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IS IT TRUE PART 2 August 24, 2011


Is This Worth Fixing? $150,000 in, $50,000 out

IS IT TRUE PART 2 August 24, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the burning house on Read Street Monday night that occurred just hours after the Evansville City Council passed a resolution asking the State of Indiana to pass legislation to make pseudo ephedrine based medicine covered by prescription only has now caused some COLLATERAL DAMAGE?…that COLLATERAL DAMAGE is what it is called when a big problem in one place causes a different problem elsewhere?…that in the case of the Read Street house fire that the house right next door happens to be a Crisis Pregnancy Center that serves women who need their services?…that this Crisis Pregnancy Center is now closed indefinitely due to the fire next door?…that the heat has damaged the Center, has distributed debris all over the lot and will now require repairs and cleanup before re-opening?…that we hope that this fire was not meth related because sometimes meth related fires cause environmental toxicity well beyond their confines?…that meth related house fires can have the COLLATERAL DAMAGE effect of causing three or even more houses to become uninhabitable?…that this just underscores that the Evansville City Council is on the right track and that Senator Jim Tomes is the deer in the headlights on this subject?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of houses that the issue of INVENTORY MANAGEMENT needs to be considered by the candidate for Mayor of Evansville as they ponder what to do about the Front Door Pride program and other public housing construction that is under consideration?…that at any given time there are between 2,000 and 2,500 houses on the market in the Evansville area?…that the private sales per year has recently been in the 1,500 to 2,000 range?…that Evansville by some measures has 8,000 homes that are dilapidated to the point that they are economically unfeasible to repair?…that in addition to that there are about 2,000 to 2,500 homes that are unoccupied due to abandonment or lack of demand?…that when all of the empty homes and for sale homes (some of which are empty) are counted up the Evansville area has a 6 to 10 year inventory of homes that are available?

IS IT TRUE that the overwhelming majority of these empty homes are in the City of Evansville?…that the population of the City of Evansville even including annexation has been shrinking by about 500 people (250 households) per year for 50 years?…that the loss in population (25,000) corresponds nearly exactly to the abandoned households (12,500)?…that Evansville’ problem with dilapidated and abandoned houses can be traced directly to the shrinking population which can be traced directly to the loss of jobs?…that the last thing that a competent retailer would do with a 10 year inventory of any product would be to add to the inventory?…that is exactly what the City of Evansville has been doing?…that inventory liquidation or elimination by whatever means is necessary is what a competent business owner who wants to stay in business would do if faced with a 10 year inventory?

IS IT TRUE that many of Evansville’s legacy problems like the abandoned house problem will be solved by private investment if the local economy is fashioned into an atmosphere that inspires private investment that will in turn create desirable career opportunities?…that is another word for JOBS?…that we encourage our candidates for Mayor and City Council to concentrate on what will solve our problems as opposed to what may hide a legacy problem?

IS IT TRUE that the President of the United States has installed the CEO of GE as his head of job creation?…that GE is a big exporter of American jobs to other countries?…that GE has just announced a partnership with China to make commericial jets?…that Boeing just put in a new commercial jet facility in South Carolina that is being harassed by the government of the United States largely because South Carolina is a right to work state?…that for the Presdient to put the CEO of GE in charge of job ceation for America makes about as much sense as if the Mayor of Evansville put the CEO of Whirlpool in charge of creating jobs in Evansville?

Lloyd Winnecke Announces Jobs Roundtable


Lloyd Winnecke
In May, we released a detailed jobs plan, available at WinneckeForMayor.com, that addressed my vision for job growth. An important aspect of that plan is regular meetings with local businesses to hear their concerns and seek additional ways in which the city can assist their growth and the job creation that goes along with it.

As a part of my campaign, we are launching this portion of the jobs plan by hosting a “Job Creation Roundtable” with local business owners and managers. Our first jobs roundtable will be held on September 14th from 11am to 1pm. We will announce a location during the week prior.

My jobs plan offers detailed steps I will take as mayor, but feedback and ongoing, open discussions on job growth must never stop. My hope is that such productive discussions will help us determine more ways we can help local businesses expand and create additional jobs. We need to work harder than ever to promote job creation in our city, and as mayor, it will be my number one priority.

UE Opens With Improved Academic Profile, Retention


Today, on the first day of classes at the University of Evansville, the University welcomes an entering class defined by its strong academic ability.

Members of the freshman class averaged 1176 on the SAT’s critical reading and math components. (The national average, as reported by SAT, is 1017.) They also scored an average of 26 on the ACT, compared to a national average of 21. These scores solidify UE’s stature as a private, selective admission institution.

