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IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011 Political Holiday Dia de los Tontos


IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011 Political Holiday

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer would like to play on the Dia de los Muertos celebration with the proposal to have the night after the election christened as Noche de los Tontos?…that there are plenty of Spanish to English translators available to those readers that are curious?…that we promise it is not a bad word?…that in the spirit of Dia de los Tontos that we would like to dedicate the new system of government that’s definition was sent to us this morning by an avid reader?

Ineptocracy; (in-ept-oc-ra-cy): A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

IS IT TRUE that another one of “The 23” the CCO’s name for the 23 Democrats who signed the resolution supporting Democrat City Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke has cast his lot with the Winnecke campaign with a strong letter of support as well?…that Councilman John stated in his endorsement that he is for good government first and a Democrat second?…that he said he can’t remember ever voting a straight ticket?…that Councilman John is not an officer of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee and that the CCO supports splitting tickets and using one’s mind to vote and thus support Councilman John’s independent position?…that if he had been an officer we would have been calling on him to resign his office and then support the candidate that he believes is best for the job of Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that joining Councilman John today in the endorsement of Winnecke is United States Congressman from Indiana and Republican candidate to succeed Governor Mitch Daniels Mike Pence?…that Congressman Pence appears to be headed to the Governor’s Mansion and has carried the torch of conservatism in the United States Congress for his entire duration in office?…that this election is really making for some strange juxtapositions of support?

IS IT TRUE that the silence is deadly going into tomorrow’s meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that there is not a word on the agenda about Centre City Properties LLC or the McCurdy Hotel?…that technically the newest deal turns into a pumpkin at midnight tonight and the ERC will have to either extend the deal, congratulate Mr. Scott on his successful closing of his loan, let it slide for a bit longer without a contract, or maybe just maybe let this deal that has been on life support for years die a good death on Dia de los Muertos?…that another $10,268 in property taxes are due in 10 days do any extension needs to take those taxes into account and go into default if the tax is not paid on time?…that there is no law against paying ones taxes 10 days early?

IS IT TRUE that the ERC is also not anticipating hearing a word about the downtown Convention Hotel either as the names Kunkel, Prime, and Hunden are conspicuously absent from the agenda?…that at this point we think there has been plenty of time to VET the two proposals and are wondering exactly what is causing the delay?…that if they VET then the VET but if they don’t they don’t?…that what would be best is to announce that the Vetting process is complete, to seal the results, and to let the next mayor handle the choices and the details?

Congressman Mike Pence Endorses Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor


Mike Pence Endorses Winnecke

Mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke received the endorsement today of Republican Rep. Mike Pence, a candidate for governor of Indiana and an icon of the national conservative movement. Here is the statement released today by Rep. Pence:

“I have traveled to Evansville to campaign for Lloyd Winnecke because I believe in his vision to lead Evansville forward. Lloyd has made good paying jobs his top priority for Evansville and he has a solid plan to make it happen. I am proud to endorse Lloyd’s candidacy for Mayor and I look forward to watch Evansville grow stronger as a result of his leadership.”

Winnecke had previously received the endorsement of Gov. Mitch Daniels, which you can listen to online here. Winnecke has also been endorsed by non-partisan groups such as the Courier & Press editorial board, the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Chamber of Commerce.

Democrat City Councilman Curt John Endorses Lloyd Winnecke


Democratic City Councilman and long time party leader Curt John has endorsed Republican candidate Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville.

John went on to state in his letter of endorsement that he is for good government first and the Democrat party second citing that he does not remember ever voting a straight ticket.


Select Quotes from Biography of Steve Jobs


“My job is to say when something sucks rather than sugarcoat it.”

“Expect good people to do great things, and they will”

“People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

“This company is in shambles, and I don’t have time to wet-nurse the board. So I need all of you to resign. Or else I’m going to resign and not come back on Monday.”

“”Bill is basically unimaginative and has never invented anything, which is why I think he’s more comfortable now in philanthropy than technology. He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.” Speaking of Bill Gates

“I love it when you can bring really great design and simple capability to something that doesn’t cost much”

“If you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone else will.”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/best-steve-jobs-quotes-from-biography-2011-10#expect-good-people-to-do-great-things-and-they-will-7#ixzz1cNM9k2Zi

USI hosts first FIRST LEGO League tournament in Southwest Indiana


The University of Southern Indiana’s Southwest Indiana STEM (SwiSTEM) Resource Center will host the first FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Southwest Indiana Qualifying Tournament for grades four to eight from 1 to 6 p.m. Saturday, November 19, in University Center East at USI. Thirteen teams of children age 9 to 14 from throughout southern Indiana will compete.

FIRST LEGO League is a robotics program designed to get children excited about science and technology and teach them valuable employment and life skills. Teams, composed of up to 10 children with at least one adult coach, can also be associated with a pre-existing club or organization, homeschooled, or just be a group of friends.

Teams program an autonomous robot using the LEGO Mindstorms robot set to score points on a thematic playing surface (rather than a three-dimensional obstacle course) and create an innovative solution to a problem as part of their research project. Check out the FLL Youtube page to view teams in action.

A qualifying tournament for FLL has never been held in southwest Indiana.

