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  1. Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley.

    What? She’s not on the Evansville City Council any more?

  2. Trump apologized for 10 year old off record lewd comments about women: ‘I pledge to be a better man’. Bill Clinton intentionally lied under oath in a lawsuit that he had sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski:


    Guess which action Hillary now claims renders a person unfit to be President.

    • I wouldn’t get too exercised over the Clinton’s latest gotcha. That is what the Clintons want, to lure people away from what a totally incompetent job Hillary has done as SOS, and about her email scandal and her attempted coverup, and her work for the Clinton Foundation as SOS. So don’t fall for the bait and get side tracked. All this episode shows is that Jeb Bush, through his nephew Billy Bush, also got a little gotcha too. That only lowers my opinion of Jeb even further for doing anything that is more likely to help Hillary Clinton in her quest for world domination.

    • What? Who did Hillery get down on her knees for? It certainly never occurred to you to blame Monica instead of Hillary for that sorted affair? Hillary was the victim in all this not the perp. You are one sick SOB if you think that Hillary is at fault for what happened.

      Lewinski was a skank and more than likely a Republican operative. She and that ugly Linda Trip who was definitely a GOP operative in Chief.

      It not the first time that sex was used to bring down a king or a leader. It’s happened since the beginning of time.

      You can’t blame Hillary for what Bill did. And if bill had lied to the court he would have been jailed. Even the President is not immune to being convicted of a felony. But actually Bill just sat still and Lewinski did all the attacking. So if you want to blame anyone blame the girl. She was the instigator and should have been kept away from the President. BTW Where was the Secrete Service when this all went down?

      • So you think Hillary attacking every woman who went public that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted them is alright? I see you are a great “respecter” of women also. Why not put him back in the White House so he can defile it yet again, is that your plan? No thanks, they both need to go.

        • I’m betting old Bill’s “defiling” days are behind him. Trump probably can’t “defile” anything without medication, either.

          • He defiled the presidential contest, but now that you mention it I think his little goldfish lips and tiny hands have been fueled by speed during that ignoble run.

        • She did not attack anyone. She might have said something but that is not a physical attack that you are implying . How dare you make Hillary anything but the victim. That’s like saying that a women who was raped by Donald Trump was asking for it.

          I respect women. I don’t like women who go after other women’s husbands. I’d bet that if you ask 100 different married women what they think of other women going after their husbands you would see what I’m talking about really quick.

          Remember Press Bill is not running for office. Hillary is not bill and never will be like Bill. She is a female. And everyone though that the little girl was a tramp. So calling a spade a spade is perfectly legit in my opinion.

          Thank god the women in my life and at my church didn’t act like Monica did.

          And you would put Trump in the White House? At least Bill didn’t attack the girls. The Women were all attracted to Bill. Trump has to pay them to be attracted to him. I’d much rather See Hillary and Bill back in the White House than that arrogant womanizing Donald Trump. Trump thinks that women like him. They want the money and not him. Ask his first two wives. How many times has Donald Trump been married and Divorced now? On the other hand Hillary and Bill are celebrating many anniversaries. Trump is a crazy horny SOB who thinks he can take what ever he wants. He would be a disaster as the President.

          Thank God there are sane people who see though his BS and will vote for Hillary and not DJT.

  3. And why did this conversation turn to Hillary and turn away from that Scumbag womanizer Donald Trump. Heck he openly admitted to grouping women. He may have said that years ago but it’s shows his MO. He’s still using the same play book. It’s time for Donald Trump to resign and quit. He’s not going to win. And Pence’s dream of being the VP is ending in shame.

    • Trying to sell the idea that Donald Trump is anywhere close to being as morally corrupt as the Clintons is going to be on heck of a tuff sell. Only weak minded Clinton kool aid drinkers would consider it.

  4. They had to wring that fake apology out of Rump last night. He is a very sick man. They had to offer him a shot at the maid before he’d even pretend to listen.

    • I suspect he had to be threatened with the possibility of having his Viagra script revoked and just for good measure, a sharpshooter was standing right over the cameraman with an AK levelled at his head. Being Trump means never having to say you’re sorry.

