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IS IT TRUE? Part 2 September 2, 2011


Sponsor the Jetway Please

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 September 2, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the manager of the Evansville Airport (EVV) that has been repeatedly identified as one of the vital needs to promote economic prosperity and even viability is coming out swinging to get the jetways that have been needed for years to make the EVV experience better and more competitive?…that Doug Joest is actually showing some leadership and publishing some pricing for these essential features of a modern airport?…that it seems as though the price is about $1.5 Million for 4 jetways?…that is only $375,000 each?…that is less than the area Ford dealers are paying per year to buy the naming rights for the Ford Center?…that all 4 jetways will cost $500,000 less than the CVB was wanting to pay for just one ballfield?…that each jetway cost about as much as the “art” for the Ford Center?…that all of the jetways cost as much as 7 Front Door Pride houses?…that given these comparisons we are seriously wondering about the sense of priority with respect to local government spending during recent history?

IS IT TRUE that if 6% bonds were issued with a 20 year term that the payment would be $10,746 per month?…that this is a sponsorship opportunity at less than the cost of a billboard with a captive pedestrian audience if there ever was one?…that you Mr. CEO can sponsor one jetway at the Evansville airport for a paltry $2,686 per month?…that this sponsorship would completely pay for the jetway in 20 years?…that if this can be done with some sense of urgency and without concerning ourselves with waiting around for years to get approved for federal reimbursement then we can have these jetways now while interest rates (and sponsorships) are low instead of waiting around for the federal government to subsidize them and attach a bunch of strings to the project?…that the CCO would jump at the opportunity to help Doug, Diana, and the team at EVV in trying to make something happen the old fashioned way to get some jetways?

IS IT TRUE that many years ago in the days of our youth that Channel 25 crossed the money saving bridge for a new headquarters in Henderson?…that back then it was Channel 50?…that it has been revealed that the recent changes at WTVW Channel 7 will now be changing locations from their longtime home in downtown Evansville and into the Henderson headquarters of WEHT News 25 in Henderson?…that there will be another building available in downtown Evansville when this move plays itself out?

IS IT TRUE that CCO “MOLE #3” is hearing that many political types are spinning the name of Evansville police officer Billy Bolin to replace the Honorable Chief of Police Brad Hill as the next Chief? …that the Billy Bolin supporters are making the following argument why he should be appointed as the next city of Evansville Chief of Police? …that they state that under Billy Bolin’s watch that the department morale shall improve quickly because the rank and file know that he is fair and not afraid to make tough decisions? …they also are saying that the African-American community has a great deal of respect for Mr. Bolin because of his street work on the South Side, Bosse High School as their Liaison Officer, and has experience as a South Sector Crime Prevention Officer? …that they say he not only enjoys an excellent relationship with the top brass of the Vanderburgh Sheriff’s Department but with the rank and file members of that Department? …that they state that Mr. Bolin enjoys an excellent personal relationship with Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann? …they also point out that Mr. Bolin’s leadership involvement with the “GUNS AND HOSES” fund raiser is also a major reason why their candidate should be appointed as the next Evansville Chief of Police?

IS IT TRUE? September 2, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 2, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it was pointed out to us by several readers who spend time reviewing the police reports posted daily in the City County Observer that the number of meth related arrests seem to be increasing?…that meth related arrests are reported sometimes as much as 5 per day and rank right up there with shoplifting and domestic disturbance on the frequently reported crimes?…that today is Friday before a three day weekend and we expect that the lines of meth heads will be forming at every pharmacy in town to legally purchase the maximum allowed amount of pseudoephedrine that the law allows?…that the CCO, law enforcement, and the pharmacies that are profiting from these sales know full well that much of this medicine is not going to be used to treat an allergy?…that the exploding house phenomena is now by our count up to 28 houses in Evansville this year?

