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IS IT TRUE? July 18, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 18, 2011

IS IT TRUE that before truly beginning to evaluate the two, three, or more bids that may show up today in response to the RFP for a new Downtown Convention Hotel that there needs to be some serious exercise in getting the evaluators act together?…that thus far Mayor Weinzapfel and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission which seem to be flying solo while blindfolded have wandered in a financial wilderness for a full year ending up right back where they started?…that prior to this year of chasing their tail there was a two year tail chasing episode with the Mayor alone at the helm in the rudderless ship?

IS IT TRUE that it is time for the Evansville City Council and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to stop performing like an insane clown posse and to put together an objective financial criteria that will actually result in securing a developer that has both sufficient financing and the right experience base to get a nationally branded 3-Star or above hotel where the ROCK PILE currently sits?…that the days for gut feelings, rules of thumb, old boy networks, and cronyism are over?…that it is time for the City Council and the ERC to agree on an antiseptic vetting process that is based on merit and capability?…that the stewards of this process should be a committee that includes competent elected officials from both parties, independent thinkers who understand things like cash flows and good business practice, and most importantly are not puppets for anyone?

IS IT TRUE that if a 3rd, 4th, or 5th party comes to the table with a proposal after today’s deadline that there is no logical reason that their proposal should not be considered as a backup in the event that today’s bidders do not vet well?…that any business that would not consider back up offers for a process that has been as challenged as attracting and vetting a hotel developer has been would not even be considered to be competent?…that the “winner” does not need to be a rush to judgment?…that getting a hotel has always been more important than getting a headline?…that there have been more pictures of downtown Convention Hotel renderings in headlines in Evansville in the last several years than there are hotels in Evansville?…that the lack of a process has basically only resulted in articles and renderings and no hotel?…that the ink will get pretty acidic if this process fails yet again?

IS IT TRUE that any attempt by anyone to force a fast decision without a thorough VETTING PROCESS have been conducted should be removed from the decision team?…that assumes that there will be a decision team formed?…that early stage VETTING for the purpose of eliminating financially tenuous respondents really can be fairly simple?…that a competent and diligent VETTING COMMITTEE should do simple things like credit checks and supplier references in very short order?…that the real purpose of VETTING is to eliminate respondents that have such high risks that the probability for another debacle is high?

IS IT TRUE that tomorrow that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission will once again sit in judgment of the responses of any businesses that have chosen to put in a bid to BUILD AND OPERATE a downtown Convention Hotel that is slated to sit upon the land south of the new Arena and west of the Centre?…that one very real question regarding this bidding process is just why the ERC is the governing body that is sitting in such judgment?…that it may just be worth examining on what authority that the ERC is doing this and how and when that authority was granted?

IS IT TRUE that without regard for what authority has or has not been granted, it is time to put a rational objective process in place and let the process drive the decision?…the lack of objectivity and the failure to establish VETTING PROCEDURES has this car in the ditch?…that it is time to go back to driving school and change drivers?

IS IT TRUE that this dog should not be anyone’s role model?

IS IT TRUE? July 17, 2011


IS IT TRUE? July 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in 48 hours that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission will once again sit in judgment of the responses of any businesses that have chosen to put in a bid to BUILD AND OPERATE a downtown Convention Hotel that is slated to sit upon the land south of the new Arena and west of the Centre?…that one very real question regarding this bidding process is just why the ERC is the governing body that is sitting in such judgment?…that it may just be worth examining on what authority that the ERC is doing this and how and when that authority was granted?

IS IT TRUE that presumptively this authority is was granted by the Evansville City Council to the ERC in 2009 with the passage of Resolution C-2009-20 and further detailed by the ERC that same month with 09-ERC-40?…that among other things the authorities granted included “supporting activities consistent with and in furtherance of the recommendations set out in the “Market, Financial, Funding, & Site Analysis – Multi Purpose Arena Venue in Evansville, Indiana” including undertaking feasibility studies, planning and design work, site acquisition, site preparation, infrastructure serving sites, site improvements either directly by the activities of the ERC or indirectly in combination with activities of private enterprises”?…that we wonder just which of those things that providing tax abatement and direct financial assistance to a private hotel developer that falls under?

IS IT TRUE that the Resolution C-2009-20 plainly states that “no property tax money will be used” in doing any of the things that the ERC was granted authority over?…that granting a tax abatement or phase-in as some prefer to call it does indeed use property tax money?…that the way it does this is by deferring property taxes for a developer?…that those dollars of property taxes are then distributed into the tax bills of the taxpayers of Evansville to the extent that any overall rate is increased for any of the years of the abatement?…that the only way to escape this Snegal little tactic is to have your property taxes maxed out against the 1% limit before the abatement takes place?…that the ERC does not appear to have the authority to make deals with tax abatements and that the permission granted for the tax abatement agreement that Woodruff Hospitality LLC was granted died when the agreement was rescinded?…that the structure of the deal for whomever rises to the top of the heap of bidders will have to once again go before the Evansville City Council for approval of any and all public assistance included in the package?

