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Having observed the rapid rise of the City County Observer on Alexa and having received an unsolicited syndication offer from a Manhattan publisher we became curious with regard to how we stack up against other local media outlets for internet traffic. To the best of our ability here is a list of the top internet media traffic sites in the Greater Evansville region.

1. Courier and Press #7,468
2. WFIE Channel 14 #23,982
3. City County Observer #58,350
4. Tri-State Media #118,781
5. City of Evansville #120,251
6. WEHT Channel 25 #122,614
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8. Owensboro Messenger #245,547
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The Libertarian Party of Indiana Maintains Ballot Access for Four More Years


November 3, 2010

The Libertarian Party of Indiana will maintain ballot access for four more years because of their achievement of six percent in the Secretary of State race. Libertarian Mike Wherry earned 100,847 votes which is the highest number of votes cast for a single candidate in the LPIN’s history.

Automatic ballot access is granted to a political party that reaches two percent of the vote while the ten percent mark enters a political party in to the primary system. In 2006, Mike Kole received 54,381 (3.3%) votes. Rebecca Sink-Burris was the party’s candidate in 2002, and received 60,937 (4.1%) votes.

“Throughout the campaign, I can’t count the times I heard people say they agree with Libertarians, but feel they’re wasting a vote,” said Wherry. “Last night, we proved once again that our libertarian philosophy is spreading across the state. Our team topped 100,000 votes for the first time in the Secretary of State’s race. This means our county organizations and their candidates can continue their growth without the burden of petitioning.”

Wherry continues, “With municipal elections around the corner, maintaining our ballot access was critical. It’s this level where we stand to really see victories. Admittedly, it’s tough to compete in a statewide race as a third party. But, when put in a local race where we know our neighbors, have been active in service clubs, and our churches, we will be very tough competition. We can’t compete if we have to expend our resources just to get on the ballot. That’s why last night’s record vote total was so important.”

State Chair Sam Goldstein shared Wherry’s point of view.

“Ballot access is the key to our survival as the state’s only third party,” said Goldstein. “In many races across the state, we were the only other choice in many local and state races. We view electoral competition to be as important to the health of Indiana as economic competition.”

Media Contact: Chris Spangle, 317-920-1994

The Libertarian Party is America, and Indiana’s, third largest political party founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. Its vision is for a world in which all individuals can freely exercise the natural right of sole dominion over their own lives, liberty and property by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office, and moving public policy in a libertarian direction.

The Libertarian Party of Indiana was formed in 1974, and has maintained ballot access since 1994. Sam Goldstein, an Indianapolis resident, currently serves as Chairman.

Learn what we stand for here.

Libertarian Party of Indiana
156 E Market St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 920-1994

Sam Goldstein, Chairman
Christopher Spangle, Executive Director

Mole #3 is Still King of the Molehill


Mole #3 is eagerly awaiting District #76 results to assert continued dominance of the title “Nostradamus of Local Politics”. Mole #3 was challenged by 8 other Moles in the contest to see which Mole was the best at projecting winners of the 2010 Elections in Southwest Indiana.

Mole #69 made a valiant effort and appeared to have matters within striking distance of Mole #3 after last night’s certifiable results. Coming into the morning Mole #3 had only one miss with Mole #69 having two misses with the contests for Indiana House of Representatives in Districts 75 and 76 too close to call. Mole #3 had projected Ron Bacon as the winner while Mole #69 projected that Mike Goebel would be making the spring pilgrimage to Indianapolis for the next two years.

In the hotly contested and still not determined race for District 76 between Bob Deig and Wendy McNamara separated by only 30 votes last night with two more precincts to count Mole #3 who picked Bob Deig and Mole #69 who went with Wendy Mac, had the potential to trade places on the top of the Molehill.

When District 75 broke for Ron Bacon with the Gibson County ballots counted Mole #3 secured the victory and another election season of claiming the title of “Nostradamus of Local Politics”. Without regard to the outcome of the District 76 race that is now only separated by 8 votes and is certainly destined for a recount, Mole #3 is still #1 among the City County Observer Moles.

Mole #69 will have to be satisfied with a strong second place and will for the next year be wearing the crown of “Jeane Dixon of Local Politics”.

