IS IT TRUE? January 6, 2012
IS IT TRUE that the Mayor of Evansville has three appointments to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that of the three Mayoral appointments to the ERC that two of them will not be reappointed?…that Sara Miller of Old National Bank who lately has been the voice of sanity and practicality on the ERC is being reappointed by Mayor Winnecke but that long time Chairman of the ERC Bob Goldman and recent old boss appointee architect and buyer of the $500,000 Idea Home for well under $200,000 Jody Phillips will not be coming back to the 2012 edition of the ERC?…that the two and only two votes cast to quick slam a deal with the newly formed McCurdy Development LLC are both history so maybe some sanity can return and last minute cram deals will depart forever?…that the final two appointments are at the whim of the Evansville City Council and the incumbents are Greg Elpers, CPA who was absent from the last minute cram vote and Jay Carter who has been very quiet but did cast what may be the most powerful NO VOTE seen on the ERC in a decade in deadlocking the cram through vote so that the cram through could not happen?…that we will be very interested in what happens with the City Council’s appointments?
IS IT TRUE that Mole # 33 tells us that there are concerns haphazard nature of the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities financial records?…we are hearing that the newly appointed CFO-Jenney Collins shall find a real mess concerning the financial records of that department?…if these concern are valid that the past President of that Board of Directors need to come forward and explain why these problems are just surfacing because this person since is a CPA and should have assured that all of the accounting procedures were conformal and that each audit was comprehensive and competent?
IS IT TRUE you can expect to read that the Evansville City Council shall be electing 4th Ward City Council woman Connie Robinson as its new President and 2nd Ward City Council woman Missy Mosby as its Vice Chairperson.? …that 5th Ward City Councilman John Friend, CPA shall be elected Budget Chairmen?…we urge you to watch who gets the Board appointments handed down by Council President Robinson because it shall signal if we can expect that there will still be a 5 person group of Council members to continue to vote as a political block? …that you can expect that well respected attorney John Hamilton shall be re-appointed as City Council Attorney?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners shall elect Commissioner Marsha Abell as its next President and Commissioner Joe Kiefer as its Vice Chairman?
IS IT TRUE that each and every person should drive across this United States at least once in their lifetime and that doing so every ten years is an enjoyable exercise that is a good way to keep in touch with other parts of our country?…that driving through Joplin, MO serves as a reminder of the power of nature as the people of Joplin lost lives and property to a tornado much as the people of Evansville did on that November night in 2005?…that it is both humbling yet reassuring that the spirit of humanity pulls together in troubling times just as the people of Evansville and Newburgh did during our tornado?…that Joplin and Evansville are forever joined together in both struggle and rebuilding?
IS IT TRUE that about every 50 miles in Oklahoma there is a toll booth to collect $4 for driving on Interstate 44?…that Interstate 44 is a beautiful road that is free of potholes and has a speed limit of 75 miles per hour and a surface capable of handling speeds of up to 100 miles per hour without vibrating one’s car?…that this writer will gladly pay $4 for such a road and the privilege of speed any time it is offered?…that this writer would also appreciate no questions from the Oklahoma State Police about that Indiana car that has knowledge of how their roads respond at 100 miles per hour?