Open Forum Weekend January 24-25, 2015



  1. Well…..line up Tea Party Friends. POV, Crash, Al Sharpie, Commonsense,…You are being asked to be exploited again. by Sarah Palin pretending she is going to run for President. She learned this well from Rush Limbaugh, “My fans are loyal idiots. They will buy book I publish, buy anything I say.”
    WASHINGTON POST – DES MOINES — January 24, 2015 Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin told The Washington Post in an interview Friday that she is “seriously interested” in running for the White House in 2016.

    “You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested,” Palin said, when asked to clarify her thinking about a possible presidential bid.

    • …Left out JOHN, Joe-Biden and Cowboy. Sorry for the omission fellows. But your Tea Party champion is calling you to join her Campaign for President of the United States.

      I am making a point here, in case you can’t tell. As long as you support idiot, unelectable GOP candidates (Michelle Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum – pick a circus act) who cater to your every insecurity about the War on Christmas and the Loss of White America, you people are gonna STAY on the loser bench. Harsh? Yes. Do you deserve it? Of course.

      • Sometimes, even “tough love” is futile, Shem. I suspect it will be lost on many of those you list, but at least you tried.

        • Don’t forget me.

          1) Being Open Minded: To a liberal, this has nothing at all to do with seriously considering other people’s ideas. To the contrary, liberals define being “open-minded” as agreeing with them. What could be more close-minded than assuming that not only are you right, but that you don’t even need to consider another viewpoint because anyone who disagrees must be evil?

          2) Racism: Liberals start with the presumption that only white people who don’t belong to the Democratic Party can be racist. So, for example, even if Jeremiah Wright can make it clear that he hates white people because of their skin color or if liberals take an explicitly racist political position, like suggesting that black people are too stupid and incompetent to get identification to vote, they can’t be racist. White Republicans, on the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

          3) Fairness: In all fairness, I must admit that fairness is an arbitrary concept. So, you could make the argument that no one could get “fairness” wrong. Still, liberals do because they don’t make any effort to actually “be fair.” As a practical matter, liberals define “fairness” as taking as much as possible from people who they don’t think are going to vote for them and giving it to people who may vote for them in return for their ill gotten largesse. Certainly conservatives, libertarians, and moderates might disagree about how much money to take from the wealthy to redistribute to the poor or how to help the disadvantaged, but the only liberal answer to the question, “How much is enough?” is “more.”

          4) Greed: To a liberal, believing that you pay too much in taxes or even opposing paying more in taxes is greedy. In actuality, wanting to loot as much money as possible that someone else has earned to use for your own purposes, which is what liberals do, is a much better example of greed.

          5) Hate: Liberals often define simple disagreement with them on issues like gay marriage, tax rates, or abortion as hatred. No matter how well a position is explained, or the logical underpinnings behind it, it’s chalked up to hate. Meanwhile, the angriest, most vicious, most hateful people in all of politics are liberals railing against what they say is “hatred.” This irony is completely lost on the Left.

          6) Investment: Actual investments involve putting money or resources into a project in hopes that they will appreciate in value. Liberals skip the second half of that equation. To them, an “investment” is taking someone else’s tax dollars and putting it into a project that liberals approve of and whether a profit is made or lost is so irrelevant that they typically don’t even bother to measure the results.

          7) Charity: Contributing your own money or time to a good cause is charity. Liberals view themselves as charitable if they take someone else’s tax dollars and give it away to people they hope will vote for them in return. At a minimum, they should at least credit the taxpayers who paid for the money they gave away for the charity, although it’s not really charity if it’s involuntary. Of course, there’s nothing charitable about asking someone else to sacrifice for your gain, which could actually be better described as selfish.

          8) Patriotism: Liberals love America the way a wife beater loves his spouse. That’s why they’re always beating up the country “for its own good.” Doesn’t the country understand that liberals have to hit it in the mouth because they LOVE IT SO MUCH?!?!? Of course, the conventional definition of patriotism, which is loving your country and wishing it well, isn’t one that liberals can wrap their heads around.

          9) Tolerance: In a free, open, and pluralistic society, there are all sorts of behaviors that we may have to tolerate, even though we don’t approve of those activities. Liberals don’t get this distinction. For one thing, they don’t understand the difference between tolerance and acceptance. They also don’t extend any of the tolerance they’re agitating for to people who disagree with them. Liberals silence people who disagree with them at every opportunity which is, dare we say it, an extremely intolerant way to behave.