IS IT TRUE: November 3, 2010


IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 would like to report that an extremely qualified long time employee of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau is being by passed over for the job of Executive Director vacated by Marilee Fowler?……that the search committee recommended that the Board of Directors of the Convention and Visitors Bureau should increase the salary offered for the next Executive Director by $10,000 to attract a qualified candidate?….that there have already had 5 interviewees brought to town to interview for the Executive Director’s position? ….that for some reason none of the five ended up accepting this job?….that this is another non-profit Board of Directors in Evansville that needs a lesson in the economic realities of 2010?

IS IT TRUE that when candidates fail to run their own campaign and modify their own convictions to the selfish desires of self proclaimed political powerful people who are not on the ballot, the results do not turn out in their favor?…that when a candidate expends time and money developing a campaign strategy, that it is almost always best to follow that strategy?….that one unopposed incumbent candidate in an Indiana county told some friends that every time the Party Chairman opens his mouth they lose votes?…..that Shakespeare’s words “TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE”, is as valid in the political reality of 2010 as they were when Polonius advised his son Laertes to get on the last boat to Paris?….that some wisdom is timeless in all endeavors?

IS IT TRUE that Congressman Elect Dr. Larry Bucshon had political coattails longer that a first time brides wedding dress?….that Prosecutor Elect Nick Hermann pulled the biggest political upset in Vanderburgh County in two decades?….that Marsha Abell’s upset of sitting Commissioner Troy Tornatta surprised none of the City County Observer Moles?…..that the City County Observer wants to congratulate all of the candidates and their supporters for their efforts to make Vanderburgh County a better place to live? …..that even the losers won something last night?

IS IT TRUE that the new team of Abell and Winnecke should adopt “Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On” as their theme song?……that the 101st Airborne has landed in the seat of the next state Senator from Posey County?….that independent voters determined every local election that was determined by a few hundred votes or less?….that at least three of losing candidates in close elections last night chose not to aggressively pursue independent voters?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County will be strengthening its smoking ban soon after the new year?….that the local election for County Commissioner in 2010 was a referendum on the $18M ballfields project at Robert’s Stadium?…..that the election victory by Marsha Abell knocked that proposal OUT OF THE PARK last night?….that the lame duck session of the remainder of 2010 should be a time to PLAN AND REFLECT as opposed to a time to CRAM REJECTED INITIATIVES DOWN THE PEOPLES THROAT?….that the City County Observer is proud to have played a role in advocating for GOOD PUBLIC POLICY and is enthusiastic to keep pushing forward into the 2011 City of Evansville elections?

Mid Day Update

IS IT TRUE that one of the 3 voting machines in Precinct 12C has a problem downloading its results?…that election officials are working feverishly to retrieve these votes and add them to the totals?…that in the election of 2008 that roughly 800 votes were cast in Precinct 12C?….that once downloaded these votes could determine the winner of the election for Knight Township Trustee?…that Gail Riecken running unopposed in 2008 received 500 votes in Precinct 12B?…..that Riecken’s lead over Cheryl Musgrave is currently 175 votes?….is it true that many pairs of eyes are on the cantankerous 3rd voting machine in Precinct 12B?

City County Observer Internet Ranking at #69,400 in the United States passes City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County Government and other Local Media in Alexa Ranking


UPDATE: The City County Observer has risen over 500,000 places in Alexa’s USA Internet Traffic Ranking to the place of #67,400th most visited website in America passing the City-County Government (www.vanderburghgov.org) at #155,021st, the website for Channel 25 Television (www.news25.us) at #129,471st, Fox 7’s website at #146,163rd, the conglomerate of weekly newspapers in Warrick and Gibson Counties in Indiana and in Illinois (www.tristate-media.com) at #124,714th, the Owensboro Messenger Inquirer at #255,370, while blowing by Integra Bank, Aztar, and several other recognizable regional businesses.

The City County Observer is now the fourth Alexa ranked online media business in Greater Evansville and surpasses not only the City of Evansville but every municipality and economic development entity within 100 miles. On a state wide basis the City County Observer is ranked in the top 10 media outlets in the entire State of Indiana for internet traffic.

We would like to thank our readers, our staff, and all of the people of Evansville for accelerating our readership to levels that we had never dreamed possible. It seems that articles about promoting good public policy are getting traction. IS IT TRUEthat the number of people in Evansville who advocate for positive responsible change through good public policy is growing daily?

