Dear Citizens Of Evansville
My opponents have realized my candidacy is as valid as their attacks have started. I’m here to put my campaign for Mayor of Evansville into perspective.
After much prayerful thought, and talking to family, friends, and supporters, I have decided to make the following public commitments to you, the citizens.
First of all, I joined the race for Mayor Of Evansville because I know Evansville is at the crossroads of economic and financial peril. I know that with the help of the citizens of Evansville and because of my educational background, life experiences, and business background and the strong desire to help make Evansville great again.
One of the reasons why I ran for Mayor of Evansville is to help stop the financial and economic decline of Evansville during the last twelve (12) years.
If elected, I hereby commit to the citizens of Evansville that I will be a (1) term mayor who will take a political non-partisan approach to revitalizing Evansville’s economy. I want to stress that I will not be a typical politician but practice “Good Public Policy” and therefore a “Good Steward Of The Public Trust”.
I hope that you understand that I understand that I work for you and that I will be an employee of you, the citizens of Evansville.
As your next mayor, you can expect to see me either in the neighborhoods looking at issues that need addressing, or behind my desk making sound business decisions within our budget restraints and not in front of the camera promoting myself or a self-serving political agenda.
My campaign slogan is “People Over Politics, which simply means, I will govern with the US in mind, not me! You can expect me to govern without bias or political affiliation. It is important to point out that if I’m elected, Mayor of Evansville  I am not going to be a good mayor. I WILL BE A GREAT MAYOR!
Your vote is not a vote for me, but a vote for yourself! The days of political patronage, nepotism, and “Party Over People” will end with my administration.
Finally, I would like to point out that there are many talented people currently working for the city and I will ensure you that they are retained and rewarded for their devotion to the citizens of Evansville. I will also commit to appointing the most qualified people for numerous boards and commissions, without regard to political affiliations.
However, I shall be appointing a new Police Chief and Fire Chief and expect to find their replacement within the current ranks.
When I am elected Mayor of Evansville, get ready to roll up your sleeves with me as we have a lot of work to do correcting our safety issues, and finances, revitalizing our parks, and repairing our streets and sidewalks that have been ignored during the last 12 years.

My administration will truly be an administration for ALL people of Evansville.

FOOTNOTE:  This article was posted by the City-County Observer without bias, opinion, or editing.

We also invited the other Mayoral candidate to send us an article about her final thoughts concerning her campaign.  When we receive her article we shall post it without bias, opinion, or editing.