IS IT TRUE that if a terrorist had been buying illegal or controlled explosives like dynamite, lesser forms of dynamite like M-80s or cherry bombs and using them in some way to blown up houses that the authorities would have Evansville on lock down and it would be a nationally publicized case?…that the Unabomber took 20 years to kill three people and cause 24 injuries and that earned him national attention and an extended manhunt?… that the Unabomber was one of the first people to be designated as a “domestic terrorist” by the FBI?…that the Unabomber in his 20 years of creating mayhem did just about the same amount of damage to life and property that Evansville’s “Meth Head Population” has done since New Year’s Day 2011?…that there are good reasons that enriched uranium, dynamite, plastique, and cluster bombs are not made available in retail outlets to the general public?…that as unfortunate as it is these same reasons apply to the pseudoephedrine based allergy medicines?…that the reason that the CCO supports following Oregon’s lead in making these chemicals prescription based is not about keeping meth heads from getting meth?…that our reasons for supporting this are so the meth heads do not blow up houses and cause injury and death while cooking it?

IS IT TRUE that as much as patience is a virtue that too much patience leads to laziness and complacency?…that Evansville has been “patient” with regard to demanding a solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem for over 50 years?…that the result is a fine and a federal order to get off of our patient-complacent butts and repair this?…that the EPA is being patient by allowing Evansville 20 years to find a way to design, implement, and pay for this problem?…that if the people of Evansville and the government had been as patient as the EPA back in 1960 that this problem would have already been solved?…that patience in many cases leads to complacency, which leads to settling for less than the best, which leads to being uncompetitive, which leads to low wages, which leads to poverty, which leads to dilapidated housing, which leads to the breakdown of civic pride, which leads to crime, which leads to the flight of wealth, which leads to brain drain, which leads to the situation that Evansville is experiencing RIGHT NOW?…that it is complacent places that pay $260,000 to an outside firm to validate their obvious problems with a “study”?…that in most cases endemic complacency leads to study after study with the same conclusions followed by no action?

IS IT TRUE that the scores in the recent report card for our schools make it obvious that there needs to be some sense of urgency about repairing them so that our public schools can get A’s by both state and federal standards?…that to be asked to have patience when the future of our children and grandchildren in being fiddled away by Nero like administrators is not acceptable?…that as much as the City of Evansville needed an outside intervention to tell it what to do to become competitive that the public schools need an outside intervention to tell them that C’s, D’s, and F’s are not acceptable and the time to raise those grades is RIGHT NOW?…that Evansville does not have the luxury of wasting another generation of our children as we have wasted the best and brightest of the last 50 years of generations?

IS IT TRUE that studies like the one that Greg Wathen just published depend on execution to achieve results?…that execution depends on having capable and energetic people on the executive teams to get it done?…that patience and complacency in the area of education binds the hands of well meaning people with good plans and makes our community unattractive?…that if we can’t keep the most capable people that we grow and we are not able to attract capable people from the outside world that this little corner of Indiana will really become a lost cause?…that if patience and complacency continue to rule the day in Evansville that those who are left in 2020 will need to appeal to St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes for help because the capable people will all be gone?

IS IT TRUE that we are finally beginning to see some good plans now all we need is a sense of urgency to implement them and 117,400 people to buy into making them happen?

USI receives grants for 9/11 Day of Service project


The University of Southern Indiana has received multiple grants that will be used throughout the fall semester to learn about, remember, and honor 9/11 through service and service learning. Funding includes a $1,000 from State Farm and Youth Service America, $2,000 from the Indiana Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and $1,000 from Indiana Campus Compact.

USI’s Service Learning Program, Veterans Support Services, and the AmeriCorps Program in the Department of Social Work will use the funding for a project titled “Remembering Those Who Served.” The project will raise awareness of the sacrifices made by those who serve and protect our community, honor 9/11 responders, develop a sense of community between different generations of people, educate students on the physical and emotional tasks soldiers and first responders endure, and assemble personal care packages for those serving overseas.

The week prior to the ten-year anniversary of 9/11, USI students and staff will visit local classrooms and after school programs to present information on 9/11 and prepare care packages.

A brunch for veterans and the public will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 11 in USI’s University Center West. To attend brunch, participants should bring a care package donation. Items in need include canned food, chewing gum, candy, energy drinks, DVD’s, CD’s, lip balm, board games, paperback books, batteries, pens, notepads, and letters of support. Care package donations can also be dropped off in marked containers in USI’s Division of Outreach and Engagement, Department of Social Work, and residence halls.

