Medical Experts to Call on Congress to Maintain Healthy School Meal Standards


TOMORROW, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will join leaders of prominent health organizations to discuss the critical need for healthy school meal standards.

Dr. Robert M. Wah of the American Medical Association, Dr. Benard Dreyer of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention at the American Heart Association, will discuss how the child obesity epidemic is having a severe impact on our nation’s health and contributing to higher healthcare costs. Healthier school meals are a key solution to providing America’s kids with access to nutritious food and helping them to learn and develop into healthy adults.

Congress passed the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act with broad bipartisan support in 2010 to update school meal standards and help respond to America’s child obesity epidemic.

WHO: USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
Dr. Robert M. Wah, President, American Medical Association
Dr. Benard Dreyer, President-Elect, American Academy of Pediatrics
Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention, American Heart Association

WHAT: Media call with leading medical experts to discuss the importance of healthy school meals.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. EDT

CALL-IN: 800-857-9832 and say the passcode: “3907691”
If you have trouble accessing the conference call, please call: 202-720-8560.