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IS IT TRUE: November 17, 2010 Part 2


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE that Dan McGinn (R) City Councilman from the First Ward will be announcing on Les Shively’s radio show tomorrow that he will not be a candidate for Mayor of Evansville in the 2011 Election?….that Councilman McGinn has been the winner of every City County Observer Reader’s Poll that we have posted for the Republican nominee for Mayor of Evansville?….that Councilman McGinn has been a champion of the people of Evansville in calling questionable spending to task?….that the buzz will soon be about only two Republican candidates both of whom are veteran politicians?…..that unless a new face comes out that the Republican contenders appear to be confined to County Councilman Russ Lloyd Jr. and County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke?…..that Councilman McGinn would have been a great candidate?…that we cross our fingers that Councilman McGinn chooses to run to keep his seat on the Evansville City Council and continues his vigilance in stamping out wasteful spending?

IS IT TRUE that new City County Observer columnist County Commissioner Stephen Melcher has advised us that he will not be entering the race for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville?…that Commissioner Melcher has every intention to continue pursuing his passion for leadership in the Vanderburgh County Commissioners and as the Commander of the local Veterans Organization?…that Commissioner Melcher has been a consistent and steady hand at the plow of Vanderburgh County leadership for many years and we wish him success for many more?…that the City County Observer is looking forward to his columns on Veteran’s Affairs and maybe even some guest editorial pieces on other issues on which Commissioner Melcher wishes to write?…that Commissioner Melcher has run strong in our Reader’s polls and would have made a great candidate in what is shaping up to be a spirited campaign?

IS IT TRUE that the time is RIGHT NOW to be soliciting bids to design a solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) problem that the City of Evansville is afflicted with?….that the two year clock is already ticking on restarting the fines for non-compliance?….that this is the biggest infrastructure project that the City of Evansville has ever had to deal with?….that the long arm of the federal government with the EPA will not take kindly to having two years pass with no plan produced?….that it took good leadership and the best negotiator that money can rent to get the two year extension on designing a solution and a 20 year extension on implementing said solution?….that taking the full term to fix this debilitating problem is NOT MANDATORY?….that the test or true leadership will be in fixing this problem and not in postponing a solution?….that there should be an RFP in the development stages and that a design group should be hired within no more than three months?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Arena is something that some people want and other’s don’t?….that functioning sewers, clean air, and pleasant smells 12 months a year is something that every citizen of the City of Evansville NEEDS AND DESERVES?….that the needs of all should take priority over the wants of the few?….that the #1 job of the next Mayor of Evansville will be to push an acceptable solution to the CSO problem to completion?….that if the current Mayor of Evansville does not get this started that his successor will have only 10 months and no budget to do it with?

Bain Forecasts Holiday Sales Growth of 3%

Santa Clause and his Reindeer

Bain Forecasts GAFO Sales Growth of 3% for the Holidays

With cautious optimism, Bain is forecasting GAFO sales growth of 3% for the holidays.1
It’s going to be a good season . . . at least compared to the last few Although signals are mixed, we are heading into the season with relatively strong momentum versus last year. Among the positive signs: Retailers are stocking slightly more inventory and are planning to increase holiday hiring over last year, some consumers are excited about shopping (or at least about jumping on bargains), and the economy is on a gradual albeit bumpy road to recovery. Underlying our forecast, which is at the high end of publicized estimates, are results that will vary widely by GAFO segment and consumer tier. The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight holiday sales trends and to clarify conflicting signals. We plan to distribute updates every two to three weeks throughout the holiday season to keep you informed as new data emerge.

For the full text of the article click on the following link.


CCO Alexa Ranking Rises to #45,317 in America Passes Vectren at #57,330


Here is what Alexa.com says about the City County Observer:

“City-countyobserver.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 730,224. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is about 34 minutes, with 56 seconds spent on each pageview. The site has attained a traffic rank of 45,317 among users in the US, where almost all its audience is located. Visitors to this site view 12.0 unique pages each day on average. About 35% of visits to City-countyobserver.com are referred by search engines.”

Having observed the rapid rise of the City County Observer on Alexa and having received an unsolicited syndication offer from a Manhattan publisher we became curious with regard to how we stack up against other local media outlets for internet traffic. To the best of our ability here is a list of the top internet media traffic sites in the Greater Evansville region.

