IS IT TRUE that Dan McGinn (R) City Councilman from the First Ward will be announcing on Les Shively’s radio show tomorrow that he will not be a candidate for Mayor of Evansville in the 2011 Election?….that Councilman McGinn has been the winner of every City County Observer Reader’s Poll that we have posted for the Republican nominee for Mayor of Evansville?….that Councilman McGinn has been a champion of the people of Evansville in calling questionable spending to task?….that the buzz will soon be about only two Republican candidates both of whom are veteran politicians?…..that unless a new face comes out that the Republican contenders appear to be confined to County Councilman Russ Lloyd Jr. and County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke?…..that Councilman McGinn would have been a great candidate?…that we cross our fingers that Councilman McGinn chooses to run to keep his seat on the Evansville City Council and continues his vigilance in stamping out wasteful spending?
IS IT TRUE that new City County Observer columnist County Commissioner Stephen Melcher has advised us that he will not be entering the race for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville?…that Commissioner Melcher has every intention to continue pursuing his passion for leadership in the Vanderburgh County Commissioners and as the Commander of the local Veterans Organization?…that Commissioner Melcher has been a consistent and steady hand at the plow of Vanderburgh County leadership for many years and we wish him success for many more?…that the City County Observer is looking forward to his columns on Veteran’s Affairs and maybe even some guest editorial pieces on other issues on which Commissioner Melcher wishes to write?…that Commissioner Melcher has run strong in our Reader’s polls and would have made a great candidate in what is shaping up to be a spirited campaign?
IS IT TRUE that the time is RIGHT NOW to be soliciting bids to design a solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) problem that the City of Evansville is afflicted with?….that the two year clock is already ticking on restarting the fines for non-compliance?….that this is the biggest infrastructure project that the City of Evansville has ever had to deal with?….that the long arm of the federal government with the EPA will not take kindly to having two years pass with no plan produced?….that it took good leadership and the best negotiator that money can rent to get the two year extension on designing a solution and a 20 year extension on implementing said solution?….that taking the full term to fix this debilitating problem is NOT MANDATORY?….that the test or true leadership will be in fixing this problem and not in postponing a solution?….that there should be an RFP in the development stages and that a design group should be hired within no more than three months?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Arena is something that some people want and other’s don’t?….that functioning sewers, clean air, and pleasant smells 12 months a year is something that every citizen of the City of Evansville NEEDS AND DESERVES?….that the needs of all should take priority over the wants of the few?….that the #1 job of the next Mayor of Evansville will be to push an acceptable solution to the CSO problem to completion?….that if the current Mayor of Evansville does not get this started that his successor will have only 10 months and no budget to do it with?