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IS IT TRUE? December 16, 2011 Winnecke Gets an Albatross to go with the Balls and Chains


IS IT TRUE? December 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that today Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel who only has 15 more days to serve as mayor has announced that he has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Kunkel Group to build and operate a downtown Convention Hotel where the rock pile was a short 5 months ago?…that Klenck Construction, the locally owned business that did the demolition and removed the rock pile have still not been paid the $315,000 that they earned?…that the people who own Klenck Construction must be some very accommodating people if they have not taken an form of legal action to secure their payment including getting a stop order of public funding of a project on the City of Evansville owned lot that they did the improvements on?

IS IT TRUE that a memorandum of understanding was not even a necessary step in this process and that for some reason the Weinzapfel Administration had a need to add a ceremonial step to the process and make an announcement on a Friday afternoon?…that a memorandum of understanding is not binding and has about as much significance as a couple of teenagers promising to marry someday when they grow up?…that the real fireworks on this project will be coming when it is brought before the Evansville City Council to vote for the incentive package to be funded?…that it will be very interesting if this comes to a vote in 2011 in its last official meeting?…that the only reason to even attempt such a last minute deal is if Mayor Weinzapfel thinks that the new City Council will not vote like a block of puppets the way this City Council has done for four years now?

IS IT TRUE that the key leader and key vote in this funding process will be the vote of City Councilman and Chairman of the Finance Committee John Friend, CPA?…that it will be up to Councilman Friend to VET THE VETTERS and determine if his recommendation as the most financially competent member of the City Council is going to be with ONB Commercial Loan Officer Sara Miller who cast the lone NO VOTE by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and has been reported to have stated that she had not seen any reason to believe that either Kunkel’s or Prime’s proposal will result in a profitable hotel?

IS IT TRUE that it will also be interesting to see if even one member of the Evansville City Council will stand up for the interests of Klenck Construction?…that by voting to fund an incentive package for the hotel project without demanding that Klenck be paid for the honest improvements that they made to the City of Evansville’s property is callous and irresponsible?

IS IT TRUE that poor Mayor Elect Winnecke who already has been shackled with four balls and chains by the last minute cram throughs of the Weinzapfel Administration just got an albatross around his neck to go with the balls and chains?…that the returning blindly block voting members of the Evansville City Council would be well advised to push this vote to next year as an indication that they understand that 15 days from now that Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke and not then Citizen Elect Jonathan Weinzapfel will be the person that they have to work with?…that memorandums of understanding are easily set aside should Mayor Winnecke and the 2012 City Council choose to do so?


City of Evansville Negotiations with Kunkel for Hotel are Finalized


The City County Observer has just learned that the City of Evansville has finalized its negotiations with the Kunkel Group to build and operate a downtown Convention Hotel on the site of the former Executive Inn parking lot.

Mayor Weinzapfel announced the meeting of the minds that has resulting in a memorandum of understanding.

Further details have not been released.

This is a developing story.

IS IT TRUE? December 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 16, 2011

Christopher Hitchens
that a very gifted and fearless writer and speaker who paid no lip service to title without brains, power without judgment, or political correctness period passed away yesterday?…that the writer was described by Ed Luce of the Financial Times as a person whose “cerebral pyrotechnics are unmatched and who writes with the punch of an intellectual character assassin”?…that the writings and fearlessness of this writer has had much influence on the style and willingness to push the envelope of the City County Observer?…that we shall miss the impossible to ignore and always poignant writings of Mr. Christopher Hitchens who was never afraid to apply literary tar and feathers where tar and feathers have been well deserved?

IS IT TRUE that it was reported today by USA Today that roughly half of all Americans have slipped into poverty during the recent recession?…that unemployment was not the biggest contributor to this alarming statistic?…that rising costs of energy and food were the culprits blamed for the financial decline that has left America with half or our people in poverty?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 tells us that a local semi-celebrity who is known for ignoring citations has reformed himself and shown up on time and well groomed for a court date?…that all is well?…that the Winnecke Administration is moving forward with the daily announcement of appointees today with the expected news that Mr. Steven Schaefer, former Vice President at the Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana will become his Chief of Staff?…that the CCO congratulates Mr. Schaefer, Mayor Elect Winnecke, and the Transition Team for another excellent appointment?

IS IT TRUE that another dilapidated old apartment building is going to be refurbished by Mike Martin?…that this time it will be The Euclid that is on the receiving end of Mr. Martin’s refurbishment magic?…that The Euclid is a three story building on 3rd Street across from Welborn that contains 6 unique living units?…that it has really been a mess for many years and last had residents in it in the late 1990’s and then it was mainly a flophouse and drug dealing hangout?…that The Euclid was available in the early 2000’s for only $2,500?…that Mr. Martin is planning to spend $800,000 on the project and that the City of Evansville has committed to kick in an additional $100,000 making each unit slated for a $150,000 investment?…that this kind of investment will require each unit to rent for about $1,500 to cash flow?…that this is a tough assignment but that if anyone can pull this off successfully that Mike Martin is the man for the job?…that we wonder if this could have been or would have been done anyway without the $100,000 of taxpayer dollars thrown in to sweeten the deal?