1. Courier and Press #7,774
2. WFIE Channel 14 #29,334
3. City County Observer #45,317
4. Tri-State Media #86,441
5. WEHT Channel 25 #86,669
6. City of Evansville #125,263
7. WTVW Fox 7 #145,283
8. Owensboro Messenger #245,547
9. News4U no ranking
9. Henderson Gleaner no ranking
9. Vincennes Sun no ranking

We also track our performance using Google Analytics. Our latest Google Analytics performance numbers for the past two weeks are as follows:

11,687 Visits
33,194 Page Views
41.6% Bounce Rate
Visits from 45 states and 35 countries

Top Cities:
Evansville, IN
New York City
Newburgh, IN
Houston, TX
Washington DC
Los Angeles

IS IT TRUE November 17, 2010


IS IT TRUE November 17, 2010

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr. has requested that the proposed Robert’s Stadium little league baseball/softball field project be added to the November 24th Agenda for the Vanderburgh County Council?…that Councilman Shetler’s request will have to be deferred until December 1st because this proposal entails a bond issue and has to be advertised as a public meeting?….that Mole #3 says that if the vote was taken today that the vote would look something like the following: Nay, Russ Lloyd Jr., Stephanie Terry, and Ed Bassemeir, Yea;Tom Shetler Jr., Joe Kiefer, and Mike Goebel?….that only Jim Raben has not yet let his intentions be known to any CCO Mole?…that our money grows on other peoples trees Mayor Weinzapfel is quietly committing the money to demolish Robert’s Stadium if the County Council approves this previously proposed $18M ball fields project?….that the costs are being spread around to reduce the amount of the bond issue that the CVB would need to do?….that some City of Evansville department head may see his or her budget shrink by $1.5M to pay for this demolition?….that the City County Observer thought that this cat only had nine lives?….that only Gregory Rasputin had more lives than a cat?….that if built these ball fields should be named Rasputin Park to commemorate the number of presentations it took to get built?….that the CCO is greatly disappointed in County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr. for not manning up and bringing this to a vote before the 2010 general election?…..that the City County Observer is shocked and amazed that any of the innkeepers tax would even be considered as on the table for ball fields when a binding contract is not in place for a Downtown Convention Hotel to complement the County owned Centre?

IS IT TRUE that creative minds like Mole #3 has explore many possibilities in search of solutions?….that in an editorial that the City County Observer proposed as one of four options that a parking lot could go right over the top of Walnut Street to accommodate for the insufficient building footprint remaining for a parking lot when the dilapidated Executive Inn is demolished?….that there is another solution to this great oversight that involves one hungry backhoe and a whole lot of concrete?….that with good design that an underground parking garage completely under the block where the new Downtown Convention Hotel is proposed could replace all of the spaces lost when the Executive Inn parking garage is demolished?….that this solution would provide the spaces needed, preserve an area for an overlooked loading dock, and add to the ambiance of Downtown Evansville?…that to have simultaneous opening of the Arena and the Downtown Convention Hotel that the hotel would have to be under construction right now.

IS IT TRUE that we were expecting to hear the sounds of demolition coming from the pigeon filled halls and Indiana brown bat guano covered floors of the McCurdy Hotel by now?….that this project has been one signature from commencing construction since last Spring?….that whoever that signature is coming from must be learning their letters because they sure aren’t signing off on the official loan documents?….that a single person with a passing interest in a restaurant made headlines last month?….that we are concerned that the McCurdy is closer to becoming the next Riverhouse than it was ever dreamed it could be?….that neglect has caused the entire structure to look its age?

IU launches the Innovate Indiana Blog!


IU launches the Innovate Indiana Blog!

Join the conversation as we discuss the Indiana economy, health care, trends in technology commercialization and economic development, and research discoveries from IU faculty and researchers.
Innovate Indiana is the Indiana University Office of Engagement’s statewide initiative to leverage IU’s vast resources in technology, life sciences, and entrepreneurship into assets that can transform the Indiana economy.

Click on the link to join in! http://innovate.indiana.edu/blog/

Patricia Weinzapfel to Direct Full Service Community School Program


Patricia Weinzapfel to Direct Full Service Community School Program

Patricia Weinzapfel has been named to the position of project director for a new grant-funded program designed to impact schools, students, and families through community partnerships. The Full-Service Community Schools grant will continue and enhance work already in place targeting the Academy for Innovative Studies, Cedar Hall Community School, Culver Family Learning Center, Lincoln School and McGary Middle School.

Weinzapfel officially began her position today (Nov. 16).

Weinzapfel holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University.

She is a founding member of the Evansville Regional Autism Coalition, a group dedicated to bringing together social service agencies, educators, and healthcare professionals to help families deal with the challenges of Autism. She is also a sustaining member of Junior League of Evansville, which created a Community Resource Room at Cedar Hall Elementary, the EVSC’s first Full Service Community School. She is also actively involved in CYPRESS – committee to promote respect in schools; and has worked as a volunteer with the Koch Family Children’s Museum of Evansville, Evansville Sister City Committee, helping to develop a sister city in China; and is a board member of the Indiana Jewish Historical Society.