UE’s overall enrollment remains comparable to last year’s, but freshman retention continues to grow: Eighty-five percent of the Fall 2010 entering class has returned for the Fall 2011 semester. This percentage is well above the national average for private, four-year institutions — 73 percent, according to the ACT National Collegiate Retention and Persistence to Degree Rates study.

“During this difficult economic period, we are delighted to maintain our robust enrollment numbers while improving academic profile of freshmen and their success while attending UE,” said Dr. Thomas Bear, vice president of enrollment services.

Source: evansville.edu

USI Welcome Fun Fest


The University of Southern Indiana community is invited to attend the Welcome Fun Fest from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, in the Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Center (RFWC).

More than 50 vendors will be serving free food and area businesses will be giving away prizes. Some of the games and events scheduled for the day include corn hole and a football toss.

Information tables will be available for those interested in registering for the Race for the Cure, Intramural Sports, and programs offered by the RFWC. Participants also will have a chance to win food baskets, gift certificates to local restaurants, oil changes, T-shirts, movie rentals, movie passes, and much more.

The event is sponsored by the Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Department. For more information, contact Ruth Waller at 812/464-1942.

Source: USI.edu

VHS Pet of the Week: “Winston”


Greetings from Winston, a 9-year-old Miniature Poodle. This handsome little guy is looking for a quiet home and a permanent spot on the couch! Winston’s owner passed away and he is longing for the companionship that he was so used to. He enjoys the company of other dogs but requests to meet any potential K9 roommates before going home. Winston will be best around school age children as he can be a bit set in his ways due to his age. A retired couple with grandchildren that come to visit would be absolutely perfect for Winston. This little guy needs to live out his golden years in a home where he is the center of attention and is spoiled rotten. If you would more information on how to make Winston a member of your family, visit www.vhslifesaver.org or call (812) 426-2563.

Downtown Today: 8/24/2011


Time 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Wednesday of every 1 month effective 8/24/2011 until 8/24/2011 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location 318
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Location 307
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Wednesday of every 1 month effective 8/24/2011 until 8/24/2011 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
BONNIE @ 4927
Categories ROOM 307

Time 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the fourth Wednesday of every 1 month effective 8/24/2011 until 8/24/2011 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
TINA OWEN @ 7897
Categories ROOM 301

Time 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Subject City Budget Hearings
Location Room 301
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE August 24, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 24, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the new Executive Director of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau addressed the Evansville City Council on Monday night regarding the subject of tourism?…that Bob Warren is a man who seems to have fallen in love with the concept that Evansville is a place that has a great amount of potential as a vacation destination?…that he went on and on about how Evansville is a great place to visit yet has never really shared that with potential visitors?…that when he started discussing the MARKETING BUDGET of the ECVB and comparing it to other cities in which he has worked in his career that all too familiar DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS look came upon the faces of our City Council members?…that the entire marketing budget for the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau to tell the world about how great Evansville (population 117,400) is for vacationing is $116,000?…that Mr. Warren’s previous place of work, the town (not city) of Galena, Illinois (population 3,500) had a marketing budget of $330,000?

IS IT TRUE that Galena is about the size of Chandler, IN or Morganfield, KY?…that these towns are no more than 3% of the size of Evansville?…that Galena’s marketing budget is TRIPLE the size of Evansville’s?…that the other places that he has worked are closer to the size of Evansville but spend in the millions of dollars per year to attract tourism?…that once again Evansville is exposed as being hopelessly out of touch with the reality of the cost of doing business in the outside world?…that this was reminiscent of the paltry wage scale that inspired Mayor Weinzapfel to propose a dual pay scheme to attract Tom Barnett to Evansville over a town of 3,000 people in Florida?…that in the recent ‘Competitive Realities” report from the SW Indiana Coalition for Economic Development the MARKETING BUDGET to attract new businesses was fingered for being hopelessly low?

IS IT TRUE that one of the 10 things identified by the CCO that need to be done right in 2011 was to upgrade municipal pay scales in the City of Evansville to national levels?…that having a marketing budget for tourism that is 1/3 of a place the size of Chandler is almost hard to believe?…that if the City of Evansville chooses to not even try to compete either through complete ignorance or disinterest that the population shrinkage will continue, the number of abandoned houses will increase, the local wage base will continue to decline, and we can continue to experience DEER IN THE HEADLIGHT MOMENTS at City Council meetings?…that our City Council should not be blindsided by things like this?…that our City Council is elected to do what is best for the people of Evansville?…that being completely oblivious to the economic reality of the modern world is not in the best interest of the people of Evansville?…that what scares us the most is that the City Council members really seemed to be surprised that a town the size of Chandler has a tourism budget that is TRIPLE Evansville’s?…that we wonder if they are surprised that a Colts ticket costs more than $3, that a beer at the game is more than a dollar, and that a bag of peanuts costs more than 50 cents at Lucas Oil Stadium?