Alexa.com is a website that ranks respective websites around the world according to the number of visitors that each site attracts. Alexa also presents these rankings with one month and three month trailing averages. During the last month the website www.city-countyobserver.com has risen in world wide rank by nearly 5.0 Million places.

IS IT TRUE: November 2, 2010


Special Election Day IS IT TRUE

IS IT TRUE that the Reagan Democrats and independent voters all over the country are flocking to the polls today to cast their ballots in what looks like it will be a referendum on today’s economic realities?….that today is shaping up to be very much like 1994 with the names changed but the game the same?….that we surely hope that the economy of the late nineties that was lead by a popular Democratic President and a Republican Congress comes roaring back like that combination magically did in the 90’s?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville is a test market for national product launches for a reason?…that the reason is that what works here is most likely to work elsewhere?…that the same thing goes for politics?….that we will know by midnight just how much like the rest of the nation that Vanderburgh County is politically?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau finally released a two page supposedly detailed budget for the 8 ball fields proposed for the Roberts Stadium site? ….that of the total budget of $17,500,000 that only $4,900,000 is for the actual ballfields?….that the City County Observer in a series of articles has documented the fact that the basic cost for a state of the art ball field starts at approximately $250,000?….that the price per ball field in the ECVB proposal works out to only $612,500 per ball field?….that the City County Observer while thinking this is a high number is not shocked or amazed by this budgetary figure?

IS IT TRUE that an additional $7,932,902 is detailed as infrastructure improvements that are required to make the site “ball field ready”?…that these requirements include water, sewer, irrigation, drainage, earthwork, buildings, electrical work, and nearly $400,000 in project initiation fees?….that there is a “contingency” line item in the amount of $385,254 and a “maintenance equipment package” budget for $350,000?…..that $350,000 will buy lots of lawnmowers?

IS IT TRUE that this budget also includes a “COMMUNITY SUPPORT COSTS” section that plans to spend $2,425,830?….that includes $1,500,000 to demolish Roberts Stadium?….that Mr. John Kish is on record stating that the budget to demolish the Executive Inn is also $1,500,000?…that these facilities are not remotely the same type of structure or even the same size?…..that the first “quote” to demolish the Executive Inn was announced by Mr. Kish at the August meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to be only $1,000,000?…..that the City County Observer wonders just how solid these exact quotes are?

IS IT TRUE that $12,600,000 is budgeted to build, prepare, design, demolish, and finance the proposed ball field project?….that the innkeeper’s tax for these kinds of purposes is designated for brick and mortar projects that promote tourism?…..that we wonder how demolishing Roberts Stadium attracts visitors to Vanderburgh County?….that most of the line items as it turns out are not related to ball fields at all?….that bailing out the City of Evansville for deferring maintenance on an already existing Wesselman Park may not be an appropriate use of the innkeeper’s tax?….that if the City of Evansville would have been GOOD STEWARDS of Wesselman Park and done the maintenance when it was needed that more than half of the line items in this proposal would not even be necessary?

IS IT TRUE that there is still no agreement in place for a Downtown Convention Hotel?….that the innkeeper’s tax is appropriate for doing preparation work to attract a Quality Hotel Developer to replace the Executive Inn?…..that you cannot spend the same money twice?…..that if the City of Evansville should have budgeted any demolition of Roberts Stadium into the new Arena budget?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville should have maintained Wesselman Park and kept the existing ball fields in tournament condition if ball tournaments are indeed beneficial to tourism?….that if the City of Evansville would have done both of the things well and planned properly to avoid the EXECUTIVE INN DILEMMA, that both projects could have gone forward with the bonding of the innkeeper’s tax?….that this $18M Ball Field Proposal is really a $4.9M Ball Field Proposal and a $12.6M BAILOUT OF THE CITY OF EVANSVILLE?

Indiana Ranked Among Top 10 States for Business Climate


November 1, 2010

News Release

Indianapolis, Ind. — For the third time in three years, Indiana’s business climate scored a top ten finish nationally in Site Selection magazine’s 2010 business climate rankings. Feedback from a survey of national real estate executives and a review of Indiana’s economic development record earned the state recognition as the eighth best place for business in the U.S., up one spot from ninth in 2009.

