Monthly Revenue Report


The monthly revenue report for February, along with commentary from Budget Director Brian Bailey, has been posted on the State Budget Agency webpage. The report can be found here: Data on February revenues can also be found on the MPH website here:


Results include:

  • State general fund revenues for February were $745.4 million, which is $1.9 million (0.3%) below the estimate based on the December 18, 2014 revised forecast and $37.0 million (5.2%) above revenue in February 2014.
  • Sales tax collections were $535.6 million for February, which is $19.2 million (3.5%) below the monthly estimate and $23.6 million (4.6%) above revenue in February 2014.
  • Individual income tax collections totaled $124.1 million for the month, which is $6.6 million (5.1%) below the revised monthly estimate and $3.2 million (2.6%) above revenue in February 2014.
  • Corporate tax collections were $7.8 million for the month, which is $20.7 million (159.9%) above the revised monthly estimate.
  • Riverboat wagering collections were $33.2 million for February, which is $0.3 million (1.0%) above the revised monthly estimate.
  • Racino wagering collections totaled $9.8 million for the month, which is $0.3 million (2.7%) below the revised monthly estimate.