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USI receives national recognition for community service


The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) has named the University of Southern Indiana to the 2010 Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, an annual program that recognizes institutions of higher education for exemplary commitment to service and volunteering. USI was named to the list for engaging students, faculty, and staff in meaningful services that achieve measurable results in the community.

Programs submitted on USIs community service honor roll application included:

Saturday Art Workshop: Developed and coordinated by Dr. Joseph Uduehi, associate professor of art education, this program provides elementary and art education majors teaching opportunities before their professional student teaching semester. The two-day workshop also provides art experiences for children in the community to enhance the art lessons they receive at school and serves as a source of outreach from the University.

USI partnership with the Juan Diego Center: Students and faculty from nursing, respiratory therapy, occupational therapy, and social work delivered a variety of health services and health screenings to the Hispanic population at the Juan Diego Center in Evansville. The program increased student cultural diversity of clinical education and promoted learning of advocacy, caring, tolerance, respect, communication, and clinical competence. Participants also learned about collaboration and the roles of other disciplines and community agencies.

Raising Awareness through On Court Meeting: With 86 percent of their students at or below the poverty level and a large percentage not meeting academic state standards, Glenwood Middle School worked with USIs Department of Athletics and Department of Physical Education to teach middle school students how to play tennis. USI students also assisted students with homework, computer usage, character development, and team building while reinforcing etiquette/sportsmanship behaviors appropriate in tennis and in life. Assessment results indicated an increased interest in college attendance by students at Glenwood Middle School and a significant change in attitudes by USI students in regards to opportunities in making a positive impact through volunteerism.

CNCS, which has administered the Honor Roll since 2006, admitted a total of 641 colleges and universities for their impact on issues from literacy and neighborhood revitalization to supporting at-risk youth. Of that total, 511 were named to the Honor Roll, 114 received the recognition of Honor Roll with distinction, 11 were identified as finalists, and six received the Presidential Award.

The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll is overseen by CNCS in collaboration with the U.S. Departments of Education and Housing and Urban Development, Campus Compact, and the American Council on Education. Honorees are chosen based on a series of selection factors, including the scope and innovation of service projects, the extent to which service-learning is embedded in the curriculum, the school’s commitment to long-term campus-community partnerships, and measurable community outcomes as a result of the service. For a full list of recipients, visit www.NationalService.gov/HonorRoll.

CNCS is a federal agency that engages more than five million Americans in service through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs, and leads President Barack Obama’s national call to service initiative, United We Serve.

Source: USI.edu

Auditions Set for Children’s Roles in Upcoming UE Musical “Gypsy”


The University of Evansville Department of Theatre and Department of Music will hold auditions at 7 p.m., Monday, August 29, in Shanklin Theatre for children aged 8 to 14 for the upcoming musical “Gypsy.” Both male and female roles are available and require a young actor to be able to sing and tap dance.

Interested children should prepare a short song and be prepared to learn a dance routine. It is preferred, but not required, that the song is from a Broadway musical. An accompanist will be provided.

“Gypsy” is written by Arthur Laurents, with music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. R. Scott Lank is the director, with musical direction by Gregory Rike and choreography by Ricki Newman. This classic American musical features the theatrical antics of Mama Rose — the ultimate stage mother. As vaudeville is dying and burlesque is sweeping the United States, Mama Rose embarks upon a whirlwind tour seeking stardom for her two young daughters. Among the available roles for children are Baby June and Baby Louise.

Rehearsals will begin in September, and children must be available for all performances, November 11-13 and 17-20. Performances will take place in Shanklin Theatre on the University of Evansville campus.

To register for the audition, please contact Sharla Cowden, University of Evansville Theatre marketing director, at 812-488-2747 or theatre@evansville.edu.

Source: evansville.edu

Downtown Today: 8/18/2011


Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 8/4/2011 until 9/1/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the third Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/18/2011 until 8/18/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
KATHIE @ 5228
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the third Thursday of every 3 months effective 8/18/2011 until 8/18/2011 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
CAROL HEAD @ 421-6313
Categories ROOM 318

IS IT TRUE? August 17, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? August 17, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is proud to have been the first to report that the Ford Motor Company has acquired the rights to name the Evansville Arena?…that this was a good day for downtown Evansville and that the price of $420,000 per year ended up being about 20% higher than what outside estimates had thought it would be?…that having a national brand as the sponsor probably contributed to that premium?…that having the D-Patrick dealership right next door helped as well?…that the non-descript name chosen of Ford Center will be simple to remember and will provided worldwide recognition?

