IS IT TRUE: November 3, 2010


IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 would like to report that an extremely qualified long time employee of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau is being by passed over for the job of Executive Director vacated by Marilee Fowler?……that the search committee recommended that the Board of Directors of the Convention and Visitors Bureau should increase the salary offered for the next Executive Director by $10,000 to attract a qualified candidate?….that there have already had 5 interviewees brought to town to interview for the Executive Director’s position? ….that for some reason none of the five ended up accepting this job?….that this is another non-profit Board of Directors in Evansville that needs a lesson in the economic realities of 2010?

IS IT TRUE that when candidates fail to run their own campaign and modify their own convictions to the selfish desires of self proclaimed political powerful people who are not on the ballot, the results do not turn out in their favor?…that when a candidate expends time and money developing a campaign strategy, that it is almost always best to follow that strategy?….that one unopposed incumbent candidate in an Indiana county told some friends that every time the Party Chairman opens his mouth they lose votes?…..that Shakespeare’s words “TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE”, is as valid in the political reality of 2010 as they were when Polonius advised his son Laertes to get on the last boat to Paris?….that some wisdom is timeless in all endeavors?

IS IT TRUE that Congressman Elect Dr. Larry Bucshon had political coattails longer that a first time brides wedding dress?….that Prosecutor Elect Nick Hermann pulled the biggest political upset in Vanderburgh County in two decades?….that Marsha Abell’s upset of sitting Commissioner Troy Tornatta surprised none of the City County Observer Moles?…..that the City County Observer wants to congratulate all of the candidates and their supporters for their efforts to make Vanderburgh County a better place to live? …..that even the losers won something last night?

IS IT TRUE that the new team of Abell and Winnecke should adopt “Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On” as their theme song?……that the 101st Airborne has landed in the seat of the next state Senator from Posey County?….that independent voters determined every local election that was determined by a few hundred votes or less?….that at least three of losing candidates in close elections last night chose not to aggressively pursue independent voters?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County will be strengthening its smoking ban soon after the new year?….that the local election for County Commissioner in 2010 was a referendum on the $18M ballfields project at Robert’s Stadium?…..that the election victory by Marsha Abell knocked that proposal OUT OF THE PARK last night?….that the lame duck session of the remainder of 2010 should be a time to PLAN AND REFLECT as opposed to a time to CRAM REJECTED INITIATIVES DOWN THE PEOPLES THROAT?….that the City County Observer is proud to have played a role in advocating for GOOD PUBLIC POLICY and is enthusiastic to keep pushing forward into the 2011 City of Evansville elections?

Mid Day Update

IS IT TRUE that one of the 3 voting machines in Precinct 12C has a problem downloading its results?…that election officials are working feverishly to retrieve these votes and add them to the totals?…that in the election of 2008 that roughly 800 votes were cast in Precinct 12C?….that once downloaded these votes could determine the winner of the election for Knight Township Trustee?…that Gail Riecken running unopposed in 2008 received 500 votes in Precinct 12B?…..that Riecken’s lead over Cheryl Musgrave is currently 175 votes?….is it true that many pairs of eyes are on the cantankerous 3rd voting machine in Precinct 12B?


  1. where is precinct 12c? is this maybe 1st ward precinct 2? and why the c? as I know it this isn’t the way precincts are numbered

    • First Machine = A
      Second Machine = B
      Third Machine = C

      The rest you are correct about

  2. Curious, what were the results from A?

    Let’s not jump to conclusions about the machines yet. Maybe there was a video camera in the corner above B? We all know how some “Republican operatives” like to splice together camera footage… HA!

  3. Has the rope-a-dope begun, effective 7:01 p.m.?

    Exactly 25 hours and one minute after the polls closed.

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