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Join USI’s Race for the Cure team


University of Southern Indiana students, employees, family, and friends are encouraged to sign up for the annual USI Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure team.

This year’s 5K race begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, September 24 in downtown Evansville at the west end of Main Street. The one mile family fun run/walk begins at 9:30 a.m.

The cost of the race is $25 for adults and $15 for children under 12. Officially timed participants will need to pay an additional $5.

There will be free parking at the Civic Center with a free round-trip shuttle service from 6:30 a.m. to noon beginning in the Civic Center parking lot.

Paper entry forms for anyone wanting to participate on the USI team are due by 2:30 p.m. on Friday, September 9. Turn in forms and payments to the Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness (RFW). Paper forms are available in the RFW.

Online registration will continue until midnight on Wednesday, September 14. When registering online, select “join an existing team” and pick the University of Southern Indiana. Be sure to send your t-shirt size to jkuebler@usi.edu.

For more information on the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, visit http://www.komenevansville.org/ or contact Jean Kuebler at 812/464-1807 or jkuebler@usi.edu.

Source: USI.edu

Unanswered Arena Questions Need to be Addressed


The list of 8 specific questions that were respectfully requested from Arena Project Manager John Kish by Evansville City Councilman and Chairman of the Finance Committee John Friend, CPA, are still unanswered comprehensively.

As there will be a public meeting of our City Council on Monday night September 12, 2011 where Mr. Kish will be at the lectern to provide pertinent information regarding the nearly completed Ford Center, we hope to see these unanswered questions brought forward again. Of course the numbers need to be up to date and the contemplated hotel deal needs to be structured to close the books accurately on the rescinded agreement with Woodruff Hospitality LLC while being completely transparent about the status of the vetting process.

The following link is to the questions of May that still need to be answered.


Condolences to former Senator Paul Bitz


The City County Observer is was sad to learn and even sadder to report that former Indiana State Senator Paul Bitz lost his bride of 66 years, Tina Bitz early this morning. Senator Bitz and Tina have been the proud parents of 9 children that their marriage was blessed with. They have seen their children go forth into the world and succeed as the children of a two parent loving household. The City County Observer wishes comfort and condolences to Senator Bitz and his family.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

IS IT TRUE? September 9, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 9, 2011

IS IT TRUE that there was a ribbon cutting at a new hotel in the City of Evansville last night?…that the old private label hotel adjacent to the area where the old Evansville Airport terminal building that auctioned off for a song last year has finally found an owner that knows how to succeed in the hospitality business?…that Dunn Hospitality unveiled their newly refurbished Hampton Inn last night with a grand opening reception that was second to none?…that the rooms in this Hampton Inn are furnished and sized in a way that would cost over $200 per night in Chicago with HD flat screen televisions, deep mattresses, and modern décor?…that this total refurbishment was completed in just under a year?…that it has been widely publicized in the current campaign for Mayor of Evansville that refurbishment is more expensive and takes longer than building new?

IS IT TRUE that when private investors with experience and capital decide on a project as Dunn Hospitality did on this Hampton Inn that actions happen fast, on budget, and that the long term success of the venture is greatly enhanced?…that if the cast of elected and appointed officials that have blundered through the all too familiar litany of problems in getting real traction for a downtown Convention Hotel would have used the same analytical and marketing skills that Dunn Hospitality employs that the people of Evansville would be better off for it?…that the City County Observer wishes to congratulate the Dunn Hospitality Group for seeing an opportunity and going for it?…that this new Hampton Inn will be a big plus for the beautification of our North 41 Corridor?

IS IT TRUE that if Lloyd Winnecke becomes Mayor of Evansville that his opponent Rick Davis seems to be training for a bright future as a stand-up comic?…that in Wednesday night’s debate that Davis earned the CCO Johnnie Cochran Award for his catchy quip “THE STATUS QUO HAS GOT TO GO”?…that at yesterday’s Chamber breakfast the funny one liners just kept rolling off of the lips of Davis when he opened his monologue with a trilogy that would make Johnny Carson chuckle in his grave?…that in the space of a minute Davis cracked a joke about how he is a Democratic Union Supporter and that he knows just how much the chamber loves such things and followed it up by a self deprecating barrage about never owning a business and driving an American made pickup truck?…that aside from the real issues which merit continuous analysis, the CCO is pleased to see the candidates mixing it up in ways that are entertaining?…that adding a little humor has always been a good way to get people to listen to a message?