          10) Diversity: What liberals mean by “diversity” is that they want a broad range of people from different races, colors, and creeds who have identical political views. A black or Hispanic conservative doesn’t contribute to “diversity” in liberal eyes because he actually has diverse views. Incredible role models for women like Sarah Palin can’t be feminists to liberals because she doesn’t share the same liberal beliefs as sexist pigs like Anthony Weiner and Bill Maher. How can you have any meaningful “diversity” when everyone has to think the same way?

          All of these points are 100% accurate, and the tragic irony is that they are COMPLETELY lost on the left.

          Basically liberals are communist and when a country becomes communist the real communist consider liberals the greatest threat. Their beloved buddies would not hesitate to send them to the gulags.

          Just Sayin 🙂

      • Sorry COUNTRYBOY, I did forget you. You are pretty important, sorry about that.

        Oh, everyone’s a liberal to you!…..Seriously, I don’t know who a liberal is when
        the United States Chamber of Commerce is considered liberal now.

    • You couldn’t find third base if you were standing on it Shem.
      If you want to bitch about Palin or any other Political clock go ahead , trying to drag other posters into the picture with the brush of contempt you have for her,– is no more than childish crapola from a (here comes a big word) Atrophied brain.
      I suggest you Make your Points about an issue, –and leave the rest of us out of it,
      and that would make your posts seem more “grown-up”.

      • We’d hope to think your secret service could address that dumb ass comment. You are not the best poise for America with a dumb assed comment like that. The overhead sees you . And actually because of your localized cranial dumb assed comments they are probably not to concerned. Considering, you’d be advised by anyone who frequents the internet to shut the hell up. That’s a “period” in case you or yours didn’t catch the value. —>” John”. <—period.

    • She still doesn’t quite understand why she’s famous. Abject stupidity has shielded her from the harsh truth. I’m all for her recandidacy. If she can talk Cutter Ernst into joining her those two nice ladies would constitute a formidable ticket. Yee ha. Number One Observatory Circle could have an abattoir wing added. Todd Palin need fear not, dog sledding into Washington pre-neutered.

      The poor ‘Baggers can’t buy shoes for their putative kids and will soon be faced with another must-buy book. It’ll get better for them. Their ship was spotted on the horizon, it’s coming in. It’s coming in, it’s com …

    • I’m sure a lot of people are seriously interested but that doesn’t mean she will run. What are you afraid of Shem ? It is a long time till election 2016.

      • Then vote for her fool. Put her on the stage for all the world see how ignorant and stupid RW America is.

        • Gruber pretty well had it right about democrat voters. The world can see very clearly how ignorant Americans are by the choices we make, we elected someone who hates white people. Someone who encouraged a race riot, someone so small he cannot get above his own insecurities. The only thing he has really accomplished is doing major damage to the liberal media. Palin is what she is, an entertaining but I doubt she would do worse that obama. I imagine Bill is looking forward to the possibility of getting back in the White House, that’s where the interns are kept. Bill is definitely pro choice and he choose Monica.

      • Sarah Palin is a laughingstock among educated Americans. If John McCain had not chosen the unvetted Gov. Palin for a running mate, the outcome of the 2008 election might have been different. If he had stuck with a pale, stale, male running mate, he’d have probably picked up a lot of votes from bigoted Democrats. Mainstream Republicans swung away from him because Gov. Palin, who doesn’t wear well for the public, would have been “a heartbeat from the Presidency” and that thought scared them more than having an African American president.

        • Poor ole Crashin’ John thought he was picking a new wife. Once Palin bolted back to the igloo with the campaign’s wardrobe and silverware he had to settle for Lindsey Graham.

        • 100% correct.

          There is a reason the Tea Party is a laughingstock in America. They STILL want her.

    • Sorry COUNTRYBOY, I did forget you. You are pretty important, sorry about that.

      Oh, everyone’s a liberal to you!…..Seriously, I don’t know who a liberal is when
      the United States Chamber of Commerce is considered liberal now.

    • The city is currently handing out $12K raises in property assessments to a whole raft of homeowners in an effort to raise enough revenue just to meet the current cost of city government. This proves that “market value assessment” is nothing but a lie. It is more accurately described as a “cost of government assessment” and has little to do with the actual VALUE of your home.

      It is a desperate reaction to a situation brought about by reckless deficit spending through the city’s bonding authority for unessential projects, that have now come home to roost in a big way.

