Open Forum Weekend February 28 – March 1 2015



    To remain the same is to fall behind

    Joe leaving CCO was inevitable. There are only so many ways to say what’s wrong at Evansville.
    No-one … No-one … could have done that better than Joe did.
    “It is finished”

    Each of us has an opportunity to reinvent ourselves every day, every hour and every moment.
    I resolve to adapt and change to the new and different look and feel of CCO … and to be more constructive and positive in my approach.
    “Let the games begin” …

    • “This above all: to thine own self be true,
      And it must follow, as the night the day,
      Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

      William Shakespeare

  2. Sorry for the length.
    This observation was emailed to me, and while I can not verify its accuracy, I found it interesting and plausible.

    Dr Peter Hammond has a doctorate in Theology. He was born in Cape Town in 1960, grew up in Rhodesia and converted to Christianity
    in 1977.
    Here is a perspective by Dr Hammond adapted from his book “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat”.
    Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.
    Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military
    components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other
    Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to
    agitate for their religious privileges.
    When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree
    to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other
    components tend to creep in as well..
    Here’s how it works:
    As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given
    country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving
    minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
    United States — Muslim 0.6%
    Australia — Muslim 1.5%
    Canada — Muslim 1.9%
    China — Muslim 1.8%
    Italy — Muslim 1.5%
    Norway — Muslim 1.8%
    At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and
    disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among
    street gangs. This is happening in:
    Denmark — Muslim 2%
    Germany — Muslim 3.7%
    United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
    Spain — Muslim 4%
    Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
    From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their
    percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the
    introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing
    food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on
    supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves — along with threats
    for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
    France — Muslim 8%
    Philippines — 5%
    Sweden — Muslim 5%
    Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
    The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
    Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%
    At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to
    rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The
    ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
    When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase
    lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are
    already seeing car-burnings. Any non Muslim action offends Islam, and
    results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to
    Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily,
    particularly in Muslim sections, in:
    Guyana — Muslim 10%
    India — Muslim 13.4%
    Israel — Muslim 16%
    Kenya — Muslim 10%
    Russia — Muslim 15%
    After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia
    formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and
    Jewish synagogues, such as in:
    Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%
    At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and
    ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
    Bosnia — Muslim 40%
    Chad — Muslim 53.1%
    Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%
    From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all
    other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic
    cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax
    placed on infidels, such as in:
    Albania — Muslim 70%
    Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
    Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
    Sudan — Muslim 70%
    After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run
    ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the
    infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in
    some ways is on-going in:
    Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
    Egypt — Muslim 90%
    Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
    Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
    Iran — Muslim 98%
    Iraq — Muslim 97%
    Jordan — Muslim 92%
    Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
    Pakistan — Muslim 97%
    Palestine — Muslim 99%
    Syria — Muslim 90%
    Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
    Turkey — Muslim 99..8%
    United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%
    100% will usher in the peace of “Dar-es-Salaam” — the Islamic House of
    Peace.. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim,
    the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as
    Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
    Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
    Somalia — Muslim 100%
    Yemen — Muslim 100%
    Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most
    radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by
    killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons..

    • When we hit 60% I demand they levy a Jizya against me immediately. It sounds like fun.

      • I’m sure you would. Been cruising Garvin Park lately? Shouldn’t have to wait for 60% I’m sure you can find someone to jiz ya now.

        • You’ve got it backwards as usual. That’s the end you’re on, you filthy little racist penitenitary punk. Now go wash your hands and quaff some Listserine.

    • The Assyrian Christians understand that only military victory will stop the ISIS religious genocide:

      “But as ISIL pillages what’s left of their ancestral homeland, and Iraqi government forces prove incapable of stopping them, some among the region’s dwindling Assyrian Christian minority have placed their hopes for self-preservation in the NPU, which plans to grow by the thousands in the coming months.

      “Their morale and capabilities are higher than almost anything I’ve seen,” said Matthew VanDyke, an American filmmaker and former rebel fighter in Libya who organized training sessions over the past two months to whip the NPU into fighting shape. “The kidnapping of their people, the loss of their homeland, the use of their women as sex slaves — it’s really put a fire in them.”