USI has also partnered with “A Day to Honor,” a group in Fort Branch, Indiana, to sponsor additional events on September 11 in Fort Branch. Activities will begin at 1 p.m. and will include a parade, a 9/11 recognition program, lunch, and the assembly of care packages. Tickets to attend lunch are $10 or $15 for two and can be purchased by calling 812/753-4545. A cruise in, fireworks, and concerts featuring Sounds of Grace, Gina Moore from the Browne Sisters, Fort Branch GBC Worship Band with Jamie Rowe, Newburgh Old Dam Community Band, Linda Smith Band, and The Duke Boys will also take place.

For more information, contact the Service Learning Program at servicelearning@usi.edu or 812/465-1203.

Source: USI.edu

Downtown Today: 9/2/2011


Time 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Friday of every 1 month effective 9/2/2011 until 9/2/2011 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

Time 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Friday of every 1 month effective 9/2/2011 until 9/2/2011 from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 301

Ozone & Particulate Alert


The Evansville Environmental Protection Agency and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management have issued an OZONE and PARTICULATE ALERT for Friday, September 2, 2011. Ambient concentrations of Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) may reach the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups level of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS).

The current ozone NAAQS was set by the U.S. EPA in 2008 at an eight-hour average of 76 parts per billion (ppb). Eight-hour ozone levels between 76 to 95 ppb on the Air Quality Index (AQI) scale are considered to be Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, such as children and active adults, and people with respiratory diseases like asthma. The current PM2.5 NAAQS is set at a twenty-four hour midnight to midnight average of 35 micrograms per cubic meter (35µg/m3). People considered most sensitive to particulate matter include children, the elderly, and anyone with heart or lung disease.

Health Effects – Particulates:
According to the U.S. EPA: Short-term exposures to particles (hours or days) can aggravate lung disease, causing asthma attacks and acute bronchitis, and may also increase susceptibility to respiratory infections. In people with heart disease, short-term exposures have been linked to heart attacks and arrhythmias. Healthy children and adults have not been reported to suffer serious effects from short-term exposures, although they may experience temporary minor irritation when particle levels are elevated.
To minimize health effects of particulate matter:
• Try to postpone physically strenuous activities until air quality improves.
• Avoid prolonged exertion – take rest breaks.
• Use an indoor air filter if you have one because PM2.5 may be higher inside buildings.
• If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains or have difficulty breathing – call your health care provider.

PM2.5 can be high at any time of the day, therefore advising when to avoid exposure is problematic. Near real-time PM2.5 readings are available at: http://leads.idem.in.gov/cgi-bin/idem/daily_summary.pl?cams=10

Health Effects – Ozone:
Within a few hours or days, exposure to higher levels of ozone can cause lung and throat irritation, shortness of breath, increase the frequency of asthma attacks and aggravate respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis. Children, active adults, and people with respiratory diseases should limit prolonged outdoor exertion especially between 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. when ozone levels are highest.

Open burning is not allowed during Ozone Alerts. The use of gas and charcoal grills is permitted, but we encourage postponing grilling until air quality improves.

To do your share to protect air quality and reduce pollution levels:
• CONSERVE ENERGY of all kinds – turn off lights; reduce air conditioner use, etc.
• Limit your driving. Avoid unnecessary vehicle idling.
• Park and go inside instead of using drive-through windows, especially if there are long lines.
• Postpone fueling your vehicle until after 6:00 p.m. Don’t ‘top-off’ your tank when filling up.
• Consider using electric or manually operated lawn equipment. If you use gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment, stop working at 10:00 a.m. and / or postpone work until after 6:00 p.m.
• Limit the use of solvents, parts cleaning fluids, paint thinners and chemicals. Replace lids when finished.
• Postpone painting or use water-based paints instead of oil-based paints.

Near real-time data, forecasts and more information can be found at: www.airnow.gov and www.evansvillegov.org/epa

Jim Brickman Brings A Christmas Celebration to Evansville!


Jim Brickman Brings A Christmas Celebration to Evansville!

The season will sparkle when you add
Jim Brickman’s A Christmas Celebration to your festivities.

Evansville IN – September 2011 – Jim Brickman’s A Christmas Celebration (www.JimBrickman.com) hits the road for the holiday season with an evening of dazzling solo piano, vibrant vocals, and the warmth and humor that has made this concert a seasonal tradition for the past fifteen years. The five-time Platinum-selling pianist and songwriter, with his special guests, perform in Evansville ¬on Saturday, December 10th at the Victory Theatre. The tour is produced by JMB Tours and the Brad Simon Organization.