      When Dionysius left office as mayor of Evansville in 2012, his replacement, Damocles, failed to see the sword suspended above him, and evidently has not discovered it yet. Unfortunately, when it falls, Evansville will be bankrupt.

      • The number of abandoned houses should have been a wake up call for local politicians. We have 78,000 houses in this county, 10,000 are abandoned and it would be interesting to know how many of the remaining houses are in arrears for tax. The number of city/county employees for our current population should be a wake up call in itself. The unions in this area have an extraordinary amount of influence on local politics, as they did in Detroit and we all know what happen there. We can blame slum landlords on abandon houses all day long but it just diverts attention from the real facts and problems and one of them is an aging population and an increasing county population at the expense of the city. Slum landlords and rental houses basically take place because of location, location, location. Ask a realtor this question, exactly what determines location, location, location? Not taking care of streets and sidewalks is one of them.

    • Downtown Hotel, this is why City Council should have rescinded the $ 20 Million public subsidy. They left it in play, and now Mr. Construction Industry Donors is back with a boner.

      Could we get Beyonce to come to town, and rather than sing about put a ring on it, say stick a fork in it ??

  2. Fox and O’Reilly get busted by teenagers

    Let me write all the replies buy the losers

    “MSMBC does it too” NO THEY DON”T

    “I don’t watch Fox” or “Fox isn’t my only source”

    NO! You just parrot all their yapping points word for word, it’s all a big coincidence!

    • They busted Fixed Noise really good. Fixed News is nothing more than GOP propaganda and lies based on other lies.

      • Misrepresentation, lack of journalistic integrity, hasty generalizations, withholding material information, unethically editing video and audio, serial stereotyping, begging the question, bait and switch, predetermined outcomes, use of anecdotal evidence, character assassinations, failure to cite sources, use of hyperbole, fear mongering it goes on and on and on.

        So yeah I’m sure you love all of the above, because you don’t have any integrity either.

        • But I have never murdered an innocent baby! That’s something No Democrat can truthfully say.

        • B.B. How many hours per day do you watch Fox News Channel? Must be a lot if you have that opinion.

          • The hours or minutes I watch Fox has nothing to do whatsoever with the findings of this HS class or the finding of numerous other independent studies about Fox programming.

            You’re desperately throwing up a red herring/smoke screen because your either:
            A) Ignorant of rhetorical and logical fallacies.
            B) Trying to protect your failed ideology
            C) A dishonest debater and/or person
            D) Just a dumbass in general
            E) All of the above.

      • Truth? You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth. And all of America does not watch that propaganda machine

    • Fair warning to Fox News worshippers, if you watch Brains’ video, you may cry. At least Fox did apologize for the gross lies about the existence of “No go zones” in Europe and Great Britain. Apparently nobody told “Bobby” Jindal.

      • They only apologized after they were openly and rightfully called out as “idiots” by David Cameron.

        Never see that happen here from the media or any American politician.

        • B.B, You wouldn’t shade the truth or outright lie would you ? The fellow who talked about the no go’s was a guest not a Fox personality. That is who Cameron talked about. Fox apologized for not checking him better.

        • Both France and England have no go zones, they know it but try and hide it, as they should. We have no go zones here in Evansville, we try to hide it as we should. West of 41, south of Walnut is a no go zone after it gets dark. Benton Drive off Lincoln is a no go zone all the time. Ferguson is a no go zone, all no go zones have a commonality worldwide. Downtown Evansville is a no go zone and all the money local tax payers can drum up won’t change that. Even LBK has given up on downtown Evansville.

          • I go downtown when I want, though. It’s not a no-go zone. I just don’t want to live there anymore, because it’s so inconvenient.

          • Fixed news even admitted they lied. Morons like you and Jindal are doubling down.

      • Heck, we got “No Go Zones” right here in Evansville! For instance i never go to the Ford Center….

      • Indiana-Enoch:

        You poor guy. You don’t know who to vote for. No candidate shares your values.

        • What values would that be Shem?
          I vote for the one who will provide the most fertile ground for the values we all need.

