle staffs and flags represent nations, families and communities. As the drums begin a grand entry song, the chief or tribal chair of the host tribe and visiting dignitaries enter the arena. They are followed by other honored members and the color guard of veterans, representing Native Americans who have fought in every war including the Revolutionary War. Elected royalty (princesses, warriors, etc.), young people who have been chosen and honored by their specific home community to represent that community at Pow Wows around the country, follow next. Led by the elders, the men dancers followed next, generally in the following order: men’s traditional dancers, men’s grass dancers and then men’s fancy dancers. Then the women enter, also led by the elder women and in the order of women’s traditional dancers, jingle dress dancers and then fancy shawl dancers. The teenage boys enter next, followed by the teenage girls and then the younger boys, girls and tiny tots. The dancers in each category are announced by the MC’s as they pass the announcer ask for the public to stand. Finally the arena is filled with all the dancers, each dancing in their grand regalia. Responsibility for maintaining the song passes from drum to drum, going around the circle until all dancers are in the center of the circle and dancing. With all remaining in the center of the circle, the prayer song and honoring song for veterans begin next. It is a spectacular sight filled with beauty and excitement and pride.







Board of Public Safety MINUTES Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Code Enforcement – Ron Beane Police Department: Asst. Chief Rob Hahn
Fire Department – Chief Keith Jarboe

~Pledge of Allegiance~

Don Spates addressed the board in reference to Yellow Cab never returning his deposit. President Steve Bagbey advised that was not a Safety Board matter and suggested Mr. Spates contact Wage and Hour.

The below request was held for a decision at the next meeting after Alberta Matlock, City Clerk, investigates the parking situation further.

Shelby Marshall, owner of The Antique Market located at 211 S. E. 4th, requests parking signs in the 200 block of S. E. 4th be re-examined. Signs on the odd side of the street allow 2 hour parking. Signs on the even side of the street allow 10 hour parking. Due to the increase amount of traffic downtown his customers are having difficulty finding parking spaces. He requests 2 hour parking signs on both sides of the street.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following road closure:

1. David Schwambach, Bethel Temple, 4400 Lincoln Avenue, requests the outer lanes of both sides of the street, between Hebron and Congress, closed on Sunday, October 31st from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for their annual Trunk or Treat. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED***

Assistant Chief Hahn addressed Tony Durbin’s complaint in reference to parking on Dress Plaza. Mr. Durbin’s complaint was valid and the ticket will be voided.

Motion by Ms. Manis, 2nd by Mr. Bagbey and so ordered to approve the following two requests by the Evansville Police Department:

1. The following equipment has been taken out of service due to obsolescence or replacement; request Safety Board approval to dispose of same as surplus. Items will be offered to local computer/technology recycling firm(s).

Item Serial # Model #
Hewlett Packard USBC048529 Laser Jet 4
Hewlett Packard USFC023914 Laser Jet 4
Compaq Monitor 911BF23RL292 V500
Compaq Monitor 809CF03D0936 V75
Compaq Monitor 809CF03D0938 V75
Optiquest Q95 9L13114735 Q95
Port Replicator 1IKSA09337 CF – VEB272AW
Port Replicator 2IKSB17941 CF – VEB272AW
Port Replicator 2IKSB17988 CF – VEB272AW
Port Replicator 2IKSB17987 CF – VEB272AW
Port Replicator 2IKSB17990 CF – VEB272AW
Port Replicator 2IKSB17989 CF – VEB272AW
Parallel Printer Port 01424222 014350 Back Pack
Parallel Printer Port 01427031 014350 Back Pack
Parallel Printer Port 01426937 014350 Back Pack
2 small boxes of misc computer parts (all too old to use for spares)
5 boxes of 5 CD Rom drives for Panasonic CF28 and CF29 Mobile Computers (we have kept a box of these drives for programming needs)