Ticket prices are $65 (includes an after-concert meet & greet), $45, $35 and $25. Tickets are on sale Friday, September 9th and available at Ticketmaster.com or by calling the box office at 812-435-6287.

Once again, sold-out audiences will experience the romance and spirit of the holidays in an unforgettable evening of music, laughter and memories. The concert will include dazzling solo piano, vibrant vocals with special musical guests, music from his newest albums All is Calm and Romanza, and all the warmth and humor of the season. Jim and his special guests, singers Anne Cochran and Benjamin Utecht, plus electric violinist Tracy Silverman, will blend fan favorites and seasonal classics with brand-new Brickman compositions.

“It’s my favorite time of year,” Jim says, “and celebrating across the country with fans and friends makes it that much more special.”

Thousands of audience members return year after year for the joy and spirit of Jim Brickman’s Christmas concerts. “When you imagine Christmas and the days leading up to the big morning, chances are holiday music is the soundtrack in your mind.” Brickman says. “My favorite music of all time is written for the holiday season. How fitting that throughout the season of celebrating peace on Earth and goodwill to all men, we will be spreading the cheer through music.”

For more information about Jim Brickman’s national tour, visit www.jimbrickman.com.

About Jim Brickman
Jim Brickman has revolutionized the sound of solo piano with his pop-style instrumentals and star-studded vocal collaborations.

Since the release of his debut album No Words in 1994, Jim Brickman’s romantic piano sound has made him the best-selling solo piano artist of our time. Brickman’s two new exclusive albums for Target Stores are set for release in November 2011: Romanza, a collection of Italian-inspired original love songs, and All Is Calm, peaceful traditional carols celebrating the Christmas season.

Brickman’s best-known compositions include the chart-toppers “Valentine,” “The Gift,” “Love of My Life,” “Simple Things” and “Peace.” He’s established a reputation for his collaborations with many gifted musical artists: Lady Antebellum, Martina McBride, Kenny Loggins, Michael W. Smith, Carly Simon, Herb Alpert, Collin Raye, Michael Bolton, Donny Osmond, and Olivia Newton-John.

His signature style has brought him six Gold and Platinum albums, 30 charted adult radio hits, and two Grammy nominations. He recently tied for most Number One albums on Billboard’s New Age chart, and he currently holds four of its Top 10 spots. Brickman received top honors with two SESAC “Songwriter of the Year” awards, a Canadian Country Music Award and a Dove Award presented by the Gospel Music Association.

Brickman has been a strong supporter of PBS, starring in four TV concert specials: Beautiful World (2009), Jim Brickman Live from Disney’s Magic Kingdom (2005), My Romance—An Evening with Jim Brickman (2000) and Love Songs and Lullabies (2002).

A native of Cleveland, Brickman began playing piano at the age of five and studied music at the prestigious Cleveland Institute of Music. He founded his own advertising music company in 1980, writing commercial jingles for such advertisers as McDonald’s, Pontiac and Kellogg’s.

Brickman has received international acclaim as a concert performer, taking his popular live concerts to more than 125 cities each year. His Jim Brickman Cruises have become an annual hot-ticket event. He’s teamed up with American Greetings, lending original music to create some of their best-selling e-Cards, and is also featured on StarGreetz, a new internet greeting phenomenon.

Other artistic endeavors include a popular weekly radio show, Your Weekend; two best-selling books, Simple Things and Love Notes; debuts at Carnegie Hall and the White House; and international touring from Spain to Thailand. Brickman lends a hand to many charitable foundations for children, including Autism Speaks, UNICEF and Camp Heartland. A scholarship was recently established in his name at the Cleveland Institute of Music.

About Benjamin Utecht
With a microphone in one hand and a Super Bowl ring on the other, Benjamin is making his touring debut with Jim Brickman in A Christmas Celebration. Since retiring from the National Football League in 2009, he has sung the National Anthem for both President Bush’s and at the Cincinnati Reds’ 2010 home opener. He’s had the honor of performing with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra (conducted by the legendary Erich Kunzel), the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, and Sandi Patty (gospel music’s most-awarded female artist of all time). Look for Benjamin’s holiday album, Christmas Hope, which will be released in October, 2011.

