IS IT TRUE? Part 2 June 15, 2011
IS IT TRUE that Arena Czar John Kish will go before the Vanderburgh County Council on July 6, 2011 to make a request that many people have predicted for some time now?…that this request will be for the Vanderburgh County Council to commit money that is the property of the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County to help pay for part of one of the many non-Arena projects that are having to be done as a result of the Arena project?…that this request will be in the amount of $3.5 Million for the purpose of a walk bridge to cross Martin Luther King Boulevard between the Centre and whatever ends up in the other west side of MLK?…that there is a walk bridge in place now that is a bridge to nowhere or to the ancient ruins of the Executive Inn whatever you prefer to call them?…that the City County Observer predicted this price of $3.5 Million on several occasions only to be scoffed at by the “powers that beâ€?…that this $3.5 Million chicken just came home to roost and that the City of Evansville is looking for the Vanderburgh County taxpayers to bail them out of this to be defined dilemma?
IS IT TRUE that some members of the Vanderburgh County Council may just suggest that Mr. Kish should have a discussion with the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau about contributing to the bailout?…that just last night that new Executive Director was on TV talking “BALLFIELDSâ€?…that in all fairness Mr. Warren was not talking about $18 Million ballfields and the destruction of Roberts Stadium but that someone has planted that BALLFIELD BUG in his mind?…that there is no reason to do anything with BALLFIELDS of any kind until the MLK Entertainment Complex is completed including a Convention Hotel?…that this next financial DAY OF RECKONING is astoundingly close to the July 6, 2011 hat-in-hand date for Mr. Kish?…that he may just find that the reception is not so warm to this request unless full and transparent disclosure of every expense is detailed and a full justification is made for the “needâ€?…that we are sure that this expense will not have any allocation of money in the ARENA BUDGET?…that this is false accounting because it should have been known all along that the bridge would be needed?…that to say this cost is not attributable to either the ARENA or the FIELD OF DREAMS MAY NEVER HAPPEN HOTEL is just misleading?…that we once again shake our heads in belief?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Weinzapfel is letting it be known that he is planning to give the hard working and much deserving employees of the City of Evansville a 2% raise this year?…that employees of the Civic Center are so accustomed to getting special treatment during an election year and scraps during non-election years that this is no surprise?…that it has been reported by Mole #56 who has a sterling track record that the Controller of the City of Evansville was not aware of the intention to grant raises?…that raises as deserved as they are should have been made known to the Controller whose job is basically to make sure that the City of Evansville does not run out of money?
IS IT TRUE that Mole #78 tells us that the Republican Party leadership is courting a retired Air Force veteran that is both educated and charismatic to run against Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley for the 3rd Ward Evansville City Council seat?…that interest and capability have both been established and that major discussions have begun?
IS IT TRUE that to honor CCO and CP comment poster Bubbageek that we would like to dedicate the following video titled “JACKAL PACK