IS IT TRUE that we all know that the economy is bad and that rather than look to official government statistics or listen to politicians we suggest that the American people look at what businesses are doing to attract customers?…that just yesterday amid the hoopla of another round of stimulus like actions that mega retailer WALMART has instituted a LAYAWAY PLAN like the days of old before people had plastic money in their pockets?…that WALMART is well known for razor thin margins and creating financial success in what many people call the real America?…that WALMART’s new layaway plan is design to draw Christmas shoppers who are buying selected items over $15 that exceed a total of $50.00 per total transaction?…that when WALMART starts a LAYAWAY PLAN you know the economy is bad?

IS IT TRUE? September 8, 2011 Special Evening Edition


President Barack Obama

IS IT TRUE? September 8, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE tonight we will all be given the opportunity to hear what President Obama will be proposing to do in an effort to jump start the job engine of the United States?…that all of the major papers are reporting that the “quick fix” will consist of tax cuts, extending the social security withholding tax cuts through 2012, spending more money on construction, and extending unemployment benefits for the long term unemployed?…that this group of actions pretty much just extend the government assistance that has been in place through 2010 and 2011 into 2012?…that if these actions did not jumpstart hiring in the last two years that extending these programs another year will have little effect on hiring either?

IS IT TRUE that according to the Kauffman Foundation that all net new job growth comes from businesses that are less than 5 years old?…that this being the case that any program that the government is pondering that does not directly incent or inspire entrepreneurship is targeting a lesser job creator than startup and emerging companies are?…that the first big stimulus is now somewhat discredited for not achieving its goals with respect to unemployment?…that many of the factories that were directly subsidized such as the solar company in Fremont, CA that filed for bankruptcy this week were incented or directly paid by the government to do the wrong thing at the wrong time?…that Solyndra received $535 Million from the stimulus to build a factory to make products that had no market and were not technically ready even if there was a market?…that the battery companies that received federal stimulus money to build factories prematurely to make products for which markets do not exist are already facing financial challenges?…that the government attempting to force solutions that the free market will not accept is a waste of money and is demoralizing in the long run?…that much less money directed toward research may have actually resulted in something good?

IS IT TRUE that some private investment dollars and some American jobs can be saved if the Justice Department will stop harassing the Gibson Guitar Company and Boeing?…that the message that is being sent by singling out these two business is that they should just take their factories that employ between them many thousands of American workers and move to another country?…that in the case of Gibson the “illegal” wood that they were attacked over is used in every guitar factory there is anywhere including some other American companies?…that if the necks of the guitars were assembled in India where the wood comes from that it would be okay to import the necks for assembly into Les Pauls?…that the Justice Department is putting Gibson into a position that the only way to obey the law is to export a full assembly line to India and lay off the American workers that are doing this job now?…that this is a travesty that should never ever occur?

IS IT TRUE that one thing that President Obama could propose tonight that may have a positive effect on American business would be to tell Attorney General Eric Holder to take an 18 month vacation and to stop attacking American business to appease labor?…that we need for the Justice Department to worry about things like meth and leave guitar makers and aviation manufacturers alone?…that maybe the best proposal would be to just stop doing anything because the things that have been done do not seem to go according to plan?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville could and should learn a lesson from the failures of the federal government?…that local support of entrepreneurship and emerging business will have a bigger impact than building temples to sport or whale hunting?

IS IT TRUE? PART 2 September 8, 2011 Tech Transfer Programs


IS IT TRUE? PART 2 September 8, 2011 Tech Transfer Programs

IS IT TRUE that Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville Lloyd Winnecke spoke about the importance of the technology transfer agreement and entrepreneurship many times in last night’s debate?…that in terms of truly transforming an economy from what Evansville is to an economy of the future that is based on intellectual property, tech transfer does have that potential?…that companies that design solutions based on invention and innovation are in a much better position to stay profitable in the United States and have the margins to pay favorable wages to their entire work force?…that jobs that are based on brainpower instead of brawn seldom get caught up in a “race to the bottom” because they out innovate the competition?

