Obama 2007 Campaign Speech from the Daily Caller


The CCO does not have intention to opine on this video but it is stirring up much controversy and we wanted to make this available to our readers. It is 40 minutes long but surely shows some different opinions than we have been hearing lately. Enjoy if you wish



  1. The Daily Caller, working in collaboration with Fox News, released this video Tuesday night of a speech President Barack Obama delivered at Hampton University back in 2007. The release was preceded by an all-afternoon Drudge Report banner headline splash, billing the video as some sort of electorally game-changing revelation with racial overtones that was going to affect the 2012 campaign ahead of the first presidential debate. It ended up being a rerun of a 2007 story that was already well known to reporters and political partisans.

    Obama campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt responded to all of this, thusly:

    “In a transparent attempt to change the subject from his comments attacking half of the American people, Mitt Romney’s allies recirculated video of a 2007 event that was open to and extensively covered by the press at the time. The only thing shocking about this is that they apparently think it’s wrong to suggest that we should help returning veterans, children leaving foster care and other members of Mitt Romney’s 47 percent get training that will allow them to find the best available jobs. If the Romney campaign believes that Americans will accept these desperate attacks tomorrow night in place of specific plans for the middle class, it’s they who are in for a surprise.”

    The Daily Caller recontends things that conservative critics already contended four years ago about this speech. Four years of the Obama White House basically makes it hard to show that Obama is an “angry black man”. This rehash of a news event that was exceedingly well covered four years ago is less about new information, and more about fulfilling a conservative visceral need, left unfulfilled by the previous Republican candidate.

    • Thanks for the insight. We were sent the link by email and do not know enough to opine on it. By the way have you watched it? I watched about 3 minutes and turned it off.

    • They tried it. How did that work out for THEM? Now they are all immigrating over here. I see more and more Russian names locally then ever before here in Evansville. What has happened to all the statues of Lenin throughout the former Soviet Empire?


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