Computer Model S/N Asset
Towers Number
HP Compaq NX6110 CNU5191H4W 01790
HP Compaq 6135JFSZA382 06778
HP Compaq USU31904Y4 03224
HP Compaq USU31904XW 01048
HP Compaq 6X31KN8ZA25W 14811/03039
HP Compaq D220MT MXD4490JWQ 01275
HP Compaq D220MT MXD4490JH1 01450
HP Compaq D220MT MXD4490K2R 04273
AME GB45-AP53 101258703 04851
GATEWAY E4100 33071363 01110
HP Compaq EVO 6X27-KN8Z-A279 03234
HP Compaq EVO X214JYFZD460 14291/9376
HP Compaq EVO U224KN8ZA42 14304/01677
HP Compaq EVO U219JYFZA266 0712
HP Compaq EVO X214JYFZD401 14292/03957
HP Compaq D530 CMT 2UB41103W7 01098

Laptop Model S/N Asset
Computer Number
Compaq EVO N180 6D22FP8ZTOSD 14780 / 01562
Compaq EVO N180 6D22FP8ZTOTW 14792 / 04261
Compaq EVO N180 6D23FP8Z80CY 14867 / 06632
Compaq EVO N180 6D23FP8Z80FC 14875 / 04477
Compaq EVO N180 6D22FP8ZTOSF 14779 / 04463
Compaq EVO N180 6D22FP8ZTOSK 14785 / 01558
Compaq EVO N1020V 9X32LDLZMOFZ 19895 / 06587
Compaq EVO N1020V 9X34LDLZF2L8 14964 / 03869
Compaq Armada E500 3J16JFB41B0C 14229
Dell Latitude C810 CN-03N641-12961-22H-7693 14285
Dell Latitude C810 CN-03N641-12961-22H-7692 14290
Dell Latitude C810 CN-03N641-12961-22E-6394 14289 / 01532
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 41608TG 752
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MG9 —
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MCW 1090
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 41608VJ 755
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 41608SH 753
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 41608TQ 751
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MCS —
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MQ4 1082
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MWN —
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MWK —
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MWQ 1089
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MVY 1078
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MDF 1086
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF 4091MFO —
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2LC 14799
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2DC 5159
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZB0W4 4456
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X32LDLM0G0 3900
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2KC 05064
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2BC 01612
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZC30L 04491
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZ8195 01916
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2BF 14955
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2B4 05182
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X32LDLZM0FY 05731
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZC2Y3 04940
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2CK 14954
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2C2 01513
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZ81JP 01572
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZ82IN 03755
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZ821C 03909
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2BG 01598
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2LD 01428
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X36LDLZ8197 06641
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X38LDLZ70TBG 01848
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X34LDLZF2BS 01504
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X32LDLZMOVL 01517
HP Compaq EVO N1020v 9X32LDLZMOVI 05191
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF4091MDN 01079
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF4091MWB 01086
HP Compaq NX 9010 CNF4091MCT 01091
HP Compaq EVO N180 6D22FP82TOJF 14782
HP Compaq EVO N181 6D23FP8Z80E6 04008
HP Compaq EVO N182 6D22FP8ZT0T9 03892
HP Compaq EVO N183 6D22FP8ZT0SC 05076
HP Compaq EVO N184 6D23FP8Z80DX 04612
HP Compaq EVO N185 6D22FP8ZT0TS 03848
HP Compaq EVO N186 6D22FP8ZTOLG 04605
HP Compaq EVO N187 6D23FP8Z8OK3 01537
HP Compaq EVO N188 6D22FP8ZT0S6 05703
HP Compaq EVO N189 6D22FP8ZT0S5 04622
HP Compaq EVO N190 6D23FP8Z8OBH 04255
HP Compaq EVO N191 6D23FP8Z00S 05065
HP Compaq EVO N192 6D22FP8ZTOSH 04642
HP Compaq EVO N193 6D23FP8Z809Z 05702
HP Compaq Armada 3J1CFTBzD1AM 14336
DELL PP01X JB7P911 03660