IS IT TRUE that Apple was started in a garage in Cupertino, CA and is still headquartered after 35 years at One Infinite Loop in Cupertino, CA just 3 miles from the garage where it started?…that a company that is only 10% of the financial, engineering, and marketing success of an Apple would totally transform the wage base, the tax base, and even the quality of life of Evansville, Indiana if we could just grow such a place?…that yes, this writer just used the word GROW and not the word ATTRACT or BUY to describe how an Apple headquarters happens for any community?…that inside the extensive patent portfolio of the Federal Lab Consortium which is the goldmine that candidate Winnecke is speaking of there are protected pieces of intellectual property that really and truly have the potential to transform the Evansville economy if and only if the Evansville business community rises to the challenge to identify and commercialize these patents?

IS IT TRUE that there are really only four things that are needed to make this technology transfer agreement work for Evansville?…that these things in order are BRAINS, MONEY, AMBITION, and TIME?…that without some very high powered brainpower in the areas of engineering, business, and marketing that no opportunities within this patent portfolio will be identified?…that even if all of the brainpower is in place and directed that if there is NO EQUITY CAPITAL available that the potential will not be able to be tapped?…that if Evansville businesses and entrepreneurs do not have the drive and ambition to pursue such wealth building opportunities that throwing BRAINS and CAPITAL at this will be a waste?…that given the combination of BRAINS, MONEY, and AMBITION that there will be some failures but that in the long run Evansville will see prosperity from a tech transfer program because it is a numbers game that is destined for eventual success?…that putting the BRAINS and MONEY in place to investigate these opportunities will be the basis for any future success with technology transfer?

IS IT TRUE that the laser was patented in the early 1960’s, used in military applications through the 70’s, and finally found its way into high volume commercial products in the 90’s?…that laser diodes that had a 99% failure rate and cost many thousands of dollars in the 70’s are now commodities that are routinely produced by the millions for commercial products that nearly everyone owns?…that the realization of mass commercial acceptance and the profits that came with it was a 30 year cycle from first invention to mass commercialization?…that while this piece of Mr. Winnecke’s plan may not solve this week’s problems that in the long run it may be the catalyst that Evansville can leverage to become a nationally relevant city that is the envy of other cities?…that the State of Maryland tech transfer program (Tedco) that the GAGE deal with Crane was patterned after has been cited as responsible for the creation of 60,000 jobs in Maryland in a ten year period?…that these jobs have been cited as averaging $80,000 per year?…that this is the kind of transformation that we can all benefit from?

IS IT TRUE that if done correctly the Technology Transfer Agreement that GAGE has could even be used to attract educated professionals with BRAINS, MONEY, and AMBITION?…that in September of 2008 when this agreement was signed that it was one of only a handful of such agreements in the entire nation and the only one spanning three state borders?…that we wonder just what has become of that potential since the agreement was signed?

Mayoral Debate Poll


**UPDATE** We will be closing the poll at 5pm this evening (Thursday). If you know anybody who has not yet voted, make sure they get to their computer before 5pm this evening.

We have added a poll on the right sidebar of this site to let our readers vote on who they thought won the Mayoral Debate this evening. Votes are tracked by IP address to preserve the integrity of the poll. Because of this system, clearing your cookies will NOT allow additional votes, unlike competing news sites. Thank you for your input on this important local election landmark.

Technology Research Funding Workshop at Innovation Pointe


Businesses trying to develop and commercialize innovative technologies are invited to attend “Grant Funding for Developing Technologies: Learn the Ins and Outs of SBIRs” from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (CDT) at Innovation Pointe on Wednesday, September 21, 2011.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program provides competitive grants to businesses conducting research which will ultimately lead to commercialized products and services. This workshop serves as the first step in obtaining necessary information about SBIR grants and how to apply for the competitive funding, which typically funds Phase I efforts up to $150K for initial feasibility studies with an opportunity for up to $1M in funding for Phase II prototyping. In order to receive funding, small businesses are required to submit detailed proposals to participating federal agencies. The agencies make awards to businesses based on the proposal’s degree of innovation, technical merit, and future market potential.

Platinum Grants and Proposals, LLC will present an overview of the SBIR program during the morning session of the workshop to lay out the steps required for submitting a proposal. After lunch, an interactive presentation will provide attendees with hands-on experience searching for technology development opportunities related to their areas of expertise.