She has served as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern Indiana where she created curriculum and taught introductory broadcast journalism courses. Prior to that she was a line, investigative, and special projects producer for WTHR-TV in Indianapolis. She also had been a reporter with Evansville’s WFIE-TV and WSBT-TV in South Bend.

EVSC Receives $2.5 Million Grant to Fund Full Service Community School Opportunities



November 16, 2010

EVSC Receives $2.5 Million Grant to Fund Full Service Community School Opportunities

The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation has received a $2.5 million grant ($500,000 over five years) that will be used to coordinate education, health, social services and community programs district-wide, so that children and families can succeed in school and in our community, said Superintendent Vince Bertram during a news conference today (11-16-10). The U.S. Department of Education grant will help EVSC expand its Full-Service Community Schools initiatives. The EVSC was among 11 school districts selected nationally from more than 250 applicants from around the nation.

“Through this program, the EVSC plans to transform high poverty and persistently low achieving schools into Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS). Elements will include early childhood learning centers, after school and summer programs, a college access network, access to health services, social and emotional supports and alternatives to suspensions and expulsions,” Bertram said.

A full-service community school is a public elementary or secondary school that works with its local educational agency (LEA) and community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, and other public or private entities to provide a coordinated and integrated set of comprehensive academic, social, and health services that respond to the needs of students, students’ family members, and community members. In addition, a full-service community school promotes family engagement by bringing together partnering organizations in order to offer a range of supports and opportunities for students, students’ family members, and community members.

In 2000, the EVSC spearheaded the development of a district-wide community school initiative called the School-Community Council. To date, more than 70 community organizations, businesses, and faith-based partners are collaborating to support schools. Components of the FSCS program are already in place at some EVSC schools. Schools that will be targeted with this grant funding include the Academy for Innovative Studies (6-12), Cedar Hall Community School (preK-8), Culver Family Learning Center (ages 3-5); Lincoln School (K-8); and McGary Middle School (6-8).

“We have a committed community and they have been working alongside us to address the diverse needs of our families and children,” said Cathlin Gray, associate superintendent for family, school, and community partnerships. “This grant will allow us to strengthen and grow that work. The grant will also be used to align our work to the School District’s Expectations for Excellence –

We believe that ‘Achieving our mission of Equity and Excellence for ALL children is a shared responsibility among EVSC faculty and staff, families and students, and our community.’ ”

On hand for the announcement today, was Martin Blank, president of the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, D.C., and director of the Coalition for Community Schools. Patricia Weinzapfel, project director for the Full-Service Community Schools grant, explained that Blank has been to the EVSC four times to help assist the community as the school district and area organizations worked to form these partnerships to aid students. Weinzapfel noted that Blank actually was a large catalyst in funding being available for the grant program. “He was a pioneer in helping secure dollars at the federal level to support the Full Service Community School Grants – the very grant we are announcing here today.”

The EVSC’s Full-Service Community School (FSCS) initiative will enhance existing resources and integrate services into a comprehensive network of programs. The FSCS mission in the EVSC is to establish school sites as places of community to enhance youth and family development. According to the Department of Education website on the grant program, the FSCS grants come from the Fund for the Improvement of Education (FIE), which is authorized by section 5411 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA). It supports nationally significant programs to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education at the state and local levels and help all children meet challenging academic content and academic achievement standards. The FSCS program, which is funded under FIE, encourages coordination of academic, social, and health services through partnerships among(1) public elementary and secondary schools; (2) the schools’ local educational agencies (LEAs); and (3) community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, and other public or private entities.



Doug Joest


EVANSVILLE, IN – Nov. 16, 2010 – The Evansville-Vanderburgh Airport Authority District is pleased to announce that current Interim Manager and Treasurer-Finance Manager, Douglas Joest has been promoted to Airport Manager. In his new role, Mr. Joest will be responsible for overseeing all operations at Evansville Regional Airport as well as strengthening strategic relationships with the community, airlines, and governmental entities. Mr. Joest stated, “I look forward to working with our board, staff and community in continuing to improve Evansville Regional Airport for the tri-state area”

An Evansville native, Joest has served the airport for almost four years as Treasurer and Finance Manager and as Interim Manager since July 2010 as well as serving on the EVAAD board for 5 years. In addition to his 13 years management experience in aviation services, his many accomplishments include: BS Degree in Accounting from University of Southern Indiana, certified public accountant, instrument rated pilot, member of American Association of Airport Executives, member of American Institute of CPA’s, board member of Tri-State World Trade Network.

The search for a new manager began last July upon the retirement of long time airport manager Bob Working. A search committee of Board members and community leaders was formed to evaluate the leadership needs of the Evansville Regional Airport. “The search process revealed that Mr. Joest possesses the qualifications and experience that is necessary to effectively lead the airport. His knowledge of this community and the operations of the airport position him well to make a successful transition,” said Board President Derrick Stewart.

