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Attorney General Greg Zoeller takes lead role in protecting Americans from consumer fraud


Greg Zoeller
National role to focus on consumer financial fraud

INDIANAPOLIS – Attorney General Greg Zoeller today announced he has accepted an appointment to co-chair the National Association of Attorneys General Consumer Protection Committee. As committee co-chairman, Zoeller takes on a national role in the fight against identity theft, foreclosure scams, deceptive business practices and other financial fraud schemes. Zoeller was appointed by North Carolina’s Attorney General Roy Cooper, who was elected President of the National Association of Attorneys General in June.

“The consumer protection role of the Attorney General is very important during these times of economic difficulties,” Zoeller said. “Too many of our citizens are vulnerable to a growing number of scams being run by ever more sophisticated rings that prey on the elderly, unemployed and those who are desperate for financial help. Working together, Attorneys General are better able to provide the greater protection needed while pursuing those who have defrauded consumers in our states.”

The Consumer Protection Committee works to improve the enforcement of consumer protection laws by State Attorneys General. Additionally, the committee:

Supports multi-state consumer protection enforcement efforts
Coordinates training opportunities for law enforcement
Promotes information exchange among the states and federal agencies to aid investigations

“Protecting consumers from frauds and scams is critical in challenging economic times,” Cooper said. “I’m pleased to have Attorney General Zoeller serve in this key role to help coordinate consumer protection efforts among states.”

As committee co-chair, Zoeller will be reviewing the effect the newly passed Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will have on state consumer protection laws. The law creates a new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFP) which takes effect in October. The law also attempts to clarify issues of state preemption, particularly with regards to state regulators holding banks and financial institutions accountable to state regulations. Historically, individual states have been unable to take action against banks for violations of state laws. Zoeller is also part of a working group to research the new law and its implications to ensure regulations under the statute will provide for states to have enforcement abilities provided by the statute.
In addition to leading national consumer protection initiatives, Zoeller announced his office is the recipient of a $53,500 consumer education grant. The grant was awarded by a special committee of state attorneys general and is funded by a multi-state settlement with national retailer Sears. The grant will be used to develop educational programs for those most at risk for identity theft scams, especially senior citizens and college students in Indiana. The funds will allow the Attorney General’s Office to implement a train-the-trainer program by offering online identity theft prevention presentations via Webinar for consumer advocacy groups across the state.

Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the country. Hoosiers can place a free security freeze, also known as a credit freeze, on their credit report to block identity thieves from accessing credit information and opening new accounts in their name. Freezes can be lifted as needed free of charge.

Visit www.IndianaConsumer.com or call 1.800.382-5516 to learn more about how to place a security freeze.

Labor Unions Endorse Hermann


The Central Labor Council of Southern Indiana, an Evansville-based umbrella group of local unions, announced today that it endorses Nicholas Hermann as their candidate of choice for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor. The Central Labor Council represents approximately 12,000 members in southwestern Indiana in a variety of local unions.

Already the Evansville Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 73 and the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police have endorsed Hermann. The local FOP claims more than 600 active members among current and retired law enforcement officers. Approximately 14,000 members make up the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police.

For over two decades the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office has been as much a burden to the victims of crime as it has to the police officers, probation officers, and advocates who work to achieve justice for them. The citizens of Vanderburgh County deserve more than lip service, empty promises and inaction. The citizens of Vanderburgh County deserve a new prosecutor.

Stay connected with the Hermann for Prosecutor campaign online. Click here to visit the campaign’s Facebook page and visit www.HermannForProsecutor.com for the official website.

Paid for and authorized by Hermann for Prosecutor – Mike Robinson, Treasurer




Dear Friends,

As residents of Warrick County, I am asking for your support in our efforts to provide the voters of this county with enhanced access to voting opportunities in the November Election. In 2008, the voters of Warrick County enjoyed greater access to the polls as a result of the opening of a satellite office for voting in the Newburgh/Ohio Township Central Library. Over 1,500 voters took advantage of this opportunity in the 2008 general election. In the spring of 2010, it was proposed to re-open the Newburgh Library for satellite/early voting, and to add a second satellite voting location in Lynnville for voters in the northern parts of Warrick County. A unanimous decision of the election board is required to open satellite voting locations. The Democrat member of the election board voted NO, and as a result, the voters of Warrick County were denied the opportunity to cast their votes early at satellite offices in Newburgh and Lynnville in the 2010 Primary Election.

The Warrick County Election Board is scheduled to meet at 6pm on Thursday, September 16th in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room in the Old Courthouse in Boonville to consider, among other things, the use of satellite/early voting in the 2010 General Election in November. With the help of voters like you, we may be able to bring back satellite voting locations! Here’s how you can help:

1. Sign our online petition at www.warrickrepublicans.com showing your support for satellite voting;

2. Attend the election board meeting on September 16th and make your voice heard;

3. Pass this email along to friends and family members in Warrick County and ask them to show their support as well.

Together, we the voters of Warrick County can, and will make a difference!