      The idea for a professionalized Assyrian army was first conceived last summer, when ISIL mounted its infamous surge across northwestern Iraq’s Nineveh plains, slaughtering or enslaving hundreds of Assyrians and other religious minorities who stood in its path. Their supposed protectors, the U.S.-backed Iraqi army, wilted before the onslaught, with many soldiers reportedly abandoning their posts and stripping off their uniforms to avoid detection.

      The lesson, said Kaldo Oghana, an Iraqi Assyrian official and NPU spokesman, was that “no one protected minorities then, and no one ever will.””

      If we only had a Commander-in-Chief that really gave a damn about the religious genocide by the Islamic terrorists.

      • If we only had a Commander-in-Chief. It’s hard to imagine the forced show of respect our troops have to endure. I remember Colin Powell saying that at the very least you have to love our young troops. If the CinC can’t love our country how can we expect him to care for the young troops. Liberals have always hated our military.

    • Job’s negative feed back loop illustrates the point I hope to make with this information. The point is not that we should suppress Islam or that all Muslims are bad. We would be oppressors. The point is that there are no negative boundaries in Islam to self correct the extremism. Where ever Islam takes root and thrives, it produces murderist and extreme terrorist committing heinous acts in the name of serving Allah with nothing to limit them. These actions are not something new. They have been happening for centuries. If Christianity has ever been on a “high horse,” then like Paul on the road to Damascus was knocked off his high horse, the gospel of Jesus knocks the church off its high horse.

  3. –CHANGE–
    An awful lot of posters here lamenting the passing of a torch at the CCO, but it is THAT – the passing of a torch to a new and likely ambitious leader as Editor. It is not the decline of the CCO.

    A door is opening here, and as Ron returns, I will bet he has a person for the Editor’s role (you may have read my thoughts on that choice), and a vision for the City County Observer in mind that will propel things here. Skilled as Joe Wallace was, there was always a handicap with his primary focus and domicile being in California. Even he would acknowledge that challenge, perhaps even as a handicap, notwithstanding his ability to leverage technology to still perform that role. But there is no substitute to actually being in the meeting, to actually see someone’s eyes, to feel a room and the spirit of what is going on. Being on the ground, and being near is an indispensable asset.

    A new time has begun here….and with it likely new light, new insights, new strategies and new ways of doing things. I see bright future. Maybe that doesn’t fit the narrative of some of what I read here since Thursday, but I see brighter skies in the view too.

      • On another perhaps more tangible thing. I know Crash mentioned he sold his home. And others have mentioned they are likely to do the same, and they say they want to move with something like “This town is dying. There’s no future here. I hate life here and am moving on. I hope the place burns so my decision is validated.”

        Folks, the buying of real estate by people with a vision in Evansville started a bit ago. Some of you have noticed, many of you haven’t. That old saying, “when there’s blood in the water”…buy real estate.” That has already started as a new time, that might look different, it is coming in Evansville. Smart money is looking to buy, not everywhere as all real estate is local – even in town…. but there is all kinds of upside on real estate right now.

          • I agree with you on the broker angle, although, a value-added, integrity-driven broker is valuable, no doubt. If you’re from here, like me, you don’t need a broker. (And we’ve never bought a home as an investment. Not my thing. Land, farmland, or buildings…and it is NOT anything other than a passive interest.

            This is a boring subject. I apologize for bringing it up. Like golf…Please God, kill me now.

        • Shem we have 10,000 abandon houses in Vanderburgh county. Some of these houses have potential for a person semi handy with tools. I live on the eastside and watch the housing market closely. Houses are staying on the market close to a year and some of them have sold for 25% under assessed value. Houses will sell when the price gets right. I watched one house that was on the market for over a year it started at $227,999 and finally sold for $187,000. Another one started at 250 and after more than a year sold for 185. So maybe we are just getting back to the real market days of pre Clinton. The housing market in northern Vanderburgh county and adjacent counties are doing well. There’s an attitude of I want to visit Evansville but I don’t want to live there.

