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Vanderburgh County Felony Charges


Civic Center Complex, Administration Building – Room 108
Evansville, IN 47708
Phone: 812.435.5150 Fax: 812.435.5810

For Immediate Release: Contact:
March 23, 2012 Carly Settles – 812.435.5688


Evansville, IN – Below is a list of felony cases that were filed by the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office on Thursday, March 22, 2012.

Dustin Anglin Intimidation – Class D Felony
(Habitual Offender Enhancement)
Resisting Law Enforcement – Class A Misdemeanor
Invasion of Privacy – Class A Misdemeanor

For further information on the cases listed above, or any pending case, please contact Carly Settles at 812.435.5688 or via e-mail at csettles@vanderburghgov.org.

Under Indiana law, all criminal defendants are considered to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

Class Range
Murder 45-65 Years
A Felony 20-50 Years
B Felony 6-20 Years
C Felony 2-8 Years
D Felony ½ – 3 Years
A Misdemeanor 0-1 Year
B Misdemeanor 0-180 Days
C Misdemeanor 0-60 Days

IS IT TRUE: March 23, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 23, 2012

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 24 hours since the City County Observer offered Earthcare Energy a free supportive story if they will send us a third party assessment of their proposed technology that was conducted under real operating conditions as set forth in the report from Concurrent Technologies where they recommended to the Air Force that they should conduct such tests if they really wanted to consider implementing a solution utilizing the Langson device to capture step down pressure from gas transmission lines and turning it into electricity?…that we will extend this offer indefinitely as the financial projections in the “Investment Summary” do not even merit being read for anything but consistency until a real world 3rd party validation by a recognized testing company like Concurrent Technologies has been completed and made available to the people of Evansville?…that between our two 4 year universities, a decent number of companies, and wayward engineers who want to see Evansville do the right thing that there really are a fair number of people who will understand such a report?

IS IT TRUE that it seems as though there are six acceptable ideas for what to do about Roberts Stadium that have come from the committee that Mayor Winnecke put together to make a recommendation?…those six ideas were gleaned from 600 submissions that were made by the people of Evansville?…that the wrecking ball advocates will now start raising a ruckus about the cost of keeping it open and demand that the wrecking ball start to swing soon so as to stop wasting money?…that these same wrecking ball advocates were among a small minority who last year wanted to spend $18 Million on 8 ballfields that will have costs associated with them to save the cost of the pumps of Roberts?…that these wrecking ball advocates were completely self serving and disingenuous by putting such a proposition forward?…that aside, whatever happens at Roberts will cost some money?…that these six ideas are hopefully coming before us with a price tag attached to them?…that as long as that price tag is under $18 Million that the wrecking ball advocates will need to shut up about the money as that was what they were planning to spend anyway and get on board with doing something positive with Roberts?…that if the real cost of doing something with Roberts is out in the stratosphere that there is always that wrecking ball option or even the sell to a private investor option?

IS IT TRUE that someday soon the people of Evansville will be able to buy shares of stock in Berry Plastics?…that the folks that have been holding shares of Berry for a long time now will be in a position to sell some of them off at will as Berry is planning an IPO that will make its stock available to trade on a public stock exchange?…there may just be some discretionary funds available to be spent at home when this goes through?

IS IT TRUE that Republican hopeful for President of the United States Rick Santorum last night shocked lots of people by making a statement that voting for Mitt Romney is pretty much like a vote to re-elect Obama as there is little difference in them?…that he said that Romney (like Obama) would be an Etch-a Sketch president changing his views as quick as the picture on an Etch-a-Sketch can be shaken erased and then a new opinion drawn?…that many polls show that the one sure fire way for Republicans to assure the re-election of President Obama is to hand their own nomination to Santorum?…that the Republican candidates are already getting into mudslinging mode that will be reminding us of Barack vs. Hillary 4 years ago when they went at each other’s throats for the Democrat nomination?…that there will be much popcorn consumed if the Etch-a-Sketch comment is any indication of things to come?

USI Faculty present national survey results on homeownership impact


Five USI faculty and staff members traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, to present findings of a national survey conducted for Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) Women Build during an International Women’s Day symposium in March.

Completed under the auspices of the USI Center for Applied Research (CAR), results from the survey reflect feedback from more than 320 Habitat homeowners – more than 85 percent of them women – from 44 U.S. cities. The responses indicate that the impact of homeownership significantly increases homeowners’ self-esteem, well-being, overall family health, and neighborhood pride.

Presenters included Elissa Bakke, assistant director of CAR; Dr. Katherine Draughon, executive director of the Office of Planning, Research, and Assessment (OPRA); Dr. Marie Opatrny, associate professor of social work; Dr. Iris Philips, associate professor of social work; and Dr. Ronda Priest, chair of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Studies.

Dr. Matt Hanka,assistant professor of political science and director of the Master of Public Administration Program, and Dr. Mohammed Khayum, dean of the College of Business, also contributed to the research, but were unable to attend the symposium.

“The HFHI survey was a unique opportunity for faculty and staff from a variety of departments on campus to work together and produce a product with significant impact,” said Draughon. “This project will help put USI on the national radar as a university known for quality community engagement.”

The presentation sparked positive audience feedback and raised questions that could potentially lead to future research opportunities. These opportunities can explore ways HFHI can continue to increase impact and create greater efficiency in the organization.