IS IT TRUE that the street sweepers that are deployed for downtown are about an inch or so too tall to fit into the City of Evansville parking garages?…that this is a repeat performance of the performance out on a Diamond Avenue overpass a few years ago?…that the first suggestion at that time and again Monday was to deflate the tires?…that is a lame way to make up for the failure to get out the tape measure in the design stage?…that the DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS look is once again indicative of obliviousness?

IS IT TRUE: Unfortunately it is: A Drive Through a Dilapidated Area

600 Block of East Franklin Street

These pictures were taken on the corner of the 600 block of East Franklin Street. The conditions here are more dangerous than any condition that was in place down at the site of the old Executive Inn. The rock pile at the Executive Inn was completely surrounded by a fence yet an emergency order of demolition was issued under the guise that kids may climb the fence to play on the rock pile and be injured.

Delaware Elementary School is an easy walk to the location where these photgraphs were taken. The neighborhood is highly populated with school age children. Is it too much to ask, where is the emergency order to clear this pile of rubble?

This debris is clearly a result of a fire and charred rubble is all around. There is no fence to keep the children of the neighborhood out of this toxic site. Why is the City of Evansville enthusiastic and full of urgency to remediate a rock pile downtown but is doing nothing to protect the children of this neighborhood?

This clearly reminds us of the situation with citizens being fined by DMD for not mowing thier grass while the McCurdy Pigeon Coop was becoming a hay field. Once again we are facing a situation of selective enforcement. Once again a downtown pet project is getting favorable treatement by the most expensive method possible of emergency order while a neighborhood is bordered by toxic squalor.

Please City of Evansville, clean this toxic rock pile too.

Taken from a Franklin Street Alley

IS IT TRUE; Part 2: August 23, 2011


IS IT TRUE; Part 2: August 22, 2011

IS IT TRUE that there were some lighter moments in last night’s meeting of the Evansville City Council and that one of them turned into a 30 minute discussion on pigeon coops inside the city limits?…that this 30 minutes started and ended with humor but that in between this 30 minutes seemed like it took longer than watching “Out of Africa”?…that the controversy is over a very animated couple who live in the 2nd Ward and have been keeping “racing pigeons” as a hobby for many years?…that it was stated that about 100 people in Evansville have “racing pigeons” and that one of their supporters even referred to these “racing pigeons” as athletes and that he goes to Louisville to buy their training meals?…that in one particularly animated exchange when referring to a neighbor who “doesn’t like their dog, doesn’t like their pigeons, and doesn’t like them” that the couple was defended by another neighbor who “likes their dog, likes their pigeons, and likes them”?

IS IT TRUE that it seems as though the City of Evansville has a law on the books that one can’t keep a pigeon coop closer than 50 feet from another person’s home and that this pigeon coop is only 35 feet away?…that the rule was changed back near the turn of the century and that pre-existing pigeon coops are grandfathered in?…that there was even a discussion about whether the law applied to the pigeons that were alive at the turn of the century or the coop itself?…it looks as though this very likable couple and their pigeon coop will be grandfathered in as the Council members saw the humor in the whole discussion but were worn out after their 4 hour session?…that maybe Evansville will have an entry in the Pigeon Olympics soon?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has been referring to the McCurdy Hotel as the convalescent home for pigeons and bats for over a year now?…that the population of pigeons and bats has been steadily increasing in the old classic hotel?…that the top floor of the McCurdy is more than 50 feet above the ground so it would qualify as a home for “racing pigeons”, passenger pigeons, and for pigeons of the plain ole sky rat variety?…that the best short term prospect we have heard to generate revenue at the McCurdy is to designate it as the “Official Pigeon Coop of the City of Evansville” and to charge the refugee pigeons that have been displaced by the 50 foot resolution a fee to live there?…that 5th 3rd Bank may want first dibs on the rental fees though as they are holding the superior mortgage on the McCurdy and the City of Evansville holds the 2nd?…that once the pigeons or their masters have paid off the 1st mortgage of over $1.6 Million, then the City of Evansville may get something after all?

