May 14, 2014

Mayor Winnecke Statement re:
City Councilman Al Lindsey’s Comments Related to Vacation Pay Issues
“It is unfortunate that Al Lindsey is once again targeting the leadership of the Evansville Fire Department. Not only was Councilman Lindsey successful in reducing his boss’s salary in the budget this year, but now is trying to use an issue that was corrected in February to embarrass the Fire Chief. These personal and political attacks are unproductive and have no place in our city government or fire department.â€
– Lloyd Winnecke, Mayor
Uh oh, da machine is getting angry.
It’s ashame more of the council weren’t like Mr. Lindsey
he’s got a pair and he calls it the way he sees it
Three cheers for Mr. Lindsey.
Thanks for sending out press releases like this one Lloyd. Voters need a reminder every once in a while that we need a new mayor, one that actually wants to lead instead of defending the status quo every chance he gets.
how’s the earthcare scam looking now , gee thanks mayor
If this is such a non-issue, as the Mayor would have us believe, why is it just now being made public?
Mr. Lindsey is letting the public know more of the shenanigans going on within our City.
I agree with the Mayor, there is no room in our City for this kind of business “behind closed doors”
“I wasn’t sure what to do with it…” (So, I kept it.)
This is a quote in today’s C&P from Chief Connelly regarding his accrued vacation time.
Mr. Connelly did not attempt to discover the proper procedure prior to banking the accrued time. Instead, he did the one thing that benefitted him the most.
It appears Mr. Lindsey is correct. In spite of this obvious character flaw, Mr Winnecke will continue to defend his appointee.
Can’t wait until we can kick Lloyd out of office……
I just hope someone steps up to run against him in the primary.
I’ve heard whispers and rumors, but nothing concrete yet.
Maybe Johnny will run again. Democrats worked hard to get Winnecke in office. Lindsey is all sour grapes, he should have been fired when he was caught drinking on duty. Danks pulled one out of his hat to save Lindsey. We need to give an atta girl to Missy for outing Lindsey. Winnecke will be the next mayor. There’s no democrat out there besides SBR or Rick worth voting for. It’s obvious the democrats are already trying to shut SBR down.
You may have a point pov, the “field may be limited”. If that be so , then may I suggest the Editor have a run at it.
“It’s obvious the democrats are already trying to shut SBR down.”
No, it’s the faux Democrat wing of the ruling coven that is trying to shut her down. Real Democrats and Republicans that want to see a better Evansville both see the potential there.
Assuming neither of us are part of the ruling parties does that make us SBR fans? I’m a SBR fan.
No….we will work to get rid of Lloyd…..
First we have to focus on getting rid of Wayne and Becky, and actually open the primary up to the people…..
Let me see if I got this right. The unused vacation time was for 2012. On January 1, 2013, they rolled it over for 2013. They say they caught this error in Feb 2014 during an internal audit? One of these guys was a union employee during 2012 (and would know that he didn’t apply to any roll over rule) and another one of these guys used to be President of the local – (and would have also known)… And, then, of course, the last guy – if he didn’t know, he elected to do “what was good for him” without even asking.
Do I have this correct? If so, good call Al Lindsey!
Agreed, good job Mr Lindsey sticking you neck out to point out a obvious lax of following the rules by EFD leadership, no big surprise that Mr Mayor would jump in to help one of his supporters (Connlley) who worked hard to get the mayor elected and was rewarded with the chief’s job.
I guess everyone realizes that Mr Lindsey will have to retire from the fire department to run for office again after the rule changes the state made awhile back, I for one hope Mr Lindsey does seek reelection we need more folks in public office like him who are not part of the status quo.
Regardless of what you think about Mr Lindsey his track record of being on the correct side of issues is better than most of the council members who follow the same Ready, Fire, Aim approach that the city has operated under for many years.
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