In an unexpected and depoliticizing move the Evansville City Council tonight amended the letter of invitation to Vectren Corporation CEO Carl Chapman to appear before the Council on October 24, 2011 as Councilman and Chairman of the Budget Committee John Friend had requested.
Councilman Friend in his presentation handed out a tabulation rate comparisons across the State of Indiana that clearly showed that Vectren’s rates are substantially higher than all other locations. Councilman Friend also brought up the increase in the budget of the City of Evansville for electricity that is as high as 46% in certain categories and 20% overall.
Councilman Friend also stated that for every dollar that a utility bill increases on a commercial property that it costs the City of Evansville 30 cents in tax revenue because of the increase in the operating expenses.
The motion to defer the meeting with Vectren until after the election was made by Councilman Dr. H. Dan Adams and seconded by Councilman Dan McGinn. Councilwoman Connie Robinson stated that her constituents were having difficulty with utility bills but also said that waiting until November 14 was okay with her. There was little objection to kicking the can down the road and the motion passed as an astonished Councilman Friend looked on.
The meeting with Vectren will now happen after the election if Vectren accepts the invitation to speak before the council.