Mayor to Lead Visit to Explore Technology Transfer at Crane


Lloyd Winnecke


February 28, 2012 Contact: Debbie Dewey
For Immediate Release 812-401-4243

Mayor to Lead Visit to Explore Technology Transfer at Crane

EVANSVILLE, IN –Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will lead a group of nearly 60 representatives from local businesses, academia and economic development on a bus trip Wednesday to Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) at Crane, Ind. The purpose of the trip is to explore how applications developed at Crane Technology Park might fuel local, technology-based, economic development.

“The city has a unique technology transfer agreement with the federal lab at Crane that is currently being underutilized in our economic development efforts,” Mayor Winnecke said. “The trip will provide a better understanding of transfer capabilities with the ultimate goal of spurring local innovation and job growth.”

The Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville, Ind., which planned the bus trip, has a Partnership Intermediary Agreement with Crane. GAGE President Debbie Dewey said the trip will help generate interest in the tech transfer opportunities afforded to GAGE through the partnership. “We realized that just sharing Crane patents with local businesses and entrepreneurs wasn’t creating the level of tech transfer activity that we knew was possible and which would support economic development,” said Dewey. “We hope that the trip to Crane will get participants thinking about how access to the federal lab system can help them grow.”

Participants will tour key areas of the facility and hear about technology transfer from the federal labs. GAGE will follow up by meeting with participants to better understand what specific technologies are of interest and then work to locate those technologies within the federal lab system and make the connections necessary for tech transfer.


  1. Crane has been working on this for quite some time now. Best wishes to all involved in this project. Innovation in this region has been hard to find for quite some time now.

  2. Hey Joe, isn’t that tech transfer agreement something that happened at GAGE when you were running the place? What the heck happened to it after you were ran off by Weinzapfel and his cronies? Looks like they dropped the ball worse than the off-track betting manager.

    • Actually yes it is my signature on that agreement and it was well poised in mid 2009 to make a difference.

      I think that your question about what happened to tech transfer after my departure is answered by the words of Mayor Winnecke in the above press release. If it took 3 years for anyone else to realize that the real value is in the FLC that is pretty pitiful.

      I hope Evansville figures out how to take advantage of this great opportunity but would not bet on it.

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