IS IT TRUE that while we are speaking of the activity of refurbishment that the article by Joe Wallace that made a case for turning the McCurdy Hotel back into a hotel has gathered some responses?…that this has been seen as an idea with a vision behind it and that many movers and shakers have expressed support for it?…that one developer called Mr. Wallace and asked many questions and is clearly interested in such a project?…that another contact came from an investor with a love for historic buildings?…that maybe they will be introduced to each other soon and maybe, just maybe something positive will come from this vision?



December 16, 2011

EVANSVILLE, IN – Evansville Mayor-elect Lloyd Winnecke announced this morning the appointment of Steve Schaefer as Chief of Staff for the Mayor’s Office. Mr. Schaefer has a more than a decade of experience in government and the non-profit sector. Schaefer will begin his new duties on January 1, 2012.

“Steve’s knowledge and experience in government is an asset that will equip my Administration to improve efficiencies and better serve the citizens of Evansville,” Winnecke said. “His work to advance the Interstate 69 project and local government reform are evidence of his strong commitment to our community.”

Mr. Schaefer is currently an aide to U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon and previously served as Executive Director of the Hoosier Voices for I-69, a statewide advocacy coalition in support of the Interstate 69 highway. Schaefer has also worked as Vice President of Public Policy at the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana and in the offices of U.S. Congressman John Hostettler and U.S. Congressman John Boehner.

“I am honored to accept the position of Chief of Staff for Mayor Winnecke,” said Schaefer. “During the campaign, Mayor-Elect Winnecke outlined a new vision for the City of Evansville and I am excited to have the opportunity to implement his pro-growth agenda.”

Schaefer is a graduate of Mater Dei High School and Indiana University with a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Southern Indiana. Schaefer currently serves as President of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Commissioners and was named a “20 Under 40” in 2010 by the Evansville Courier & Press.

Mayor-elect Winnecke will continue to assemble his new administrative team over the next few weeks. For more information, visit www.TransitionEvansville.com.

UE Earns Sustainability Award from City of Evansville


The University of Evansville has earned top honors for water conservation in the inaugural year of the City of Evansville’s Sustainable Evansville Awards.

Along with Hafer Associates and Mackey Mitchell Architects, UE won the “Water” category for the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building, the first LEED-certified building on campus and in the City of Evansville.

Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and Dona Bergman, director of the City of Evansville’s Department of Sustainability, Energy, and Environmental Quality, presented the award during the Rotary Club of Evansville’s lunch meeting Tuesday, December 6 at the Coliseum.

The 35,000-square-foot Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building opened in August 2007 and received LEED certification in February 2009. The building, an addition to the existing McCurdy Alumni Memorial Union building, set a new standard for energy-efficient design at the University of Evansville.

One area of emphasis in the project was water management and conservation. Water-efficient plumbing fixtures, such as low-flush toilets, were utilized. Landscaping around the building was designed to eliminate the need for irrigation so a sprinkling system was unnecessary. Drought-resistant plants shade the building to reduce solar heat gain.

One remarkable feature is the stormwater infiltration/detention system, which includes reinforced corrugated plastic arches installed underneath the parking lot. During heavy rains, instead of rainwater flowing into and overloading the combination sewer system, discharging untreated sewage into the Ohio River, the rainwater is captured and slowly percolates into the soil. This stormwater management system also improves water quality because bacteria consume contaminants before the water enters the soil, preventing pollution of the water table.

As a result of the implementation of these and other green design features, the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building achieved energy savings of 24 percent and water savings of 33 percent, compared to conventional construction.

The Sustainable Evansville Awards were created to recognize those who have made important contributions to sustainability during the last five years. The program was open to entities in Vanderburgh, Warrick, Posey, and Gibson counties. From a pool of nominees, winners were chosen by a panel of five experts, each with profound knowledge of Evansville and/or sustainability issues. For more on the Sustainable Evansville Awards, visit the City of Evansville’s website here.

Bachelor of General Studies degree earned one course at a time


In 1995, Evansville resident Terry Priest enrolled in his first course at the University of Southern Indiana. In December, he participated in the University’s fall 2011 Commencement ceremony where he earned his Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree. With more than 550 students eligible to participate in the ceremony, Priest was one of three to graduate summa cum laude (a perfect 4.0 grade point average).

“I tried college when I was younger, but dropped out because I wasn’t mature enough to select a single course of study and stick with it,” said Priest, who is now a senior designer at George Koch Sons, Inc. in Evansville. “That decision really upset my father.”

Twenty-two years later, Priest began chiseling away at a USI bachelor’s degree one course at a time. He completed courses in calculus and computer programming with an initial plan to earn an engineering degree. However, after discussing his options with William Henderson, assistant professor emeritus of computer information systems, he opted for the BGS program.

