IS IT TRUE? November 6, 2011 Politics
IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 is hiding in the basement due to the recent threats made against the CCO and is hedging on its commitment to release his predictions today?…that Mole #3 is not accustomed to the nasty talk no action world of politics and is fearing for the safety of its family as official retirement is near and its identity will soon be known?…that Mole #3 is thinking more about safety and a nice life in Florida than about politics today but that we will continue to twist its arm to follow through so we can post the predictions as we have been planning for months?
IS IT TRUE that our new competitor “the Infinity Mole†is made up of the first 100 voters in our polls that have been posting for about 24 hours?…that the Infinity Mole now has made projections on 7 members of the Evansville City Council and that we are expecting this to conclude today for all races but the race for Mayor of Evansville that will be left open until the real polls close on Tuesday night?…that we hear that early voting is approaching 10,000 ballots?…that we are encouraging the acceleration of the opportunity to vote early tomorrow?…that here is a little contest that may be of interest?…that there is a chance that there will be more early votes cast in 2011 than there were total votes cast in 2007?…that is a reflection on the level of interest that the people of Evansville have in this year’s candidates?
IS IT TRUE that today’s Courier was full of interesting and nostalgic articles about back in the day when Evansville was a significant player in the manufacturing world?…that manufacturing began leaving the Midwest years ago with some firms heading south and others heading offshore?…that there are a number of reasons for that including government regulations, the high cost of utilities, labor costs, diminishing skills in the workforce, and of course blight and decrepit infrastructure?…that the manufacturing of the 1950’s and the manufacturing of today are as different as a crop duster and a fighter jet?…that in reality manufacturing did not leave the Midwest, but the Midwest did abandon manufacturing?…that the actions of that abandonment are a failure to increase skill levels, the failure to adapt from the boring dogma of old time factory jobs to the clean and efficient processes of today, the failure to keep cities clean and beautiful, the failure to adequately maintain or replace infrastructure, the failure to provide equity capital to young people with vision, and whatever brain dead inactions that lead to a place like the Evansville region being ranked 368th out of 370 in internet performance?
IS IT TRUE that relativity and comparison are what attracts outside investment?…that no company that needs to be at the leading edge of internet performance will even answer a phone call from Evansville?…that the stark reality is not so much that we are only ahead of two regions it is that 367 are ahead of us?…that as educated populations go we also are bouncing off of the bottom?…that when and only when these kinds of problems are solved that this region can even be on the radar screens of attractive outside investments?…that we once again remind our readers that the legacy of the office of Mayor of Evansville is 52 years, 13 administrations, and 4 last names?…that rather than write a dissertation on the myriad of mistakes made locally, on this Sunday we shall quote the Bible as healing and prosperity from the inside is the only real cure for the problems of the Midwest and the City of Evansville?
Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself! Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.’†Luke 4:23
IS IT TRUE that Jared Dwyer wrote an accurate assessment of the problems behind brain drain and it is on the link at the bottom of the page?…that his assertion is simply that there are no opportunities of interest that offer an educated young professional a career based reason to be here?…that we concur with Mr. Dwyer and encourage our readers to read what he has written?
IS IT TRUE that we agree with both of the candidates for Mayor of Evansville that “machine politics†and even “machine lifestyle†is substantially responsible for the malaise that we find ourselves in?…that the CCO does not make endorsements of candidates?…that what we do encourage our readers when considering who to vote for in any of the 2011 elections is to REJECT AND REPUDIATE ALL MACHINE CANDIDATES?…that if both candidates for any office are perceived by yourself to be a COG IN THE MACHINE then do not validate their candidacy with your vote?…that when General Sherman made his march to the sea that his goal was to leave no piece of the machine that made war against the union of the United States functional?…that the 2011 elections may just be an opportunity for Evansville to do the same?…that the CCO encourages all of Evansville to THINK DIFFERENTLY, TO VOTE WISELY, AND TO RESOLVE TO MAKE THIS PLACE BETTER IN THE FUTURE?