ON THE HOUSE FLOOR: Dr. Bucshon Shares Constituents’ Healthcare Storie

On Monday, Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. took to the House floor to share stories from his constituents regarding their experiences with Obamacare. The stories were shared with Dr. Bucshon during a round table he hosted in Terre Haute last week.

“…these are real stories from real people in my district who want relief from Obamacare,” said Bucshon. “We are working to save patients from the disastrous consequences of this law and to build a better healthcare system that lowers costs, expands access, and empowers patients.”  

His full speech can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/atFoPgIXwZU.

Last week, Bucshon hosted a round table discussion with Hoosiers from the Wabash Valley to discuss the impacts of Obamacare. Participants discussed issues with skyrocketing premiums, unaffordable deductibles, restricted access to physicians, and loss of coverage.