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Steamboat a Comin’ traveling exhibit at library


October 31, 2011 – Evansville, IN – Steamboat a Comin’: The Legacy of the New Orleans, a traveling exhibition launched by the Indiana Historical Society and sponsored by the Rivers Institute at Hanover College, is on display in Central Library’s lobby now through November 30th.

In celebration of the bicentennial of the first steamboat to successfully voyage down the Ohio River, the exhibit highlights steamboat travel’s impact on western expansion and development. Steamboat a Comin’ introduces visitors to the adventurers who first dared to take a steamboat on the Ohio River, the technology they used, and the positive and negative consequences of their actions.

Visitors will leave with an understanding and appreciation of the adventurous spirit of early river travel, the technological achievements, the vast impact on landscape and economy, and the rich culture we have today as a result.

Make a Pledge to United Way


The 2011 University of Southern Indiana United Way campaign is underway and will continue through Friday, November 11. Volunteers from each college and department will be distributing pledge packets to employees this week.

Last year, the United Way of Southwestern Indiana raised $4.4 million to help support thousands of people in Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Spencer counties. Of that $4.4 million, 285 USI employees donated $37,246.55.

United Way focuses on the building blocks of a good life for all – education, income, and health – and connects people to opportunities to give, advocate, and volunteer. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when people have enough income to support a family through retirement, and when people have good health. By supporting United Way, you choose to LIVE UNITED, making it possible to improve thousands of lives and build a better community for all.

United Way’s 2010 annual report highlights United Way’s work in education, income and health, and recognizes the partners, volunteers and businesses that help make it all possible.

Source: USI.edu

IS IT TRUE? November 1, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 1, 2011

IS IT TRUE that yesterday the City County Observer published an overview of some votes that have already been recorded for the 2011 City of Evansville elections?…that the file was labeled “absentee” but that the large number of ballots that were reported makes us believe that this may be a combination of absentee and early voting as it was nearly one-third of the total votes recorded during the record low turnout of 2007?…that the votes recorded thus far in the two Wards (1 & 5) that are traditionally Republican exceeds the turnout of the other four Wards (2, 3, 4, & 6) by nearly 20%?…that if this is any kind of an early indicator on projected turnout that it indicates that the Republican turnout will be higher than is typical and that the Democrat turnout will be lower than typical?…that it is little nuances like shifts in turnout that always seem to make for unpredictable elections that break with the norm?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #23 the EVSC is having a bit of an issue with bus drivers calling in sick?…that this sounds like an old fashioned “sick out”?…that Mole #23 also tells us that the contract between EVSC and the Teamsters is in negotiation right now and that may be the source of the ill drivers?…that teachers get sick days and that all school districts have a stable of substitute teachers that can be called upon so instruction continues when a teacher is sick?…that it does not seem to be as mechanized with bus drivers as Mole #23 also tells us that most everyone with a CDL license and a pulse has been drafted into driving routes?…that getting children to school safe and on time SHOULD BE the first priority of someone who chooses to drive a school bus for a living?…that if a negotiating strategy is to play sick in enough numbers that children miss school or parents miss work over a negotiation there is something very wrong with the system that enables such a condition to exist?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #44 now tells us that the decision on what is going to happen going forward with the downtown Convention Hotel will be announced within 10 days?…that this mole even says that a memo exists to that effect and that both john Kish and Mayor Weinzapfel have confirmed it privately?…that this is conveniently the day after the election?…that it would be quite interesting to hear what both of the candidates for Mayor of Evansville have to say about such a large decision being delayed until they have no voice in the matter AND approved right before they take over and suffer the consequences of Mayor Weinzapfel’s lame duck decision?

IS IT TRUE that the tally with respect to TARP bailout funds is now that the federal government put in $411 Billion and has been repaid $316 Billion?…that the total needing to be collected to break even is now down to $95 Billion?…that $50.4 Billion of that is from AIG and $26.3 Billion of it is from General Motors?…that this makes those two companies 80% of the unpaid loans by themselves?…that maybe there should not be any such thing as too big to fail?