C. Richard Martin
Martin & Martin, Attorneys at Law, P.C.
125 S. Second St.
P.O. Box 29
Boonville, IN 47601
Telephone: (812) 897-3650
Facsimile: (812) 897-3651
Email: rick@martinlawyers.net




Published Without Bias or Editing by the City County Observer

When I took over as Chairman several years ago for my second stint, one of the first things that Former Chairman Larry Aiken said to me was to get rid of the Central Committee (CC) booth. We just didn’t need two separate booths at the Fall Festival, particularly because this booth had failed to make any negligible profit.

During the summer, I was approached by Rick Davis and asked to sub-contract our booth out to the JFK Club. This organization has no legal association and is not a part of or a division of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party. This is an entirely separate and distinct organization with their own by-laws, officers, etc. I agreed to let them run the booth. Late last week, I was advised by one of our Democratic Officeholders that this arrangement was prohibited. Upon further review, I was advised that we had violated Rule 13 of the Nut Club and were not allowed to sub-contract this booth. I was told that other organizations were on a waiting list and the booth should be withdrawn, although they indicated it would be my decision at this point what to do.

I decided to withdraw the second booth. We still have another booth near St. Joe Ave., where we sell the best gyros you’ll ever find. All of our candidates are working out of this booth, helping at the booth and will benefit financially from the profits derived from this booth. Because we are concentrating our efforts on the remaining booth, we are looking forward to a banner year. Incidentally, profits from these booths have never been donated to any charities. The purpose of these booths are to raise funds for democrats and all funds have gone for that purpose. We expect to be a part of the Fall Festival for many years to come.

In regards to Rick’s candidacy, I asked Rick to wait until after this election before he made any announcement about the election next year. We have some very competitive races this year and all of our energies should be directed to this election. We have great candidates and we are confident that we will be successful this election. Rick chose to pursue his “unofficial announcement” which is his right. I just preferred that we wait until after November 2nd.
The West Side Fall Festival is a great community event. We are doing all that we can to support this event and suggest that your readers visit our Democratic Booth on the south side of the street, just off St. Joe. They’ll find the best gyros in town and the best candidates for public office and volunteers serving them,

GAGE Announces New President: Deborah Davis Dewey


(Evansville, IN) – The Board of Directors for the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville
(GAGE) is pleased to announce the hiring of Ms. Deborah Davis Dewey, filling the
previously open position of president of GAGE.

Ms. Dewey, a native of Evansville, attended the Florida Institute of Technology earning a
Mechanical Engineering degree. She joined Westinghouse as a design engineer rising to
Manager of Strategic Planning before joining General Electric where she was a Product
General Manager while completing her MBA. Deborah later returned to the Midwest
taking a position with Louisville Gas & Electric where she ran their Western Kentucky
Energy business helping return this entity to profitability. Deborah has consulted on
business plan development, acquisition strategy and business start‐up. She has formed
her own businesses. Deborah established an economic development function within
the power company where she served as President, and as such, supported local,
regional and state efforts to attract new business. She has developed packages for
‘angel’ and tier one investor groups and partnered with local and state government for
incentive packages for green field business projects. Deborah helped lead Henderson,
KY to establish its own United Way organization and she was a founding member and is
currently a Performing Arts faculty member for the Riverbend Academy, a Henderson,
KY educational resource for Visual & Performing Arts.

“We could not be more pleased to have Debbie lead the GAGE team. Debbie has
outstanding experiences that will enable GAGE to better serve Evansville and
Vanderburgh County across a wide range of economic development opportunities.
Debbie’s broad experience with large firms, start‐ups, community services and projects
including her recent development work with the Port of Louisville will have direct
beneficial impact on our region. We welcome Debbie and look forward to her
partnering with businesses, elected officials, higher education and residents of our area
to help craft strategies that grow our economy,” said Daniel C. Bugher, Chairperson of

“I was raised in Evansville. I am proud to have been selected to participate in and lead
Evansville and Vanderburgh County’s economic development organization and I look
forward to working with businesses of all sizes and our elected officials in meeting their
economic development goals through a variety of strategies. Evansville has so much to
offer to both new and existing businesses and I believe that Evansville is poised for
growth with economic recovery,” said Deborah Davis Dewey.

Additional information about GAGE can be found at www.evansvillegage.com

A not-for-profit public-private partnership, The Growth Alliance for Greater
Evansville was created in early 2007 through the concerted efforts of government,
business and higher education. GAGE has five operating divisions: Entrepreneurial,
which operates Innovation Pointe; Downtown Development; EnGAGE, the program of
business outreach and assistance; EvansFests which plans certain Downtown-focused
events; and Technology Transfer, which oversees the partnership with the Naval
Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane).


