IS IT TRUE? November 9, 2011
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Elect Winnecke is hitting the ground running in his transition time to form his administration?…that it has now been published that Mayor Elect Winnecke will be replacing the Evansville Police Chief, the Evansville Fire Chief, City Controller, Director of Parks and Recreation, the Director of Metropolitan Development and the Director of Transportation Services?…that we encourage Mayor Elect Winnecke to fill these positions with people of integrity and accomplishment and to force the salary schedules of the City of Evansville to be raised so that we can be competitive for national caliber of talent?…that hiring and approval will be his first challenge to move past an 8 – 1 Democrat controlled City Council?
IS IT TRUE that during the campaign debates that City Councilman John Friend, CPA stated that the City of Evansville has only $3 Million more in General Obligation Bonds that can be issued without exceeding the legal credit limit of the City?…that we understand that municipal credit limits are at least partially determined by the total assessed value of the properties in the city?…that with the expected decrease in assessed value due the appeals working their way through the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s office and the legitimate decline in housing and commercial property values?…that the City of Evansville may have a $3 Million margin now but that this can easily vaporize to ZERO or less with an honest market value reassessment cycle?…that securing and managing to cash flow will be a serious challenge to the Winnecke Administration?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Elect Winnecke has now inherited the debacles of the downtown Convention Hotel and the McCurdy too?…that we do have our fingers crossed that the McCurdy really gets its financing this time but we believe that a project audit is in order to validate the plans and costs of the project?…that several competent people have opined all along that $12 Million is not even close to what will be needed to complete refurbishment of the McCurdy Hotel into 90 luxury apartments?…that the numbers budget for $18 Million but expect $20 Million have been discussed?…that there is only one thing worse than having the McCurdy sit there perpetually empty and that is to start the project and run out of money?
IS IT TRUE that with respect to the downtown Convention Hotel that Mayor Weinzapfel and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission will just step aside and let the Winnecke Administration with its own appointed ERC handle this task?…that this task has been bungled and plagued for 4 years now and that another 7 weeks of waiting will not change a thing?…that if Mayor Elect Winnecke has to live with this decision that he should be the driving force behind making the decision?
IS IT TRUE that the Community Comment in today’s Courier offered a new perspective on voting and the American electorate?…that to sum it up a good paraphrase would be “if you are too dumb, lazy, and selfish to take the time to reach a logical decision on how to vote for what is best for all, then please don’t voteâ€?…that this perspective is worth a read and consideration so we provide our readers with the link to Dr. Cecil Bohannon’s article?…that the CCO thinks the same logic should apply to elected officials who are supposed to be voting for what is right as opposed to what is right for them?