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Talking Heads: Burning Down the House


Dedicated to meth labs and gas leaks

IS IT TRUE? August 16, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? August 16, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the Civic Center is reportedly being evacuated because of a gas leak at the construction site of the new Arena?…that we wonder of the evacuation also includes the Centre, the Central Library, Signature School, the Victory Theatre, and the businesses that are within a block of the Arena to the west?…that a couple of weeks ago the evacuations were ordered over a broken water main and now it is a gas leak?…that every hiccup like this in the final stages of the construction project for the Arena is moving that grand opening day further into the future?

IS IT TRUE that the UE basketball games with Butler and IU which will be sellouts are only 3 months from now?…that these games would have sold out Roberts Stadium too?…that with Roberts Stadium being prematurely mothballed that the option of having these games in Roberts will not exist?…that mothballing Roberts Stadium prior to the opening of the new Arena and a moderate period of time to work the bugs out of its operation may just take the prize for the decision with the most unnecessary risk in the history of Evansville?…that if the Arena is late to open for any reason whatsoever and the Butler and/or IU games have to be moved?…that the decision to mothball Roberts before the Arena is opened will go down in history as one of the stupidest logistical decisions in the history of the City of Evansville?…that we wonder which high school gym that these major games will be relocated to if the Arena is not ready?

IS IT TRUE that we hope we do not have to hear the voice of the Aces saying “coming to you live tonight from the _____ High School gymnasium, is a game between the Evansville Purple Aces and the defending NCAA runner-up Butler Bulldogs”?…that such a farce would be the exclamation point on a project that has set new records for what happens when there is no planning at all?…that if this happens it will actually be as a result of one of the only things that has been planned and that is the sabotage of Roberts Stadium?

IS IT TRUE that sure to from that today’s meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission did indeed hide behind the “other business” line item to bring Hunden Strategic Partners in for a presentation on the vetting process?…that this is a very important topic of local interest and should always have its own line item on the agenda?…that Chris Verville of Prime Lodging LLC tells us that he called ahead to see if there would be any vetting issues discussed and was told NO?…that this is just plain SNEGAL (sneaky but legal)?…that thanks to Mole #77 the City County Observer was tipped off that the presentation would be included?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Hunden’s presentation regarding the vetting process did not include any mention of vetting the designs proposed for reality when it comes to construction budgets?…that some would ask why this is important?…that the reason is so that the pictures and verbal descriptions in the proposals are consistent with what can be built for $33 Million?…that we are aware of other vetting companies that believe that a sanity test on the designs and the construction budget is one of the most important indicators of a projects success?…that we have it on good authority that the vetting process does not include this critical evaluation exercise?

Hotel Vetting Process Just Now Getting Started


Hunden Strategic Partners of Chicago has started reviewing the numbers

Rob Hunden of Hunden Strategic Partners of Chicago gave an overview of what the vetting process that was advocated by the City County Observer for the past year will be like. Hunden emphasized that the first step in the vetting process is to to the analysis required to determine whether or not the number of the project are legitimate. Beyond that Mr. Hunden disclosed that they have not yet met with either of the companies that provided proposals for the downtown hotel but that arrangements have been made to meet with them on Thursday August 18th and Wednesday August 24th.

Hunden spoke about a vetting process just to advance to the next level that evaluates the backgrounds of the developers, their partners, and the viability of their financing. Sara Miller of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission astutely asked about the vetting of the proposed future hotel operators and management agreements as a long term success is the real goal of this project. Mr. Hunden responded favorably to Ms. Miller’s suggestion.

Hunden was careful to point out that financing hotels is very difficult in today’s market and that traditional financing nowadays is only available from 50% – 60% of the valuation of the hotel as opposed to up to 75% in the past. Hunden will have a better idea if either or both of the proposals will be deemed as viable after the face to face interviews and a sufficient time to follow up on them.

Here is a link to the website of Hunden Strategic Partners and another link to the City County Observer article on the valuation of the future hotel.



ERC OK’s $5 Charge at Parking Garages for Arena Events


$5 in Garages Otherwise It's a Free for All

Okays Deal for UE Basketball to play in downtown Arena

The Evansville Redevelopment Commission has adopted a $5 per car pay up front format at all City of Evansville parking garages for all evening and weekend events in the new Arena. It was pointed out that there are approximately 1,600 spaces in the 4 garages that will be available for spectators at Arena events. It was also reiterated that all of the on street parking and the “back 40” lot east of the Civic Center will remain free to people on a first come first served basis.

On the recommendation of arena project manager John Kish, the Evansville Redevelopment Commission voted unanimously to accept an contract that will bring the UE baskeball teams to the Arena for about $10,500 per game.

In other business a change order of over $30,000 associated with a portion of the downtown road reversal project was approved. This amounted to what Pat Keepes of the City of Evansville meticulously described as a 3.93% overrun. A portion of the overruns were due to specification incompatibility between the original project and the Arena itself with the Arena’s specification being followed at a higher price.