The Evansville-Vanderburgh Airport Authority District is located at 7801 Bussing Drive, Evansville, IN 47725-6799. For more information, please call 812-480-1471.

IS IT TRUE: November 16, 2010

The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: November 16, 2010

IS IT TRUE that the recent settlement reached between the City of Evansville, the US Department of Justice, and the EPA to suspend further fines and penalties for a period of two years is a great opportunity for the City to get busy with an achievable efficient solution to our Combined Sewer Overflow problem?….that pursuing recompense from the previous operator Environmental Management Corp. that was under contract to the City of Evansville may just result in a settlement in the City’s favor?….that Environmental Management Corp.’s contract with the City of Evansville was renewed on several occasions during which CSO’s occurred routinely?…that the sewer system that the City of Evansville contracted Environmental Management Corp. to manage was spewing waste before they were hired, during the term of their contract, and after the City took back the management?….that it will be quite interesting to learn whether or not Environmental Management Corp. simply did what they were hired to do by the City of Evansville for many years?

IS IT TRUE that one of the basic services that is expected of a municipality is to have a working sewer?….that Evansville does not have and acceptable sewer system for its citizens?…that the EPA came down on the City of Evansville for a problem that has been going on unabated for more than 40 years?….that being allowed to defer maintenance on a sewer system that fowls the air and causes unsanitary conditions is an opportunity to correct the past?….that just because a 20 year waiver is granted that it does not mean that 20 years have to be taken to fix such a nasty problem?….that this is the kind of unresolved problem that is repulsive to potential employers and residents?…that being in proximity to a CSO discharge devalues properties and depresses the City’s tax base?….that it took good leadership on the part of Mayor Weinzapfel to be granted this extension without penalties or fines?….that it will take a true leader to get the citizens of Evansville on board to fix this problem as quick as possible without regard to the cost?…..that with interest rates at an all time low and jobs in immediate demand that there may never be a better time to fix our sewers than right now….that whomever the next Mayor of Evansville is has a golden opportunity to make a lasting difference in the quality of life here by getting on about the business of fixing these sewers?….that this problem should have been fixed at least 30 years ago?

IS IT TRUE that charity and investment both begin at home?….that Evansville is the only city in America with a population over 100,000 that does not have an active Angel Investment Group or a Venture Capital Firm?….that it is difficult for outsiders to justify investing here when local money does not invest here either?….that investment in Evansville is not sufficiently attractive to outside firms to have outside money lining up to put money into the Downtown or anywhere else?….that the Downtown Convention Hotel will be run better, will be more likely to attract outside money, and have better long term prospects IF Evansville based private funds and Evansville based management are the lead investors and managers in the Hotel project?…. that is true for in other projects that come along?……that Evansville people care more about Evansville than they do about that last half of a percent of return on investment?

UE Study Abroad Participation Again Ranks Among America’s Best


Published: November 15, 2010

The nation’s leading voice on study abroad has again named the University of Evansville among America’s elite programs.

The Institute of International Education released its annual Open Doors report today, ranking the top study abroad programs in the nation. For the second consecutive year, UE ranks 9th in the country in study abroad participation among Master’s Degree-granting institutions, with 48.8 percent of graduates having studied abroad during their time on campus.

In all, 250 of the 512 Class of 2009 graduates at UE had studied abroad at some point during their college career, with most spending at least a semester abroad.

“The opportunity to study abroad is one of the hallmarks of the University of Evansville experience, and our sustained excellence in that area is a source of great pride,” said UE President Thomas A. Kazee. “The experiences our students gain from traveling and studying abroad – whether it is at our British campus, Harlaxton College, or anywhere else in the world – give our students a cultural awareness and well-rounded education that can’t be replicated in a traditional classroom.

“So we are very excited by this additional recognition, and by what it signifies to the University of Evansville and our students.”

While the IIE report quantifies the tremendous Study Abroad opportunities UE offers its students, it does not recognize the opportunities UE offers students at other universities through its British campus, Harlaxton College.
Currently, UE has signed partnerships with 20 other colleges across America who sent nearly 200 additional students to Harlaxton in the year covered by today’s report.

“The University of Evansville truly does offers students – both at UE and at our partner institutions – the opportunity to get a truly global education, as our ranking in the IIE Open Doors report illustrates,” said Earl Kirk, director of UE’s Study Abroad program. “But, while the recognition is nice, the most important thing we learn from these distinctions is that our students truly are receiving the kind of life-transforming educational experiences that our Study Abroad program is designed to offer.

“These experiences are part of our mission to prepare students to engage the world as informed, ethical, and productive citizens.”