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Evansville City Council Punts Vectren Meeting Invitation Until After Election


Dan McGinn

In an unexpected and depoliticizing move the Evansville City Council tonight amended the letter of invitation to Vectren Corporation CEO Carl Chapman to appear before the Council on October 24, 2011 as Councilman and Chairman of the Budget Committee John Friend had requested.

Councilman Friend in his presentation handed out a tabulation rate comparisons across the State of Indiana that clearly showed that Vectren’s rates are substantially higher than all other locations. Councilman Friend also brought up the increase in the budget of the City of Evansville for electricity that is as high as 46% in certain categories and 20% overall.

Councilman Friend also stated that for every dollar that a utility bill increases on a commercial property that it costs the City of Evansville 30 cents in tax revenue because of the increase in the operating expenses.

The motion to defer the meeting with Vectren until after the election was made by Councilman Dr. H. Dan Adams and seconded by Councilman Dan McGinn. Councilwoman Connie Robinson stated that her constituents were having difficulty with utility bills but also said that waiting until November 14 was okay with her. There was little objection to kicking the can down the road and the motion passed as an astonished Councilman Friend looked on.

The meeting with Vectren will now happen after the election if Vectren accepts the invitation to speak before the council.

3rd Ward City Council Candidate Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley Supports Vectren Petition


For Immediate Release Contact Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley (812) 499-3384
October 10, 2011

Candidate for City Council in the Third Ward Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley announced today that she too believes that hearings on rate increases before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission should occur in Evansville. She also believes that rates for southwestern Indiana should be frozen until the rest of the state is paying comparable rates. Brinkerhoff-Riley stated that “the IURC is charged with equally balancing the interests of all rate payers against that of the utility, however it seems that all too often the utility and large industrial ratepayers are favored. Home owners and small businesses have been ignored for too long in their quest for affordable energy.” Brinkerhoff Riley believes that the answer is better representation on the IURC through electing the Commission members. Indiana is one of only three states where the board members are appointed by the Governor. Brinkerhoff-Riley related that, “the current members are not accountable to the public. Most of them are former lobbyists or enjoy cozy relationships with Vectren. Hoosiers spend more on their utilities than they do on state taxes. It’s a lot of money, and they deserve representation that they put in place through elections.”

IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011 Special Afternoon Edition


IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011 Special Afternoon Edition

IS IT TRUE that we would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on the young educated lady who had a spat with Vectren over the mistake that they made on her bill and then have with a friendly demeanor demanded that she pay for their mistake?…that she reports that there is no resolution?…that she has turned off her power and made her move to Chicago and is pleased to be in an apartment where all utilities are included?…that she reports that her attempts to contact them have resulted in being put on hold for 45 minutes and that she can’t take any longer than that during her lunch hour on a brand new job?…that she went online and checked the box asking for a call from Vectren and that the one time they called was during her work day so she could not answer?…that this system of correcting an error in favor of a ratepayer is not making a good impression on her either?…that not having enough people to deal with calls in 5 minutes either implies an insufficient staff or a very large number of dissatisfied customers working in the dispute resolution department of Vectren?

IS IT TRUE that while Vectren may not have time to assign someone answer the call of a young professional who may just get some bill relief from them that they have plenty of time and transportation to have face-to-face meetings with every member or candidate for the Evansville City Council that is willing to speak with them?…that even new division President and former Congressman Brad Ellsworth is on the task of communicating with these present and aspiring elected officials?…that the Evansville City Council will be voting to officially extend an invitation to Vectren to send its CEO Carl Chapman to speak before them on October 24th to explain their rate schedules, the latest request for an increase, and just life in Evansville in general?…that we hope that Vectren will accept this offer and will speak until each and every member of the City Council understands their business model?

IS IT TRUE that as we have previous reported Council Members John Friend and Connie Robinson and 6th Ward Democratic candidate Al Lindsey are not speaking with Vectren one-on-one preferring to gather their information in a public meeting rather than behind closed doors with a team of tutors?…that all three of these people have signed one of the petitions?…that we have confirmed that Democratic at-large candidates Connor O’Daniel and Jonathan Weaver have had one on one discussions with Vectren?…that Mr. O’Daniel reported learning much about the dense pack technology in his meeting and being treated with respect?…that there were several questions that he asked for which there were no answers offered and that he has not yet decided to sign any petition?…that Mr. Weaver has stated that he will be signing a petition but made no statement regarding his meeting with Vectren officials?…that Dr. H. Dan Adams has previously issued a paper on his position and that we do not have anything to report regarding Councilwoman Missy Mosby’s position?

IS IT TRUE that a very similar petition has been posted online by 2nd Ward Republican Candidate E. Lon Walters and that Republican Party Chairman Wayne Parke has signed it?…that 5th Ward Republican Candidate Brent Grafton while declining to sign a petition put forth by his opponent did publish a very informed position paper with some very pointed questions for Vectren to answer?…that Mr. Grafton has also declined opportunities for a private meeting with the Vectren team?…that we are not certain about other Council members or candidates but that we welcome their dialog and reports on their meetings with Vectren officials?