IS IT TRUE that both candidates for Mayor gave good interviews on News 14 last night regarding Evansville’s meth problem?…that this is one giant problem and that we are certain that both are biting off enough to choke them with this problem?…that the next Mayor of Evansville is going to need some serious citizen support to supplement law enforcement to really make a dent in the meth problem?…that this will take perseverance, resolve, and ingenuity to make a dent in as meth is now a way of life in Evansville, IN?…that we applaud both candidates for their willingness to recognize this problem and to open a dialog about some solutions?

IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011 Political Holiday Dia de los Tontos


IS IT TRUE? October 31, 2011 Political Holiday

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer would like to play on the Dia de los Muertos celebration with the proposal to have the night after the election christened as Noche de los Tontos?…that there are plenty of Spanish to English translators available to those readers that are curious?…that we promise it is not a bad word?…that in the spirit of Dia de los Tontos that we would like to dedicate the new system of government that’s definition was sent to us this morning by an avid reader?

Ineptocracy; (in-ept-oc-ra-cy): A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

IS IT TRUE that another one of “The 23” the CCO’s name for the 23 Democrats who signed the resolution supporting Democrat City Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke has cast his lot with the Winnecke campaign with a strong letter of support as well?…that Councilman John stated in his endorsement that he is for good government first and a Democrat second?…that he said he can’t remember ever voting a straight ticket?…that Councilman John is not an officer of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee and that the CCO supports splitting tickets and using one’s mind to vote and thus support Councilman John’s independent position?…that if he had been an officer we would have been calling on him to resign his office and then support the candidate that he believes is best for the job of Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that joining Councilman John today in the endorsement of Winnecke is United States Congressman from Indiana and Republican candidate to succeed Governor Mitch Daniels Mike Pence?…that Congressman Pence appears to be headed to the Governor’s Mansion and has carried the torch of conservatism in the United States Congress for his entire duration in office?…that this election is really making for some strange juxtapositions of support?

IS IT TRUE that the silence is deadly going into tomorrow’s meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that there is not a word on the agenda about Centre City Properties LLC or the McCurdy Hotel?…that technically the newest deal turns into a pumpkin at midnight tonight and the ERC will have to either extend the deal, congratulate Mr. Scott on his successful closing of his loan, let it slide for a bit longer without a contract, or maybe just maybe let this deal that has been on life support for years die a good death on Dia de los Muertos?…that another $10,268 in property taxes are due in 10 days do any extension needs to take those taxes into account and go into default if the tax is not paid on time?…that there is no law against paying ones taxes 10 days early?

IS IT TRUE that the ERC is also not anticipating hearing a word about the downtown Convention Hotel either as the names Kunkel, Prime, and Hunden are conspicuously absent from the agenda?…that at this point we think there has been plenty of time to VET the two proposals and are wondering exactly what is causing the delay?…that if they VET then the VET but if they don’t they don’t?…that what would be best is to announce that the Vetting process is complete, to seal the results, and to let the next mayor handle the choices and the details?

Congressman Mike Pence Endorses Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor


Mike Pence Endorses Winnecke

Mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke received the endorsement today of Republican Rep. Mike Pence, a candidate for governor of Indiana and an icon of the national conservative movement. Here is the statement released today by Rep. Pence:

“I have traveled to Evansville to campaign for Lloyd Winnecke because I believe in his vision to lead Evansville forward. Lloyd has made good paying jobs his top priority for Evansville and he has a solid plan to make it happen. I am proud to endorse Lloyd’s candidacy for Mayor and I look forward to watch Evansville grow stronger as a result of his leadership.”

Winnecke had previously received the endorsement of Gov. Mitch Daniels, which you can listen to online here. Winnecke has also been endorsed by non-partisan groups such as the Courier & Press editorial board, the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Chamber of Commerce.

Democrat City Councilman Curt John Endorses Lloyd Winnecke


Democratic City Councilman and long time party leader Curt John has endorsed Republican candidate Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville.

John went on to state in his letter of endorsement that he is for good government first and the Democrat party second citing that he does not remember ever voting a straight ticket.
