1. Obama was dealt about the worst hand a president could be dealt. Rupert Murdoch and his goons of course were going to make it even more difficult. It will take decades to recover from the Bush presidency.

      • I-E, what is your point?
        Can we not agree the economy was in disaster mode when the Bush left office?

        • I can agree that after the democrats took congress the economy went south. Neither Obama nor the RINO congress we have has in reality brought it back to what it was under most of Bush’s terms. Yes, Obama has jumped several hurdles, but have they been the right hurdles? We will see.

    • Turning the United States into a third world hellhole does not equal recovery. It equals ruination.
      Obama and the dems are doing exactly that.

      • Jesus! Hell hole. Ruination. What country are you guys living in? What is going on in your life that sucks so bad? Our business (my son runs, not me) is excellent…recovered excellently from the 2007-8 economic crash. We’ve added many new people. That same story is true everywhere. ANY bad news you can grind your head into YOUR world to find…makes YOUR world suck, not everyone else’s! The REAL issue here is C-S, I-E and B-P…..YOU RESENT THE HELL OUT OF OBAMA PRESIDING over economic and policy successes…(the hurdles shown in the cartoon). Just cop to it. It is obvious to everyone else reading your comments that you are PISSED at the world….

        You guys are BITTER. This is just a fact. Win next time.

        • An indisputable fact: 93,000,000 Americans out of the work force. That is hardly economic recovery.

          • These statistics are generated by opposition political parties raising money.

            Let’s be clear about that. You can come up with equally intimidating numbers under Bush and Clinton and Reagan. Any President.

            Jumping through hoops to try to find something bad, C-S News (another right wing propaganda news site…you’re probably familiar with it BP) recently published an article saying the REAL unemployment rate (in an article discussing the drop in current unemployment to 5.3%) was in fact like 35-40% under Obama….”the number of people who didn’t have a job.”

            Turns out they were counting all of the people in America WHO WERE RETIRED.

    • All the damage owebama has wrought and you still blame Bush. Aren’t you the least little bit embarrassed to be so totally clueless?
      Owebama himself is the greatest threat America has ever faced.

      • And THERE HE IS. The third of the angry bitter old men.

        Bush’s Presidency was, and will be judged by history, a disaster. Any President who starts a war on a mistake will always make the worst President list. Always.

        Obama’s won’t be judged that way.
        1. Gas prices are low.
        2. Energy independence has increased dramatically
        3. The economy has improved under his two terms – there’s no denying that unless you are trying to raise money for the opposition party…the GOP
        4. Obama said he would pass policy to help the uninsured…and did EXACTLY that. The ACA is as permanent now as Social Security. It will bear his name for decades if not centuries. Like it or not, MAJOR win for history. (There are still people mad about Roosevelt’s policies…only a small percentage still insist he was a bad President.)
        5. The gay marriage win, a CONSTITUTIONAL win….is as major a WIN as it gets. Those who lost are bitter, bitter, bitter…but they lost. And Obama won. Big time win guys. Big.

        You guys kiss each other and think everyone loves you. Sorry. It’s just you guys kissing each other, it’s not real love …..everyone else recognizes that you’re just bitter over Obama winning.

        • I forgot #6.
          6. You are left to criticism of Obama that amounts to, “But, but! But he doesn’t deserve any of the credit for these things. He tried to stop America from being great!”

          It’s quite funny reading your posts. I really do enjoy it.

          • Happy to humor you, Don. But it’s sad that those who swallow the dem propaganda think they know so much yet know so little. I AM “pissed off and bitter” (your words) at the politicians who are giving away our sovereignty and their lemming supporters. You should be too. Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens means the end of America as a sovereign nation. Is that what you want? Obama does.

          • “….end of America as a sovereign nation.” Jeeez. Talk points directly from the mouths of people paid to create paranoia…talk radio.

            We need immigration reform. The Hispanics are God fearing, hard-working people who succeed in keeping their family unit intact. Perfect Americans…and the perfect immigrant that helps build a stronger America. Talk radio dies unless you are paranoid….and so they tell you only about all the things you have to fear. They HAVE to have you fearful, or they die.

          • Don says “we need “immigration reform”. IMMIGRATION REFORM?!!! What’s to reform?There is no immigration law under this president. That should “piss you off” too, Don. Unless, of course, you think dem presidents shouldn’t have to enforce laws.
            If you happen to know anyone who can read and comprehend what they have read I invite you to have them read and explain the book Adios America to you. (I know, I know, dems literally hate the author, but it’s not about her. It’s about the subject.) Then point out to me the parts of the book that aren’t true.
            By the way, you do know the meaning of sovereignty, don’t you?