Cathode Ray Tube Monitors age 5+ yrs

Computer Model S/N Asset
Monitor Number
HP COMPAQ CRT 623T 820CF03DM758 4893
HP COMPAQ CRT PE1127 137CL75ZFB43 6620
HP COMPAQ CRT 612 847BF23A1543 3232
DELL CRT E771MM MX05E53247801 288C25S 3187
HP COMPAQ V75 BH72-60625X#1 CKH7779JE1L 4079
HP COMPAQ V55 847BF23A1556 4852
Compaq CRT V500 911BF23RL292
Compaq CRT 620T 809CF03D0938
Compaq CRT 620T 809CF03D0936
Optimquest CRT Q95 9L13114735
Compaq CRT S710 041CG43HD460

Miscellaneous parts age 5+ yrs

Other Model S/N Asset
Various PS/2 keyboards age 5+ yrs
Various PS/2 mice age 5+ yrs
Under Drawer Keyboard Holder 174

Misc. computer power supplies, cords, phone wires, and other out-dated cabling

2. Request approval to surplus 25 light bars stripped of all parts to be used in repair of old equipment.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following two requests by the Evansville Police Department:

1. Request approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Evansville Police Department and Certified Firearms Solutions, 3129 East 200N., Lafayette, Indiana. Re: Destruction/disposal of confiscated and court ordered firearms.

2. Request approval of Provisional Task force Agreement for the DEA Evansville, Indiana Post of Duty.

Motion by Ms. Manis, 2nd by Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following request by the Evansville Police Department:

1. Request approval for Software Addendum to back up L.E.F.T.A. database currently installed on the Evansville Police Department’s server.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis to accept Policies and Forms of the Evansville Fire Department:

1. Request approval of Policies and Forms of the Evansville Fire Department.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve Pension Board and begin Disability Pension Procedures on Capt. Keith Current of the EFD:
1. Request approval to go before the Pension Board and begin Disability Pension Procedures on Capt. Keith Current of the EFD.

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the opening and awarding of the bids for demolition of the following properties:

Velpen Stradtner Powers
214 W. Virginia Street – House $5,000.00 $ 4,774.00 $ 8,430.00
315-317 Herndon Avenue – Shed Only $1,400.00 No Bid $1,240.00
717 East Missouri Street – House and Garage $7,400.00 $8,580.00 $ 9,755.00
914 South Barker Avenue -House $9,890.00 $17,990.00 $11,500.00
916 West Tennessee Street – House No Bid $5,595.00 $5,330.00
1300 West Missouri Street – House $5,060.00 $6,345.00 $8,935.00
1512 Uhlhorn Street – House and Garage $7,000.00 $6,480.00 No Bid
2500 West Delaware Street – Garage Only $1,850.00 $1,150.00 $3,100.00
317 East Michigan Street – House $6,620.00 $6,245.00 $7,455.00
37 East Blackford Avenue – House $6,000.00 $6,974.00 $7,550.00
313 South New York – House $6,600.00 $5,882.00 $11,400.00
323 Monroe Avenue – House $6,400.00 $6,965.00 $8,780.00
520 South Denby Avenue – House and Garage $7,880.00 $5,665.00 $10,800.00
606 Taylor Avenue – House $6,000.00 $6,284.00 $8,460.00
627 Adams Avenue – House $7,000.00 $6,384.00 $11,450.00
635 Jackson Avenue – House $4,860.00 $4,375.00 No Bid
636 Monroe Avenue – House $4,800.00 $5,249.00 $7,480.00
719 Covert Avenue – House $6,400.00 $6,691.00 $11,000.00
734 East Riverside Drive – House $5,000.00 $7,279.00 $7,098.00
781 South Elliott- House $8,900.00 $4,745.00 $4,230.00
834 Madison Avenue – House $6,800.00 $5,345.00 $9,124.00
1227 Judson Street – House $6,800.00 $7,322.00 $9,800.00
1426 Culver Drive – House $9,600.00 $7,992.00 $12,400.00
1624 South New York Avenue – House and Garage $5,000.00 $5,345.00 $8,240.00
1716 South Garvin Street – House $5,600.00 $4,389.00 $4,380.00