  3. The local mainstream 14schmooze is reporting that the Evansville mayor is going to speak to the CC on Monday about the “two foot print tree high” convention hotel, the schmooze says they are having “proactive” talks with the developers and the bankers……..? 🙂

    Same old archaic combined sewers old patched up water main’s, and outdate utilities. Throughput commerce and actual geographic logistics valuation are still circa mid 20th century as well.
    Heck actually back then hotels flourished there because the main street didn’t have a huge concrete Brutalist architecture revenue sucking vacuum parked square in the middle of the perceived throughput commerce. Once an old boy ask another old boy to “tear down that wall” , a similar structure. Popular guy back then, he also said —–>

    • V, could we ever use a real American conservative like RR after the Obama disasters of deficit explosion and a foreign policy that emboldens enemies while weakening our military.

  4. “The local mainstream 14schmooze is reporting that the Evansville mayor is going to speak to the CC on Monday about the “two foot print tree high” convention hotel,…

    Way to go, CCO posters!! You forced the Poop into the City Coucil meeting. I guess he thinks the Council members wouldn’t DARE question him, the way they did his well-paid whipping boy. I’m betting they will question you too, Mr. Mayor.

    • You know lady, including your moms given name too you, yeah its a bout time. This callout from us isn’t about those historical democrats, or republicans, its about todays informed citizens knowing the real balance that has historically controlled them. With the very funding you have to supply them , oh here it is! By law.

      Its all a load of cronies valued squat! . Right there. real time fast. The GPS qualified stuff as is commonly accessed by simple elementary students in todays world.
      So, Laura do you, or do you not? support this load of its purported downtown flapping in the breeze balance for a metro plan ? That’s a huge metro fail, its been observed calculated and valued. That downtown is a long shot whored valuation. That because the stinking political scatology that has honed those values to the con·tin·u·ance’s values forward.
      r/. 1 the state of remaining in existence or operation.
      “his interests encouraged him to favor the continuance of the bullshit”
      the time for which a situation or “action lasts.”
      “the trademarks shall be used only during the continuance of this agreement”
      the state of remaining in a particular position or condition.
      “the king’s ministers depended on his favor for their continuance in office or valuation of the realm”

      Law: R/. 2 a postponement or adjournment.
      “if this man’s testimony is important, I will grant a continuance”
      synonyms: adjournment, postponement, deferment, stay
      “the prosecution sought a continuance”

      the state of remaining in existence or operation.
      “his interests encouraged him to favor the continuance of contest”
      the time for which a situation or action lasts.
      “the trademarks shall be used “only” during the continuance of this agreement”
      the state of remaining in a particular position or conditions.
      “the king’s ministers depended on his favor for their continuance in office”
      a postponement or adjournment.
      “if this man’s testimony is important, I will grant a continuance”
      synonyms: adjournment, postponement, deferment, stay
      “the prosecution sought a ”

      Yeah maybe this should be taken down, or………..maybe not.

      Like we’ve always said we are humanist centrists , and the radical based right, or left values really are just weighted and balanced like any other. So.

      • If I understand your question correctly, no, I don’t support what is going on downtown because there really doesn’t seem to be a “plan”. That is, unless you consider throwing crazy amounts of public money into gaping sinkholes in the infrastructure as a “plan.” I think this constant looking backward would not be the basis of any competent, comprehensive plan for the betterment of Evansville as a whole.
        Reality is that the center of the City is not the heart of the city. If old downtown comes back, it will be naturally. The basis of such a thing happening would be, IMO, for the public money to go on meeting EPA requirements and updating our sewers. If that is coupled with private money going into a land-based Tropicana, then the rest would happen over time and without huge infusions of public money.
        I believe a Medical School is something we need in this region, but forcing it into the Dead Zone is a gross disservice to the school, its students, and the area as a whole. Putting it downtown will NOT suddenly re-vitalize the area. It isn’t going to bring very many new people into the area, and the impact of having the school downtown would be negligible on a hotel.
        If your question is about why I am supporting Gail Riecken for Mayor, and an implication that I am just falling in line for old-style politics, the answer to that is also “No.” I am supporting Gail because she has a record of looking out for everyday people’s interests, first and foremost. Stack that up against the Poop’s desperate efforts to further the cause of his inner circle at the expense of the public, and who to support becomes a no-brainer.

        • Nope LKB. You are wrong about the location of the new medical school. But you knew I thought that. There never was any consideration of going anywhere but downtown, because it belongs downtown. The Mayor works for the IU decision-makers, not the other way around.

          • The IU decision makers work for the Governor. The Governor wants to shore up Winnie and Evansville because he’s running for Veep. Are you saying that all of this was just a prank on the taxpayers, and there was really no input from the public?
            Please explain WHY is belongs downtown.