About Anne Cochran
Anne Cochran has had the good fortune to perform at Carnegie Hall and Madison Square Garden, and her now-classic single “After All These Years” was a Top 5 hit. She has happily shared the stage with Jim Brickman, Collin Raye, Donny Osmond, Dave Koz, Tracy Silverman, Jeff Timmons, Kristy Starling, Mario Frangoulis, Michael Feinstein, Mike Eldred, Wayne Brady, Michael Bolton and Linda Eder.

About Tracy Silverman
Tracy Silverman has redefined the violin with his instantly recognizable trademark sound. Lauded by the BBC as “the greatest living exponent of the electric violin,” the Juilliard graduate’s groundbreaking work with the six-string electric violin has forever transformed violin playing, much as Hendrix did with the electric guitar. Tracy produced and performs on Jim Brickman’s hit CDs Simple Things, Love Songs and Lullabies, Escape and Homecoming, and appeared on all four of Jim’s popular TV specials.

Ticket prices are $65 (includes an after-concert meet & greet), $45, $35 and $25. Tickets are on sale Friday, September 9th and available at Ticketmaster.com or by calling the box office at 812-435-6287.

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 September 1, 2011


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 September 1, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 is telling us that the Administration arm of the Evansville Police Department is trying to petition the safety board to raise the number of deputy chiefs from 2 to 3?…that this is in anticipation of the current chief and assistant chief being removed after the new mayor is elected?…that the thing that is suspicious about this action if it materializes is that a case was made and approved a few years back to “trim the fat” off the department when they had too many deputy chiefs?…that at that time they went from 4 to 2 under the guise of rightsizing and saving taxpayer money?…that this may be a prime example of the top brass trying to keep their positions by making “end of administration” changes before the new Mayor of Evansville takes the reins?…that if 3 deputy chiefs is the right number that this action should have been taken already when the Weinzapfel Administration was in charge of the budget?…that the City County Observer urges extreme diligence on the part of all public boards and elected officials in the next 4 months as unnecessary changes or expansions may be made for purposes other than making Evansville a better place to live?

IS IT TRUE that we are waiting for the 3rd Ward candidates for Evansville City Council and the at-large candidates to make their position known on the malaise that is going on in the 3rd Ward with respect to sewers collapsing, unmitigated toxic piles of rubble at 600 Franklin Street, garbage all over Garvin Park, and the newly refurbished fountain at Garvin Park having no water in it?…that remaining mute when there is low hanging fruit to be had is not becoming of a candidate for office?…that we also have a report of an accident with injuries that occurred on the bike path due to debris removal being ignored?…that an article and pictures will be published in a couple of days?

IS IT TRUE that Memphis Light, Gas, and Water commissioned a study on the cost of utilities in regions served by approximately 50 different utilities for the year 2010?…that Vectren Corporation that serves 141,000 customers in SW Indiana was one of the utilities that was included in the survey?…that the water and sewer providers for this area did not participate so a complete picture of our utility cost comparison is not possible in the study?…that the comparison of electricity for a number of monthly uses as well as gas are ranked from the cheapest to the most expensive?…that the rates used were prior to the recent increase that Vectren was granted but that we do not have knowledge of any other increases either so we will go with the 2010 numbers?…that Evansville/Vectren ranks 39th out of 44 electrical utilities that were surveyed for a typical use of 1,000 kWh per month?…that the lowest cost place Jackson, MS comes in at about half price of Vectren?…that the other local places in the top ten are Louisville, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Peoria, and Lincoln?…that all of these are roughly half the price of Vectren’s electricity and that all are competitors with Evansville for economic development?…that if Henderson was on the list they would have been #1?…that Henderson is our biggest and most capable competitor for projects?

IS IT TRUE that in the same study the price of residential gas was also included and that Vectren scored much better?…that Vectren ranked 8th out of 33 gas utilities studied for the cost of a typical months use of natural gas?…that of the 7 cities with better gas pricing that only Huntsville, AL is a comparable and competitive city to Evansville?…that of the 7 that offer better gas prices that only 3 are significantly better and that they are from warm climates where gas has limited demand?…that the price of gas is not an issue in El Paso, Los Angeles, or Austin because for the most part it is only used for cooking and to knock the chill off when occasionally gets below 40 degrees?


