FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming WEDNESDAY ?

Todays “primary election polling question is:  Who do you endorse in the Republican primary race for United States Senator?

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  1. 2016 Presidential General Election:
    If Hillary Clinton wins the State of Ohio, meaning….or another way of saying it…..IF the GOP LOSES OHIO, the ballgame is over for the GOP again for the White House. (by the way, you can do the same math w/ Florida)
    Game over. Turn out the lights. We’re all going home. Supreme Court appointments – CLINTON.

    1. With Trump, the GOP will win WHITE MALES.
    2. But who else? Women? Hispanics? African-Americans? Anyone who is not a white male?
    3. That would be a NO, another NO, uh that’s a NO too, and the last one…that’s a NO as well.

    Do you think Donald Trump is gonna change that?
    I mean, if you are the GOP……it’s pretty clear, you gotta try to appeal to someone other than white males?
    How’s that gonna work?

    • “…..well, you know….HISPANICS are hard-working people, they are Family people, Church-going-God fearing people, work hard to give a better life for their children PEOPLE. Those are All-American values, right?
      I mean…that is Red, White and Blue character, right?
      Time to expand the Republican Party……to a perfect match.
      So….if you are smart, and you’re the GOP, you’re gonna try to appeal to these people who share these same prized American values with the Republican Party then, right?

      Of course not. That is a NO too.
      Last three Presidential elections….:
      Percentage of American Hispanics who voted for 2004 GOP George W. Bush: 40%
      Percentage of American Hispanics who voted for 2008 GOP John McCain: 31%
      Percentage of American Hispanics who voted for 2012 GOP Mitt Romney: 27%
      ….and because the GOP is smart, that’s gonna change in 2016…
      Percentage of American Hispanics who voted for 2016 GOP’s Donald Trump: ______________ ?

    • “How’s that gonna work?”

      By picking someone for his Vice-President who is more rational and more conservative than he is.

      Bernie for instance….

      • That’s funny! You know, I know I’ve written the same damn thing more than once here.
        But that is the freakin’ point.
        The GOP does the same damn thing…..again…..in fact, it is getting even WORSE.
        Doing the same damn thing……over and over again…..

        Now, JoeBiden is getting ready to chime in how he likes Ted Cruz again, of course.
        (Cruz is a steely eyed crazy man, and it is clear, people know it. Which is why he is rejected.)

        But JoeB (who I like, let’s be clear…he’s very funny) totally typifies the “can’t change, even if it means I will stop losing and will start WINNING” credo of the problems with this angry, old voter.
        They want to lose. So they can gripe. And that’s what they’re gonna do. Lose again. (And gripe.)

  2. Will Trump put away Lucifer for good? Both are horrible options, but I’d rather have Trump than fake Christian Cruz. Cruz babbles on about Jeebus because he knows that’s the way to get votes from ignorant sheep. The owners of christianmingle.com aren’t even Christians. They just realize it’s an easy way to make money off of people. In Cruz’ case he knows it’s an easy way to get votes.


    Trump ties Cruz’ Pappy to JFK assassination.


    Believe me….

  4. Could this be the day the deadbeat Alex Schmitt starts changing the world? Could it be the day he starts paying his creditors? Will he get a job if his attempts to hold public office fail? Was he on the grassy knoll with Rafael the Elder when JFK went down? How deep did Winnecke have to dig to come up with this guy?

      • Well…..I have to say, this story about Ted Cruz’s father being the mystery man handing out pamphlets with Lee Harvey Oswald…….unbelievably funny, and just simple fantastic oppo tactics. I mean, he deserved it after his practically saying Cruz is endorsed by God targeting exploited Christians…..but the LHOswald thing…..that may never, ever be topped. Smiles all around.

    • I don’t know. You can check his Facebook posts to see how far off the deep end he has dropped.

      • I spent the day at Washington Square working for Lori Sherman. At one point Schmitt came running out the door behind a young woman, asking if he could please apologize to her. She said that he could apologize, but she wanted him to know that things like he said are why people don’t want anything to do with politics. I don’t know what he said to her, but I do know she wasn’t voting in the Republican primary. I don’t know if the apology was sincere or offered because she was a pretty blonde.

  5. I was behind some idiot in line this morning to vote. He whipped out a quote I see online conservative bloggers use a lot. I can’t remember who it is attributed to and neither could he. It goes something like “the only problem with democracy is people will eventually figure out they can vote themselves money.” Well I decided to do a little research. I’m going to assume 47 million people are on food stamps because that’s what I see thrown out there a lot by Trump voting idiots. Ok, a lot of people agree more than half of food stamp recipients are under 18 (ie don’t vote.) So let’s round this off and say there are 25 million potential voters on food stamps. In 2014, 42% of eligible voters voted. Out of the 25 million, that would make 10.5 million. That’s assuming food stamp recipients vote at the same rate as the general public, which they don’t. It’s probably much lower. Obama won in 2008 by 10 plus million votes. That would mean that every single food stamp voter voted for Obama. I know LOTS of card carrying republican, Trump loving, Obama hating food stamp recipients. A quick google seach can show you a lot of counties in Kentucky where 95% of the public is on food stamps and Romney carried 90% of the vote. The math simply doesn’t add up, folks. Face it, no matter what fox news tells you, the poor and minorities are not to blame for all your problems. The right has spent a lot of money trying to convince you of that. By the way, why are the wealthy not considered part of this group of leeches that have figured out how to vote themselves money? They are the ones who can actually afford to lobby congress. The poor don’t get to do that.

    • That quote is attributed to Alexis de Toqueville a highly respected French writer who wrote a book about The American Republic a couple of hundred years ago.

  6. Well………that needed to happen.
    Ted Cruz might indeed by the Zodiac Killer…it appears he comes by it honest – his Dad helped kill JFK.

    I learned those two things from Rush Limbaugh today, by the way.
    I guess Obama made wasn’t actually making fun of the GOP and Rence Priebus at the Correspondent’s Dinner this week…….looks like he was telling truths.

    The GOP ? The Republican Party? It really is a DUMPSTER FIRE.
    Oh…here is the definition of a “dumpster fire”:
    Dumpster Fire
    1. A complete disaster.
    2. Something very difficult that nobody wants to deal with.

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