From City Attorney to Councilman Friend
I hope your having as good a time at the Lake as possible given all the stuff on your mind——and ours. I’m very anxious to recieve your lists so we can go over them and make comment to you. If we’re to meet our time frame, it’s absolutely essential that we have the agreed list with Crowe Horwath first thing Tuesday morning and with HCW (for the purpose of gathering the required information) even prior to that. I’ve been in the office all day and am going home. I’ll be down hear around noon tomorrow
and would hope I’ll have your lists to review and forward by that time.
Thanks. Ted
Ted C. Ziemer, Jr.
Ziemer, Stayman,Weitzel & Shoulders, LLP
From Councilman Friend to Ted Ziemer
I’m working on the agreed upon procedures to submit to Crowe. Will have them to Brad in the a.m. Please note that the HCW group will have to allow Crowe to discuss freely the results of operations of all entities and their personal financial position of the principles. I WILL EXECUTE A CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT. Without this, this exercise will be fruitless. I will be expecting audited financial statements for the all brother/sister entities, personal financial statements of the principles, global EBITDA requests, just to name a few items. By the way, it is totally unrealistic to assume that this process will be completed before September 9th. What is utterly amazing is that this should have been the FIRST THING this administrations should have completed months ago, and NOW just days before this council’s vote, we are rushed to conclusion. The editor of the Courier and Press may thinks so, and this administration may think so, but, ultimately the voters of this City will determine the correct course of action.
Thanks, John
Three cheers to John Friend
Question: Does the mayor have to turn all information from the losing bidders over to the council as well? I’m curious if HCW really was the best plan submitted.
Nice jab on the ‘lake’ comment…
Johnboy has enough paper he will not have to buy any firewood this winter. Gotten carried away.
Who is drunk this time ? Ziemer says ” I’ll be down hear . . .” . Down “hear” ? How long is Ziemer’s yacht, and couldn’t Ziemer and Friend just tie their yachts up stern-to-bow and hash this whole monkey out ?
Good idea. Captain Morgan and Poopdeck Pappy could make nice shipmates.
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