    • I’m surprised that he has not fired Steve by now. I mean he did such a terrible job that now the Mayor has to stand up before the City Council Members himself and can’t depend on his flunky to take the heat for him anymore.

      • I don’t think it’s wise to fire somebody who has all the “dirt” on you, if you are Lloyd Winnecke. Schaefer has proven that loyalty isn’t his long suit, just ask his wife. Carol and Lloyd have created a monster. Russ Lloyd should be on the chopping block, too. He won’t be going anyplace, either, though. I’m not sure he’d “sing” because that would look bad for him, but it isn’t a chance they can take.

    • Why should they question him? Even Friend admitted he was left with a mess. According to the local democrats, pre Winnecke we were suppose to get a new top of the line free hotel. The absolute best advice any politician ever gave the people of Evansville was totally ignored by the democrats, remember Sewers before stadiums? Partially true the democrats sort of gave us a sewer, known as the JOHN.

      • You’re giving me whiplash, pov. Anytime anyone points out the horrific mess POTUS inherited, you seem to think he should have solved all those problems during his first six months in office. I have noticed you keep defending Winnie with ” Even Friend admitted he was left with a mess.” Given your argument about the President and the difference in the size and scope of the inherited messes, Winnie should have cleared things up during his first two weeks in office.
        The truth is that the people of Evansville have elected three bunglers in a row. At least they seemed to recognize their mistakes and haven’t re-elected them. The local GOP thought they could do as they pleased this time around, because they believed they’d destroyed the local Democratic party, but they misjudged the situation. Gail Riecken is giving the voters a viable choice, something the Republicans had hoped to prevent.

        • The democrat party elected Winnecke and in the process damaged itself. The party is still fragmented, as is our city and Winnecke/Gail will continue on the same path. If Winnecke was a real Republican this city would already be on the road to recovery. The big thing that Gail will have to face if she is elected is how she and the CC will spin the 50 million dollar gift to HCW for our new hotel. Gail will either get the 50 million or the hotel is finished and the walkway will either be torn down or left hanging. We need some new blood to fix Evansville and Gail is not the new blood. She’s a worn out old party line trough feeder. There is so much disgust with both parties that a Libertarian or an independent could give them a race for their money. I’d vote for Ray Hamner before I’d vote for either of the contenders. The CC will most likely remain in democrat hands in which case Winnecke would be the best mayor, we’ve already seem what happens when the mayor and CC are lockstep. It’s known as the fraud center.

          • Aha! No answer to the “inherited mess” comment. Pov has moved on to the imaginary $50 million prediction. He’s going to go through some interesting circumlocutions finding a way to try to justify the fact that he is one of those straight-ticket, hell-or-high water GOP voters. No need to try to do the impossible, pov. We get it.

    I am glad to see their continued failure. They are huge impediment to being able to bring jobs to Evansville. No business wants to come to a city where it will be bled dry by a horrible union. The faster we can run the evil unions out of town, the faster we can be a successful city again! Lets embrace the future and stop living in the past! Unions are the enemy of jobs! Lets all jump on the Pro Business bandwagon! Evansville loves jobs! Evansville loves jobs! Evansville loves jobs! Evansville loves jobs! Evansville loves jobs! Evansville loves jobs!

    • Here’s one of the better articles on this subject. It may be over your head, but read it a couple of times.
      It appears to me that the right wing has its own Mom’s basement-dwellers. I wonder if the Winnie people are paying John.

      • Winne’s campaign chest paid out $238,283 in 2014 which was a non-election year!

        You may had found a source where some of that money went!

    • JOHN: “Lets all jump on the Pro Business bandwagon!”

      Right. THIS from a guy who says the Chamber of Commerce is a bunch of liberals anymore.

  6. Nixon and reagan’s war on drugs has failed and ruined way more lives than drugs themselves. Time to end it. Alcohol prohibition failed and so did MJ prohibition.