      I’m just as sickened by his racist, nasty screed about the Central Park Five as I am about his comments to Billy Bush. His hate for those five young black men makes me doubt his fitness to govern even more than the misogyny.

      • Well, like he implied or stated outright in his full page ad in the N.Y. Times calling for the summary execution of those innocent black teens, at some point maybe you are simply so bad that you forfeit your right to live. I don’t know how it will go down, perhaps he’ll just melt, like in Oz.

        He is a disgrace but no more so than his very simple followers who see nothing wrong with his overt racism and misogyny. At least it’s now clear that when he starts popping those Tic Tacs it’s time to hit the road. Women are now forewarned, if they come into his orbit whatever happens is their fault. Or Billy Bush’s.

  5. I just heard that Mike Pence is no longer “representing” Trump at the Wisconsin rally with Paul Ryan today. It is due to a “scheduling” problem, although Pence was originally scheduled to be there with Trump. I smell a rat. I wonder if Prevaricatin’ Pence is showing his loyalty to Trump, or if he is contemplating abandoning the Trump yacht.
    If Indiana’s failed Governor, the liar and preacher Mike Pence has any judgment, he will withdraw from the Republican ticket as Toxic Trump’s running mate. He hasn’t exhibited any decency or judgment during his tenure in Indiana, with his RFRA stance and the financial woes in completing I-69, so I doubt he’ll do the smart thing now, but if he did withdraw it would put him in the history books for being on the right side of history for once. That would set him up to be the nominee in 2020.

    • LKB, it would be dream come true if Pence and Trump could reverse ticket roles. Pence would be a fantastic President.

      • A role reversal won’t happen, because if Trump steps down from being the nominee (he won’t) Pence would never name him as a running mate. Pence would be a nightmare president, but it isn’t going to happen. He botched things up so in Indiana that he figured he couldn’t get re-elected. That’s how he got on the ticket. He’s the only Tealiban member they could get to run. He was a last choice.

    Pence just issued a statement refusing to defend Trump. He is hoping Trump will drop out of the race and trying to position himself as the candidate, IMO.

  7. liberalism is without a doubt a mental disorder……….the msm is without a doubt lying dirtbags with a agenda………….with full disclosure i love bourbon money pussy and America if anyone thinks this is the first time for this colorful talk from a President or candidate they are a zombie libtard……….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlaFFnqtUuo

    • Speaking of msm, check out some of these predictions from way back when tommy;

      Oct. 27, 2006: “[Obama] should run in ’08. He will lose in ’08. And the loss will put him irrevocably on a path to the presidency.” For him to win in ’08 would require a “miracle.” — Charles Krauthammer

      Dec. 17, 2006: “Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single Democratic primary. I’ll predict that right now.” — William Kristol

      Dec. 22, 2006: “Obama’s shot at the top will be short lived…. Hillary Inc. will grind up and spit out any Democratic challenger that gets in its way.” — Joe Scarborough

      Mar. 19, 2007: “The right knows Obama is unelectable except perhaps against Attila the Hun.” — Mark Penn

      That’s why they call them talking heads. Because it doesn’t take any brains just to talk.

      Just a head….

    • The problem for Trump is that this is the twenty-first century, and what worked at one time no longer does. You obviously don’t understand that times have changed.

      • LKB, Evan Bayh knows how to make big change($) and I expect zero, zippo, nada complaints from the usual liberal left posters that Bayh withdraw from running for his Senate seat:

        “Evan Bayh spent substantial time during his last year in the Senate searching for a private sector job even as he voted on issues of interest to his future corporate bosses, according to the former Indiana lawmaker’s 2010 schedule, obtained exclusively by The Associated Press.”…”So Bayh would not have had to disclose his job meetings to anyone, as long as they occurred before a solid offer. Because he never filed a disclosure form, Bayh never triggered a related requirement to withdraw from official matters that might have constituted a conflict of interest. “It’s outrageous,” said Craig Holman, a lobbyist with Public Citizen who helped Democrats write the ethics language intended to eliminate conflicts of interest. “What we were unaware of at the time was how Congress would manipulate the rule so that they really don’t abide by it.”


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