        • @ shem, I agree with you on houses as an investment. Rented or leased for years and then bought a house, I hate owning a house, my house is a nice house in a decent neighborhood and I regret buying it. Some people are just not home owners and that is one of the reasons we have so many abandoned houses. The great Clinton community re investment thing was a failure, except for realtors and appraisers because some people don’t want the responsibility of owning a home. It takes half of a 2 car garage to keep the stuff you need for upkeep. A lot of the abandoned homes in this area were sold to people who didn’t need to prove an income source on an over appraised house. They bought these houses and walked off with a few dollars and left the houses to rot. The tax payers are picking up the tabs on the demolition of these houses. The city needs to go after the realtors and appraisers.

  4. The legacy of unchecked Democratic city government (Obama’s town). Unfunded pension liability equal to EIGHT TIMES the city’s operating revenue. The fiscal leadership now sits in the White House in the form of a Community Organizer.

    “Chicago’s finances are already sagging under an unfunded pension liability Moody’s has pegged at $32 billion and that is equal to eight times the city’s operating revenue. The city has a $300 million structural deficit in its $3.53 billion operating budget and is required by an Illinois law to boost the 2016 contribution to its police and fire pension funds by $550 million.”

    • I am afraid that you do not understand, Mr. Vice-President. These developments were desired by our comrades in Illinois. Our progressive movement there has drained money from the productive elements of society into the pockets of community organizers, leftist race-baiters, union leaders, unqualified patronage employees, and illiterate teachers–the very heart of our movement to seize control of this repressive country. As President Obama stated during the campaign, our goal is to spread the wealth around by taking it from the people who earned it and reward the shiftless and incompetent who know the right people and have reliably progressive ideology. As Chicago’s gloriously reckless spending continues, eventually the city will be driven to the point of default and insolvency. At that point, our plan is to campaign for a state or hopefully federal takeover of the massive debts, along with other Democratic cities that have been financially ruined by our careful calculated irresponsibility. Money owed to right winger bond holders will be repudiated. Massive tax increases will be imposed on the wealthy to pay for pensions and healthcare so that our progressive retirees can maintain comfortable lifestyles and our rank and file low level Democratic voters can be kept supplied with cigarettes and alcohol (and now marijuana!).

      These are amazing times we live in, Mr. Vice-President!

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

      • Comrade, at least one Democrat Congresswoman (of all things a military veteran) is breaking ranks on Obama’s refusal to identify radical Islam as the enemy of the United States. I’d vote for her for President because she has a plan to defeat ISIS (unlike the Community Organizer-in-Chief who is busy lecturing us that ISIS is not Islamic)

        Now compare our glorious leader:

          • She was born in American Samoa and practices the Hindu religion. She doesn’t even pray to a single god, much less the one that Jews, Christians, and Muslims do. It just seems strange that Biden likes her.

          • Wino, I like her because her goal is to protect America and our allies from the savage barbarism of radical Islam (think ISIS). Period. End of answer. I know this answer is incomprehensible for the erudite nuanced liberal left to comprehend as they blame America, Crusades, capitalism and global warming for the “grievances” of the radical Islamic jihadists.

          • If this is true, Obama must be impeached.

            “An explosive report in a Kuwaiti newspaper claims that President Obama thwarted an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons program in 2014 by threatening to order American military forces to shoot down the Israeli jets.”

            “Brzezinksi recommended exactly the course of action Al-Jarida is claiming Obama took, saying that Israeli planes “have to fly over our airspace in Iraq” on such a mission and asking, “Are we just going to sit there and watch?” He ominously suggested confronting Israeli planes on such a strike mission and giving “the choice of turning back or not,” leaving little doubt as to what he thought the alternative should be.

            Rick Moran at PJ Media also recalls that Samantha Power, one of Obama’s closest advisers and currently U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, suggested invading Israel with American ground forces to impose Palestinian statehood back in 2002.”


        • Mr. Vice-President, these Islamist insurgencies are simply the instantiation of a certain ideological religious superstructure collapsing under the embedded contradictions of end-stage capitalism. They are as revolutionary in their own fashion as the Benefits Community that we at Organizing for Idiocy have so successfully radicalized over the last six years. Once we have completed the task of overthrowing the repressive imperio-capitalist economic base and established a socialist order under the guidance of a historically aware internationally-based left vanguard, we will easily be able to overcome the reactionary tendencies of the remnants of Islamist insurgencies by providing them with food stamps, cell phones, housing vouchers, low-cost affordable health care, mandatory, secular public education that advocates the forcible re-education of the religiously inclined and has no difficult subjects like algebra, and the equivalent of a $750 benefit for personal grooming. You would be very surprised at how calming a nice shampoo, beard trim, and manicure is for a head-chopping revolutionary.

