Mole #3 is Still King of the Molehill


Mole #3 is eagerly awaiting District #76 results to assert continued dominance of the title “Nostradamus of Local Politics”. Mole #3 was challenged by 8 other Moles in the contest to see which Mole was the best at projecting winners of the 2010 Elections in Southwest Indiana.

Mole #69 made a valiant effort and appeared to have matters within striking distance of Mole #3 after last night’s certifiable results. Coming into the morning Mole #3 had only one miss with Mole #69 having two misses with the contests for Indiana House of Representatives in Districts 75 and 76 too close to call. Mole #3 had projected Ron Bacon as the winner while Mole #69 projected that Mike Goebel would be making the spring pilgrimage to Indianapolis for the next two years.

In the hotly contested and still not determined race for District 76 between Bob Deig and Wendy McNamara separated by only 30 votes last night with two more precincts to count Mole #3 who picked Bob Deig and Mole #69 who went with Wendy Mac, had the potential to trade places on the top of the Molehill.

When District 75 broke for Ron Bacon with the Gibson County ballots counted Mole #3 secured the victory and another election season of claiming the title of “Nostradamus of Local Politics”. Without regard to the outcome of the District 76 race that is now only separated by 8 votes and is certainly destined for a recount, Mole #3 is still #1 among the City County Observer Moles.

Mole #69 will have to be satisfied with a strong second place and will for the next year be wearing the crown of “Jeane Dixon of Local Politics”.


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