Women ROC

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – A Sept. 9 debate between Vanderburgh County Commissioner candidates Marsha Abell (Rep.) and incumbent Troy Tornatta (Dem.) will be open to the public at Central Library Browning Rooms A and B. The debate begins at 6 p.m.

The Sept. 9 debate will be hosted by local group WOMEN Right of Center (WOMEN R.O.C.).

In addition, WOMEN R.O.C. will host a debate on September 28 between Vanderburgh County Prosecutor candidates Nick Hermann (Rep.) and incumbent Stan Levco (Dem.). This event will begin at 6 p.m. at Central Library.

“Our group plans these public events because we feel it is so important for the community to be informed about the issues before they step into the voting booth,” notes Holli Sullivan, president of Evansville-based Women Right of Center. “We’re not about endorsing one party over the other at such events. Our mission is to promote knowledge and involvement in politics and the community.”

For more information about the either debate or to R.S.V.P. contact Melissa Mauser, V.P. Communications, at womenrightofcenter@yahoo.com or call 812-480-2675.

VITAL RECORDS office will be CLOSED and no certificates will be issued on SEPTEMBER 24th, 2010.


EVANSVILLE, Due to training on records database system changes, the Vanderburgh County Health Department VITAL RECORDS office will be CLOSED and no certificates will be issued on SEPTEMBER 24th, 2010.

Dr. Ray Nicholson, VCHD Medical Officer, stressed the importance of the training. “It is important we properly train and familiarize our Vital Records staff with a new electronic records system that we are mandated to begin using soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this one day closing causes. “ –

TreeRoots: Genealogy the Next Level


Terry Prall
Willard Library

Special Collections Department
21 First Ave, 2nd Floor
Evansville, IN 47711
For Reservations Call : 812-425-4309 or
Email: lmartin@willard.lib.in.us

Book vendors will be located in the park throughout the day

Willard Library & The Tri-State Genealogical Society

P r e s e n t :
TreeRoots: Genealogy the Next Level

Willard Library
Special Collections Dept
21 First Ave, 2nd Floor
Evansville, IN 47711
For Reservations Call : 812-425-4309 or
Email: lmartin@willard.lib.in.us

Saturday September 18, 2010 9:00 am until 4:00 pm Registration begins at 8:00am

FREE All Day Workshop Entire Workshop Earns (4) LEU’s

Terry Prall, is a retired teacher; his genealogical adventure began in 1990. He has attended the Institute of Genealogy & Historical Research at Samford University, 2001 and The Salt Lake Institute of
Genealogy, 2000-present. The many conferences he has attended include the following: The Midwestern Roots Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, several NGS, FGS and many local/regional conferences.
His research is centered mainly around the Midwestern States, Mid-Atlantic States, Connecticut, Virginia, and Kentucky. His recently published family history is titled:
“Prall, McHugh, Faucett, Crail & Allied Families.”

Session Topics:

(Please make reservations for each individual session that you plan to attend)
•Each Session last 60 mins. • (2) Breaks 30 mins • Lunch 1 1/2 hrs.
9:00 to 10:00 Using Online Resources to Complement Onsite Research
10:30 to 11:30 Researching Collateral Ancestor
11:30 to 1:00 Lunch ( Order Lunch Or On Your Own )
1:00 to 2:00 Mining Family Histories and Compiled Genealogies
2:30 to 3:00 Using City Directories to Fill in the Blanks

To order Lunch, fill out the form below and send it with a Check made out to Ann Farney, in the amount of $6.50, per Lunch.  # of lunches needed.
(To guarantee a lunch, your order needs to be at the Library by Tuesday September 14, 2010)
Name ___________________________________________________
Sandwich: Sides: ( choice of 2 ) Drink:
____Chicken Salad ____Cole Slaw ___ Coke
____ Ham ____ Potato Salad ___ Diet Coke
____ Chicken ____ Macaroni Salad ___ Water
____ Baked Beans
Regular Chips and (2) Cookies are included in the price

Vietnam Wall – A Place of Healing and Remembrance

Don Counts

By: Don Counts, USMC, a proud Vietnam Veteran

When the Vietnam Wall was being designed many veterans sent in suggestions on the design. At the time I favored a more traditional design and sent in my suggestions, but after the Wall was approved, it has become a great landmark and a place of healing for those of us that came home from the war. Through the years every time the wall comes to our area I have to go and reflect upon the memories of my brothers in arms whose names are on the Wall. I can’t help myself when the Wall is near I have to go.