The Site Selection ranking, released today in the magazine’s November 2010 issue, comes less than one week after the Tax Foundation recognized Indiana for having the best business tax climate in the Midwest and the 10th best overall, up from 12th in 2009. A nonpartisan tax research group based in Washington, D.C., the Tax Foundation study measures five indexes of states’ business tax competitiveness including property tax rates, sales tax, individual tax, corporate tax and unemployment insurance taxes.

“In tough economic times, it’s important to stand out, and now for the third time in a month, the world is reading that Indiana is among the best places to bring jobs,” said Mitch Roob, Secretary of Commerce and chief executive officer of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.

In October, Area Development magazine rated Indiana’s business climate best in the Midwest and sixth best in the U.S., according to a survey of national site selection consultants. The state was also among the consultants’ top-five picks in the rail and highway accessibility (second), labor climate (third), fast-track permitting (fourth), most business friendly (fifth), and lowest business costs (fifth) categories.

Site Selection’s annual business climate rankings are determined in part by performance of the state in Conway Data’s New Plant Database, which tracks new and expanded business facility activity, and also by a survey of corporate site seekers across the country. The survey asked companies to identify the top 10 state business climates, taking into consideration such factors as lack of red tape, financial assistance and government officials’ cooperation. Respondents were also asked to rank the factors most important to them when determining a location for a new facility.

Site Selection’s business climate survey story, as well as the publication’s annual state legislative and incentives update, appears in the November 2010 edition and at www.sitenet.com .

About Site Selection Magazine
Site Selection magazine, published by Conway Data Inc., delivers expansion planning information to 44,000 executives of fast-growing firms. The senior publication in the development field, Site Selection is also available via Site Selection Online (www.siteselection.com ). SiteNet Dispatch, a weekly e-mail newsletter, goes to more than 41,000 industry professionals.

About IEDC
Created by Governor Mitch Daniels in 2005 to replace the former Department of Commerce, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation is governed by a 12-member board chaired by Governor Daniels. Mitch Roob serves as the chief executive officer of the IEDC. For more information about IEDC, visit www.iedc.in.gov .

Source: Indiana Economic Development Corporation

IS IT TRUE : November 1, 2010


IS IT TRUE that tower ads on the City County Observer are now producing over 300 views per day?…that many candidates for office have gotten over 10,000 views for their campaign investment?

IS IT TRUE that Wayne Parke, Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican party has really taken the bull by the horns and lead his 2010 slate of candidates through a successful campaign season with minimal negativity?….that Chairman Parke’s successful business experience has been leveraged to transform the Vanderburgh Republican party into a viable political party for years to come? …that Chairman Parke is poised to run a full slate of highly qualified candidates to make a serious challenge to the 30 year dominance of the Democrats over City of Evansville politics?…that 2011 is going to be a very interesting year in local politics?

IS IT TRUE that the 2011 election season for the entire Evansville City Council and the office of the Mayor of Evansville starts on Wednesday November 3, 2010?….that the drumbeat for the democratic primary for the Mayoral nomination got off to a premature start at the Westside Nut Club Fall Festival with the BOOTHGATE controversy?…..that Rick Davis will be making his candidacy for Mayor of Evansville official soon?

IS IT TRUE that a strong candidate has already announced his challenge to Missy Mosby for the 2nd Ward City Council seat?……that Patrick McBride is a firefighter with the Evansville Fire Department, lives in the 2nd Ward, and wants to take the 2nd Ward to a higher place?….that Democratic primary challengers to incumbents for each and every Evansville City Council seat are waiting in the wings for the right time to make their announcement?……that fund raising for Mr. McBride’s campaign for Evansville City Council is already underway and has raised a substantial amount of money from the over 300 attendees made up of 2nd Ward voters, police, and firemen at his first event?

IS IT TRUE that Tuesday‘s 2010 election is highly probably to change control of the United States House of Representatives?…..that Southwest Indiana’s local elections are polling more as though merit and personal preference will rule the day over party loyalty?…..that the voters of Knight Township taught the City of Evansville a valuable lesson about just how damaging blindly voting a straight ticket can be when they elected Linda Durham as their Trustee?

IS IT TRUE that we want to thank County Clerk Susan Kirk for making the option of voting at public libraries possible?….that the people of Evansville have been very complimentary of this decision? …that this allowed more people to vote that normally would have?

