Home State News Mayor Winnecke’s Letter to Chairman Kent McDaniel RE: I-69


  1. It is high time that the people of Bloomington, Indiana realize that they are citizens of a rinky-dink, no-account, one-horse town, and that nobody in the rest of Indiana gives a ticker’s damn for what they want or don’t want. They lost the I-69 battle many years ago. If they want a civil war there is a battle reinactment that takes place every July 4th in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. If they want to get their jollies they can go there in their gray uniforms and knock themselves out.

  2. If this letter was in fact written by our mayor to someone about the town of Bloomington, it is not this first time I have been ashamed to call him mayor.

  3. It seems like the little town of Bloomington wants to be hidden within the state of Indiana, that is except when it is time to be asking for money from the total state of Indiana and the Federal government. Your Barney Fife of government ended in the 50’s and the school of which you now want to protect is the mega university, which is brining you all of the problems. The low life, has discovered Bloomington and a four lane highway had nothing to do with it!

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