Mosby and Whitehouse File Suit Against Election Board and Lindsey


In yet another challenge to the candidacy of Al Lindsey for the democratic nomination for the 6th Ward City Council David Mosby and Randall Whitehouse have filed a lawsuit against the Vanderburgh County Election Board and Mr. Lindsey. Cause number 82C01-1103-PL-157 was filed on March 23, 2011 by attorney Robert Faulkner.

This is a developing story. A link to the suit will be posted as soon as the extensive file is compressed.

City-CountyObserver is now hosting the full scanned document. To read the entire suit, CLICK HERE


  1. At least part of this suit is bogus.
    (b) This section does not prohibit any of the following:
    (1) A state police department civilian employee from voting while on duty.

    (2) A police officer or firefighter from voting while wearing any part of an official uniform or while on duty.
    (3) An individual described in subsection (a) from consenting to a photograph (or other visual depiction) of the individual wearing any part of the individual’s official uniform appearing in an advertisement in support of a candidate or political party.

  2. is it true that some jerk egged Al Lindsay’s truck this morning while he was walking in the Mesker Park neighborhood? How low can you get.

  3. While my aunt is on vacation, some scumbag stole her Al Lindsey sign right out of her yard. How low will these good ole boys go?

    This lawsuit should be plenty of evidence for you the voter to see why so many people are tired of this D. Mosby/Watts empire in office.

    I have zero respect for both of them.

    • I lost respect for them a long time ago. Al Lindsey will win this election.

      They are ridiculous.

    • Who are the good ole boys. Did you see them take the sign Jason?
      Is BJ Watts name on the lawsuit. I think it is David that filed the lawsuit. It will not keep lindseys name off ballot, but might cause bigger problems down the road. If heard, it will be by a judge, not a republican controlled election board. By the way Jason,they don’t respect you either.

        • Take it is Jordan, didn’t mean to get your panties in a wad. I would think that the CCO wouldn’t like your kind of language on their site. Hope your mom and dad don’t read your post, they might wash your mouth with soap.

  4. It is pretty bad when they are so scared of losing that they just have to keep trying to push him out. MOSBY, Al Lindsey is not going anywhere, get over it, move on and get ready to lose come May 3rd.

    Al, you have shown the community that you are legal and know what the laws say to be legal. You have shown the community that you are dedicated to making the 6th ward a better place and come May 3rd, Mosby will get the hint!

  5. Are you all saying that David and BJ took the signs and egged Al’s truck. Kind of hard when BJ is out of town and David was at his camp.
    None of you complain when Watts sign are taken down, same as Missy Mosbys in the second ward.

    • Not at all nor do we think that either of them would do such things. We are saying that the truck was egged and the signs were taken which are both true. WE do not pretend to know who did it. We will take note of the signs for Watts and Missy. Neither of them has let us know. If they do we will give the thieves the same criticisms that we give the thieves that stole Lindsey’s. We do not advocate the stealing or destroying of anyones signs that are bought with contributions of regular citizens like you or us.

      • I really believe that it’s young vandals that take most signs. They really don’t care who’s sign it is. Happens every election year. At times a canidates supporters get a little carried away, but I would hope not at the direction of the canidate.

        • If that was true then why was a Lindsey, Smith, and Davis sign removed from Pennington and Red Bank multiple times and replaced with Tornatta and Watts signs? Im sure there are young vandals that carry their signs around with them on their bicycles. Get real!

          • Why don’t you have Davis put his camera up out there and you can catch them. Why don’t you talk to the property owner and see who has permission to put the signs up. Most vandals just knock the signs down or toss them aside, but you wouldn’t understand that. Thats real.

          • Thats funny because the person that thinks he owns that property, has already put his signature on a sign. He doesnt even own the property where the signs are. I know alot more than you think!

    • It’s obvious that you are pretty close to Watts and Mosby. Do you know what they had for supper last night too? I am sure it wasn’t eggs unless they made a trip back to the store! You are giving yourself away too early in the game, coroner! We will see you next year after all the ones you are supporting are defeated! See how that will all work out for you.

      • You really don’t have a clue. I an not the coroner or related to her. Don’t have a clue what they had for dinner last night. With your comment about the eggs, you must think you know who did it. Or do you just like start rumors.

          • Nobody has said a specific name in regards to the person that egged Al’s vehicle. The only person that has done that is you, mfcdkw. I don’t need proof to show how immature and scared they are. They are making that obvious themselves.

  6. RailOverAuto
    Sorry I called you Jason, I know it’s Jordan. I noticed you didn’t say anything about the two Watts signs that were knocked across the street from your house, I mean your mom and dads house. Probly just slipped your mind.

    • You shouldn’t let your temper get the best of you son. Show your immaturity. But I guess when your a college graduate and still have to live with your parents, can’t expect much.

    • Can’t believe that the editor would let this kind of language be put on this page. I wonder if Jordan use his college degree from UK to figure out something cute for BJs inittials.

  7. After Mosby and Whitehouse are defeated AGAIN by a judge then that will be 3 defeats in a roll for Mosby. Once by Riney, two times by Lindsey and then in the primary he will once again be defeated by Lindsey. He has even been given 1 extra strike and can’t win. It’s okay, signs can’t vote and Mosby will get the hint on May 3rd!

  8. Nobody said any names on who egged Al’s truck. You were the on that brought names into that conversation mfcdkw!

    • Please read your 11:27 post. Your comment about they had to stop at the store for eggs led me to believe that you thought they egged lindseys truck. Now you can deny that’s what you meant, but we both know thruth.

      • Well it’s obvious that you don’t know as much as you think you do. I’m sure they had something to do with whether it was them phyically doing it or not (and just to SPELL it out for you, I AM NOT SAYING I SAW THEM DO IT). Either way, they will get the answer from the voters on May 3rd, when Watts is defeated and Mosby has absolutely no ties with politics anymore.

        Everything they have done is comical. Say what you want to say however, their time is coming to an end.

        • So your sure they had something to do with it but have no proof. Well that should be good enough for everybody because your obvious dislike for Mosby and Watts doesn’t have anything to do with your opinion.

          • Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Your right I have a huge dislike for Mosby and Watts. That is the first thing correct you have said…

  9. I appreciate Lindsey’s determination to stand up of the Voter’s in the 6th on the City Council. He’s clearly demonstrated he works hard and is actually concerned about the community. I just wish he would have been there when the current Mayor decided how your tax dollars will be spent. You have our support Al Lindsey!

    • The 6th ward appreciates Al’s dedication and hard work. He definetly has our support and the support of many citizens of the 6th Ward.

      Go get ’em Al!!

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