Although the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) will play an important role in this competition, it is not to be confused with the USI Robotics Competition, which has been sponsored by the student chapter of the ASME at USI since 2008. That competition, which also utilizes LEGO Mindstorms robots, is held in the spring.

For more information contact Allison Grabert, SwiSTEM Center interim director, at afgrabert@usi.edu or 812/228-5019.

Source: USI.edu

McMullan Delivers Keynote, Accepts Top Prize at Indiana Authors Award Dinner


Margaret McMullan, a University of Evansville professor of creative writing and the Melvin M. Peterson Endowed Chair in Literature and Writing, delivered the keynote address at the Indiana Authors Award Dinner on Saturday, October 29, at Indianapolis’ Central Library. McMullan, the author of six novels, also accepted the National Author award at the event.

In July, McMullan was named the winner of the top prize in the 2011 Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award program. This annual award recognizes the contributions of Hoosier authors to the literary landscape in Indiana and across the nation.

McMullan won the National Author category, which recognizes a writer who has Indiana ties but whose work is known and read throughout the country. The award includes a $10,000 prize.

“I am so honored to be named this year’s national recipient of the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award,” McMullan said. “I moved to Indiana about 21 years ago to teach at the University of Evansville, and I’ve grown to love this state, its people, and its strong literary heritage. I feel privileged and humbled to be a part of it.”

This spring, nominations for the Indiana Authors Award were submitted in the categories of National Author, Regional Author, and Emerging Author. From the pool of nominees, McMullan was selected as the National Author award winner by a 10-member, statewide award panel.

A recipient of a 2010 NEA Fellowship in literature and a 2010 Fulbright at the University of Pécs in Pécs, Hungary, McMullan is the author of six award-winning novels. Her latest book, Sources of Light, is an American Library Association 2011 Best Book for Young Adults and a Chicago Public Library Teen Selection. Actors from Indianapolis’ Young Actors Theatre performed excerpts from Sources of Light at the Indiana Authors Award Dinner. Margaret’s work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, National Geographic for Kids, Southern Accents, and The Sun, among other journals and anthologies.

The Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award is a program of the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation and is funded through the Glick Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation.

To learn more about the Indiana Authors Award, please click here.

Source: Evansville.edu

Downtown Today: 10/31/2011


Time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Location 318
Recurrence Occurs every Monday effective 10/3/2011 until 10/31/2011 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Reminder 15 minutes
Categories ROOM 318

IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011


IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Evansville is well known for being resistance to change and that the first UE Aces game produced one of the funniest resistance to change stories yet?…that some out of towners who usually met up with their Evansville friends in the Roberts Stadium parking lot and then go to their seats together were discussion where and how to do the same?…that after much confusion and discussion they agreed to just meet at the Roberts Stadium parking lot like they always have and drive in one car to the Ford Center downtown?…that of all the new things that the Ford Center offered the $6 beer is the one they remembered as though getting hosed for a beer at a ball game was just invented in Evansville last Saturday?…that the trick of hosing people for food and drinks is an old trick mastered by every stadium and movie theatre in America?…that we do wonder where the best tailgate parties in downtown Evansville will be?…that perhaps we could add some public “Cornhole” space?…that was a joke that only Harrisburg, PA would take serious and consider issuing some “Cornhole Revenue Bonds” to pay for it?

IS IT TRUE that of all the money that has been spent in downtown Evansville the sidewalk improvements and the decorator streetlights really do add some attractiveness?…that giant flower pots that are attended to and kept fresh will do the same?…that this writer put forth an idea in 2007 to convert those big gun barrel ashtrays to flower urns and to start enforcing litter laws to improve the appearance of downtown Evansville?…that it was shot down like a dog in the street by the powers that be?…that the cost would have been in the low 4 figure range and the money could have been raised?…that the City of Evansville was not willing to water the plants?…that by drilling a couple of holes in the ashtrays and making a fiberglass bezel to fit over the top of the ugly ashtrays that an attractive urn with good drainage would be the result?…that it can still be done?

IS IT TRUE that changing the direction of all of the streets does not seem to have made any difference at all?…that the only difference thus far is parallel parking on Main Street now is done into a space on ones right as opposed to ones left?…that we hope the reversals were free because it is no improvement?…that it is no damage either so live and let live?

IS IT TRUE that Halloween like much American life has been neutered to the point that it hardly seems to be worth the effort?…that Halloween was always a chance to burn off energy and have some fun by making mischief?…that Halloween used to start at dusk and now it “officially” finishes at dusk all in the name of safety?…that kids used to scare each other, toss water balloons, soap windows when no candy was offered, and occasionally toss eggs all in good fun?…that the very words “trick or treat” meant “give me a treat or you will get tricked”?…that life in the well controlled spin zone is not nearly as interesting as it was when kids could be kids a couple of times a year?

IS IT TRUE that the members of Occupy Wall Street who dress up like zombies and march around will be right at home today?…that they will be even more at home tomorrow in communities like New York where there are large “Dia de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) celebrations?…that Dia de los Muertos is actually a much misunderstood celebration that’s true purpose is to “Celebrate Life by Honoring the Dead”?…that this is one more thing that this guy misses about living in California?