IS IT TRUE that we thought there had been enough private meetings behind closed doors in Evansville for non-security related issues to last a lifetime?

IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011 Gangs or Not the South Side is Hurting


IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we are continually encouraged that many people in Evansville that vote in online polls seem to get it?…that just today there is a poll on the Courier website regarding what people think is behind the recent wave of violent crime in a small area of South Evansville?…that a clear majority of 54% attribute this mayhem to Gangs?…that another 24% also attribute it to Gangs but not to big city Gangs?…that adds up to 78% of the responses that have shown the good sense to recognize a Gang as a Gang?…that the other 22% think it is simply random violence?…that a life was taken by pumping three slugs into another human being at 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon in Evansville yesterday?…that this murder happened in broad daylight and within easy walking distance (3 blocks) of the Historic District, the Front Door Pride area, and the Art’s District?…that this happened less than 24 hours after some concerned citizens, deacons, and exemplary members of the Southside community had conducted an awareness walk to inform young people of the dangers of Gang violence?

IS IT TRUE that in this election season when our candidates are rightfully addressing the problems of jobs and meth that this immediate problem needs to be elevated on the candidates radar screens?…that lets dispense with the question of whether or not these activities are Gang related and just state the obvious that they are Gang related?…that drugs, prostitution, drive by shootings, murder, and a population in fear of witnessing are the symptoms of a Gang?…that whether such things are “big city” Gangs or “little city” Gangs is an irrelevant discussion as the Summer of 2011 in South Evansville is not appreciably different than what South Central Los Angeles or South Chicago has been experiencing for years?…that the only difference is the number of acres of turf being fought over?…that this needs very badly to be stopped before it expands and that the candidates for Mayor of Evansville need to address this?

IS IT TRUE that hardcore Gang members are not doing these things because they can’t get a job?…that what has been happening in South Evansville’s Summer of 2011 is their job?…that when the economy is bad and good kids with positive potential can’t find jobs that a Gang can start to look like a job to many people who would otherwise be productive members of society?…that a rotten economy is a contributor to keeping many parents looking the other way while the jobs of distribution and collection are being done by people who really would prefer to work in a regular job?…that our candidates should probably add a few other drugs to their list to make war on like cocaine and its derivatives like crack?…that we highly doubt that there is much meth behind this Gang activity?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer supports and honors the efforts of the Evansville Police Department and encourages this City Administration and the next to do whatever is necessary to protect the citizens of Evansville?…that sometimes that may mean training, sometimes that may mean equipment, but that sometimes that may mean bringing in experienced backup?…that Mayor Frank Rizzo of Philadelphia actually resorted to using a tank and dropping bombs from helicopters to eradicate an entire block of crack houses back in the early 80’s?…that similar actions have been taken in bigger cities with long term Gang issues?…that if Evansville does not want to be faced with forming an army to handle this that something needs to be done and quickly?…that our current elected representatives who represent the 4th Ward and are at-large need to make their cases known?…that the bordering 2nd and 3rd Wards need to be very sensitive as they are merely blocks from this?…that this outbreak of violence in South Evansville and ending it is of more importance than having current elected officials issue statements about who would make the best Mayor?…that we hope it is not too late for a question about Gang violence to find its way into the next debate?

“Boo at the Zoo” Coming Soon!


DATES: October 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30
PRICE: $8-General Admission; $6-Zoo Members; 1 and under – FREE
$1 off coupons available at all Evansville area Old National Banks.

The Zoo’s most popular event is just around the corner! Enjoy a safe Halloween and visit the creatures of the night in our newly renovated Nocturnal exhibit, as well as AMAZONIA, all at the same time! Visitors will trick or treat throughout the zoo visiting more than a dozen candy stations, plus enjoy craft activities, a giant inflatable, a Mad Scientist, murals, face painting, creepy critters, games and of course, our Amazing Magician Don Baggett! Don’t forget to dress up in your favorite costume. Visitors of all ages will have a frightfully good time and enjoy an adventuresome Halloween, leaving the Zoo with a bag full of goodies!

Parking is available at the Zoo’s main parking lot, located at 1545 Mesker Park Drive, as well as Lot A (located across from Mesker Ampitheatre) and a third lot located next to Mesker Park.

Interested in volunteering for Boo at the Zoo? Print out Volunteer Registration Form or contact Stephanie at (812) 435.6143 extension 406 or email: ssanderson@meskerparkzoo.com.

For more information, visit meskerparkzoo.com

Explore your spirituality during a New Harmony labyrinth workshop


Historic New Harmony’s 2011-2012 Interfaith Dialogue Series kicks off Saturday, October 22. Paths to Interfaith Dialogue: A Labyrinth Workshop will take place in New Harmony from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. starting at the Atheneum, 401 North Arthur Street. Lunch will be provided for $10. This is an opportunity for young adults interested in interfaith dialogue to explore their faith and the faith of others in an environment that encourages reflection, discussion, and action.