          I am surprised that you have not received a briefing on this from the Central Plenum of Organizing for Idiocy.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

  5. This coming week will be a big one for the Mayor. If he keeps the promise of more plans for the hotel and there is money for the McCurdy, he’ll have a good week. If it doesn’t turn out that way this Mayor will be done. He can’t lie to us anymore and get away with it. Or can he?

  6. Downtown Hotel:

    Welcome to Round 5 of Downtown Hotel Drama. ! If I understand all the teasers and “enthusiasm” being sprinkled around, there are still 240 rooms, but the Hotel is 5 floors vs. 10 with no apartments and smaller parking. However, the cost is just $ 8 Million less than before (i.e., the amount ONB was supposedly unable to pay based on a valuation of the naming rights for the Centre. Still with me ?).

    Discuss amongst yourselves . . . how the hell could this Round 5 configuration only be $ 8 Million less ? Seem like it would be significantly less ?

    • What percentage goes into some viable infrastructure and logistical improvements to qualify that really crumby location for anything? Why should the publics dime provide them a pathway that ultimately starts with such low valuation day one construction first in? You need a real election for once and 3/4’s of your commercial metro growth problem is solved. For tens of millions less than what’s suggested today.
      “What’s in your driveway” means nothing, unless its CSO, and that comes with a mandate to fix it or else your going to get further squeezed due your property tax rolls . CSO, and spent rounds, a few street people panhandling those daring patrons that do try a visit to the __ord center. Gee wiz what a spot.

      ( “jiffy pop arena.” ) per: (Bubbageek*)

      Political lickers, good grief.

    • The cost is actually higher. They came up short $8 million on the prior project. The negotiations between HCW and ONB as reported by the Mayor to City Council reveal that ONB is now in for at least $10 million. The City is in for $7.5 and HCW makes up the difference in the now estimated $36 million hotel. The final hotel numbers in 2013 before it all went to Hell throughout 2014 was a $31.5 million hotel. They found out they can’t build the drawing they were carrying around for anywhere near that through the bid process in 2014. So, the price goes up, the taxpayers pay the same subsidy and we get a Holiday Inn Express downtown. Sounds like a good deal for everyone, right?

  7. Move on, How about an update on your investigation of the marina fire. It’s been awhile.

  8. It does appear that some side drama to the marina fire heated up this week. John Graybill, the boater who has been lodging complaint after complaint on the safety issues at Inland, has been posting all over social media a post he received from John Friend. Mr Friend is less than respectable, appears butt-hurt over some allegation that Graybill may have made, however, also throws his own allegation against Graybill on the fire, attacks his non-involved step-father and finishes with the always professional “kiss my ass”.

    This quickly brings to mind the email-voicemail shenanigans between SBR and Friend. Am I the only one who is completely DISGUSTED and EMBARRASSED by ALL members of the city council?

    Some of you like to repeatedly bash on the mayor, but the repeated non-sense and childish actions played by our elected city council bring far more embarrassment to our community. I am no fan of the mayor, but considering Gail has lined up most of the idiots on the council to back her, I feel no option but to support him and hope we can rid our council of these classless idiots.

    Maybe a viable 3rd party candidate can still emerge…

    • I for one admire the contempt that our Democratic City Council has for taxpayers. People had better learn NOW to shut up and stop complaining. The burden of progressive leadership is overwhelming, and you little people with your little minds need to stop with all the accusations of hypocrisy and demands for decent behavior. Your petty bourgeois standards do not apply to us.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

    • Hmmmmmmm

      Posting “Kiss my ass” on a FB spat


      Telling the entire CC and the entire city that the money needed to fund the hotel was in the account for
      18 freakin’ months and blowing off the EPA CSO issue for nearly his full term

      Wow tough decision

      Hmmmmm I’ll go with Kicking Winnecke’s ass and collecting the $200.