“Since I hadn’t selected a degree path, I spoke with Mr. Henderson to find out what it would take to complete a degree,” said Priest. “Up to that point, I had only been taking courses that suited my interests. Mr. Henderson indicated that the BGS degree would be a good fit for me and that most of the courses I had already completed satisfied some of the programs requirements.”

A full-time employee and father to four sons, Priest had to make some sacrifices during his journey to degree completion.

“My oldest son played junior varsity football for North Posey High School. Missing most of the games due to my class schedule, I remember him telling me about an important game against their main rival, Heritage Hills High School. After the game, he excitedly told me that he intercepted a pass, scored a touchdown, and their team won the game 21-14. It wasn’t until later that I discovered that the quarterback for Heritage Hills that year was Jay Cutler, who is now the quarterback for the Chicago Bears!”

Priest would advise anyone considering a return to college to do it sooner than later.

“Start out by taking courses you want to take, not ones you have to take,” said Priest. “Go to the campus bookstore and skim through the books for a particular course. Are they something you want to spend a lot of time with?”

Although he is now a college graduate, Priest doesn’t plan on ducking out of the college scene just yet. With an interest in photography, Priest intends on enrolling in photography and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) courses.

“I have discovered a photography technique that captures fireflies in flight,” said Priest. “One of my photos using this process was used by UHaul on nearly 2,000 of their trucks. I would like to learn more about photography and increase my skill level.”

Thirty-eight years have passed since Priest dropped out of college. Today, he thanks his parents for his success.

“My mother attended the Commencement ceremony and couldn’t be happier with my achievement. I thank both my parents for their constant support and dedicate this achievement to them.”

Source: USI.edu

EVSC Director Named Finalist for Safety Director of the Year


Gerald Summers, director of safety and security for the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, has been named a finalist for Campus Safety Magazine’s Campus Safety Director of the Year. Summers is one of about a dozen individuals from across the United States to be selected as a finalist. Summers will be featured in the January/February issue of Campus Safety Magazine along with the other finalists.
Summers, nominated for the award by EVSC Superintendent David Smith, has been with the EVSC for seven years and has worked to make EVSC schools and buildings safer places. “Gerald has been steadfast in his commitment to safety in the EVSC and has worked to acquire funding sources in lean times, so that the EVSC can continue to increase its focus on creating safe environments for students to succeed,” Smith said. During his time at the EVSC, Summers has acquired numerous grants in order to update emergency protocol, train staff, add safety enhancements to buildings and much more.
Summers enacted the school district’s anonymous alert system and received funds to conduct building assessments of all EVSC buildings. In 2009, he applied for and received a $249,000 Readiness Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) grant that allowed him to update emergency manuals, place to-go kits in every classroom and provide training to hundreds of individuals in the EVSC and the community. The EVSC also received $84,345 through the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant because of Summers’ work. This grant allowed the EVSC to further its goal of having exterior doors locked once school begins. Summers also works closely with local emergency personal to ensure they know the layout of EVSC buildings and protocol for various types of emergencies.
Because of the contacts he has made and the training he has undergone, Summers was asked to serve as an evaluator for an Active School Shooting Drill for the Consolidated School Corporation in southern Hancock County. In addition, Summers was awarded the Partners in Preparedness Award by the Southwestern Indiana Disaster Resistant Community Corporation in 2009 in the area of School Prevention and Mitigation. Summers also is certified as an advanced school safety specialist by the State of Indiana.
Prior to joining the EVSC, Summers served as an Evansville City Police Officer, as a special agent for L&N Railroad, and safety director at Welborn Baptist Hospital. He also worked as a probation officer and community services officer for the Vanderburgh County Juvenile Court where he worked with troubled youth.
Summers graduated from Bosse High School before continuing his education at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and Kennedy Western College where he obtained a B.S. in safety engineering.

Introducing Evansville Fire Chief Mike Connelly


December 15, 2011

EVANSVILLE, IN – Evansville Mayor-elect Lloyd Winnecke announced his selection of Captain Mike Connelly as Evansville’s next Fire Chief.

Captain Connelly has 17 years of experience with the Evansville Fire Department, and is currently assigned to fire suppression with Rescue Company #1. He also serves as a Team Leader on the Hazardous Materials Response Team.

“We interviewed several applicants, but Mike stood out as a leader with a vision and the ability to take the fire department to the next level,” said Mayor-elect Lloyd Winnecke. “I believe that Mike has all of the tools needed to make the department even more responsive to the citizens of Evansville and also build the morale of firefighters.

Captain Connelly is a highly decorated firefighter with numerous awards for merit, technical skill and leadership. He is a graduate of the United States Navy Nuclear Power School and attended the University of Southern Indiana for Mechanical Engineering Technology.

“I am honored to have this opportunity to serve the people of Evansville,” said Mr. Connelly. “The Mayor-elect outlined a strong plan for improving public safety and we will work hard to carry it out and provide a safe community.”

Mayor-elect Winnecke will continue to assemble his new administrative team over the next few weeks. For additional information, visit www.TransitionEvansville.com.