Patrick McBride Speaks out on the Evansville Parks Situation
How Did Evansville’s Parks get into such a State of Neglect
I often wonder how and why our elected officials allowed the Evansville City Parks to get into the dilapidated shape they are in today. What I have come to understand is that no one is perfect but that one should also never stop to endeavor to make things better. No one can be everywhere all the time but failure to notice the deteriorating condition of Evansville’s Parks is simply negligence. Did they turn a blind eye to the advanced state decay? I don’t know the answer, but what I do know is that when people ask for help the last thing an elected official should do is to tune them out. It seems as though that is what has happened and no one seems to want to be accountable.
It took two individuals Dr. Neil Troost and Chester Downs to bring it all to light. How many others were aware or have had negative experiences with the parks and were afraid to come forward or had such a lack of faith in local government that they thought their efforts would be useless? These two individuals didn’t want publicity nor did they want to seek celebrity status. What they wanted and continue to want is much more than that. They want what we all want, for our citizens and children to have a safe and pleasurable environment in Evansville’s public parks. They seek to reclaim places for kids and parents alike to feel comfortable showing up not to just the parks in the 2nd Ward but all of Evansville.
They and I want a responsive system to alert others of the dangers for families in the Evansville parks. We as human beings seem to have forgotten our biggest role in life, and that is the caring of others, especially children. We have forgotten to slow down and take a look around to make sure we are aware of what is going on around us.
I have discussed the park ranger program and how there seemed to be less problems back when there were Park Rangers in Evansville. Some say EPD does a better job than the Park Rangers did but fact is that as great of a job that EPD does in our community their resources are stretched to the limit. I prefer that the EPD concentrate on serious criminal activity such as drug dealers, prostitution, and violence in our neighborhoods. The EPD should be called in by Park Rangers when serious crimes are being perpetrated in our parks.
We have to figure out a way of allocating funds to curb the vandalism and to reclaim our once renowned city park system. I am encouraged to learn that both private and public funds are starting to be considered to reclaim the parks. These are steps in the right direction but they are only small steps.
What people thirst for in government more than anything else is leadership. We need leaders and not followers. No park in this city should strike fear into the hearts of our citizens and no park should be littered to the point of being unsanitary or unsafe.
I am committed to seeing Evansville’s Parks safe and attractive. If the people of the 2nd Ward honor me with elected office, I pledge as a member of the Evansville City Council to make the reclamation of the parks and especially the Vann-Pollack Park in the 2nd Ward where I live as one of my most important priorities. I am eager to work with anyone at anytime including my fellow Council members and our next Mayor to make this happen.
Patrick McBride, Candidate
Democratic Nomination for Evansville City Council