    • Something we agree on. All drugs need to be as easy as alcohol to obtain. Should be readily available on demand, in quality and quantity as requested. Decriminalize drugs. I seriously doubt there is any drug as damaging as alcohol and we seem to tolerate it well. I’m a non religious conservative who believes that if drugs were decriminalized that the Darwin effect would triumph. Conservatives would lose a few like Rush but most of our no go zones would disappear. Law Enforcement will tell you that most of the theft crimes in this city is initiated by those seeking money for drugs, so we could realize a reduction in crime and less of a threat on our lives. If drugs were decriminalized, who would scream the loudest, liberal democrats, because most people in the social services industry are liberal democrats and almost all problems emanate from drug and alcohol use. People don’t volunteer for drug treatment, they are forced into treatment because drugs are illegal and they get caught using them. Treatment programs, most of which are funded by tax payers would go away. Win, Win. Drugs should only be a condition of employment, let the workplace sort it out.

      • Well I’ll be damned. We agree on something. Tell your republican legislators. True liberals are on board. Your republican legislators are not.

        • Agreed! My whole family did lines of coke and then some smack and chilled out with a little weed. Then I drove a bus full of kids to church, where we all shot up some crank. It’s great! I’m driving home soon, hope you don’t get In my way! Hope you don’t live near me, cuz I’m gonna be up for 7 days straight working on my roof! Wait ….do I have 4 kids or just 3??? Who cares!! Life is great now that I can hit the pipe all day! Do I smell smoke??? Oops! The house is on fire and one of the kids is floating face down in the tub…hang on while I hit this pipe to clear my head….IDIOT! No drugs as serious as alcohol??? Wake the F up. You can’t be that ignorant. People on meth, lsd, heroin, crack do some of the worst things imagineable. How can you not know this? Use meth 3 times and you are physchologically addicted. Then it gets really bad. Then you sell your kid for sex in exchange for dope. Then you have sex with 4 dudes in an hour for meth. Then you forget to get your kid out of the backseat of the car on a hot summer day or night for hours.

          • You know there’s a bit of truth of truth to some of the things you stated. Most of what you claim happens because drugs are illegal and expensive because they are illegal. Drug seeking activities take people to some strange and dangerous places that they normally would not go if drugs were decriminalized. Drugs are apart of a societal subculture that few people know even exists but when they get hooked they fall right in. All the really crazy stupid things people do while on drugs can be directed toward drug seeking activities. Illicit drug use is tough on all those addicted but for women it’s 10 fold. If the drugs of choice was available at CVS we would have fewer no go zones.

        • Is there one senator, R or D that agrees with us? Keeping drugs illegal is a money maker for politicians and the criminal justice. There’s a tremendous number of people doing time for nothing other than using drugs and doing criminal activity to support their habit. One of the most addictive drugs on this planet is tobacco and people are not doing major crimes to get it. We do know that if you tax it to high, as they do in NY, it can cause you to get dead. Almost anyone can tell you the horrors of drug use and activities associated with it, but if you look at the drug seeking activities associated illegal drug use, you’ll find it’s because of the difficulty keeping a steady supply. Cut the supply of coffee and other sources of caffeine in this city and see what happens.

          • Drugs should only be a condition of employment, let the workplace sort it out.
            Every one of my employers provided free coffee. Coincidence?

      • “Drugs should only be a condition of employment, let the workplace sort it out.”
        I had a few jobs where a joint would have helped.

      • pov, If drugs are made more available, more people will use them. More people will have addiction problems. How will this make treatment programs go away ?

        • Very few people ever volunteer for treatment. Treatment is usually a condition attached to a sentence from courts. Most interventions with drug users is via law enforcement. With drugs being decriminalized there would be fewer contacts with law enforcement. Most drug users and dealers are identified to law enforcement by snitches to save their own rears, so snitches would become obsolete if drugs were decriminalized. The ones not doing drugs would most likely not change, the ones not doing drugs come from traditional families that do not do drugs. If you ask a drug user who first introduced them to illegal drugs most will indicate a family member. The only effective drug treatment takes place behind the walls and we do not have enough walls. Combating drugs defies positive evolution, addiction tends to run in families, decriminalize drugs and allow addictions to run it’s course.

    • Never received a dime in public assistance. Nice try though. No student loans or grants even.

      • You must be one of them Hollywood liberals then. Glad to know you are sending the IRS a lot more money than they are asking for. Keep up the good work – paying your “Fair Share”!

  7. What does everyone think about all the candidates who have filed to run for Evansville City Clerk? Should be interesting, huh?

    • Yes, it will be. Only one has a record to run on, and that may just prove to be her undoing.
      I noticed that Jan Stricklin filed without any of the Winnie Wigglers showing up, which seems odd considering the union support she got in her failed bid for a seat on the school board. I had expected her to file for City-Council At-Large. Unless I’ve missed something, so far they have only filed two candidates for At-Large seats. She’d have been a natural in that spot. I guess they consider Beaver Weaver to be their third person.

