New Political Action Committee Focus On “People Issues”


New Political Action Committee Focus On “People Issues”

Evansville, IN – The “Progressive Evansville Political Action Committee” has been formed and registered with the Indiana Election Commission.

The organization will focus on “improving educational, social and economic opportunities” for the people of Evansville.

The group is not affiliated with any political party or any candidate, but will instead focus on policies and issues that directly impact the quality of life for residents of Evansville. To accomplish this, the committee will identify relevant issues and hold discussions with candidates for local and state officials to determine their positions on the issues.

The PAC will support candidates through financial contributions, public statements, and assistance with campaign activities, such as canvassing.

Connie Robinson is chairwoman of the PAC, and Rev. Adrian M. Brooks Sr. is Treasurer. 

“Several people in the community have talked about forming a PAC for some time,” Robinson said. “We all see the need, and the difference it can make. We decided it was time to create Progressive Evansville PAC so we can work for the things that can really help people.”

FOOTNOTE: Information about the group and how to get involved call (812) 492-0061.