IS IT TRUE that we wish to compliment all of the candidates from both parties that ran for seats on the Vanderburgh County Council for the professional way that they conducted their campaigns?…that the elections for Auditor and Assessor were also deserving of praise for running respectful campaigns?…that the candidates for both Knight and Center Townships ran professional campaigns?

Analyzing the Vanderburgh County Prosecutors Race

Stan Levco

The 2006 election for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor pitted these exact same candidates against one another that are squaring off in 2010. In that election a very young Nick Hermann was introduced to countywide electoral politics by a sound defeat at the hands of the Democratic incumbent Stan Levco by a vote tally of 32,291 to 22,009 a victory margin of over 10,000 votes.

That was 2006 when the sentiment of the county was so strongly in the Democratic camp that Linda Durham rode the coattails of that sentiment to victory in the race for Knight Township Trustee. In the 2006 elections 20,434 (36% of all votes) people voted straight ticket ballots out of the 56,279 that were cast. Of those straight ticket voters 58.4% went to Democratic candidates and 40.2% went to Republicans. The margin of straight ticket voters in 2006 is eerily close to the 59.4% to 40.5% margin that Mr. Levco defeated Mr. Hermann by.

How long were the coattails of Brad Ellsworth and Democratic sentiment in 2006? Did these coattails have any impact at all on the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s race or were the results fully determined by the voter’s judgment on the candidates appeal? The real question in this campaign is whether or not Nick Hermann can convince 9.5% of the electorate that in 2010 he is the best man for the job.

Mole #3 has yet to make a call on this race. During the past four years Mr. Hermann has greatly increased his political knowledge base with a stint as the Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party, has established a track record as a volunteer in children’s advocacy programs including the Juvenile Drug Court, and accepted several board appointments in Vanderburgh County. He also has grown accustomed to the role of father that always offers opportunities to develop a more mature perspective. It is safe to say that the Nick Hermann of 2010 is a much different person than the Nick Hermann that Prosecutor Levco defeated in 2006.

Mr. Levco has spent the last four years right where he has been since winning the election for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor in 1990. Stan has been the steady hand on the plow continually running the Prosecutor’s office now for two decades. Levco knows the job of Prosecutor as he has defined it and managed it for most of his adult life.

This race was disrupted several weeks ago with the reporting that Mr. Levco had violated the Hatch Act by soliciting political donations from staff members. This allegation was addressed quickly by Mr. Levco who communicating exactly what his fundraising practices have been. The typical reaction among the voters has been “don’t they all do that?” If that opinion is broadly held this allegation should have little impact on the election.

This contest really comes down to maturity, experience, and coattails. There is no question that Mr. Levco, who has the support of Sheriff Eric Williams has more experience than Mr. Hermann who was endorsed by the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) and spent the last four years dedicated to becoming a better candidate for office. It will be up to each voter to decide whether or not Mr. Hermann’s combination of youth and potential merits a decision for the veteran Prosecutor Mr. Levco to pass the torch on to a younger man.

Mole #3, while not making a projection in the Vanderburgh County Prosecutors race is willing to go out on a limb and state that if the coattails of Larry Bucshon, who was recruited to run for Congress by Mr. Hermann, are going to determine this very close race. If Mr. Bucshon’s coattails and the general aura of discontentment with the status quo play themselves out in Vanderburgh County as they are poised to across the nation, then Citizen Hermann will most likely become Prosecutor Hermann.

The discontentment with the state of the country will most certainly influence local elections like the one for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor. Sometimes this is warranted and sometimes it is not. Stan Levco has served this office in an honest and dignified manner and if reelected will continue to do so. The City County Observer hopes that each and every vote is based on a knowledgeable person making an informed vote for the person that they believe is the best candidate for the job of Prosecutor.

Mole #3’s Notes from the Street:

Coattails and sentiment can be quite disruptive. In the City County Observer reader’s polls a “throw the bums out” sentiment runs deep and some of the letters and comments are personal. If 2010 is an indication of things to come, and we have every indication that it is, the volume will be turned up in 2011. The entire Evansville City Council and the Mayor of Evansville are up for election next year. The sentiment on the street with a very few exceptions is that there will be close to a complete change of power in the City of Evansville next year and that no amount of money can keep that tide from coming in.