I have known five men that are on the Wall. In years past I have always gone alone or with other veterans. This year my wife, Betty, and great grandson Ryan, went with me. The feelings and remembrances were the same but my composure was much better. As I walked around, finding my brothers names on the wall, my pride of service was high as friends would see me and come over, give me a hug and say “Thank you for your service”.

Rolling Thunder provided an excellent ceremony at the Wall in honor of the fallen heroes, on Saturday with the honor and dignity that the men on the Wall deserve. The Marine Corps League 1090 (http://www.mclrivercities.org/) provided security along with other veterans throughout the hours the wall was on display. This made it possible for the wall to remain open and secure for 24 hours of continuous viewing.

Next door to the Wall’s display was an art exhibit in the skating rink by a Vietnam War vet. His art has aided his healing by allowing him the self expression of drawing the nightmares that continue to rage in his head. He has a book containing his art titled “The Loss of Innocence, Wake Me When it is Over” by Vietnam Combat Veteran Rick McCarty. As I walked through the display, memories replayed, as it did for others I talked to at the exhibit.

Shortly after joining the Marine Corps in 1962, I was deployed to the USS Enterprise where we were positioned off the coast of Cuba during the missile crisis, waiting for President Kennedy to decide if we were going to attack. We came home to no fanfare, parades, or hearing anyone say thank-you. I went to Vietnam in 1967 to 1968, serving 13 months. I again came home again to no fanfare, parades, or a thank you. I served a total of 24 years in the Marine Corps. This is why the wall means so much to Vietnam Vets; we are getting our thank you.

Many Vietnam era veterans are active in Military Organizations trying to insure the veterans of today are thanked and know that their serve is appreciated.

I would like to thank the Mount Vernon American Legion and all the other veterans organizations that worked so hard to bring the wall back to the tri-state once again.



The Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities is gearing up to prepare Indiana’s State Disability Plan for 2012-2016. The completed plan will be used to guide the work of the Council, including its training and dissemination activities, the events it sponsors, and the projects it funds.

Here is your chance to participate in the process! The Council is arranging two ways you can add your voice to the planning process.

The Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities has commissioned the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community to assist them in facilitating eight Town Meetings across the state to gather ideas from individuals with disabilities and family members about the priorities that should be addressed in the upcoming State Disability Plan.

The Town Meetings will be held in the early evening in these places on these dates – please sign up and register for the one you would like to attend. Be sure to fill out a separate RSVP for each person wishing to participate

Evansville Town Meeting: Monday, October 18th Please register at http://www.cwlab.org/ BEFORE NOON on Friday, October 15.
Evansville Town Meeting
Monday, October 18th
6:00 – 8:30 p.m. CENTRAL TIME
Deaconess Health Sciences Building – Johnson Hall
600 Edgar St.
Evansville, IN 47710

Gary / Merrillville Town Meeting: Monday, October 25th Please be sure to register BEFORE NOON on Friday, October 22nd.

South Bend Town Meeting: Tuesday, October 26th Please be sure to register BEFORE NOON on Friday, October 22nd.

Richmond Town Meeting : Monday, November 8th

New Albany / Clarksville Town Meeting: Monday, November 15th

Completed Town Meetings

Indianapolis Town Meeting: Monday, August 30th – Report of Findings is now available.

Fort Wayne Town Meeting: Monday, September 20th – Report of Findings is now available.

Terre Haute Town Meeting: Wednesday, September 29th – Report of Findings is now available.

Town Meeting Topics

At each Town Meeting, there will be “Table Talks” designed to gather ideas about issues of concern to the participants, especially focusing on potential solutions. When you register for a Town Meeting, you’ll also be asked to indicate your TOP THREE topic choices – we will try to assign you to a table dealing with one of your three choices. Your choices plus those of others attending the same Town Meeting are also tallied to determine which 5-6 of the possible table topics will be selected for that Town Meeting.

The ten topics are as follows:

Education (Prekindergarten – 8th grade)

Education (9th grade – Post High School)




Leadership Development

Service Systems and Quality Assurance

Community Participation and Access

Health Care

Long Term Care and Supports


This year’s Disability Poll will focus on “Priorities and Solutions” for addressing issues of importance to the disability community in Indiana. Information from this survey will be used in the development of Indiana’s State Disability Plan. People with disabilities, family members, and advocates are invited to share their ideas in this survey.

Stay tuned for the start-up of this survey in September!

The Disability Poll is conducted annually through a collaboration among Indiana’s Developmental Disabilities (DD) Network: the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, the Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services, and the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community.

Questions about the Town Meetings or the Statewide Survey?
Vicki Pappas
Center for Planning and Policy Studies
Indiana Institute on Disability and Community
2853 East Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47408-2696

Toll Free: (800) 825-4733
Phone: (812) 855-6508
TT: (812) 855-9396
E-mail: cpps@indiana.edu