1. 214 W. Virginia Street – House to Stradtner for $4,774.00
2. 315-317 Herndon Avenue – Shed to Powers for $1,240.00
3. 717 East Missouri Street – House and Garage to Velpen for $7,400.00
4. 914 South Barker Avenue – House to Velpen for $9,890.00
5. 916 West Tennessee Street – House to Powers for $5330.00
6. 1300 West Missouri Street – House to Velpen for $5,060.00
7. 1512 Uhlhorn Street – House and Garage to Stradtner for $6,480.00
8. 2500 West Delaware Street – Garage to Stradtner for $1,150.00
9. 317 East Michigan Street – House to Stradtner for $6,245.00
10. 37 East Blackford Avenue – House to Velpen for $6,000.00
11. 313 South New York – House to Stradtner for $5,882.00
12. 323 Monroe Avenue – House to Velpen for $6,400.00
13. 520 South Denby Avenue – House and Garage to Stradtner for $5,665.00
14. 606 Taylor Avenue – House to Velpen for $6,000.00
15. 627 Adams Avenue – House to Stradtner for $6,384.00
16. 635 Jackson Avenue – House to Stradtner for $4,375.00
17. 636 Monroe Avenue – House to Velpen for $4,800.00
18. 719 Covert Avenue – House to Velpen for $6,400.00
19. 734 East Riverside Drive – House to Velpen for $5,000.00
20. 781 South Elliott – House to Powers for $4,230.00
21. 834 Madison Avenue – House to Stradtner for $5,345.00
22. 1227 Judson Street – House to Velpen for $6,800.00
23. 1426 Culver Drive – House to Stradtner for $7,992.00
24. 1624 South New York Avenue – House and Garage to Velpen for $5,000.00
25. 1716 South Garvin Street – House to Powers for $4,380.00

Motion by Ms. Huff, 2nd and so ordered to approve the following request for removal and placement of handicap signs:

1. Request approval to add the following Handicap parking signs:
a. Ricky Driskill – 2528 W. Illinois
2. Request approval to move following Handicap parking signs:
a. Bentley Oakley move from 359 Dreier Blvd to 837 Wedeking
3. Request approval to remove the following handicap parking signs:
a. 739 E. Chandler – deceased
b. 810 Taylor – driveway
c. 521 Monroe – resident moved out
d. 723 Jefferson – resident moved out
e. 2612 Hillcrest Terrace –resident moved out

Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following request for removal and placement of road signs:

1. “No Trucks” sign placed at the intersection of Lemcke and Forest Avenue
2. “Freight Loading Zone” and curb markings for 17 E. Sycamore Street.

Request for crosswalk to be painted on Weinbach in front of Voegel School has been tabled until contacting Officer Pete Dossett, School Safety Officer with the Evansville Police Department.

Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following parking permits:

1. Midwest Roofing Sheet Metal approved for 2 parking permits in the area of the arena.
Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to deny the following parking permits:

1. Key Construction denied request for 2 parking permits at 318 N. Main due to the fact they already have 2 parking permits good until November 11, 2010.
Motion by Mr. Bagbey 2nd by Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following dumpster permits:

1. Race for the Cure request approval to place a dumpster on Locust between 1st Street and Riverside Drive, Sycamore Street between 1st Street and Riverside Drive, and Vine Street between 1st Street and Riverside Drive from 9/23/10 to 9/27/10.
2. Carl James Foster request approval to place a dumpster at 415-419 SE 2nd Street for a remodeling project from 9/14/10 to 11/14/10.

Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following request for study and the recommendation of MPO:

1. Kirk Wiseman requested a review of Ruston Avenue from SR 62/Morgan Avenue to Keck Avenue for the removal of all on-street parking. Mr. Wiseman feels the street is too narrow. Recommendation: Eliminate all on-street parking for this section of Ruston Avenue, by
posting appropriate “No Parking” signs, to ensure two-way traffic is maintained.
2. Doug Blocker requested post appropriate speed limit signs on Sunburst Boulevard, just south of Riverside Drive at the entrance to the neighborhood to encourage appropriate driving speeds. Recommendation: Post a 30 mph speed limit sign just south of Riverside Drive for southbound traffic at the entrance to the neighborhood. Install Pedestrian Advanced Warning Signs for northbound and southbound traffic on Sunburst Boulevard on the approaches to the park to complement the existing 20 mph speed limit sign and to warn drivers of the increased possibility of pedestrian activity. Coordinate with local law enforcement to monitor and enforce the speed limit.

The following items were tabled waiting further information:

1. Ron Reisinger requested review of the intersections of Harlan Avenue with Madison Avenue or Monroe Avenue for the installation of an all-way stop control to deter speeding. Recommendation: No change in right-of-way control is warranted at this time. Coordinate with law enforcement for monitoring and enforcement of the current statutory speed limit.
2. Lyman Roll requested review the section of Vann Avenue from Washington Avenue to Pollack Avenue for removal of all on-street parking. Recommendation: Removal of on-street parking is not required for efficiency purposes, but could improve safety for the narrowest portion of the roadway north of Monroe Avenue.

Motion by Mr. Bagbey 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve and the following requests for Taxi Cab Driver Permits:

1. Richard W. Blackburn
2. Jeffery Dean Pierce
3. Franklin E. Goff
4. Terry L. Swope
Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to deny the following requests for Taxi Cab Driver Permits:

1. Ami Blanchard
Motion by Ms. Manis 2nd by Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following road closures:

1. Deacon Rob Baggett, Pleasant Chapel General Baptist Church, requests 5th Avenue between Florida and Georgia be closed on Saturday, September 19th from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for Family Fun Day which includes games and prayers for the entire family. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED***
2. Officer Pete Dossett, School Safety Officer, requests approval to close 6th Street from Main Street to Vine Street from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for the safety of school children attending school shows. There are normally 25 to 35 school buses carrying up to 1500 children. The dates of the shows are: Tuesday, September, 28, 2010, Tuesday, October 19th, 2010, November 1-3, 2010, December 17, 2010, January 28, 2011, March 16-18, 2011, and March 29, 2011. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED***
3. Randy Burkes from Midwest Roofing requests approval to close the eastbound lane of Franklin Street between 1st Avenue and Mary Street to install air conditioners at Berry Plastics on September 23rd from 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the following truck permit request:

1. Chris Buente, CTM Farms, requests 5 permits to use Waterworks Road to Riverside Drive to either Ohio Street or Lloyd Expressway to transport grain from his fields.
Motion by Mr. Bagbey 2nd by Ms. Huff and so ordered to approve the following Parade – Walk – Run Permits:

1. Garry Hisel, River City Thunderbolt, MVCC, requests approval for a parade honoring our Nations veterans Saturday, November 13th starting at 2:00 p.m. Line up in Aztar Parking Lot, E on NW 1st Street, S on Court Street, E on NW Riverside Drive (in the WB lane), U turn at Cherry Street into Riverfront Park for ceremony at Four Freedom Monument. Then return to Aztar Parking lot. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED***
2. John W. Streetman III, Executive Director, Evansville Museum requests approval for run/walk on Saturday, November, 13th starting at 9:00 a.m. Begins at Riverside Drive, to Court Street, to NW 2nd Street, Walnut St, 5th Street, Court Street, 2nd Street, Riverside Drive, Dress Plaza, Greenway Passage, finish Museum’s back gate. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED***
The following request has been continued until the next meeting due to insurance concerns:

1. Debbie Hebbeler, Executive Director, Tri-State Multiple Sclerosis Association, request approval for a parade on Sunday, November 7th starting at 1:30 p.m. The parade is ½ mile long. It includes 1 vehicle (Comaier Wheelchair Van). Start at Romain Discount Used Car lot, over the Expressway ramp to Fielding Road to front of Harrison high School to Cullen Avenue over the Expressway Ramp back to Romain Car Lot. (Around Harrison High School)