“Habitat will be able to use this new information to gain additional donors and funding, recruit more volunteers, and provide additional resources to our affiliates,” said Lisa Marie Nickerson,associate director of HFHI’s Women Build program.

After the presentation, the team had the opportunity to visit Americus, Georgia to see HFHI headquarters and the Global Village and Discovery Center, a six-acre village where guests can learn how HFHI works in partnership with families all over the world to eliminate poverty housing.

“Walking through the Global Village and Discovery Center helped me truly understand the struggles families have in many countries just to have adequate housing,” said Bakke. “To call these living conditions ‘housing’ is really an overstatement. I am so honored to have a small role in assisting Habitat in their mission to eradicate substandard housing and improve peoples’ lives. I look forward to continuing collaborations with the organization.”

Source: USI.edu

International Banquet and Variety Show Planned for Saturday


On Saturday, March 24, the University of Evansville’s International Club will host the annual International Banquet and Variety Show, which will begin at 5:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center.

Tickets are $15 per adult and $8 per student, and are only available at the door.

This annual event features entertainment, a fashion show, and homecooked international cuisine prepared by members of the International Club, who represent many of the 47 countries reflected in UE’s student body.

“The International Banquet and Variety Show is an evening of riveting performances, delicious homemade dishes from around the world, and a vibrant fashion show that showcases the unique traditional wear of some of the countries represented at UE,” said Ashley Whylly, president of the International Club, who hails from the Bahamas.

“This year, attendees can look forward to dances from Latin America and Africa, poems from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and dishes such as bulgogi from Korea and spanakopita from Greece — just to name a few.”

Source: Evansville.edu

WSJ paints ugly picture for Evansville’s Springleaf


The Wall Street Journal in an article today painted a very nasty picture of how things are going for Evansville based Springleaf Financial. For a number of factors including a large looming debt payment and their own difficulty with finding financing the following article was written.


EPD Reports Absolutely ZERO Crimes Reported in or around Ford Center Events


News Release


The Evansville Police Department has released the crime statistics associated with events at the Ford Center.
Since the first event last fall, there have been no reports of thefts from vehicles, no reports of vandalism to cars, no event goers were robbed as they walked to and from their parking spot, or harassed for money from beggars. There were no traffic accidents related to the arrival or departure of event goers.
EPD used a planned traffic flow to help with the egress of event goers. The plan had the area clear of traffic congestion within 30 minutes during sell out events, less during less attended events.

The number of officers assigned to the area was adjusted to reflect the number of attendees at each event. The goal was to put enough officers in the area to ensure a safe environment while not being overbearing. Based on the results shown here, the EPD feels the strategy has been successful.

Indiana Phasing out the DEATH TAX


STATEHOUSE— Today, two key pieces of legislation supported by House Republicans was signed into law by the Governor. The first, House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1376 will provide additional funding to state fair stage collapse victims, increase funding for full day kindergarten, and improve the Automatic Taxpayer Refund.

“Last year a tragedy in our community occurred with the collapse of the stage at the State Fair. Our prayers and thoughts go out to those affected by this tragedy. No amount of money will make up for what occurred, but we felt that we could do better by the victims and their families,” said Speaker Bosma.

HEA 1376 will increase the amount of compensation available for victims of the state fair stage collapse from $5 million to $11 million.
The legislation would also double the per student grant for full day kindergarten by providing an additional $80-100 million in funding—an increase from $1,227 per student to $2,400 per student. HEA 1376 provides the most significant investment in full day kindergarten in state history.

“We must continue to invest in the future of Indiana.

“For the first time in Indiana’s history we have completed the funding of full-day kindergarten to better provide every child an education that will serve as a foundation,” said Speaker Bosma.

HEA 1376 enhances the Automatic Taxpayer Refund which was created last year. Current projections indicate that four million Hoosiers could receive a refund of at least $50 each when they file their 2012 tax returns next spring.

Another important piece of legislation signed into law today was the Inheritance Tax bill, Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 293. This legislation will allow small business owners, farmers and individuals who have acquired savings and assets to pass these to their children or others without tax.

Indiana is the only state that does not exempt direct descendants’ children and grandchildren from paying the inheritance tax. Indiana’s neighboring states, Michigan and Ohio, do not have inheritance taxes, and Kentucky does not tax on transfers to children.

Indiana’s inheritance tax rate can range from one percent to as high as 20 percent of a person’s inheritance; 20 percent is the highest possible inheritance tax rate of any state.

The bill would raise the exemption in year one and phase out the Indiana Inheritance Tax over the next nine years starting in 2013. It phases out inheritance tax replacement amounts payable to counties over 10 years. Every year, incremental reductions of approximately $14 million would be removed from the State’s inheritance tax revenue.

The bill, once fully phased in, is estimated to keep as much as $165 million in the pockets of taxpayers each year.

“I can confidently say that House Republicans have fulfilled their promises and enacted legislation that will significantly continue to strengthen Indiana,” said Speaker Bosma.

Source: House of Representatives Republican Caucus

Roberts Stadium Task Force to Meet Today at 5:30



March 20, 2012 Contact: Ella Johnson-Watson
For Immediate Release 812-436-4965

Media Advisory

The Robert Stadium Task Force will meet Thursday, March 22, at 5:30 p.m. at The Centre in the Walnut Rooms. Task Force Chairman Larry Steenberg will receive status reports from subcommittees reviewing ideas for future uses of Roberts Stadium in the categories of sports, parks and exposition center.