      • Agreed. I’ll take John Friend and SBR over Winnecke/Weaver/Mosby any day. I don’t pretend that they handled their personal lives wonderfully, but it did not in my opinion effect their job performance. Really smart people are often weird and easily bored. Their minds go where others’ don’t. We need more of that type of thing.

        • The surreptitious recording engaged in by Councilperson Brinkerhoff-Riley was an excellent precedent that we are hoping to extend into every home and office in the TriState area. Many children have smart phones that can be set to record their parents’ conversations, so that we can root out the many concealed right wingers around here. As far as threatening other individuals, all I say is the burdens of leadership even on a City Council require the true leftist to do what is necessary to bring wavering party members back into line or attack reactionaries. It is for their own benefit. As Pooh skillfully insinuates we can not judge progressive leaders like Councilpersons Brinkerhoff-Riley and Friend using the standards that we would apply to the typical person.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

        • I like Mosby and Weaver on the CC. When they vote, regardless of how they vote, I know the fix is in. The vote for the water meters was 7-2 against, Weaver and Mosby voted for it. The big union boss came in spoke to the CC and the vote changed to 9-0. Weaver and Mosby were the only two that were honest at the start, the rest lied and then changed back to the way they were ordered to vote. Weaver and Mosby are more like real people, you know the common folks, the rest of the CC are the highly educated who make a practice of trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the general population. Connie isn’t highly educated but her people are easier to pull the wool over.

      • I wish I could be a certain as some of you that we would not get the same results with Gail except her being empowered by a democrat CC.

    • Would like to see this post from Friend, unawares he knew what social media was, but bully ! to him if so.

      Anyone ?

        • Buzz,

          Thanks, but now really confused. Walt Lowe was City Controller under Mike Vanderveer, about as -D- as you can get. Not sure where Mr. Friend is getting the Republican Mayor stuff.

          • @wino:

            Wrong, under Russ Lloyd Sr. the City Contoller was Robert Koch III, yes, that Robert Koch from George Koch and Sons.
            Deputy Controller was Gary Russell.

            Walt Lowe came in when Mike Vanderveer won in November 1980.

          • @ Wino, Round 2:

            I worked on the 3rd Floor, too, in 1980. You are absolutely wrong. Robert Koch III was the City Controller all the way through the election in November 1980.

            If you are correct, name the office, and position, that Walt Lowe’s wife, Lynn, held at the Civic Center in 1980 when this alleged affair came to pass . . . . .

      • Don’t you know how to do a Google Search? Hint John Friend uses his middle name on his Face Book page. Figure out his middle name and you are right there!

        And Yes I saw that. John Graybill is really obsessed with the Marina. You should all check out his facebook pages. It’s full of the same post over and over and over and over again.

        • I did not know you could use google to search Facebook. Now THAT is technology. Next you will tell me that you can get music videos with the lyrics printed on the screen as the song plays !

          Dang !

    • Hello Evansville,

      This is John Graybill, I am the one who had first aired my safety concerns about the marina in December, 2013. Keep in mind, I would have not had any type of political insight to local politics as of late.

      However, my journey of wanting to learn more about this site has lead me to learn darker practices which will be addressed. Yet, the playfulness by certain political puppets adds color to the journey. Some may say I am obsessive or passionate about this subject which I am as I am under the belief if things would have been addressed back in December, 2013, we wouldn’t be looking at an unfortunate event that has cost implications that are now reported of nearing $5,000,0000. So now, I have that many more reasons to wake you all up as it is presently YOUR tax dollars flipping the bill on this one.

      PS. Any valid Authority is more than welcome to any of my personal information.


  9. V,

    We all need to write in the same dog to pull this off. Can you make sure your dog is clearly identified?

    • We need to run a horse not a dog. All we would need is the head. There s an ample supply of the tail end.

      • You could be right there IE: Got the steed but in Evansville’s barn his feed bag keeps coming up short. Dang is it just me? Or does Wilber lean on stuff like your cities legal fellow Billin Ted. Another song for the same barnyard stinks , yep, maybe run the horse.

          • Innovation at its best however sometimes it takes time to sink in to the dolts your trying to show the advantage to. No kidding check this out the early attempt at and SUV with a horse sized sun roof, or cargo increased rear space.
            Sometimes real innovation just takes a awhile to sink in IE, usually a long while. Hell that’s what I’m saying. Even today, solutions are easy its the acceptance factoring where it gets tough.