Motion by Ms. Huff 2nd by Ms. Manis and so ordered to approve the items:

1. Approve claims.
2. Acknowledge receipt of towing report for August 1st thru 31st, 2010.
3. Approve the minutes of August 11, 2010 and August 25, 2010

Next meeting, September 22, 2010 at 1:30 pm

Vietnam Veterans of America Disputes California Court Finding That Stolen Valor Act is Unconstitutional

Vietnam Veterans of America

(WASHINGTON, D.C) – “The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has struck down a federal law making it a crime to falsely claim a military honor or decoration, and this is a most regrettable decision,” said John Rowan, national president of Vietnam Veterans of America. “We trust that this case will be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court. We hope that the court will agree with those legal experts who hold that the Constitution of the United States does not protect egregious false statements of fact.”

In a 2-1 ruling on August 17, the appeals court found the Stolen Valor Act – a 2006 federal law that prohibits falsely claiming to have won a military decoration, making it a crime to lie about receiving the Medal of Honor and other military decoration – unconstitutional, throwing out the conviction of Xavier Alvarez, an elected member of a California water district board, who, on several occasions, falsely claimed to be a recipient of the Medal of Honor.

“The right to speak and write whatever one chooses – including, to some degree, worthless, offensive and demonstrable untruths – without cowering in fear of a powerful government is, in our view, an essential component of the protection afforded by the First Amendment,” Judge Milan Smith said in the majority opinion.

Said Rowan, “While we embrace the right of any American citizen to express opinions freely, lying about one’s alleged military accomplishments in order to gain future prospects for advancement is simply wrong. This ruling degrades the honor that has been earned by our military personnel for their sacrifices in combat. Further, this is more than an issue of the violation of one’s constitutional rights. In essence, it approves lying and could have significant implications in efforts to police false statements in political ads and campaigns.”

City-County Observer Correct Again! Mole #3 Predicted the Demolition of the Executive Inn and the Parking Tower


Executive Inn
By: Don Counts, Editor, City County Observer

Taxpayers could have saved over $5 M if testing had been done up front!!

The City County Observer in its pursuit of journalistic activities that promote good public policy has to pay attention to what is going on in Evansville and Vanderburgh County to achieve its goals. It is expected that local elected officials and especially Mayor Weinzapfel would have the same goals and would work diligently to achieve them as well. Unfortunately that does not seem to be the case.

Last Spring, the City County Observer correctly predicted that structural issues would force a hard decision upon whomever happens to be in charge of the final solution for the Executive Inn complex. Specifically, we predicted that it would be recommended that both the Executive Inn and its parking tower would need to be torn down for their lack of structural integrity. Yesterday, at a meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, Dennis Dye of Browning Investments confirmed that both the Executive Inn and its parking tower have been determined to be structurally unfit and recommended that both be demolished.

Mr. Dye proceeded to recommend that a new 220 room hotel be built on the site where the Executive Inn parking tower stands without making reference to replacing those much needed parking spaces. When asked about the feasibility of renovating the existing hotel by a member of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, Mr. Dye responded, “If you do not want to open a hotel on that site then leave the Executive Inn standing”. Project manager John Kish followed that statement with his own opinion of “I don’t think that refurbishment is the right thing to do”. He later expressed an opinion that some eventual developer should determine that, so the Executive Inn that was accepted back “as is” by the City of Evansville yesterday will stand as a monument and a reminder of this financial boondoggle for the foreseeable future.