This workshop is hosted by the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville (GAGE), the Indiana Small Business Development Center (ISBDC), and the University of Southern Indiana. Attendance is free but registration by Monday, September 19 is required. For registration information, please contact Debbie Albin, SBDC Administrative Assistant/Training Coordinator, at 812-425-7232. Please note that seating is limited.

AG, Kenneth Feinberg discuss settlement process in State Fair tragedy


Zoeller: Focus on early compensation to those most severely affected

INDIANAPOLIS – Attorney General Greg Zoeller met with victim compensation expert Kenneth Feinberg today to discuss how the Indiana Tort Claim Fund will be paid out to the maximum $5 million to assist victims of the Indiana State Fair tragedy.

The Attorney General administers the Tort Claim Fund from which victim compensation settlements will be paid. Feinberg, who previously has served as victim compensation fund administrator after 9/11, the Virginia Tech shootings, the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill and other tragedies, is donating his services as consultant to the Attorney General.

In their first face-to-face meeting on the State Fair tragedy, Zoeller and Feinberg discussed the possible outlines of a settlement-application process to ensure that victims of the August 13 disaster are treated equitably. The next step will be for the Office of the Indiana Attorney General to hire a respected claims-management firm that will field victims’ calls and questions and gather necessary information that Feinberg and the Attorney General will use.

“The State is not a private company and the Tort Claim Fund is not a private insurance policy; the State has a higher obligation than a private party. Our objective is focused on the victims of this tragedy. They will not be required to hire a lawyer if they don’t wish to; they could apply for compensation directly through the claim managers who have expertise in treating victims in a professional, courteous manner,” Zoeller said.

Drawing upon his work adjudicating claims after 9/11, Virginia Tech and other tragedies, Feinberg is devising a protocol for obtaining information from victims and determining amounts of fair and equitable compensation.

“I am honored by the Attorney General’s invitation to assist in providing prompt compensation to the victims of this terrible tragedy. We have learned a great deal from successful compensation programs established to pay the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Virginia Tech shootings, and last year’s massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Working for the Attorney General, I hope to use these experiences in helping to design a compensation program that will be efficient, swift, and transparent,” Feinberg said.

Current Indiana law caps the amount of settlements that can be paid out of the Tort Claim Fund to a total $5 million per incident. Out of the limited funds available, priority will be placed on compensating families of victims who died and victims seriously injured, Zoeller said.

Feinberg is advising the Attorney General on a protocol for reviewing settlement applications from victims and making settlement offers. Accepting a settlement offer would be optional; a victim could instead decline it and choose to pursue litigation in court. But reaching a settlement with the State would provide a victim with the certainty of compensation and early resolution of the case, while minimizing the costs of litigation that a protracted lawsuit would entail, Zoeller said.

Details of the settlement protocol still are being developed and the application time frame for issuing settlement payments has not yet been determined. A toll-free number and web address soon will be set up and posted on the Attorney General’s web site. Zoeller noted settlements will be distributed irrespective of liability, and the State does not admit liability by making settlement offers.

“We are expediting the process but must work through the necessary details. We are committed to implementing this settlement process with justice and compassion, relying upon the wisdom Mr. Feinberg brings from his previous experience compensating victims of 9/11 and other tragedies,” Zoeller said.

The Office of the Indiana Attorney General represents the State in various legal matters related to the State Fair tragedy. By statute, the Attorney General reviews claims and makes recommendations to the Governor for his consent before any settlement payments are made on behalf of the State.

Separate from his role consulting the Attorney General, Feinberg also is advising the Indiana State Fair Commission on protocols for distribution of the private charitable donations made to the Indiana State Fair Remembrance Fund. Feinberg is providing his expertise to both agencies at no charge to the State or taxpayers.

EVPL East Branch to host free Touch-a-Truck family event Saturday


September 7, 2011 – Evansville, IN – Is your child crazy about big trucks, loud horns, and lights and sirens? This Saturday, September 10th, kids can get an up-close look at some of their favorite emergency vehicles and large trucks. At Touch-a-Truck, they can see, touch, climb inside, and honk the horn of a fire truck, police car, ambulance, dump truck, and news van.

In addition to exploring the vehicles, there will be face painting, games, and refreshments. This free event is from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at East Branch, 840 E. Chandler Ave.

Touch-a-Truck will take place rain or shine. For more information, please call 428-8231 or visit evpl.org.