    • I have a bloodhound named Sally that would make a great mayor. She can sniff out all the clues to solve Evansville’s problems and won’t be offended if someone calls her a bitch.

      • Now we’d believe that. To a point. Just to set the scales, what’s the breed of the hound please? You see political Bs doesn’t cut nothing with us , but good puppies do.

      • I have a very conservative dog named Jane who shows much political savey He does nothing all day while I work, eats for free on my tab, and has me jumping up in the evening opening doors for him like his butler.

  10. CP article says HCW is optimistic about the hotel. New groundbreaking ceremony soon with all of that optimism. Hail Caesar, beware of the Ides of March.

  11. I noticed on CH 14 that 6 people had been arrested for soliciting for sex, 5 men and 1 woman. It sort of reminded me of something that Joe wrote in his last ITT. Joe Said, that he feels/thinks that women have the right to choose what they do with their bodies. Does this imply that they should be allowed to use them as money makers or whatever use they can find for them? Women use their bodies in different ways to make money, such as exotic dancers, strippers and other things best left unsaid. The feminist/liberal/gays claim this is exploitation, seems sort 2 faced of them.

    • This liberal thinks prostitution should be legal. As always, you will blame anything on liberals. It’s your kind, religious nut jobs, that want prostitution to be illegal.

      • I didn’t add enough to my post. True, I blame most of the ills of this country on liberals. But it was politically incorrect of me for not allowing males the same freedom to choose with their bodies. Sorry I left you out. There was a picture of a young guy on the sight that you might find interesting.

      • LIBERTARIANS think prostitution should be legal. You know…It’s your body. You have the right to do with it as you choose. That’s called liberty. Technically, the so-called conservative position is to support legalizing prostitution citing the libertarian nature of the practice.

        Christian right voters, who mistakenly – or pretend to – call themselves conservatives, want government rule OUT of their lives EXCEPT to control women’s right to their own body, control who you marry, control your right to drugs and alcohol anytime (like Sunday’s), control and eliminate other faiths involvement in government – except Christianity which should have precedence over the Constitution…etc. They are double-standard people…you know…we’re all equal, except some of us are more equal than others. (Count Pressanykey among these fake conservatives. )

        I think ALL religion should be kept out of government. Period. Your private life is your own to live as you choose w/out infringing on the private life of your neighbor. Blah, blah….all that stuff.

    • I object to the notion that this was some effort to reduce ‘Human Trafficking”. No, this was a sting, with an EPD officer posing as an on-line prostitute. There were no ‘victims’ here, not even a ‘human’ for that matter. To call this ‘Human Trafficking’ is an insult to the many actual cases of human trafficking that are real, and involve sex workers.

  12. Do you really believe anything that comes out of the Mayor’s office these days? Do you really believe anything that the CP prints these days about the Hotel? Fool me once same on you. Fool us twice shame on us.

    • It was not any better before this guy took the reins. This was the projected expenses for the last year, 2011, of the Weinzapfel administration.

      As you can see, roads and streets ranked right in there between golf courses and central dispatch. You can not make this stuff up!

  13. NO BIG WORRIES ABOUT PRESSANYKEY….he and his ilk are losing influence, and the political parties don’t care what he and his kind thinks:
    The “heartbreaking slide” in Southern Baptist baptisms has now entered its seventh year. While the loss of nearly 4,600 baptisms was not as steep as last year’s drop, the continued decline is still enough for LifeWay Christian Resources president Thom Rainer to tell Baptist Press, “I am grieved we are clearly losing our evangelistic effectiveness.”

    And according to a recent report by a special task force of pastors, the baptism drought in America’s largest evangelical denomination—which counts 15.7 million members and 5.8 million Sunday worshipers—is worst among millennials. In last year’s Annual Church Profile, 60 percent of the more than 46,000 churches in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) reported no youth baptisms (ages 12 to 17) in 2012, and 80 percent reported only one or zero baptisms among young adults (ages 18 to 29). One in four Southern Baptist churches reported zero baptisms overall in 2012, while the “only consistently growing” baptism group was children under five years old.