IS IT TRUE that the arena in Oklahoma City was called the Ford Center from 2002 – 2010 when it enticed the NBA’s Seattle Supersonics to town to become the Oklahoma City Thunder?…that it is reported that the cost to build the 18,203 seat arena was $109 Million in 2011 dollars?…that this works out to a construction budget of $5,988 per seat?…that the new Ford Center in Evansville has 10,000 seats for basketball but is projected to cost $127 Million or $12,700 per seat?…that we wonder just how on earth that the City of Evansville could manage to spend more than double the amount per seat than an arena that attracted an NBA franchise did?…that to be exact that the cost of the new Ford Center is 112% higher per seat than the now Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City?…that we are getting accustomed to expensive shenanigans from the Weinzapfel Administration that is known for spending $200,000 on houses that sell for $100,000, $240,000 on apartments that are only worth $20,000 on the open market, green brick alleys, and now an arena that could have been NBA quality for half the price?…that we like the idea of a new arena but are completely shocked by the price per seat as compared to the former Ford Center in Oklahoma City?

IS IT TRUE that the $109 Million arena in Oklahoma City receives a minimum of $3 Million per year for the next 12 years for the naming rights from Chesapeake Energy?…that it seems as though the dollars spent on construction per seat does not correlate to the amount that can be gotten for naming rights?

IS IT TRUE that Kristi Risk announced her candidacy for Congress today at Oaklyn library?…that she is planning to challenge Congressman Bucshon in the Republican primary of 2012, and accused him of giving President Obama “everything he wants”?…that she blamed, in part, the Vanderburgh County Republican Party for her loss, saying that they “refused” to let her “do anything” in the way of events?…that there were about 45 people in attendance and that they were mostly supporters of her last campaign?…that the media representation was one radio station?…that the national campaign for 2012 must have jumpstarted some local ambitions and that we are about to be treated to a 14 month campaign for congress?…that it has to start sometime and that today had just as well be the day?

IS IT TRUE that one of the comments posted in the CCO today has suggested that the editor of the City County Observer should commit suicide and even went so far as to suggest that a bus should be the weapon of choice to do the deed?…that we were thinking of the “David” just the other day when we posted the following paragraph and quote?

IS IT TRUE that the author of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift has a very famous quote attributed to him regarding the recognition of people who are considered to be geniuses?…that this quote follows and is particularly relevant in this modern day when our political leaders or even their surrogates in the press seek to oppress those who speak out against them?

“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign: that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”
— Jonathan Swift

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Wallace has no intention whatsoever of committing suicide by bus and that the City County Observer won’t even violate our boy “David’s” first amendment rights by removing the post as has been known to happen on other comment sections when they wish to suppress certain content?

The Fall of the Midwest Business Model


Don't Mess with TEXAS

Wall Street Journal Chronicles the Rise of the Texas Business Model and the Expense of the Midwest

In a hard hitting article by Michael Barone in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, the business model of the Midwest that was largely responsible for the prosperity of Detroit and Michigan until 1970 is compared to the less regulated right to word policies of Texas and the south since that time.

As the upcoming election for Mayor of Evansville has produced the agreement of both candidates that one of governments most important functions with respect to business is to create an atmosphere that promotes investment and prosperity. Michigan and Texas during the past 40 years are the best cases to study to see exactly if and how public policy effected business.

If one were to have asked the question in the 1960’s regarding whether Dallas or Detroit was the most prosperous city with the brightest future most people would have answered Detroit. Now 40 years later Detroit has lost enough people to fill Dallas and most economists and general observers would choose Dallas in answering the same question.

Following are excerpts from this analysis and a link to the full story. As the City of Evansville and the State of Indiana move forward the lessons of these two states should have much to be learned in making the decisions on just how to set the stage for the creation of a business friendly atmosphere.


“it seemed there were two models for the U.S. future. One was the Michigan model, which prevailed in the industrial Midwest and the factory towns of the Great Plains. The other was the Texas model, which prevailed in most of the South and Southwest.”

“The Michigan model was based on the Progressive/New Deal assumption that, after the transition from farm to factory, the best way to secure growth was through big companies and big labor unions.”

“Liberals assumed the Michigan model was the wave of the future, and that in time—once someone built big factories and unions organized them—backward states like Texas would catch up.”

“History hasn’t worked out that way. In 1970, Michigan had nine million people. In 2010, it had 10 million. In 1970, Texas had 11 million people. In 2010, it had 25 million. In 1970, Detroit was the nation’s fifth-largest metro area. Today, metro Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex are both pressing the San Francisco Bay area for the No. 4 spot, and Detroit is far behind.”

“Michigan is an extreme example of what has afflicted the industrial Midwest. Big corporations were replaced by big government as the leading employer, and public-employee unions replaced industrial unions as the chief financiers of the Democratic Party. In effect, public-employee unions have been a mechanism by which taxpayer money, in the form of union dues, permanently finances a lobby with a vested interest in higher spending and less accountability.”