IS IT TRUE that it is tradition for political campaigns to seek donations from construction companies and trade unions?…that quite often these companies are the winning bidders in public works projects?…that many of these companies and the unions that they hire do indeed make donations to political campaigns?…that this is another SNEGAL artifact of our accepted way of paying for public projects?…that for a City to pay money to a company for doing a legitimate job and for that company to then donate to the campaign of any of the people who were in office at the time the bid was submitted is a two degrees of separation way to transfer public tax money into the campaign coffers of politicians?…that when such companies are granted tax abatements that any politician that receives a political contribution is basically getting that money from the taxpaying citizens?…that every construction company, subcontractor, union, or other benefactor of public works that later transfers money to a politician in the form of a contribution is part of a practice that runs the price of public projects higher?…that a better system would not allow such things to happen?…that direct payments for jobs are standard operating procedure in banana republics?…that is part of why we call them banana republics?…that this and other RFP’s should ask for a list of politicians that each responder has made in the last 3 years and FORBID any contributions to the campaigns of people who approved any tax abatements for the entire period of the abatement?

IS IT TRUE that we really wonder how a hotel became a public works project and exactly which budget this will be allocated to if and when public money is committed to private project?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder who is GLOBAL SPECTRUM and just why they were not a bidder to manage the new Arena?

On That Old Rock Pile, I Gotta Do My Time


Johnny Cash’s Tribute to Downtown Evansville: from one Johnny to Another

IS IT TRUE? July 16, 2011 “Who Owns Aztar”


IS IT TRUE? July 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the question has been bantered about for the past few days about just who owns Aztar?…that there has even been a rumor put forth that Mayor Weinzapfel’s old nemesis William Yung III may be the money behind some of the proposals being put together in response to the RFP to build a new Convention Hotel where the ROCK PILE is?…that there has even been speculation that Mr. Yung may be doing this to have a full blown monopoly on hotel rooms in downtown Evansville?…that the only way for that to have any legs is for Mr. Yung and his company Columbia Sussex to still own the Aztar Complex?…that we then embarked upon a mission to find out just exactly who owns Aztar?

IS IT TRUE that our search led us to a company that is named Tropicana Entertainment Inc. that is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada?…that this business also owns casino complexes in Louisiana, New Jersey, Nevada, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Aruba?…that on March 31, 2011 that Tropicana Entertainment Inc. filed a Form 10-Q with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission which is a quarterly report required under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934?…that Tropicana Entertainment Inc. is a Delaware corporation with its federal employer ID # 27-0540158?…that TEI was formed on May 11, 2009 to essentially acquire and consolidate the operations of a host of businesses that were the subjects of litigation?…that buried in one of those business was Evansville’s Casino Aztar?…that Carl C. Icahn, Chairman of our Board of Directors, became the beneficial owner of approximately 47.5% of the Company’s Common Stock. Subsequent to March 8, 2010, Mr. Icahn increased his ownership and on November 15, 2010, affiliates of Carl C. Icahn became the beneficial owners of approximately 51.5% of the Company’s Common Stock?

IS IT TRUE that this 10-Q is a very detailed document that we have scanned for the names William Yung III and Columbia Sussex?…that neither name showed up in the 10-Q?…that we therefore conclude that Mr. Yung no longer holds a controlling interest in Evansville’s Casino Aztar?…that the name of the man who does own a controlling interest in the Aztar Complex is none other than that legendary financier and sometimes corporate raider Carl Celian Icahn?…that as of March 31, 2011, funds managed by Carl Icahn at Icahn Capital Management were valued at $6.24 billion?

IS IT TRUE that this is the kind of person that we should welcome to Evansville?…that if Mr. Icahn were to take an interest in Evansville’s potential as a incubator of commercial success that our much publicized vacuum of venture capital could be solved immediately?…that while it is fun and games for some people to demonize the rich that it is only the rich and super rich that have the capacity to put together the kind of investment funds needed to fuel the dreams and successes of entrepreneurs?…that this is one area of our economy where the judgment of governments is neither wanted nor needed?