Gage was also represented at today’s meeting to report on the difference of appearance in plastic and canvas awnings when backlighting is used and to request to hire Kripe to evaluate the tuck pointing at the Innovation Pointe building. A field trip to get a visual field for the awnings was authorized by the ERC.

VHS Pet of the Week: “Lelo”


Say hello to Lelo! Lelo is a feisty but loveable 1-year-old spayed DSH. Lelo is looking for a kind, gentle home where she can take a nap without a worry in the world. Lelo has lived with other cats and will do best in a home with maybe one other feline companion. She loves the company of children but would prefer older more gentle children. Lelo loves to play with toys and chase bugs. She will certainly liven up your home. Her adoption fee is $30 and that includes her up-to-date vaccinations, microchip with national registration, sample bag of food and more. For more information on how to make Lelo a part of your family, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.

Attorney General’s statement on ruling in school vouchers case


Zoeller: Choice scholarships are constitutional, statute will be defended

INDIANAPOLIS – Today a Marion County court issued a ruling in the legal challenge to Indiana’s new school vouchers law, House Enrolled Act 1003 (Public Law 92). Judge Michael Keele denied the plaintiff’s motion for a preliminary injunction, which means the State’s new choice scholarships program will remain in effect. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller’s office is defending the new state statute from the plaintiffs’ legal challenge and Zoeller today issued this statement:

“Today’s ruling is a victory for Hoosier students and families currently utilizing the choice scholarship program. While lawsuits challenging the exercise of state and federal government authority are not unexpected, the court’s ruling indicates there is not an immediate need to halt the program and disrupt the start of the school year for these students. My office will continue to defend this new statute the Legislature passed in any future court proceedings,” Zoeller said.

IS IT TRUE? PART 2 August 16, 2011


IS IT TRUE? PART 2 August 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mole #77 tells us that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission will indeed be hearing a report regarding the VETTING PROCESS for the hotel proposals?…that we wonder why this needed to be a part of the “other business” as opposed to a defined line item on the agenda?…that even if this is not sneaky and secretive that it certainly looks that way?

IT IS TRUE that on this coming Monday the Vanderburgh County Council will begin their 2012 Budget hearing?…that the County Council has $67.5 worth of budget requests and only $61.5 of revenue projected for 2012?…if the “CCO “MOLE 3” figures are correct, the Vanderburgh County Council “Budget Busters” are facing a $6.0 million dollar revenue shortfall?…that “CCO Mole #3” predicts that the Sheriff Department, Jail and the Information Tech. department budgets are going to get the “Budgetary Evil Eye”? …that the renowned County Council budget cutters -Lloyd, Shelter and Raben are ready to balance the County Budgets based on projected revenue?…that the county road paving budget and raises for county employees could also be on the budget chopping block?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville budget will also raise allot of eyebrows not only by what is proposed for spending but for what may not get budgeted adequately?…that the normal things that municipalities do are all easy to budget for and lend themselves to cut and paste techniques with tweaks from previous years?…that things like the eventual actions regarding Roberts Stadium are pretty much limited to whatever is budgeted?…that democratic candidate for Mayor Rick Davis has talked about some things that he wants to do to improve the dilapidated Evansville Parks?…that if nothing is put into the budget RIGHT NOW that his hands will be tied next year should he become Mayor?…that the same is true for any proposed programs that Lloyd Winnecke proposes?…that the Weinzapfel Administration and the current City Council can easily tie the next Mayor’s hands behind his back by appropriating ZERO DOLLARS to fulfill campaign promises?

IS IT TRUE that an item of interest will be the financial allocation for the audit of the Information Technology department?…that this money should be in the IT budget as opposed to a line item of its own as we have been told that one certain “power that be” requested?

IS IT TRUE that one line item of interest that should be in the 2012 City of Evansville budget is a significant appropriation to do the design for the plan to bring the Combined Sewer Overflow problem into EPA compliance?…that if this vital function is punted again in this budget that the next Mayor will be dealing with default on the program and the reinstatement of fines?…that the Evansville City Council needs to assure that an adequate allocation of funds is budgeted for this task?

IS IT TRUE that the EPA is setting up an educational program to teach the people of Evansville about the dangers of lead poisoning in the Jacobsville Superfund area?…that heavy metal pollution in the soil has been positively correlated to conditions like autism?…that the link below is the official EPA website for the Jacobsville Superfund site?