“This Midwestern model is unraveling before our eyes.”

“The repudiation of the Midwestern model has played out most dramatically in Wisconsin…Despite the unions’ huge financial advantages, Gov. Walker’s Republicans held on to their majorities in the state Supreme Court and state Senate in hard-fought judicial and recall elections”

“with low taxes and light regulation, has been producing nearly half of America’s new jobs. The Texas model may be sweeping the Midwest, not vice versa.”


City County Observer first to announce the Ford Motor Company deal to name the Arena


Name this Arena: Looks Similar Doesn't it?

VenuWorks and D-Patrick instrumental in attracting national brand to name the Arena

Update: As first reported in the City County Observer this morning the Ford Motor Company has finally been announced as the buyer of the naming rights for the downtown arena. Ford Center is the official name of the downtown Evansville Arena. In a deal valued at $420,000 per year for 10 years the Ford Motor Company has acquired the naming rights to the Arena.

Update 10:30 am August 17, 2011

The Mole Nation is now unanimous in confirming that the Ford Motor Company will be announced as the headline sponsor for the new Evansville Arena. For those who were guessing that is Detroit’s Ford Field in the picture.


In a long anticipated action VenuWorks will finally reveal the name of the new downtown Evansville Arena in a news conference this afternoon.

The City County Observer has been inundated with speculation for the last few days regarding this topic and has really been leaning on the Mole Nation to come forward with this closely guarded secret. One source even offered to tell us for cash. We declined the offer.

So what does the Mole Nation say? The Mole Nation says that the name of the Arena will be taking us down the path of having something else in common with Detroit? The Mole Nation says that there is a stadium in Detroit that bears the name of the sponsor of the new Evansville Arena? The Mole Nation also alleges that there will not be even ONE RED CENT of federal stimulus money involved in the naming rights for the Evansville Arena?

Let the guessing game begin?

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 August 17, 2011 City Managers and Counterfeit Benjamins


IS IT TRUE? August 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that crime is taking an interesting twist in Evansville this week with the announcement that someone passed a counterfeit $100 bill into the offering plate at St. Ben’s and took $80 change?…that using a church to launder counterfeit money is a new low in the character department?…that we have a suggestion for a name for this bandito?…that we think that this person should be called “Paul”?…that Paul robbed Peter to pay himself?

IS IT TRUE that using a church to launder money or to create fraudulent tax deductions is not a new trick?…that an older version of a self enrichment scheme involving a church is to cash personal checks at church and then deduct the amount as a charitable donation?…that I do remember that trick being exposed by an evangelist back in the 60’s?…that a Google search under the term “money laundering through a church” yields 5.4 Million responses?…that such schemes are as old as the church itself?…that the news of “the Paul bandit”’s exploits is going viral and that our own EPD media rep Karen Kajmowicz is in today’s Chicago Tribune discussing the counterfeit offering?…that the Associated Press has picked up on the story so we can expect to see Evansville on the whimsical parts of some national news stories today?…that here is a link to the Chicago ABC affiliates version of Paul’s deeds?


IS IT TRUE that the subject of hiring a city manager came up in last night’s meeting of the mayoral candidates in the historic district?…that Winnecke expressed clearly that he would not be having such things but that Davis will consider it?…that the issue of having a city manager is not a new one and that many states explicitly call for a city manager form of government?…that Kentucky has city managers to manage the cities leaving the mayors to more ambassadorial roles?…that there are cities that are under a city manager form of government that prosper and those that don’t?…that there are cities with a mayoral form of governance that prosper and those that don’t?…that in Louisville the Mayor’s annual salary is only about one-third of the amount paid to the city manager?

IS IT TRUE that Lexington which has a city manager was one-third the population of Evansville in the mid 1950’s?…that in the 2010 census Lexington has grown to have a population that is nearly triple that of Evansville?…that some of that may be attributed to having a city management style of government where there is little opportunity for a strong-man mayor to gain control?…that strong-man personalities tend to stay away from mayoral roles that are ceremonial as opposed to administrative?…that hiring a city manager that hopefully is not drawn to cameras like a moth to a light bulb may just be a good idea?…that such a person may just protect a population from itself?…that given the track records of populations that repeatedly elect people like Marion Berry and Kwame Kirkpatrick make the city manager option look attractive?…that eventually Evansville will drink the Kool-Aid and elect a Mayor that is all charisma and no substance that does not have a sense of right from wrong?…that when that day comes that we will wish that we have a city manager form of government?