        • Okay, Don, here’s your chance to shine. Exactly what has Obama done that contributed to lower gasoline and natural gas prices?

          • Nothing? Here’s another chance. What has Obama done that contributed to our “energy independence?

          • The Short list

            Stimulus clean energy programs resulted in US wind power generation to be 39% higher in 2012 than the forecasted for 2030, and by 2012 there was a 100% increase in solar panel installations per year.

            Mandated that all government buildings reduce energy use by 30% by 2015

            In 2011 used 4 billion in energy savings to further improve energy efficiency for federal/private buildings and will save 4 billion dollars yearly

            Obama’s DOE has mandated certain consumer items be more efficient saving the nation a net of 275 billion dollars over a period of 20 years

            Required government buildings to adopt the most energy efficient and water efficient standards. Saving taxpayers $20 billion a year.

            Used the military to construct enough renewable energy production to power 2 million homes.

            4.3 billion in tax credits for increasing homes energy efficiency
            Similar programs for businesses

            New federal rules that require tractors/trucks to use 24% less fuel compared to projected 2018 levels reducing carbon emissions by 1 billion metric tons and saving truck owners $170 billion in fuel expenses over the lifetime.
            Heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans must achieve a 16% reduction.

            Mandated new MPG standards for government car fleet

        • 1) Gas prices are not low.
          2) energy independence is not what it should be.
          3) The economy has not recovered and our debt has increased.
          4) Obama did not make insurance more affordable by hurting those insured.
          5) Gay Marriage is a constitutional disaster that will roll out like a slow motion train wreak over the next 5 years.
          6) Obama deserves full credit for these things.

          • Pretty thin, I-E, pretty thin. Congrats on writing a list of “well, if we had won, we woulda done better than that!! ”

            Which brings us full circle…..you guy’s biggest problem is that Obama won TWO TERMS. And it just pisses you off the successes and policy wins are coming under his two terms as President…..your bitter resentment flows like gravy over everything you write here.

            (Indiana Enoch, you’ve lost your wit and otherwise moderate sensibility ever since the same-sex marriage win in the Supreme Court. It is all harshness. Dismaying.)

          • The top 5-10% are doing fantastic the bottom 25-40%? Better but not near what the top 10% are getting?

            So how do we help them?

            Raise the minimum wage pegged to local cost of living and inflation?
            Putting money in the hands of workers who will spend it on things to stimulate the economy and reduce govt benefits to the poor.

            Nope can’t do you say

            Transaction or sales tax on Wall St?
            Nope that’s commie pinko socialist talk

            Raise the capital gains tax?
            See above

            Borrow money at 4% to invest/repair our infrastructure and get a return > 4%?
            Plus put money in the hands of SBO’s, contractors, and unemployed construction workers!
            No!! Any good teabagger knows borrowing money is evil, at least when we have A Dem president, especially THIS president wink, wink, nod, nod.

            Raise the gas tax to do the above!

            HELL NO! See above

            Wealth tax recommended by many top economists?

            Hell NO! More evil commie talk

            You just don’t get conservatives

            OK Take away health insurance from millions of Americans?
            Oh Phuc yeah, now your talking!

            Let mega corps ignore regulations and pollute and let workers be maimed injured or killed.?

            Oooooh yeah baby we like that suck up that coal dust, take it in baby.

            Cut taxes for the ultrarich?

            You’re are best! Faster now!

            Start WWIII with Iran?

            God baby you really know how to please a conservative!

            Man that was great! I”ll leave the money on the night stand, or you can find me on Ashley Madison.

          • Oh Don, it wasn’t my wit our sensibility we lost in gay marriage and repeating the same mistake. What we lost was Constitutional rule and the balance of powers. But at least I have wit and sensibility to lose.

          • Ohhhhhhh Booo Hooo Hooo Hooo

            Conservatives ALWAYS claim the end of the world, end of morals, end of legal system when the courts do the right thing and give other people the same rights as white “Christian” men.

  2. 18 trillion dollars in debt and another 100 trillion in unsecured debt. No economy on Earth can withstand that kind of debt and it cannot be called an economic recovery. Don, you don’t know what you are talking about. It’s obvious.

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