  8. That’s a well thought out response. Good work. Now back to your parents basement. I’m gonna smoke some crack I just bought really cheap at the CVS and then sneak around your neighborhood and see what’s up for grabs. Is your wife or daughter home? I’ve got some legal crank for her to eat and then party with. It’s all good cause it’s legal!! Moron



    From James Carville, and other Dems….summing up what Sarah Palin fans POV, Cowboy, Joe Biden, JOHH, 1Countryboy, Al-Sharpie, Commonsense and PoseyCountyDutchman don’t seem to understand – Sarah Palin’s idiocy and incompetence did more to elect Obama TWICE than any other factor.

    ALL of the Tea Party Circus Acts are assets for the Democratic Party. You guys really are clueless.

    Which is why “More Palin! In fact, I got a FEVER, and the prescription is MORE PALIN!” is exactly what the Democrats and Hillary Clinton want more than anything.

    But you guys are moths to flame. You want more Palin too. I just think it’s wonderful.

    • The late-night comedians want more Palin, too. The jokes about her write themselves.

    • Hey we like Pretty women! If the democrats had any pretty, desirable women, we’d like her too! All you’ve got is the dried up ole witch, Hillary Clinton, whose husband had to find other women to satisfy his sexual needs. We’re men, but not like cuckholded liberal men who are married to Lesbians though! Real men with actual penises! YES, I GOT THE FEVER. AND THE PRESCRIPTION IS MORE SARAH PALIN!

      Joking aside:

      The real truth is you are insanely jealous of her. She very attractive, very personable, and has been the Govenor of a state and that’s a hell of a lot more than any of you have ever accomplished, or ever will. When you put down Sarah Palin, it’s just your little school girl resentments against the head cheerleader coming out. Here’s a good article on this exact thing.

  10. Oracle Social Cloud is a cloud service that helps you manage and scale your relationship with customers on social media channels. Oracle has integrated the best-in-class social relationship management (SRM) components – social listening, social engagement, social publishing, social content & apps, and social analytics – into one unified cloud service to give you the most complete SRM solution on the market.

    • You are old school with OSC, Pressanykey. The web is more than just social media…Sitecore positions itself as providing an automated, flexible, and predictive customer experience management platform that seamlessly combines web content management with customer intelligence to drive one-on-one engagement with every customer at every touch point: web, email, print, commerce, mobile AND social channels.

      • I am “old school” in a lot of ways, especially where it concerns an individual’s right to privacy. All of this new technology is enough to give a modern day propagandist a permanent woodie. Sorting the truth from the BS becomes even more difficult with the exponential increase in BS, and the ability to target susceptible individuals. It does not bode well for a country that ranked 17th in educational attainment in 2012.

  11. ” best-in-class social relationship management”
    you think that will fix our Southside problems?

    • Stone, I believe Press and Shem need to shut their little thingies off, get outside and talk to people face to face.

      • PAK makes no sense with that. What he wrote is like cucumbers and pickles again. No relationship to the subject. THAT from “V”…ok. “V” has that down to a muse’s skilled art. But PAK…..?

    • Nothing will help the Southside, evolution is constant and persistent. The Southside is reverse evolution in action.

  12. I would like to talk about Chris Kyle. Some say Kyle was a hero. Others say he was a coward or a psychopath. Kyle was in his late 20’s when he entered the Navy. He could have been a cook or a fighter pilot but instead he applied himself to be one of the elite Navy Seals. It has been said that the Seal training is the most demanding training in the World. People get upset when they hear he had 160 confirmed kills. Kyle says he did it to save American Soldiers and Allied Soldiers lives. Kyle did four tours in our wars. You may not have agreed that we needed to be in Those wars but we will never know how many lives Kyle had saved. Kyle was helping another vet when he was. murdered.
    I believe that if you were stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire Kyle would get out of his vehicle to help. I don’t believe his critics would even stop or call a wrecker.
    We don’t do enough for our veterans.

    • Chris Kyle was a great American in the great tradition of Americans, like Bobby Lee, Nathan Bedford Forest, William Calley, George Wallace, Bryan De La Beckwith, James Earl Ray, Lee Harvey Oswald, Dick Cheney and he neocons and BlackWater.

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