Evansville Museum Fall Show Provides Updates on What’s Happening on Mars


It has been seven years since the two Mars Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, touched down on Mars and began their mobile exploration of the red planet. Where are they now? Are they still working? Three years ago, another Lander, Phoenix touched down and operated for five months in the artic region of Mars. What did it find? In our Fall planetarium show, MARS UPDATE, we’ll answer these questions and in the process, share with our audience the latest news from Mars.

Our show begins with a fifteen-minute synopsis of how our views on Mars have changed over the years – from the writings of author H.G. Wells and Percival Lowell to the NASA robots, Spirit and Opportunity. We’ll see how a world that was once thought to be full of life and Earth-like was in reality a cold, dusty, dry planet.

Also included is a slide illustrated presentation detailing where you’ll find Mars in the current night sky, the current status of the Rovers, what they’ve discovered, and what other spacecraft have been, or will be doing on Mars. Our Mars Update planetarium show will be presented at 1:00 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday from August 27 – November 27.

Downtown Today: 8/17/2011


Time 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the third Wednesday of every 1 month effective 8/17/2011 until 8/17/2011 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Laura Howell @ 5071
Categories ROOM 318

Time 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Recurrence Occurs the third Wednesday of every 1 month effective 8/17/2011 until 8/17/2011 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
435-5015 HEALTH DEPT
Categories EVENTS

Time 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the third Wednesday of every 1 month effective 8/17/2011 until 8/17/2011 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE? August 17, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? August 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the future of the Front Door Pride program was the topic of interest at the meet the candidates event in the historic district last night?…that this program has used money that was originally meant to be used as a business loan fund to build houses for about $200,000 and sell them for $100,000?…that of the first 14 houses built that 6 are still sitting empty with no buyer?…that the prevailing value of housing where these expensive homes are being built is less than $50,000?…that the area where these houses have been built is the second highest crime area in the City of Evansville checking in with a rating of 9 meaning that 91% of the census tracts in America are safer?…that the target market for these homes has been young educated professionals of child bearing age?…that the neighborhood schools are among the lowest performers in the entire State of Indiana?…that a mixture of high crime, poor schools, low but declining real estate values, and of course the smells from Bee Slough when the Combined Sewer Overflow is happening does not make an attractive package at any price?

IS IT TRUE that the Front Door Pride houses themselves are quite attractive and would easily sell for between $150,000 and $200,000 in any suburban Evansville neighborhood to the East, North, or West?…that this hodge podge approach to placing nice new homes randomly around a neighborhood that is dominated by abandoned shotgun houses, dilapidated homes, empty lots, drug dealers, and prostitutes is an ill conceived scheme and is unsustainable?…that in the free market of residential real estate that this program has already failed?…that it has failed for the same reason that if some quixotic investor built the world’s tallest building in downtown Evansville that it would fail too?…that some things are just too expensive for some neighborhoods and this is one of them?…that we hope that both of the candidates for Mayor will just stop further building of Front Door Pride houses in its tracks?

IS IT TRUE that fixing up the old shotgun houses is even more costly than tearing down and building new?…that the most cost effective solution is to tear down the old shotgun houses and build nothing?…that the population of Evansville is still in decline and that with nearly 10,000 abandoned and/or dilapidated homes there is no need for construction of residential units at this time?…that to build more homes or apartments adds to the oversupply and actually inhibits the investment of private dollars to do improvements on perfectly viable homes?…that the City of Evansville in recent years seems to have forgotten that Economics 101 lesson about “supply and demand”?…that residential housing in the FDP area has very limited demand?…that in spite of that our elected officials continue to invest our tax dollars in additional supply with a guaranteed 50% loss built into the price?…that one definition of INSANITY is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results?…that by this definition that the Weinzapfel administration’s Front Door Pride program truly is INSANE?…that it is time to STOP THE INSANITY?

IS IT TRUE that demand will only increase when people actually want to live in Evansville?…that the real thing to watch for will be increasing population and elimination of abandoned homes with either the bulldozer or private dollars?…that another indicator is when someone can actually get a conventional loan on a FDP house for 80% of the cost to build it?…that will not happen until Evansville is a net job creator?…that what we really want to see from the candidates is how they will create an atmosphere to bend the wealth creation to the positive?

IS IT TRUE that Republican candidate Lloyd Winnecke actually has published a very comprehensive concept of a “jobs” plan?…that what we are eager to see from Mr. Winnecke is the details about HOW and WHO will be enlisted to execute his plan?…that we are still awaiting a plan from Democratic candidate Rick Davis but are just as eager to see what his plan is?…that if Evansville is to ever start to claw its way back UP the prosperity curve that it will be good jobs that make this happen?…that programs like Front Door Pride, Vision 1505 ($240k apartments), and other residential construction projects in a declining population is not the answer that we need?