Downtown Today: 8/16/2011


Time 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Subject ERC
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the third Tuesday of every 1 month effective 8/16/2011 until 8/16/2011 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
SARAH @ 7825
Categories ROOM 307

Time 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the third Tuesday of every 1 month effective 8/16/2011 until 8/16/2011 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Angie @ 5233
Sgt. Vernon Lutz @ 7971
Categories ROOM 318

Time 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location 307
Reminder 15 minutes
JEANIE @ 4918
Categories ROOM 307

IS IT TRUE? August 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? August 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it has been reported to the City County Observer that the locally owned pharmacies are more than willing to sign up for the meth materials data base where purchases of PSE materials are reported to law enforcement?…that we are also being told that some locally owned pharmacies are even considering taking these products off of the shelf altogether as the pain is not worth the gain?…that multiple moles tell us that it is the big national chains that are not enthused to start to report the sales of such materials to law enforcement?…that the big national chains that operate on what seems like every corner in town or in big box retail stores are booking big profits on the sale of PSE materials to people who do not buy them for a cold?…that it has been reported that on any Friday night in Evansville that the meth heads among us recognized by their gaunt physiques, oversized clothing, bad teeth, and pick marks on their faces can be seen lining up in these stores to buy the biggest box that they can without being reported?…that stopping this supply chain by whatever means is necessary will go a long way toward minimizing the meth problem?…that once again MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO tactics will work?…that the Evansville Monkeys need to look to Oregon for a very effective solution?… that then the Evansville Monkeys will need to DO?

IS IT TRUE that the statewide smoking ban is gathering headlines again?…that Governor Daniels thinks that there if a chance for this to pass in the 2012 legislative session?…that there is always a chance but it has been very low so far but that the Governor and state representative Charlie Brown will push things a little further again?…that last year that the Indiana legislator added exemptions for nearly everything in the state except Kindergarten classes and weakened the bill to the point that even the American Cancer Society rejected the piece of garbage that was concocted?…that by almost any measure the City of Evansville will be dramatically strengthening the smoking ban in 2012?…that going ward by ward and with nearly any combination of at large results the 5+ votes needed to pass a smoking ban will be there?…that the 5th Ward contest may be instrumental in whether the ban will include Casino Aztar or not?

IS IT TRUE that we are sorry to learn of the decisions by the owner/managers to close two well know and locally owned retail businesses last week?…that nearly everyone in Evansville has shopped at Baumberger’s Furniture on Morgan Avenue?…that for a number of reasons including the growth of the Green River and Burkhardt retail centers the Baumberger family has decided to close the store and concentrate on their mattress outlet?…that there are probably a few more guaranteed lowest price opportunities to be had during the Baumberger’s close out sale?…that Henderson also is losing a long time business to the economy or maybe just to retirement time?…that Henderson Paint and Glass is ceasing business after 64 years of serving the community?…that the new business model of large orders and trying to compete against big box retailers has taken its toll on Main Street America and the personal way of life that many of us over 40 still appreciate and are willing to pay a little extra for?…that we will miss these two businesses and wish the owners well in their future lives?

IS IT TRUE that we really hope that there are no shenanigans pulled at the ERC meeting this morning under the guise of “other business”?…that big items like the Arena, the hotel, and the McCurdy need to be announced and published so that the public is well informed about actions that are taken regarding forwarding these projects?

IS IT TRUE? August 15, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? August 15, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the author of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift has a very famous quote attributed to him regarding the recognition of people who are considered to be geniuses?…that this quote follows and is particularly relevant in this modern day when our political leaders ignore the will of the people and seek to oppress those who speak out against them?

“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign: that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”
— Jonathan Swift

IS IT TRUE that it has been suggested to the City County Observer that the City of Evansville has been playing the role of a battered spouse for many years?…that the battered spouse is one who tolerates abuse, eventually accepts some responsibility for having been abused, and eventually either lashes out at the batterer and is liberated or resigns to accept victimization for the remainder of life?…that maybe Evansville is at the fork in the road and needs to make that decisions?…that when we asked who the battering spouse of the City of Evansville is that the response was a long succession of dictatorial Mayors?…that this is good seed for thought as all of our last 50 years of Mayors have not been remembered as dictatorial strongmen?…that many have?

IS IT TRUE that in staying true to the theme of a company that could tabulate tangible financial benefits by purchasing the naming rights to the new Arena the name Ameriqual was suggested?…that having a captive audience to sell MRE’s to at full retail price plus an Arena premium could really put some bucks in the coffers of Ameriqual?…that a whole new retail food source would be made available to the population of Evansville with the MRE Bistro as the concessions operator for the Arena?…that we do not believe that there is any other headquarters in town that makes its living providing food?…that if the Yum Center is any indicator that soon we may have an announcement regarding the Ameriqual Arena?

IS IT TRUE that the meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission scheduled for tomorrow morning published an agenda today?…that there is no line item published in the agenda that mentions or alludes to the downtown Convention Hotel, any premium seating in the Arena, Arena naming or sponsorship rights, or the McCurdy Hotel?…that it really is still too early for the hotel vetting to be complete?…that the rest of these issues should be on and ERC Agenda soon?

IS IT TRUE that the ideal weather of the past weekend was a great opportunity to get out of the house and do something?…that the crowd at Ellis Park was capacity as times of old?…that Evansville and Henderson are very fortunate to still have live horse racing in late summer to enjoy?…that it seems like in 2011 that July had August weather and that August is having July weather?…that we would love to see four more weeks of weather like last week?