Home Political News Obama Delays 2015 ObamaCare Enrollment Period until AFTER 2014 ELECTION

Obama Delays 2015 ObamaCare Enrollment Period until AFTER 2014 ELECTION


The CCO has just learned that the enrollment period for ObamaCare including the employer mandate has been delayed by one month. The enrollment period will now begin on November 15, 2014 that falls conveniently just after the 2014 congressional elections.

The Health and Human Services Department confirmed to various agencies that it plans to reschedule the 2015 open enrollment period for Nov. 15, 2014 – Jan. 15, 2015. Previously, the enrollment period was slated to run from Oct. 15 – Dec. 7, 2014. Insurers also now have until May 2014, rather than April 2014, to submit applications to offer health plans in the marketplace. The changes don’t impact the Obamacare marketplace for next year.

This is a developing story.


  1. How about something a little closer to home. Like Indiana’s insurance commissioner has only approved Anthem for Hoosiers applying through the new Obamacare exchanges.

    Now, who did Anthem merge with? Wasn’t it Wellpoint? Who is Wellpoint’s Hoosier connection? Would that be Susan Bayh, wife of former DINO Senator, Evan Bayh?

  2. Does anyone need more reason why after 500 billion dollars and two plus years of creating their website why it is a horrendously bad idea to let the “government” run your health care? I suppose the days of $500 hammers and $2000 plus toilet seats and that is how your health care costs will go… up.

    This train wreck (the lead authors own words) needs repealing.

  3. It is hilarious to watch Barry give continual CPR to his spawn. Sooner or later they will have to call “time”.

  4. This is the chickenshit Obama’s latest gimmick to try and contain the defection of congressional democrats from his sinking ship. Anyone that does not see this as politics by executive order is an imbecile.

  5. Seems like an in your face double down, first the nuclear option and now this BS. Maybe they think they have enough backriders eating ice cream that they can still win elections,,,don’t know but at a dinner last night I spoke to 3 Obama voters that were confessing their mistake, in a very profane way I might add.

  6. At this point the light at the end of the tunnel is still the on coming Obummercare train. If this POS law isn’t repealed the delays mean nothing except more slow motion destruction of America.

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