When asked by a member of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, why the structural issues were not discovered in 2008 when the project was still on the drawing board, project director John Kish stated that they did not want to spend the money (approximately $100,000) to conduct structural testing. We were astonished that project director Kish chose to avail the City of Evansville of the opportunity to do a routine structural test as any homeowner would be forced by lenders to do prior to obtaining a mortgage. Mr. Kish also stated that the earthquake in Haiti was the catalyst to inspire him to authorize the structural tests. We were shocked and amazed by that statement. The statement about Haiti drew laughter among the attendees including Marsha Abell, the only political candidate or elected official who bothered to attend the meeting. The Haiti earthquake was after the purchase of the building had been completed and was thus too late to use that study to get a better price on the complex from Mutual of Illinois who had acquired the property through foreclosure from its previous owner. Mutual of Illinois, that supposedly expressed an interest in financing the project, has been taken over by the FDIC for insolvency.

It is sad that we will never know how much money the taxpayers of Evansville could have saved off of the purchase price of $11.9 Million if the structural deficiencies been known ahead of time. Short sales conducted by lending institutions are common with distressed properties. The taxpayers of Evansville could have benefitted from this practice. Could we have saved $1Million, $3 Million, or even more than $5 Million had the due diligence of a structural study been completed before rushing to do a deal? How much does a finding of structural problems devalue a building? It was reported yesterday by Browning that the parking tower needs $2 Million of work to make it structurally sound. Assuming a similar number for the Executive Inn, it is realistic to expect that the taxpayers of Evansville could have saved at least $5 Million on the purchase of the Executive Inn Complex if appropriate levels of patience and due diligence would have been exercised.

It is gratifying for a newspaper to be correct with predictions based on inside sources. Correct predictions however cannot put any savings back into the pockets of Evansville taxpayers. We at the City County Observer will continue to focus our undivided attention on Evansville and Vanderburgh County. Our ambitions for a prosperous future are totally focused here and not in Indianapolis or Washington D.C.

The Weinzapfel administration and its advisors are duty bound as stewards of this project to focus on the needs of Evansville and Vanderburgh County. Finally, after all of these cost overruns due seemly to lack of planning have been exposed, Mr. Kish, an Indianapolis consultant hired by the Weinzapfel administration to manage the Arena project, had his responsibilities expanded to cover the entire project including the Executive Inn and parking garage. We wish him well. There should have been overall oversight from the start. This is not a case of the monkeys running the zoo, there weren’t even any monkeys. There was never any overall project management for the Arena/Executive Inn/parking tower and that mistake has left the taxpayers of Evansville to pick up the tab.

Mayor Weinzapfel is known for his “my way or the highway” management style. In our opinion he is also known for surrounding himself with like minded advisors who look to him to provide them with whatever opinions that he wants to hear. The City County Observer wishes that the Mayor’s ambitions for photo-ops in the fall of 2011, in anticipation of becoming Governor of Indiana, would not have driven this entire Arena/Executive Inn project schedule. We also wish that the small group of handpicked like minded mayoral advisors would have been more diligent and outspoken in carrying out their duties to the taxpayers of Evansville. This is especially so for the Evansville Redevelopment Commission members that includes several bankers who are very familiar with loan requirements for both new and renovated commercial properties.

It seems as though every major project in Evansville is contracted out to a supposedly wiser and more experienced business or consultant from Indianapolis. The oversights in the Arena/Executive Inn project are now glaringly exposed for all to see. Could Evansville people and businesses have done a better job than this? We know so! By our observation, it would have taken a deliberate effort to let things slide for this to have turned out any worse. At this point, the Arena is on track. Mr. Kish has done the job he was hired to do. A Convention hotel is not even close to having definition. If all goes perfectly and according to a plan that we are sure is finally being worked on, there MAY be a hotel by the fall of 2012, three years after the closing of a functional hotel. Ironically enough, at the time of elections to determine the make-up of the Evansville City Council and the Mayor that may prove disastrous to incumbents.

Evansville and Vanderburgh County will lose much business and tax revenue until a hotel is opened. It didn’t have to be that way. Taxes from a Convention hotel are already pledged to pay off the bonds that raised the money to build the Arena. Today that source of revenue is compromised. If there is not a hotel, who will pay off these bonds?

If you agree with the contents of this editorial please contact Mayor Weinzapfel and the Department of Metro Development let them know.
