New Playground and Memorial to Donna the Hippo Opens at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden


 Thanks to the generosity of Harold A. Wanninger, Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden has a new playground for visitors to enjoy, making Mr. Wanninger’s parting goal to provide “a place for all children to play” a reality.  Welcoming guests into this new play area is a familiar face to generations of zoo visitors – Donna the hippo.

When planning the new playground, zoo staff and zoo supporters recognized an opportunity to honor the zoo’s most famous resident, Donna the hippo, who passed away in 2013 at the age of 61. Kentucky artist Raymond Graf crafted a bronze sculpture of Donna and one of her offspring to honor the memory of this beloved creature.  Part of the sculpting process involved reviewing multiple photographs of Donna and consulting with a zookeeper who spent over 30 years caring for her.   Recognized as the “world’s oldest hippopotamus,” Donna spent more than 50 years as a resident of Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden and gave birth to eight offspring, all of whom she outlived.

Zoo Director Amos Morris said, “There are a lot of very personal memories within the 87-year history of this zoo, and maybe when folks bring their kids or grandkids to this playground they’ll share those special memories.”  Morris added that the zoo strives to connect people to nature and that includes young visitors enjoying outdoor play.

Morris said he is grateful for the efforts of many, including staff, volunteers, the Evansville Zoological Society and in-kind donors whose efforts and generosity made the project a reality.  “This zoo is truly a community legacy.  This investment will create happy zoo memories for a new generation to treasure and that’s something we can all get behind,” Morris said.

Established in 1928, Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden is Indiana’s first zoo. The facility is open 365 days per year and welcomes more than 180,000 visitors annually.  For more general zoo information, visit