IS IT TRUE that there is a public works project in San Francisco that makes the Front Door Pride program and the Vision 1505 project look like thrifty acts of genius?…that the City of San Francisco’s Chinatown subway project is 1.7 miles long, 8 stories underground, and is now estimated to cost $1.6 Billion up from the $647 Million estimate when it was first proposed?…that at $1 Billion per mile it is no wonder that subways are not adopted all over the country?…that the first trial estimates show that it would be 10 minutes faster to just take the bus?…that adding some busses would have only cost a couple of million dollars?…that when our elected officials continue to spend $1 Billion per mile for subways and $240,000 for each apartment at the safe house that they just demonstrate how out of touch with reality they are?…that it is good to know that the Mayor of San Francisco in his project that was really designed to get the political support of the power brokers of Chinatown make the City of Evansville look like Albert Einstein for their unsustainable and overpriced “affordable housing” programs?

IS IT TRUE that John Kish was in attendance at last night’s City Council meeting and was prepared to discuss the concerns of Councilman John Friend on “vetting the vettors”?…that City Council President B. J. Watts abruptly adjourned the meeting and that Mr. Kish’s opportunity to address this publically was circumvented?…that we look forward to September 12th when concerns regarding London Witte can hopefully be discussed in a public meeting?

eDebate: Davis vs. Winnecke (repost)


We are re-posting this eDebate because our traffic has more than doubled since the original publishing, and we wanted to give our new readers a chance to view this exchange between our Mayoral candidates.

Welcome to the first of a new series – the 2011 Evansville Mayoral eDebate.
“eDebate” is a platform which we have engineered to allow candidates of an election to voice their goals of the future for the city of Evansville and allow readers to compare their answers to their electoral opponent.

-Each candidate is given the same 5 questions, and the same amount of time to prepare their answers.
-Neither candidate may read their opponents’ response, and all responses are kept hidden until the scheduled release date.
-It is important to remember that we are still in the primary elections. This eDebate is between the two front-runners (and as of today, the only signed candidates) for the current mayoral election for Evansville. The purpose of this eDebate is to educate, and to inform our readers about the major dividing issues facing our city today.
-Comments are currently enabled to encourage discussion. Please be civil and constructive.

2/7/2011 eDebate
Evansville Mayoral Election

Rick Davis (D)

Lloyd Winnecke (R)

Question #1: Given the recent snow accumulation – what is your opinion of our current snow removal responsibilities on Main St.? Is the status quo sufficient, or do you think changes should be made?

     According to City Code, removal of snow and ice on city sidewalks is the responsibility of the homeowner/business owner. As a former neighborhood association president, I can tell you that neighborhoods throughout the City Limits are growing tired of City Administrations and their continued focus on Downtown while seemingly ignoring other issues important to neighborhoods throughout the rest of the City. If I am fortunate enough to be elected mayor, I want to put the entire community as a continued focus, not just the Downtown area. That having been said, as Mayor, I do not feel it would be out of line to contact Downtown merchants who may or may not be properly removing snow and ice in a timely manner and encourage them to do a better job of making the sidewalks safe for pedestrian traffic. If that doesn’t work, I would also recommend the business owners create a Downtown Merchants Association, if one is not already in existence, or some other program similar to that, where the merchants or property owners would voluntarily pay a monthly fee to a private company or two who would be responsible for snow/ice removal from sidewalks during the winter months.

     To reiterate, snow/ice removal on sidewalks is the responsibility of homeowners and business owners, whether the domicile is located in Downtown or elsewhere, and showing favoritism toward the Downtown merchants by spending taxpayer revenues and time on Downtown sidewalks would be unfair to other homeowners/merchants in the city, including businesses on North Main, Franklin Street, Green River Road, First Avenue, etc. Obviously, the better the Downtown merchants clean their sidewalks of snow and ice, the more inviting their businesses will be to the public, so it’s in their best interest to promptly remove snow and ice from the sidewalks to begin with.

     As president of the county commission, I share responsibility of snow removal on county roads outside of the city limits. Through the county highway garage, we have a dedicated group of employees who battle the elements every time we are bombarded with snow, ice or freezing rain. County snow management also includes pre-treatment of roads before a snow event, as long as it isn’t raining. I am pleased with the performance of county personnel handling snow removal, and we continue to look for ways to improve our processes. As mayor I hope to bring that same level of excellence, management and innovation to snow removal on city roads, including Main Street. This will include a re-evaluation of the city’s current snow routes as well as the probable implementation of a street pre-treatment process.