Participants in this spiritual journey will be guided by workshop facilitator, Rev. Dr. Duncan Newcomer. Labyrinths have been used as spaces of spiritual awareness for faiths across cultures for centuries. This workshop focuses on individuals who are interested in contributing to interfaith cooperation. “The conversation I offer is one of connecting boundaries,” said Newcomer. Newcomer will lead students in walking New Harmony’s labyrinths and discussing individual spiritual growth, community building, and action on common ground.

Newcomer holds a doctorate in ministry from the Chicago Theological Seminary and is trained in the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral by Veriditas. Over the years, Newcomer has taught at all levels from secondary to graduate schools, been a private practice psychotherapist, a pastoral counselor, and a senior and interim minister of churches. He is a noted preacher and published poet. Newcomer now lives and works in New Harmony.

Register for the workshop online at https://www.usi.edu/extserv/ssl/regform.asp, course number, HNH270, or by calling 812-464-1989.

Historic New Harmony is a unified program of the University for Southern Indiana and the Indian State Museum and Historic Sites. By preserving its utopian legacy, Historic New Harmony will inspire renewal & fellowship between people and communities through its programs & collections. Additional information about Historic New Harmony can be found by calling 812-682-4488 or visiting http://www.usi.edu/hnh/index.php

Source: USI.edu

Downtown Today: 10/10/2011


Time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 10/3/2011 until 10/31/2011 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

Time 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Location 301
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 10/3/2011 until 10/31/2011 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Reminder 15 minutes
LYNN BUHR @ 4993
Categories ROOM 301

Pictures of Crowds Estimated between 60,000 and 75,000 People

Washington DC Rally, 75,000 People
Portland Oregon 60,000 to See Obama
Sydney Marathon Start 60,000 People

IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 10, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the letter to the editor from the “Sewers Before Stadium” advocate Andrew Smith that was published simultaneously yesterday by the City County Observer and the Courier and Press had very different reactions in the two publications?…that both publications had the exact same letter without any edit or bias?…that this letter started a litany of 49 comments that were sometimes a bit nasty but eventually elevated the dialog on the CCO but drew only 14 comments from the regulars on the Courier?…that one of the most insightful comments on Mr. Smith however came from the Courier?…that Mr. Smith was given some due credit for some promethean insights that seem to slip many people’s minds?…that Mr. Smith was one of the first people to visibly question the manner in which the McCurdy parking lot was purchased by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and was the first on record to call out the Weinzapfel Administration for poor or no planning with respect to the downtown Convention Hotel?…that Mr. Smith was right on the heels of the City County Observer’s efforts to expose the secret meetings to take away the Homestead Tax Credit that was held in Mayor Weinzapfel’s office?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Smith did get the ultimate compliment and I paraphrase “he may have been negative but he was right and he was honest”?…that when people like Andrew Smith are willing to establish businesses in Evansville, can find venture capital in Evansville, and be engaged in local government that Evansville may move forward?…that until then it seems as though the “machine” is still in charge?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #56 tells us that someone was pulled off of the Democratic float at the Fall Festival by the Evansville Police Department and was handcuffed?…that this person was then sitting on the sidewalk?…that Mole #56 did not know the identity of this person or why they were riding on the float?…that the City County Observer was taken off of the distribution list for the EPD Activity Reports for three days last week when this occurred so we can’t check it with records that we have?…that Sunday the reports magically started coming to us again?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 tells us that there may be legal action initiated with respect to the fact that Klenck Construction has not been paid the $315,000 that they are owed for demolition work completed on the Executive Inn and its parking tower?…that we recall that the City of Evansville that owns the land on which that work was done has consistently asserted that they have no responsibility legal responsibility to pay for the work and that Klenck’s only course for relief is to collect from the business that hired them to do the work?…that it was mentioned in an ERC meeting in early August that Klenck would be paid and that the about face became apparent when project manager John Kish stated before the Evansville City Council that even though this is City of Evansville property and that the property has been improved that the terms of a private contract being satisfied are the only way that Klenck Construction will be paid?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 also advises us that the gathering of facts and the follow up questions with regard to the VETTING process conducted by Hunden Strategic Partners is nearing completion?…that there are only 5 more scheduled meetings of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission during 2011 and that will constitute the last 5 meetings under the Weinzapfel Administration?…that this hotel can has been kicked down the road enough already and that the most appropriate action right now may just be to seal the Hunden VETTING report until January and to let the next Mayor of Evansville’s Administration and a newly appointed ERC carry this ball to its conclusion?…that shoving a decision in favor of either bidder through at the final hour of the Weinzapfel Administration will not pass the smell test at this stage of the process?