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    • No Elkaybee.
      No Don Becker.
      Censorship sucks folks.
      (Al Sharpie, Press and JoeB can write pathetic useful stuff…and I would be the first to defend their right. No Elkaybee, no Don Becker.)

        • He may not be banned. He doesn’t say he is. “No LKB No Becker” sounds more like a boycott to me.

          • They may just be bored with all of the inane posts from the “Still Livin’ in Mama’s Basement” dwellers (both left-wing and right-wing) who have inundated this blog in recent months.

          • (Nice try I-E. Bait doesn’t work.)

            And there are some REALLY dull tools in the shed in here – if I am posting, I am clearly not censored or banned! The point is simple: Elkaybee in THIS forum is family. Akin to a stakeholder here. If there is no LKB, there is no Becker either. Censorship is wrong. The CCO is supposed to be the flagship of vigorous, open dialogue.

            • Mr. Becker

              This is the last time I’m going to explain why we are having some serious issues with our web site. Last week our site was either hacked or someone intentionally sent us a post with a virus that not only caused us issues with posters IP addresses being erased or compromised.

              For the last several days our IT guy and our site host are jointly doing some major trouble shooting to correct the lost of past and current data.

              Also we are not going to continue to allow you to insult and post unfounded comments about censorship practices of the CCO. I expect you to spend your time and efforts responding to posters on this site and allow us to do our work to correct the issues with our site.



          • The bait actually worked pretty good. You are boycotting not banned. I don’t know what you think you are gaining by it, but it was nice to hear you admit that you are like family with one of the most liberal democrat posters around.

            BTW, what you think of Hillary now? I sure don’t see you birds of a feather flocking together to defend her latest scandal. Oh, that’s right, they are censored.

          • Obviously enoch just like you don’t believe a woman has a right to control her own body, you don’t believe I have a right to boycott. Why shouldn’t I have a right to boycott you long nose Lattie?

            The CCO had a right to ban me a couple years ago but me and women have no right to due process?

            Right on small government hypocrite?

            right on right on….

          • By the way sucker, when is your sugar daddy who lies 76% of the time gonna show his tax returns?

            12th of never maybe?

            You Are A Sucker Dude….

          • The body in her bod is not her body. The mother is not getting an abortion she is aborting th elife of her unborn child. Obviously you do not reserve the same right for others to have life as you do for yourself.

            I have no idea how through some logical gymnastics you arrive at that I don’t feel you have a right to boycott. You do have that right. My point is that some, like Becker, are not banned but throwing a fit.

            As far as due process in this forum, there is none. Its a forum generously provided by and paid for by its owner. You signed no performance contract to post on it. If you don’t like it start our own, but be sure to invite me along.

            As far as Trump, I get no sugar from him and there is no law requiring a candidate to release his taxes. If you must know his finances, being as you are likely looking for another teet than mother Hillary, Forbes did an article on his finances that will reveal more than his taxes.

            12th of never suits me just fine. I settled it with myself months ago that my values of life and liberty will fair best under Trump. Only reason I haven’t voted earl is just in case something is revealed about him as it has been with Hillary.

            Hillary is poison to whomever touches her, and you’re sucking it up.

  1. Gowdy left Mika in a pitty pool of,speechlessness on Morning Joe today. The stark reality as he pointed out all go,right back to Hillary making bad decisions to preserve her secrecy quips.

    • Exactly Joe, but Hillary is already out there trying to sell her “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” theory as the force behind all her problems. She has to blame someone or some thing all the time. How many times have you heard her talk about a “glass ceiling”? The so called glass ceiling was broken a long time ago. It is not that a woman can not be elected to the presidency in today’s United States, it is because Hillary Clinton does not posses the character that would inspire the public to put her in that office. If it were not for the paid corporate media, she would never have received her party’s nomination in the first place. She is one half of the most corrupt political machine that this country has ever had the misfortune to deal with.

  2. “Censorship sucks folks” (Don Becker)

    * * * * * * * *

    This from a guy who fails to realize that his constant ad hominem attacks ARE attempts at censorship. Those attacks are the last refuge of someone who’s ideas and arguments lack the intellectual or moral force to carry them.

    • All the corruption is tied together. When all the pieces of this puzzle are finally put together there can be no sacrificial scapegoating of the people at the bottom. We all know who sat at the top running the whole criminal enterprise.

  3. This stuff is great! Could not happen to a better person or family. Karma is a bi—!

    • Actually, I was referring to everything happening to the Clintons. But I find reading all of these posts entertaing also.

  4. guess what folks………it is hill-o-weiner day……………………lollllllllllllhttp://drudgereport.com/

  5. I suspect the CCO has had some IT issues. For a I while I kept getting a log-in blocked message (Say pretty please, enter your eMail address, and solve a 3rd grade math problem). And LKB? She may be just too busy out-and-about in her neighborhood encouraging voters and getting ready to work the polls next Tuesday.
    There are a lot of radical people on this blog (both left-wing and right-wing) and, yes, they do get a bit extreme at times. But if you’re going to be venomous then you’d better have a thick skin and be prepared to take some venom back.
    I’m pretty sure the Admin/Editor of this blog is smart enough to realize banning/censoring posters to this site without really good cause (threats, intimidation, etc.) would not be good policy. And I’m just as sure the originator of this site (Joe “the California Kid” Wallace) would tell him so.

    • In the liberal world, everything is a right-wing conspiracy, including IT problems on blog sites, Posey. I was getting the same message for a while last week. An old toad like me knows crap happens occasionally in this imperfect world.

  6. I know I’m making an exception to “No LKB, No Becker.”

    And while I will also vigorously defend Pressanykey’s right to post scumbag, low-life gutter trash here on a daily basis, I find it WILDLY humorous Pressanykey makes the utterly, ignorant, preposterous, petulant, infantile claim that “Becker is trying to censor him (Pressanykey) because he disagrees with him.”

    Funniest “the king is wearing no clothes” comment ever written here by Press. Grow up kid.

    • Funny, what? Becker posts a childish insulting and ignorant diatribe with a closing admonishment for Press to “Grow up(,) kid.”

      We adults are mildly amused.

    • Pecker just quit your whining and leave ,nobody cares what you think ,especially PAK

    • You just keep digging yourself a deeper hole and you are not intelligent enough to recognize it. People can see what I post, and they can see what you post. My posts, for the most part, are links to articles that people will not find on the corporate media cable shows or liberal/left newspapers. My goal is, and always has been, to get the other information out there so that people can make their own INFORMED opinions. You, on the other hand, use ad hominem attacks to attack me personally, since the information in the articles can stand on its own. You should have gotten on board with Donald Trump when he won the nomination Wayne. You establishment types thought you controlled everything. Truns out you don’t.

    • And they intend to vote in all 58 of of his states in this election. Proof positive that the election is rigged!

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