Centre Unveils New Website Design


(Evansville, IN) – The Vanderburgh County Auditorium and Convention Centre has unveiled a new design for their website. The site, www.smgevansville.com , has a new look and feel and is now more interactive for users.

“We are thrilled with the look of the new Centre website. It is more interactive with the new seating charts for the Aiken Theatre, and much more modern than the old web site. We truly appreciate Commissioner Winnecke and the computer services department for their insight and development on this project, and we believe that it will be a benefit to the marketing of the Centre and the community for future events.” said Darren Stearns, Assistant General Manager of the Centre.

The new site now includes a three dimensional seating chart with pictures showing seating perspectives, an interactive calendar of events, links to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, maps with parking locations, and more. Matt Arvay, Chief Information Officer for the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County adds “Along with the many other new features, patrons now have the option to receive notifications via RSS feeds, or obtain directions to the Centre through a link to Google Maps. These new features provide citizens a more interactive way to find events of interest. “

Downtown Today: 9/1/2011


Time 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs the first Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/4/2011 until 9/1/2011 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/4/2011 until 9/1/2011 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
KARI @ 7833
Categories ROOM 301

Time 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Thursday effective 8/4/2011 until 9/1/2011 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
Sharon Evans @ 4982
Categories ROOM 301

Time 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs the first Thursday of every 1 month effective 8/4/2011 until 9/1/2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Reminder 18 hours
KARI 2 7833
Categories ROOM 301

IS IT TRUE? September 1, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? September 1, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the “Mole Nation” tells us that Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville is having a minor medical procedure taken care of?…that we wish him the best of fortune and a rapid return to full activity?…that we send good vibes to Mr. Winnecke to come back from this little procedure with the drive and stomach to take on the last two months of a tough campaign?

IS IT TRUE that the Mole Nation and others are telling us that Mr. Winnecke is getting a little grief for his moment of complete honesty at the Harrison High School town hall meeting where he declared that he disagrees with the Republican Party’s assumed position on gay rights?…that Mr. Winnecke did impress some of the students with his support of gay rights?…that there are many things that the City of Evansville needs in a leader and that allot of them involve breaking with tradition to do the right thing?…that for a Republican to openly support gay rights is not exactly mainstream but the City County Observer sends kudos and a big thumbs up to Mr. Winnecke for expressing his beliefs?

IS IT TRUE that holding the party line even when it is narrow minded and just plain wrong is part of what is wrong with Washington and it is refreshing for Evansville to have a Republican candidate for Mayor who supports gay rights running against a Democratic candidate who is an NRA member?…that the extremes are the problem and that we are quite pleased that our candidates for Mayor have both shared with us that they are willing to break ranks to support what they believe in?

IS IT TRUE that the Southwest Indiana Coalition for Economic Development has released its long awaited study and plan to tell this region what to do to make a prosperous economy more probable?…that this plan in many ways points out the low hanging fruit that many of us know about and have been overwhelmed by the masses who thus far have not seemed to care enough to act?…that we should not need an expensive study to tell us to pick up litter and keep our properties looking their best?…that the unfortunate truth is that we do indeed need this tutorial in being attractive for our suitors?…that the plan has identified certain strengths that our economy seems to have as platforms on which to build?…that this is once again low hanging fruit that many of us already know but that somehow things just do not happen?…that we should not have to pay someone to tell us that we have a large number of plastics companies and that is a potential strength to build upon?…that we shouldn’t but we must need to be reminded of the obvious?

IS IT TRUE that it is refreshing and uplifting to see that both of the candidates for Mayor of Evansville have overlap in their own multiple plans with the long term economic plan that Greg Wathen released yesterday?…that only with written commitment and diligence will any of the best laid plans of mice and men actually materialize?…that nowhere in any of these economic transformation plans is there a reference to ball games and temples to sport?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville CVB has passed an ethics policy that designates $30 as the most that can be spent on a Christmas Party meal?…that it is a sad shame that a policy was even needed?…that the pendulum may have swung too far in the other direction to the point that board members will not make a point of attending?