1. Cruz is another blowhard idiot. Perfect for the Republican party. The GOP is on its death bed, unless of course they succeed in their plan to take away voting rights from minorities and women.

  2. This is getting more interesting by the minute. Not sure where this is gonna fall on the GOP Primary…bet is on Trump. But the Republican Party……is eating itself from all sides, the Tea Party that wants to win at all costs (Trump followers), the Tea Party that hates everyone who lives in urban America and who isn’t white and Christian (Cruz), and the small-government, pro-business GOP that wants an efficient and effective government (the Chamber of Commerce GOP – the real Republican Party).
    If Trump wins Iowa, Cruz is gone, but the CoC wing will start launching an all out war against Trump.
    No matter which way….the Tea Party guys are dead-meat in the future. No one wants them….and this fight that’s going on…..this is just them eating their own as the price of being dismissed over the last 4-8 years by the GOP. (“Well, we may not win it all, but we’ll be happy watching you go down in flames.”)

    • Where’s this GOP you’re talking about? I have seen on of those in nearly eight years. In fact, it might be nigh-on two decades since I have seen a true red one.

      • It’s a good point. They’ve had to govern w/ Democrats, so they do things required by compromise.
        The red-meat GOP guys (who you are looking for), who say they are for NO compromise…..don’t live in the actual world, and they’re raising money, or donating money to Tea Party fundraisers exploiting them.

      • Currently there are 31 Republican controlled State Legislatures, and 11 Democrat controlled State legislatures. There are 23 Republican controlled State Governments( Legislatures and Governor are Republican), and 7 Democrat controlled State Governments (Legislatures and Governor are Democrats)
        There are the most Republican Representatives in the House of Representatives since 1949.
        Given these actual figures,–Call them Rinos, or True Republicans, the GOP is hardly on the Ropes.

        • Yes Crash,
          Near entirely, Chamber of Commerce Republicans. I agree. Doing great. Govern based on economics and business…… and NOT national cultural policies (like immigration reform, Supreme Court picks, Judicial appointments, etc).
          The national Republican Party? The one that supports Senate and White House Presidential races?
          In a tough spot.
          Somebody’s getting kicked out of the boat. This is the year.

  3. If Cruz wins the GOP nomination and runs against Hillary Clinton and/or Michael Bloomberg,
    the Republican Party could lose as many as 24 US Senate seats this year.

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