IS IT TRUE that the rumor mongering about Mr. William Yung III being the money behind some proposal to build a hotel does indeed have some very small probability for truth?…that Mr. Yung and Columbia Sussex do indeed own and operate a large portfolio of hotel properties of the 3-Star and above type?…that they are familiar with the Evansville market and are only headquartered about 3 hours away?…that stranger things have happened in this whole Executive Inn Dilemma?…that we shall all know the sources of the funding IF and only IF our esteemed Evansville Redevelopment Commission and our Evansville City Council puts together a competent VETTING procedure and a team of people that actually have the ability to follow that procedure without letting politics corrupt the VETTING PROCESS?

A link to the entire 10-Q of Tropicana Entertainment Inc.


Back to the Rock Pile for Klenk Construction


Hiatus Inspired Declaration of Emergency

Three days after walking off of the job at the Rock Pile that was the Executive Inn, Klenck Construction has been hired by Mayor Weinzapfel and the City of Evansville to finish the job. Both parties anticipate that a contract agreement can be reached on Monday and approved at the next meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission on Tuesday. The certainty that the full taxing authority of the City of Evansville is backing the forthcoming contract was enough to get Klenck to agree to return to the Rock Pile. It is estimated that he remainder of the removal of the rubble will take about 3 weeks of work.

Take That: July 15, 2011


Take That: July 15, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Big Rock Emergency Warning

“Myself, I think the CCO is doing a great service to the community, it’s needed and welcomed by most thinking people to have the CCO around keeping the pot stirred up, and apparently the city council has at lest one member who has the same sentiment. I do wish someone from the ERC would speak up, but I doubt that will ever happen, they would seem to be part of the same “Ole Boys Club” that has plagued our city for a great number of years.” Blanger

“It’s time for picketing of the Civic Center demanding transparency, end to cronyism and back-door deals, proper vetting procedures, etc… etc…” Big Pappa

“if a large unmoving but unsightly pile of rocks is an emergency, what about the landslides along the river in Newburgh?” Henry

“So, you seem to know lots of things about how government works. What are your thoughts on patronage and nepotism? Both of those things influence votes.” Mister Bill

“Keep up the good news CCO, your format seems to have a viability that soon2b cannot grasp, but the proof is in the pudding, and the Numbers show CCO is doing something right.” Crash larue

“Whining to the CCO about “negativity” only tells us that the complainer is deeply committed to supporting the corrupt agenda of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, they demand that the CCO follow the lead of the Courier by ignoring Whineyzappel’s one million dollar campaign fund, and all of the under-the-table deals he has made with corrupt businesses.
All of this amounts to an acceleration in the implosion of Evansville as a decent place to live. So if you would prefer to shove your head in the sand and permanently keep it there, be my freaking guest, but don’ be surprised in what you see when you come back up for air!”
Dr. John Not the Night Tripper

IN REPSONSE TO: Evansville’s Catch 22: What a Non-Difference a Year Has Made

“nice to read a common sense article about the new hotel rather than some of the garbage and comments that were written last week.” Paul Elpers

“The more things change the more they remain the same.” Don Counts

“The most underwater thing that has ever been built downtown is the new Arena. If the city put up a for sale sign on that $127M and counting investment of public dollars, it would be sold at a minimum of a $100 Million loss. Compared to the Arena the hotel at 50% underwater is a steal. I seriously do not believe that any project in downtown Evansville is worth the construction cost to make it happen in the free market.” TheDonald

USI Night with the Otters!


The University of Southern Indiana’s Alumni Association invites alumni, employees, students, and friends of USI to USI Night with the Otters Saturday, July 30, at Bosse Field.

Evansville’s Frontier League baseball team the Evansville Otters will play the River City Rascals at 6:35 p.m. that evening. The USI Alumni Association will have a picnic from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Left Field Tent with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, and soda.

Tickets are $13 for adults and $6.50 for children ages 6 to 8. Children under 5 years old will be admitted free. The cost includes a reserved seat ticket and picnic.

Click here to reserve your USI night with the Otters tickets. Reservations are required by Monday, July 25. Pick up reserved tickets on July 30 at the USI table located at Bosse Field’s left gate entrance.

If you need disability-related accommodations contact Nancy Johnson at 812/464-1924.

Gizmos & Gadgets Program at Central Library


Evansville, IN – Interested in checking out the latest electronic gadgets without a sales pitch? On Monday, July 18th from 3:00 to 8:30 pm, Best Buy will be at Central Library with a variety of devices, like laptops, smartphones, digital cameras, eReaders, and more. Customers are invited to stop by the Browning Events Room to explore products and ask questions. Whether you’re thinking of purchasing a new device or already have one and need tips on operating it, Gizmos & Gadgets will help guide you through the many hi-tech options available today.

For more information about this program, customers may call 428-8246.