IT’S DOWN TO THE WIRE: A Letter from Gail Riecken


Election Day is almost here and I want to thank you for all your help. I am feeling very positive about the outcome of our election. I have avoided misrepresentations and exaggerations of the truth as my opponent enjoys and have stayed the course of honest discussion. You have told me you appreciate this.

• I continue to fight against utility rate increases because now is not the time to raise energy rates or taxes, especially in tough economic times.

• In the legislature I fought for a jobs bill that would create up to 30,000 new jobs and establish tax incentives for small businesses to help them grow and create new jobs in-state.

• I believe we need to enforce the immigration laws we have on the books and fine companies who knowingly hire illegal immigrants instead of legal citizens.

• We must put a stop to the outsourcing of Indiana jobs. I will require corporations doing business with the state to hire at least 80% of its workers from Indiana.

• Companies should be held accountable, and I would force them to return taxpayer dollars if they received tax breaks for promising new jobs in our state, but never created the jobs.

• I passed legislation that limits the burden foreclosures have on our community. The result was to speed up the process to sell vacant and abandoned homes, so that new owners can move in and our property values are not hurt by homes left to ruin.

• I will protect local schools from further budget cuts. I oppose the $9 million cuts to our local schools, which have increased class sizes and allows Indianapolis bureaucrats to control our local schools.

I believe you and I share similar values. I have two children, two grandchildren and am a former Sunday School teacher. With a friend and strong help from the Junior League of Evansville, I co-founded the ARK Crisis child care center. I believe our children should have a healthy and happy childhood.
I’ve talked face to face with you at your home, called you on the phone and asked others to call you. As we have talked, you have asked about the confusing and misleading statements of my opponent and I have answered. Until my opponent actually stepped over the line and called me a “liar”, I was comfortable with the tone of the campaign, however, unprofessional and degrading her remarks were to her, personally.
So, let me set the record straight on a few issues:

1.) The vote to not support 10,000 jobs was the right vote. The bill will put another new major highway in front of funding I 69 to compete with Major Moves money we need to complete I 69. It doesn’t provide one job to southwestern Indiana. Obviously, Musgrave would have voted for the bill.

• Was the bill on a statehouse mailer? Yes.
• But was this intentional? No.
• Rep. Jeb Bardon, who voted against the bill, had the same reference as I.
• A lie? Hardly. A mistake? Yes.
• Do I take responsibility? Certainly.

2.) The neighborhood meeting incident with the press. Perhaps Musgrave should tell what really happened at the meeting, how she refused to honor the “rules” the president of the neighborhood association had set. This was a new president and her first candidate meeting. Musgrave’s campaign was disrespectful.

3.) The debates. Neither I nor my campaign field manager nor the person representing me in the negotiation “promised” or even intimated that we would agree to three debates. If the truth be known, Musgrave never expected that I would agree to one; word is she and her husband were pretty upset when I did. Even then, in the debate she didn’t answer questions or present one idea or platform. I did and my constituents loved it.

We’ve come far from the announcement in February. We’ve brought our message to every part of the district. We’ve helped people understand that only one candidate in this race stands for jobs, for a balanced budget, for keeping taxes low, for reforming our schools, and for building a stronger Indiana. And that is me. But, there is still work to be done.

Over 50 people are working for our campaign daily but I need your help to contact those last few voters. Even though this race is not a close one, my opponent seems to want to steer everyone to that conclusion. Let’s prove her wrong. She fantasies this race the status of the historic McIntyre-McCloskey Eight District Congressional race. She compares herself to McIntyre. With your help, I can win this election and continue the work we are doing remembering we should be competing because we want to represent you and your interests not because we want to set another record.

You are what makes me work; you are why I endure being called a “liar” and other degrading, unprofessional and totally out-of-bounds criticisms. My opponent has spent a lot more money than I have been able to getting out her distortions of my record. We will see if she can buy an election with Indianapolis money.
I’m asking you to take action. Email me at my personal email griecken77@aol.com, if you can help me by:

• Volunteering at a precinct on Election Day or just as important,
• Calling or talking to your friends and neighbors, and asking them to vote for me or
• Very important, sending this email to three or four of your friends.

Paid for and authorized by Gail Riecken for State Representative, Treasurer, Marilyn Ratliff