    “The problem is even greater than these numbers indicate,” states the task force report. “Considering how the North American population has increased substantially between the 1950s’ baptism peak and today, these figures indicate how much ground we have lost and are losing.”

      • What you would really like is to strip Christians of their right to vote. Guess what? It is not going to happen Shem.

      • Have a nice Sunday Shem.

        noun: Sunday; plural noun: Sundays

        the day of the week before Monday and following Saturday, observed by Christians as a day of rest and religious worship and (together with Saturday) forming part of the weekend.
        “they left town on Sunday”

      • Hey PRESSANYKEY! I’m Catholic. You took a leap saying I want to stop The Real Church. I don’t. We’re blasting your butt. Catholics make up 62% of the population of the Americas. And in fact, annual baptisms and the growth of the Catholic Church outstrips the annual population growth of the world. We’re not declining…we’re growing!

        The Protestants are declining. I know that eats at you. But it’s accurate. Southern Baptist Convention? Moral Majority? Ha!

        PRESSANYKEY…did you get your ashes on February 18th?

        • I’m having fun w/ this….Giving a shout out to all the Catholics who have had to put up with crap from the miscreants asking if you’ve been saved or not. Those people are getting what they deserve these days, a declining of others like them. Besides….At the end of the day, I leave church talk inside the door of my Church. The Constitution is the law of the USA, not the church, and not somebody’s copy of the bible.

  14. Need to make a comment to all the democrats who hunt or are sport shooters, particular the union men and women. Obama didn’t lie to you about your guns, with an executive order he took 223/556 ammo off the market, your guns are now worthless. The weapons that shoot these rounds are the most popular for sports shooters and varmint hunters. Don’t happen to own this type weapon so I have no skin in this game, but I have 2 others that I’ve owned for many many years, pre background check, and enough ammo to take care of any home security needs that might arise. The union bosses lied to you, but Obama didn’t. He isn’t finished yet, almost 2 more years to go.

    • POV, the gun manufacturers pay Rush Limbaugh to talk about this you know. Just like the Heritage Foundation pays Rush Limbaugh to say good things about them. It is a major portion of his advertising income. They pay him to rile up his audience. It is a contractual agreement between them and his program.

  15. Weather will be really tough this week plant you feet its going to be in rapid transition.

    Mar 1, 2015 at 12:56 pm

    The weather southwestern Indiana and the Ohio valley is in for this week is “hell on the wind” on old outdated infrastructures. Get ready transition, and more transition by hard weather swing incursions.
    You won’t be in the goldilocks region this week so adhere to the State Polices precautionary bulletins 🙁

  16. JoeBiden
    Mar 1, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    If this is true, Obama must be impeached.

    “An explosive report in a Kuwaiti newspaper claims that President Obama thwarted an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s nuclear weapons program in 2014 by threatening to order American military forces to shoot down the Israeli jets.”
    “Brzezinksi recommended exactly the course of action Al-Jarida is claiming Obama took, saying that Israeli planes “have to fly over our airspace in Iraq” on such a mission and asking, “Are we just going to sit there and watch?” He ominously suggested confronting Israeli planes on such a strike mission and giving “the choice of turning back or not,” leaving little doubt as to what he thought the alternative should be.

    Rick Moran at PJ Media also recalls that Samantha Power, one of Obama’s closest advisers and currently U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, suggested invading Israel with American ground forces to impose Palestinian statehood back in 2002.”

    Rationale for Invading Iraq:

    Saddam killed his own people

    Israel occupies Palestine

    Therefore Palestinians are subject to the rule of Israel.

    Bibi slaughtered Palestinian schoolchildren for no reason.

    Therefore Bibi killed his own people

    Therefore we should invade Israel and replace the RW thug and gangster Bibi with a truly democratic leader.

    I’m us the RW’s own Syllogism/logic

    • Brains cut the defection, really , stick to your two party blended local political assholes and their stinking lousy politics for profit from the citizens inputs there.
      Leave the rest of the American nation out of that contest. We really could give a shit.
      As far as congress and the push ins . Nah, that’s no pathway, and ” Everybody knows It”.

    • BB, this is an example of what comes out of ones mouth when they over dose on Jenkem. Get out of Caldwell and your mothers basement, stay off that Jenkem, get a special friend with benefits.

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